![]() Chapter 3A Chapter by Ankit Mahar![]() Prashant finds him a different dimension and meet with a cool new guy.![]() "aah... whee... where am I?" I asked as I woke up from what I guessed must have been a deep sleep. It was dark. I was in a bed and there was a candle on the right side of the bed. And that was all I could get. I tried to get up but a sudden pain in my stomach forced me to lay down once again. I suddenly recalled everything. That weird girl. That monstrous power. That black elliptical object. That mysterious voice. Everything. Then I wondered how long have I been sleeping here. And what about school. I tried to look sideways from the position as it was too painful to get up. There was nothing but darkness. There was no one around. 'Am I dead?' I thought to myself. I know that there was a lot of pain in my abdomen but still. I have never been dead before. So I possibly don't know how it feels after being dead. 'Who knows; it might just hurt as bad even after you're dead.' "I am very much alive." I told myself. I can't die so early. I have to do so many things before dying. I have to graduate with good marks. Then I have to get into service of my nation. Yes, joining Indian Navy was my and Kushal's aim. After that I had to marry a beautiful girl like that one who beat me to a pulp. The girl I would marry shouldn't be insane like her though. Then I will have babies. Cute little babies and I will give them fancy names. God d****t, there are so many things that I want to do before I die. So many things. But anyway. What if I am alive. The chances of my being alive somehow seemed to be greater than that of my being dead. I mean, there was no way that I was going to die so soon. I kept thinking about being dead and alive for the next few minutes. Then I got tired of it and I started thinking about that weird girl. She was beautiful. No one can deny that. But now I would think a thousand times before going out with her on a date. It's amazing how a single incident can change your thinking about a person. I remembered her saying that I was not a human. And as much as I remembered she said that I was not one of them either. Does that meant that she wasn't a human either. Well, I couldn't deny that. She was too weird to be a human. Then suddenly, a voice came out of nowhere."So you woke up after all. When I first saw you, I thought that you were going to die." "Who are you?" I asked out of curiosity. ‘Where is he talking from?' I wondered. His voice was resonating so I couldn't truly make out his exact position. "I am the person because of whom you are alive right now." came the reply. "Thank god “I sighed with relief. "I am alive after all." “Though the chances were slim." came the instant reply."When they first brought you here. You were in a lot of pain. I checked and found that some of your internal organs had been badly damaged and a lot of blood was flowing inside your body. Also most of your abdomen tissues were torn and..." "Alright..." I said cutting him mid sentence because I lost the will to know about my injuries. I was alive and that was all that matters. But anyway. If all that happened to me, then it was really a miracle that I was alive. There was no other way but to ask him about it. "Then how did you saved me. And who are you except the person who saved my life" I asked as I wondered if he was insane as well. "Simple. First I cut you open. Then I removed all the blood and those damaged organs from inside your body. Then I sew you up again." he said with enthusiasm. "You seem to be fine after that." "Are you crazy?" I shouted with fear. 'Did he really did that to me' I wondered. Then all of a sudden a white light appeared from out of nowhere. Then it grew bigger and bigger until it become about two meters in size. It was bright. So bright that I had to close my eyes with my hand. Then it faded away and darkness returned. I removed my hands to see what was going on. And to my utter surprise, a person was now standing at the place where the light had came from. I could not see his face due to the darkness. I could tell that he was tall. About six feet four inches tall or something like that. "I am kidding with you boy. “said the person as he came closer and I saw his face at last. He had very dark complexion with a scarred face. I wondered how many fights he had been in before. He had a long nose and round eyes. But there was something about him that made me feel that he wasn't danger for me. It was his smile. Yes, that large man may have seemed a bit scary at first but ignoring his scarred face, he seemed to be quite friendly. "I am just kidding." he repeated. "I never cut you open to check on your stomach. And when they brought you in here, you were just fine. Though, you were internally bleeding and her punches tore up your muscles but beside that you're fine my boy." He said with a smile. "What is your name?" I asked. "They call me Sam. What do they call you." "I'm Prashant." "That's a good Indian name boy. You'll be back to normal in just a few days. Till then I am supposed to take care of you and all