New Day

New Day

A Poem by Chris Shaw

from the archives, reworked after reading gram's cancer poem

I feared darkness most of all
when I believed I might not survive.
When the elasticated hours of
nightfall stretched with ease 
into death's oblivion.

When morning light
hid behind the silk black skirts
of last night's kiss,
where dreams were left
in limbo.

It's not until your life waivers,
till it wobbles with weakness,
when it becomes compromised
with uncertainty, that clarity
makes her appearance, her eyes
wide open and window cleaned.

When question marks hang
like a noose over your survival,
the simplicity of waking up
to a brand new day breaking,
it starts to dawn on you.
Reveals a whole new meaning
to morning has broken.

© 2019 Chris Shaw

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what an image..."question marks hang like a noose over your survival"
and the ending had me singing Cat Stevens...
and "dreams left in limbo" i like the religions reference in talking about the disease...and how when we realize we may be dying...we start believing even if we didn't before...or we believe stronger than we ever did...
this is so Good, Chris. and yes, it is poetry! :)

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Chris Shaw

4 Years Ago

Many thanks Jacob. Quite some time ago now, but you don't forget the vulnerability. Pleased you foun.. read more


Sorry Chris, not Anne, I am reading your poem again. I was going to say that I like this verse or that verse, but on reading it yet again I find the whole poem extraordinary. When the elasticated hours of nightfall stretch with ease into death oblivion. Waivers till it wobbles with weakness. Eyes wide open and window cleaned. When a question mark hangs like a noose over your survival. Amazing metaphors. Beautiful words, both sensitive and perceptive. I love this poem. Thank you.

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Chris Shaw

4 Years Ago

I am delighted to find that you have come back to my page to read this poem again. That really tells.. read more

4 Years Ago

You are very welcome Chris. I love your poetry and I am delighted to be included in your friends lis.. read more
What amazing words coupled together to take you from darkness into light. I have read it, read it and read it again. These extraordinary words show such insight and understanding of the fear of death and the joy of waking to a new day. I wish this poem was in a book that I could pick up and read, and read to others. It is so touching. Thank you Ann.

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Chris Shaw

4 Years Ago

Dear Old Novice, thank you for such a supportive and encouraging review. I am so pleased you enjoyed.. read more
Absolutely amazing!!
“stretched with ease into deaths oblivion” wow that line sent chills.

Well done! Major kudos!

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Chris Shaw

4 Years Ago

Many thank yous for your visit. Most appreciated. Pleased to have you call on my page.

read more
I find that the oft times mundanity of day to day life, tends to act as a kind of shield against the ever present possibility of a life changing event, that when it happens, will focus one's attention on what really matters like never before.

Like all life, our species has survival instinct in abundance; and despite the fear, we instinctively fight against the dark to the very last. It's afterwards, once the crisis itself has passed, that is of equally great importance. How we face the future, cup half full, as opposed to cup half empty, always being the best way forward.

Nine years ago now, my father, (he's 72,) was diagnosed with CML, (chronic myeloid leukemia,) when he was already suffering from a heart condition. Within a week of being diagnosed, he simply walked away from a highly successful and long term business he founded almost four decades ago. Since that time, has concentrated his attention on family and friends, almost to the sole exclusion of all else; and to this day, treats both conditions as if they were no more than minor irritations.

Sorry Chris, I seem to have rather gone on a bit here, but because of dad, the subject is very close to my heart; and your heartfelt poem had brought my thoughts very much to the surface.


Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Chris Shaw

4 Years Ago

Hello Beccy, I love that you shared your Dad's story with us. He also saw clarity with her eyes wide.. read more
Hi Chris - many of your readers of advancing years will know exactly what your poem is about. It's too easy to take our health for granted. Often in the days of our youth life seems to stretch unimpeded to a distant horizon. At some point we're brought up short and we can hear the toll of the bell! Best, but not easy, not to dwell on it. What's the worst that can happen - accept that then the rest doesn't seem to bad. I've had a couple of bad moments in the past year or two and i know that its not that easy -but still going strong.
Have a great Christmas!

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Chris Shaw

4 Years Ago

Many thanks Alan. Live each day to the full, I say. I very much appreciate your visit and wish you a.. read more
Each days brings a new beginning.

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Chris Shaw

4 Years Ago

It surely does Lea. Thank you kindly for your visit. All good wishes.

Lea Sheryn

4 Years Ago

You're welcome, Chris. Your poetry brightens my day!
A sobering but enjoyable poem . . . a reminder that life is worth hanging onto for as long as you can.

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Chris Shaw

4 Years Ago

It takes a situation like this at times to make you wake up and smell the coffee. Each day is of val.. read more
Dearest Chris, Thank you for sharing, for your strength and courage in doing so. A beautiful write; very deep and honest.
Prayers, love and hugs my friend. xo

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Chris Shaw

4 Years Ago

Many thanks Richard. Lovely to see you here. Hope all is good with you.

Awesome, honest and intense, thanks for sharing, Chris, must have been hard to relive, some amazing poetic lines full of uncertainty and hope. glad my simple poem gave you the courage to dig this out, when question marks hang like a noose over your survival, encompasses all that we fear and hope to never hear, one of your best,


Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Chris Shaw

4 Years Ago

Many thanks gram. Yes, one of yours reminded me of this. It needed tinkering with, but I got a poem.. read more
well strangely enough the theme of today's reading has been about clarity, funny how these thought waves flow in here:) I have not yet been greeted by the reapers promise in so closely a manner so i can not empathise with this feeling for myself as of yet. But I do know the feeling of awareness of the beauty in the frame of having been blinded for a very long time the appreciation of the "mondain" after a very long sleep to rise with open eyes and drink the grace for whatever reason is one to be thankful for dear Chris:)

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Chris Shaw

4 Years Ago

Dear Bunny, thank you for your most thoughtful review. Always good to get a visit.

Ch.. read more

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44 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on November 26, 2019
Last Updated on November 26, 2019


Chris Shaw
Chris Shaw

Berkshire, United Kingdom

Albert, my paternal grandfather introduced me to Tennyson when I was nine. I have loved poetry ever since but did not attempt writing a single piece until I was 40. It's never too late to try somethin.. more..


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