His Light Shown Bright

His Light Shown Bright

A Poem by Tate Morgan

Left to us was this memory: Kindness, he lit by way he knew.








Just a farthing for his childhood

poverty he met, for so long

Conquered through force of effort

he stood tall, as his arms grew strong


In his heart bold with life he lived

truth was the errant lover told

Not proud nor listless was the lad

who offered light of youth to old


First he came to were blind and dumb

ignorance, most cruel with its might

Harsh, cold and so unrelenting

he gave all he had to the fight


On through light of fearless nature

prejudice, once met he would brave

He hunted the cold screaming raven

to put her in an early grave


Along life's labored path he walked

jealous, persons followed him on

Enemies of kind nature

chased his spirit till near but gone

All that he would have been or done

love, he left behind for the fools

Gathered and scattered among us

as if just so many jewels


Left to us was his memory

kindness, shared by way he knew

Shown each a selfless character

he lit the way for me and you


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© 2013 Tate Morgan

Author's Note

Tate Morgan
Would that we all could have such an impact upon mans own inhumanity to man. As Ghandi was once heard to say "If we look for an eye for an eye it will leave the world blind. In light of the horrific killing at the grade school in Connecticut this morning I would say we have learned little. Hold tight your children to your breast. When I am asked what I want for Christmas I always have to search my heart and the answer is always the same. I want every lonely child to know the love of their family. With that thought I am always reminded of those who pack for the weekend wait by the door for the parent who is just too busy to come get them this week. Loss of family is what makes for the dispossessed. My heart just bleeds for these poor families in Connecticut. For them Christmas will forever be the time that stole their hope, their future, their dreams.
This killing today was the 7th mass murder of 4 or more people in the United States this year alone.

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If we listen to the sounds of silence and the passion of men like Ghandi and Mandella, or even the words of those who cry out for peace through their music, ah, the music, we would find ourselves able to walk the path laid out for us from the beginning with a lighter heart. Again, thank you for your words, your passion.

Posted 10 Years Ago

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Tate Morgan

10 Years Ago

Hi Barb I ofen wonder if ever we will learn I doubt it


I've been to this sleepy little Norman Rockwell town, seems no one person or place is safe from these evils. This poem is a wonderful tribute, the mindset which we should be teaching our children, and the spirit and kindness we should all live by.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Tate the poem you wrote takes us back to the memory of a man who, in flesh and blood, was once alive amongst us, and showed us the path to live and let live with compassion and non-violence.

No wonder, Einstein once said "Generations to come, it may well be, will scarce believe that such a man as this one ever in flesh and blood walked upon this Earth.”

Today, when the world is getting torn apart by knifes of hatred and burnt in fires of ethnic, religious, socio-economic violence, we are bound to think if only we, as a single human race, had walked on his path!

Posted 11 Years Ago

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oh how Ghandi inspired many for his great wisdom... and one of the most influencial for his keen insights... his a great person in his time and now his words are immortalized in history... awesome dedication...

I feel sad of the tragic happenings on the mass murder.. even us we have those back at home....like the time of the mass murder of many journalist(Maguindanao massacre) in our country because of the power hungry people... and what you expressed in the author's note is almost quite the same in our story...

Well expressed thoughts mr. Tate...

Posted 11 Years Ago

A beautifully well written tribute. Today saddens me beyond words what happened in Connecticut...

Posted 11 Years Ago

Tate, I was just going to get around to mentioning what happened in connectictut before I read your author's note.

I don't know anymore about things. I don't claim to have any answers. There have been alot of crazy things in the last 10-15 years alone but this one really hit hard.

I think the species has lost sight. Especially in the last 40 years. We have redefined value and that has redefined behavior. The world has always been messed up, always. The "Ozzy and Harriett/Leave it to Beaver" aura of some kind of innocent America was only a fiction to ever begin with. BUT there did seem to be a time where society did put some value at decency and character. EVEN if things didn't go that way, it was still yet valued. It was something that people still tried to teach.

Things have evolved to a state where somehow the change in values has humanity to the point to where it has become even more cruel, cold, alienated, disheartened, anxious, uncomfortable than ever before.

We have not advanced. Any sign of advancement is only a facade, a slight of hand.

Something about the current arrangement of things has made people goddamn bat-s**t crazy and it really makes me think more than ever about the chicken behind the egg.

This has been on my mind all day.

I would like to believe that there will be some kind of shift in consciousness where people become more aware BUT after what i've seen on the news everyday for the last 27 years of my life, human nature JUST ISN'T geared that way. I admire Ghandi as somebody who took a stand to make things better but I really don't know about what the future of this world is going to bring at this point.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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Dane Osborne

11 Years Ago

And knives are way too messy. I understand that gun control laws are going to get pushed because of .. read more
Tate Morgan

11 Years Ago

Unbelievable isnt it
F*****g smart phone.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Mlk was inspired by ghandi and Mlk is one of America's greatest heroes. Anyone who stands up to repression without resorting to violence is a hero in my book. Gene sharp is a hero too. He wrote a book called how to start a revolution. It's a blue print on how to over throw a regressive government without violence and it's methods have been employed in many popularwpopularpopularwpoputh

Posted 11 Years Ago

yes, hold the children tightly...it is so awful..."he hunted the cold, screaming raven and put her in an early grave"

really powerful line...and a reminder of all of those poor young people put into an early grave...we are such a violent society now...and there is no logic..

been watching this now for awhile...trying to understand...but i don't think there is understanding here..just hope we can prevent this in future.


Posted 11 Years Ago

a very moving tribute to a true soldier of peace, who faced injustice and changed the world without firing one weapon. excellent write. I share your Christmas wish, Tate

Posted 11 Years Ago

a virtuous and kind man to emulate.

Posted 11 Years Ago

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87 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on October 14, 2009
Last Updated on July 15, 2013
Tags: poetry, Life, Sad, adventure, mystery, pain, poem, romance, story, death, fantasy, fiction, heart, love


Tate Morgan
Tate Morgan

Marion , OH

Available from Amazon XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX I am a product of the Midwest. Raised on the plain states of North America. I was nurtured on a .. more..

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A Poem by Tate Morgan

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A Poem by Tate Morgan

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