your needs." "What! How many days exactly is this few days. And who told you to take care of me. Why don't you just let me go home." His facial expression changed a little bit. Seemed to me like I surprised him. "You ask a lot of questions boy. But I'm afraid I am not allowed to tell you anything." "Can I go home?" I asked. I already knew the answer. "You can get back home after you become healthy once again." he replied as he sat down on a chair beside me. I didn't saw the chair before. "Where are you from Sam?" "I'm not from anywhere." he replied with a sad face. "What do you mean? You must be from somewhere. Everyone is from is somewhere." I said as I wondered about my own statement. From what I had encountered till now, anything seemed to be possible. Even if he'd tell me that he is an alien and I'm being taken to another planet for experiments, I'd believe him. "As a matter of fact, yes. I belong to a place. That place is known as Earth." he replied happily. Well that was an answer that you don't get to hear everyday. I am from Earth. This guy seemed to be quite cool to me. "You said that once I become healthy, I can go home. Why are are you letting me go." I asked out of curiosity. "Why? Don't you want to go home." he replied. Well, that was an unexpected reply. Why would they bring me here (whatever place it was) and tend to my injuries in the first place if I wasn't someone they wanted. And if I was someone they wanted, then why are they letting me go. My thoughts were jumbled and i was confused . I didn't wanted to think about anything else at the moment. So I decided that if they wanted me to go home then I should just accept their offer like a good boy. "You must be hungry. Want to eat something?" "No, I am good." I replied fearing what type of food might appear in front of me if I said yes. "Come on. Don't be shy. Tell me whatever you want to eat and I'll bring it to you." "What? What did you just say." I asked to confirm what I just heard, even though I had heard everything just well. "Yes. Ask for anything and I'll bring it in for you." "Stop joking around." I said. Sure the thought of having a genie who could just bring in whatever I wanted was quite compelling. But Aladdin and his magic lamp weren't a reality. "So why is it that you think that I'm joking around." "It's just common sense. You can't just make things appear out of nowhere. That's not how things work in real world. So stop joking around." "Kid, you're making me feel real awkward now." he said, folding his hands and giving me a nasty look. "Where do you think you are?" he asked Well, his way of asking sure did scared me a bit. "Where am I?" I asked slowly. If making uncomfortable was his prime motive then he sure did completed his mission with flying colours. Then he came closer, his eyes full of curiosity. "Tell me kid. What do you know about Thenons." "What is that?" I asked; curious myself. 'Where the hell was this conversation going.' I thought. "What the f**k kid." He shouted as he rose from his chair with an impulse. Then he kicked the chair; came closer to me once again and asked "Do you know anything.... Do you have any idea about where you are or who I am or who brought you here... Anything?" "Ummm. No" I said. And before I can blink my eyes, he created that bright elliptical shaped hole and entered in it. Then the elliptical shaped hole closed as fast as it had opened. It didn't took him even one second in total to do all this. He was gone before I realized it. He was just gone. 'What the hell was happening around me?' I thought. It was just too much to bear. I started laughing. First slowly, then I started laughing hysterically. And I laughed for the next who knows many minutes. If it keeps happening to me for a few more days then I was afraid I might just end up crazy. Like these people. After a few hours, he returned once again. This time, his appearance out of the bright elliptical hole didn't impressed me. And the first thing he did after appearing was apologize." I am so sorry kid. I was told that you knew everything. I didn't knew that you know nothing about anything." "Was that supposed to be an apology. If yes than.. it was a weird apology." "Oh I am sorry kid. But first tell me, how many hours had it been already." he asked out of curiousness. "I don't know. A few maybe." I replied. "Why don't you tell me?" Then he took out his watch and gave it to me. It wasn't working. It was stopped at 8:49 "It's not working. What's so special about it?" I asked him. I don't know why but I just felt like I was missing something. "How many seconds?" he asked. "38 seconds. What of it?" "This is a special watch which synchronizes with the time of both the dimensions." "What both dimensions are you talking about?" I asked. I was getting a bad feeling about it. But maybe I already knew it. I already felt that something was just not quite right with this place. "This dimension and the one in which the humans exist." he replied. So my guess or call it intuition was right. I was in a different dimension. "Then let me guess. That elliptical shaped thing