Death is all around me. All of my comrades have been slaughtered in the
wasteland; I am the only one left alive. Alive, it's amazing how close I
am to being unable to say that I am alive. My wounds are great, the
blood gushing from each; I don't expect myself to last much longer in
this world. But I'm still running on adrenaline because right now, it's
fight or flight. My animal instincts enable me to keep running, like
game fleeing during a hunt. I am the game. I can't remember where I am
at this moment. I can't remember my name, who I'm fighting for, why I'm
fighting, or who I'm running from; I only know why I'm running.
I should known better than to sign up into the military for war.
Everything was so much clearer back then when I wasn't aware of what it
was really like during war. How naïve of me to go with my perception
instead of actually looking at the true facts that were right in front
of me. But now I know what it's like, and I know my error.
My pursuers still chase me. It's a wonder why I'm not already dead from
blood loss, or from enemy fire. Are they chasing me for just the hell of
it? Are they having fun chasing me? I can't hide from the hunt; if I
were to try, my gasping for air would give away my position immediately.
All I can do is run through this woodland, trying to escape my
It really is pointless for me to be running; I have nowhere to go. The
came is beyond walking distance and it has probably been taken over by
the opposing force. And it'd also be impossible to make it back to camp
while being pursued. My pursuers travel on horseback, while I'm
traveling limply on foot; there's really no escape for me.
I cannot run anymore; the enemy's halberd has pierced through my lower
abdomen. I'm bleeding profusely. As I lay here dying, I remember why I
was fighting, and who for. We were the enemy the entire time. We invaded
the opposing force for their resources; for their land. We started this
war out of our own greed. Maybe I deserve to die, for supporting a
power that fought out of greed instead of what we claimed to fight for.
There's no liberty or freedom involved in this.
It is said that your entire life flashes through your eyes when you're
about to die. This, unfortunately, is true. Seeing how naïve I was, how
gullible I was, I regret all of it. I wish that it would stop; I want to
die in peace. I'm lucky that the ones who we deemed as the "enemy"
aren't scalping, mauling, or dismembering me, so why must I die while
regretting my entire life?
The darkness is quickly coming upon me. My memories haunt me until the
moment I die.