Prozac Nation

Prozac Nation

A Poem by Tate Morgan

His teacher had diagnosed him with some attention deficit He didn't conform to her rules to be quiet and just to sit


I had the chance to listen in

between a teacher and parent

The teacher told the mother "Dear

your son needs help, that's apparent"


She suggested that the mother

visit a doctor that she knew

One who'd give him medication

to control the fits that he threw


His teacher had diagnosed him

with that Attention Deficit

He didn't conform to her rules

to be quiet and just to sit


He was no different from those

that all of us knew growing up

Acting unruly like a dog

who doesn't know he's still a pup


But now we claim this is disease

though that seems but only a ploy

To make a common worker bee

of what once was a little boy


Time out is what we do to them

when our children all misbehave

It has about the same effect

as master becoming the slave


A child who won't sit still in school

is no more or less of a joy

In my day they were not called sick

what they said was "he's just a boy"



© 2017 Tate Morgan

Author's Note

Tate Morgan
Some of the parents who listened to doctor Spock in the 60s and 70s.Those who tried the kinder gentler approach to raising little Henry. Are now held hostage by their unruly children. So thank you doctor Spock for everything you didn't do. And for all the answers you professed to have but really never knew. Now the public schools want to discontinue the teaching of cursive writing and spelling . As they see it why do we need them anymore? However they also told us we didn't need the phonics that they discontinued back when children could read? The schools got one thing right. Why try to teach children to write if they can't even read? I would truly be interested in knowing just how many parents have been told by teachers that their children need medication. So if this is the case I would like to take a poll. Tell us all how many of you there truly are. Is this just a way to manage overflowing classrooms? When was it we gave teachers the right to diagnose medical problems? In years gone by we would have thought that an affront. It is truly out of their expertise. But I hear over and over that that teachers recommend certain doctors to make sure the children are medicated. If this is not the case tell me. I could be wrong . However it seems it would be more productive to fix the broken schools. Instead of saying the children are broken.

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ADD is an alphabet soup designer condition. I could speak volumes here. People, teachers, parents, society of this era look for the magic bullets... there are none. It's not one thing, eureka! and here's the one pill. It's a life time of things, ALL THINGS WE DIDN'T DO, but heaven forbid it's OUR fault.

A diagnosis of ADD works in the favor of institutions and pharmaceutical companies, not the children. It's all gibberish. If you think you have a child with ADD or ADHD, do these things first.
1. Turn off the electronic stimulation and spend time with the child.
2. Make sure his psychotropic chemicals are balanced by a good uninterrupted nights rest.
3. Make sure he gets PLENTY of physical exercise, whether it's sports, chores, or physical hobbies.
4. Be aware that ADHD behavior can be caused by a wide range of conditions, like food allergies, bad bacteria in the gut, ANY processed food, food coloring and additives.
5. Many symptoms of ADD can also be matched to characteristics of low spectrum Autism like Asperger's Syndrome.
6. Some of the characteristics of ADD are due to lagging cognitive development, where the child is not as mature for his chronological age, a 20 y/o acting like a 15 y/o for instance.

None of these things mean there's anything wrong with the child.

these just to name a general few. But no one knew these things in the days Tate is writing about here. Back then most of the things, problems I listed above didn't exist in our home life culture. Be ware the changes for convenience or having to make MONEY and don't short change the kids.

I know, I have a child like this. It's difficult, but it's not about pills, it's about lifestyle. Change it.

Parents brought their children into this world, it's not the responsibility of Sesame Street, baby sitters, Day Care, schools, psychiatric institutions to RAISE those children. Your child is a direct reflection of YOU. If you want a change in your child, change YOUR lifestyle first.

We're a society of pills, let's not make that the legacy for our children. Doing the right thing is always light years harder than just looking for a magic bullet.

Posted 12 Years Ago

8 of 8 people found this review constructive.


Its an act of one's altruistic nature to fight a nation, even one that is a world leader, in order to defend the common man. But it must be stressed that what America does is a highly critical act in the world today, and we ought to grant her government some leeway in its decisions. The downside of this is sometimes quite difficult to accept, but I don't think its on account of an uncaring attitude or a vanity on the part of leadership. A champion of such causes will do well to take a balanced view and to do that which we can as a member of that nation.

What's good for all is good for the one and vice versa. We need to decide which is when. Great write.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Very good. I remeber this picture on the cover of the "Saturday Evening Post"--Norman rockwell.

I love "Bad Moon Rising."

Posted 12 Years Ago

Magyk pills solve all the problems we never had and cause the ones we become...Dumb em down... drug em out... let tomorrow take care of itself. Well, tomorrow is here, now what? The second visit sees it is a lil smoother flowing.


Also look to what Roarke says!

Posted 12 Years Ago

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83 Reviews
Shelved in 5 Libraries
Added on February 25, 2012
Last Updated on October 31, 2017
Tags: poetry, Life, Sad, adventure, mystery, pain, poem, romance, story, death, fantasy, fiction, heart, love


Tate Morgan
Tate Morgan

Marion , OH

Available from Amazon XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX I am a product of the Midwest. Raised on the plain states of North America. I was nurtured on a .. more..

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