that you created was a path way for you to come from our real dimension to the dimension." "So you're not as dimwit as I thought." he replied as he gave a hysterical laugh with made him look like a total weirdo. "Hahaha" I imitated him." It's not funny you know." "Ok." he said suppressing his laugh."But I'm impressed kid. Tell me, what else did you make out from what you have experienced till now." "Well, the way you talked about bringing me food, I guess that you can appear anywhere you want." I said with a thoughtful expression. "I'm impressed. That's correct. Tell me more. What else did you make of it..." "My guess is that, even though your physical appearances are that of a human. You're not a human." I said wondering if I made some mistake by saying it. "Absolutely correct." he shouted with enthusiasm. "We are not humans. We are the Thenons" he said with pride. "Well that's a weird name." I replied. "Well then justify Homo Sapiens." he resorted. "Ok ok. But what else can you do. I mean how else are you different from us." I asked. "First thing kid." he replied." If you think that you're a human then you're hugely mistaken. Second thing. We are physically much more powerful and fast than a normal human being." "So... let me put it this way. Just because you are physically better and can open up gate ways to an another dimension makes you another complete different species." "Well..." he replied "What else do you need." "Oh! Come on. All this sounds so lame." "What? What sounds so lame?" he said. "Oh nothing. Just ignore me." I replied. This conversation didn't made any sense. It was just crazy. Who could have thought that human like these existed. And moreover, they'd be so proud of themselves that they will call themselves a different species. "So..." "So what?" "Can you bring me some food." "Why not? Tell me; what do you want kid?" "Some fish... maybe." I replied with uncertainty. When you are asked as such it become hard to decide. "Alright then." he said. And then he closed his eyes for a few moments and then he opened a elliptical hole out of the thin air. This hole however was smaller. About one foot wide and half foot tall. He inserted his hands into the hole and out came a dish of what seemed to be leaf and fishes. "What is this dish called?" I asked as he kept it in the chair. "Oh you don't worry about the name or anything. Just dig in." he said and I wondered if he himself knew its name. Then he helped me sit up straight. God; it still hurts the same. I will give that weird girl something in return for this, I promised myself. That dish, whatever was its name, was delicious though. I had never eaten anything so delicious before. "How is it kid?" "Oh! man. This is literally the most delicious food ever." I said and dig in once again in my plate. "It is..." he said with surprise. Wait for me he said as he again closed his eyes, opened another hole or portal or whatever it was and boom came out another plate of the same dish. "Let's taste it." he said and took a bit off the fish like a true gentleman. "Mmmh. God.. how can I miss such a beautiful thing for all these years." saying these words he grabbed the fish by the tail and took out a huge bite off this time. "mmm.... delii....cious.." he said as he munched of the bite. Then he dig in. And let me assure you that this time, the scene was not very pretty. 'Poor fish.' I thought. After we finished the meal with three more such plates. We sat there in silence for some time. That was it when I realized how much silence it was there in that dimension. It was more of a deadly silence. I wondered what would happen to me if he go to his dimension and something happens to him. Then maybe I would be stuck in this place forever. I told him about it and his reaction was; well, he laughed. "Don't you worry a bit kid. I am not going anywhere any time soon." he said. But it wasn't very bit assuring . Then he added "And in case something happens to me, there is one another person who will come to take you out of here. And he is a man of his words. So unless he is around, nothing is going to happen to you." I wondered who this man was that Sam was talking about. He must be someone really great for Sam trusted that man more than he did himself. "Who is this man that you're talking about?" I asked at last. "Well, you don't need to know about him right now." he said with a grin. "Come on now. At least tell me his name." I asked. I was really dying to know about this mysterious person. "As I said. You don't need to know about him right now. But for the sake of our friendship, I'll tell you a little bit about him." I wondered when did we become friends. I never had any other friend except for Kushal. But it won't hurt to make another one I thought. Moreover, Kushal always forced me to make new friends. So maybe I would consider him my friend after all. He continued "They call him Aron. And he is a Thenon like me. Or to say the right thing, I am a Thenon like him. He is the first one from our species. The best one and our leader as well." "Your leader. Who else is with..." "You ask a lot