Ah! My Goddess! The Movie Anime Review

Ah! My Goddess! The Movie Anime Review

A Story by Carrie Ott

A spoiler-free review of the movie sequel to the popular series. I simply critique plot, characters, etc. A CHRISTIAN EVALUATION is included at the end for some viewers and as a parental guide.


Ah! My Goddess: The Movie


A spoiler-free review of the anime movie based on the popular Japanese series


Title: Ah! My Goddess: The Movie

Genre: Fantasy/Magic/Drama/Romance

Episodes: 1 (movie)

Running Time: Approx 106 minutes


Synopsis: It’s been three years since Belldandy first met Keichi Murisato, a college student down on his luck. She granted his wish that she would stay with him forever, and during the years since her arrival she and Keichi have grown very close. When a new threat to both Ygdrasil and Earth arises in the form of a powerful and nigh-unconquerable virus, however, Belldandy may have to sacrifice everything to save the one she truly loves.

            After years of being gone, Belldandy’s old mentor Celestin reappears, handsome and powerful as ever. Celestin believes that Belldandy has been done an injustice by being forced to stay in the human world with Keichi, so Celestin erases Belldandy’s memories of the college student so that she may have an opportunity to choose what she truly wants rather than the contract she was forced into. With all of Belldandy’s memories of her love for Keichi erased, it seems she will choose Celestin as the only man whom she will ever love. Can Keichi bring Belldandy’s memories back? And will Celestin’s power bring about good or ill for the heavenly realm Ygdrasil? With Belldandy finally standing loyally at Celestin’s side, it seems it’s up to her to decide the fates of everyone whose futures (and hearts) hang in the balance.


Plot: Unlike the plot in the original anime series Ah! My Goddess!, the storyline in the movie has a firm and continuous design that greatly improves upon the technique used in the television series. While nothing dramatically complicated occurs in the film, the concepts of the virus as well as Ygdrasil itself can be a little perplexing. That’s to the film’s credit, however. Why would you want the viewer to completely understand how heaven works, anyway?

            A tenseness exists in this plot that was not present in the original series, and that also speaks to the movie’s benefit. All together, the writers of Ah! My Goddess: The Movie created a much more engaging story with more twists than the original series could ever have hoped for.


Characters, Animation, and Music: See the original Ah! My Goddess! review for a more detailed analysis. Nothing much has changed, although that’s not necessarily a bad thing! The only new thing I have to add is a short critique of the new character, Celestin. He quickly became my favorite character in the movie. He is animated well, and his personality and voice actor are incredibly suited for his role.


Ending: In comparison to the original series, the ending in the movie is much more firm and conclusive. While it’s still a little open-ended, the ending answers your questions and gives you a little insight into the possible future. That information should be enough to satisfy most viewers.


Recommendation: I would recommend this movie to those who have watched the original series. It’s a nice way to “keep in contact” with the characters you’ve come to love.


Audience: I would not recommend this film for viewers under 11. While most of the film is fine, some monsters and situations may be a little too scary for young children.


Final Grade: 7 out of 10, for a greatly improved storyline and more tenseness. The lack of a truly conclusive ending and the absence of anything profoundly new to the series keeps this film from scoring higher.


For the Christian Audience: See the original Ah! My Goddess! christian audience evaluation, as nothing has changed in this department.



Want to buy Ah! My Goddess? Click the links below. I’ve set up the links so that you’ll go to a new page to view the item, then you can click and go to the store to buy the item! Enjoy!


Click this link for the DVD: <iframe src="http://rcm.amazon.com/e/cm?lt1=_blank&bc1=000000&IS2=1&bg1=FFFFFF&fc1=000000&lc1=0000FF&t=wyvernwriter-20&o=1&p=8&l=as4&m=amazon&f=ifr&ref=ss_til&asins=B00005Q2Z1" style="width:120px;height:240px;" scrolling="no" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" frameborder="0"></iframe>


Click this link for the Ah! My Goddess Anime Series: <iframe src="http://rcm.amazon.com/e/cm?lt1=_blank&bc1=000000&IS2=1&bg1=FFFFFF&fc1=000000&lc1=0000FF&t=wyvernwriter-20&o=1&p=8&l=as4&m=amazon&f=ifr&ref=ss_til&asins=B002EP8TRA" style="width:120px;height:240px;" scrolling="no" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" frameborder="0"></iframe>

© 2011 Carrie Ott

Author's Note

Carrie Ott
Have you seen Ah! My Goddess! The Movie? Tell me about it! Did I do a good job reviewing it?

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1 Review
Added on April 9, 2011
Last Updated on July 5, 2011
Tags: ah, my, goddess, the, movie, anime, review, japan, belldandy


Carrie Ott
Carrie Ott

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