![]() WadiA Screenplay by boomerpa![]() Terrorist strike at America![]() Scene: A room in luxury hotel, South of France.
2 men seated facing each other, 2 bodyguards behind man in robes.
Robed man, “I'm glad you agreed to this meeting, my friend.”
Man in suit, “I didn't know that you considered me a friend, Prince.”
Robed man, “After our long association, I had hoped to be considered more than just your benefactor.”
Man in suit, “You may provide funds for our work, but your government's continued dealings with the infidels does not sit well with many of my followers. Our “relationship” may have to change if progress is not seen on that score.”
One of the bodyguards moves forward to stand beside the robed man The robed man waves him back, saying “Our friend means no harm. He sometimes speaks from passion, rather than reason.” The bodyguard moves back, but is still unhappy.
Robed man, “You may be known as the “Sword of Allah” to your followers and others, but you must always remember that we wield you. And that we wield you for the good of the Kingdom.”
Man in suit, “With the death of the tall one, there are more calls for the followers of Islam to strike aggressively at the West. There are grumblings among your own religious leaders. It may be time for you to heed them! I may not always be able to restrain the zealots among us.”
Robed man, “The mullahs say what we tell them to say. The Imams always have the good of the Kingdom in their minds and their proclamations. You will play your part in our struggle. You will carry out your assigned role, or you will find yourself enjoying the hospitality of the Americans in Guantanamo. We will deny you martyrdom. A fatwa is already drawn up, and awaits only a cleric's signature. You will fulfill your duties or we will discard you, and unsheathe another Sword!”
Man in suit, “ Forgive me, Prince, I do sometimes allow my passions to overrule reason. It is a failing I must struggle against. My personal jihad.
Robed man, “You must remember that jihad is not always direct, dramatic, or even obvious. It may require planning, subterfuge, and patience for it to succeed. Have you reviewed the plans for our next endeavor? Do you require anything before you leave?”
Man in suit, “Only that I will require several mujaheddin for a diversionary strike, to take eyes away from our intended target.”
Robed man, “It will assuage your zealots' need for action? I'm always amazed at how much morale improves with the death of a few infidels. Agreed. ...............A chance for a few martyrs?”
Man in suit. “Sadly, yes, there will be martyrs. But it will be necessary for the overall success of the mission. As you pointed out, planning and subterfuge may be necessary even in jihad. Allah grant that they may lead us to a victory surpassing even that of the Towers.!”
Robed man,,”The Towers were dramatic, true. But they had no lasting impact for our cause. Wars and occupations that simply wearied the West of fighting peasants with RPG's and artillery shells buried in roadbeds. As Shakespeare might have said, 'Full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.' Our efforts could have been better directed. As we now direct you!”
Man in suit, “We will succeed, Prince. The tools for this operation are being gathered as we speak. I will be in-country by the first of next month. Do you wish me to provide updates as we prepare?”
Robed man, “ No. We will await word of your success. I trust your competence in these matters, and wish the hand of Allah to guide you. Have a pleasant time in the lands of the infidel.”
Man in suit, “As you command, Prince. Insh'Allah!”
Man in suit stands, bows, and leaves room. Robed man motions for one of the bodyguards.
Robed man, “Arrange for updates from our friend in the Sword's organization. Trust but verify.”
Bodyguard, “It will be done, Highness!”
© 2012 boomerpa |
Added on August 21, 2012 Last Updated on August 23, 2012 Tags: terrorist, jihad, war, sword, martyrs, flood, Middle East, international, finance, dam |