many questions." he cut me mid sentence. "Tell you what; look at that watch once again." "The watch!" I said with surprise. "What about it." "Will you just stop asking for a moment and do what I say." he said , irritated. I took the watch. "Now what do you want me do with your dead watch." "Tell me the time now." "The same" I replied. It was my time to get irritated this time. What does he want me to do with his dead watch. "8:49 am" "No! not the minutes. Tell me the seconds." "Seconds." I wonder where this whole watch thing was going. Then I looked closely to tell the seconds and was surprised with what I saw. "44 seconds I replied." The last time I looked at the watch before my meal, it showed 38 seconds. But now it showed 44 seconds. "So the watch isn't dead..." I said, more to myself than him. ‘Aaa ha. It isn't." he replied with a smile. "But I still don't quite understand. You earlier said that this was a special watch and it synchronizes with both the dimensions. So what is it that I'm missing here." Then all of a sudden a thought struck me. It seemed too good to be real. But it was the only thing; as far as I can think; that connected all the dots. "Does time works slowly in this dimension." I asked slowly. "BINGO " he shouted and almost jumped off the chair. But then I was lost in my own thoughts. This was a dimension in which the time flowed very slowly as compared to the real dimension."Man! you're smarter than I thought." "This is so crazy and cool at the same time." I shouted with excitement. "This is literally the craziest thing that has ever happened to me." I was in a dimension in which one second is more than who knows how many minutes. Then another thought struck me. "What day is it." I asked with an impulse. "Why don't you tell me." he replied with a grin. So I was right once again. It was still the morning time in the real world. That means that I can join my classes any time I wished to. "Sam." "What kid." "Can you see what's going on in the real dimension." "Yes. But stop calling it the real dimension. This dimension is just as real as that one." "Ok. Can I see what's going on in that dimension." "With my help, yes." "Will you allow me to see what's going on there right now." "Yes." he replied and I started wondering all kinds of things about what might be happening in the real world. My guess was that since time would be running very slow there, people would just seem to be frozen. "Ok then. How are you going to show it to me." I said with excitement. "Just put your hands on my shoulder after I close my eyes." he replied. "Ok." "Ok." Then he closed he eyes and after a few seconds I put my hands on his shoulders. As soon as I put my hands on him, the darkness of the current dimension faded away and a whole scene suddenly emerged in front of me. "Wait, I recognize this." I said as I recognized the scene in front of me. It was the top view of our school. I was looking at my own school from a height of about fifty meters. But I didn't get an answer. I wondered if Sam was still with me. "Sam" I said. No answer. "Saam." I asked once again. No answer "Ok now Sam, where are you." I asked once again. And again, there was no answer. "This is not funny Sam." I said. Was Sam playing some sort of game with me once again. "Ok Sam. If this is how you want it to be, then let it be" I said as I went on to look on my school from places which would otherwise not be possible for me. First I looked at my school from a lot of places, then I went on to search for my friend, Kushal. He was sitting in the Maths class. And as I guessed before, he seemed to be frozen. Actually everyone in the whole school seemed to be frozen. The students walking to their classes, the vehicles running on the roads outside, the eagles flying high up in the air, the dirt stomped up in the air by the students playing football. I could see it from all the different angles and distances. It was simply beautiful. I wondered around in the whole campus for about maybe one hour, maybe more maybe less. I didn't have watch to tell how much. At last, I got bored of that wonderful new gift of mine. "Sam." I shouted. "That's it. Thanks for helping me see my world in this new way. But I think that I have had enough for today. Please let me out of here." I waited for him to reply for some time, but no one replied. "Sam! Are you listening to me." I screamed. "Sam! Where are you." No answer again. "This is not funny Sam." I said again, more to myself. Then a frightening thought occurred in my mind. Did his connection with me broke while we entered here. If not then what happened to him and why isn't he replying. Was something wrong with him? And the most important question. Was I stuck in between both these dimensions? "Saaaaaam."
© 2014 Ankit MaharReviews
StatsAuthor![]() Ankit MaharPithoragarh, IndiaAboutMy name is, as you've already read in my profile, Ankit Mahar. My aim is to become the world's greatest writer. If you want to send me a read review then please message me. I am not very good at rev.. more..Writing
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