Chapter Six

Chapter Six

A Chapter by LittleEye:)

We waited around, sitting on her bed, laying on the couch, we even got on the computer to see if any of his friends had heard from him. Nothing. It was like he had dropped off the face of the planet in the last hour. I couldn't stand not knowing what had happened to him. We finally decided to go over to his house to see if her was there. So we got into Cali's car and drove over to his house.

"Cali, what if something happened to him? It would be my fault. I shouldn't have acted the way did. It wasn't his fault."

"Kayla, if something happened to him, it wouldn't be your fault."

"Yes it would Cali. Don't you see? I yelled at him yesterday. I over reacted, and then I didn't text him back. It's all my fault. He could be dead for all we know."

"Kayla. He's not dead. It's not your fault that you didn't text back. You were sleeping. And you had perfectly good reasons to yell at him yesterday. You're over reacting now."

Just then we pulled into his driveway. His car was gone. I was crying to hard to get out of the car. Cali got out and went up to the door. She was just about to knock when she notice somthing on the door mat. She bent down and picked it up. Then she walked back to the car. When she got in i noticed that it was a note that had been written in very neat hand writing. Definatly not Kody's. As she read it her jaw dropped and I could see that she was getting teary. Not what I needed. She dropped the note and then put the car in gear, backed up and headed downtown. I sat there in silence debating on reading the note, or just asking Cali. I picked it up and read in horror as the whereabouts the missing person.

To who ever this concerns,

At 1:30, this afternoon, Kody Sanders was rushed to the hospital after a sever car accident. When he got to the hospital he was in a coma. He suffered sever head injuries and had several broken ribs. More information will be given on the subject when the doctors figure out how serious the injuries are.



This couldn't be happening. Why was this happening??? I droped the note and started crying all over again. He got in a wreck when he was coming over to Cali's to see me. It was my fault. It was all my fault.

"Do you want to go see him? Or do you want me to call his parents?"

Behind my tear blurred vision I could tell that Cali was seriously worried about me. I thought about what she had asked, and wondered if I'd be able to handle seeing him the way he would be. But not seeing him would be worse. Not knowing how bad the injuries were.

"Let's go to the hospital."

And with that Cali took off in the direction of downtown, and to the hospital.

The trip there seemed to take forever. I tried to pull myself together, but everytime I'd think about him the tears started to pour out faster then they had before. When were almost there, Cali turned to me.

"Kayla, are you going to be able to quit crying when we go in?"

"Ya, just give me a second. I think I'm out of tears anyways."

We pulled up into the gigantic hospital parking garage, and found a parking space near the door. We got out and walked up to the receptionist.

"Welcome. How can I help you today?"

I looked at Cali, and she knew that I wouldn't be able to mention Kody's name without starting again. So she answered for me.

"Um... We are here to see Kody Sanders. He came in earlier today after a car accident."

"Oh, um... are you related to Mr. Sanders in any way?"

"Well no, but she's his girlfriend. And we really need to see him."

"Ok, one second. Let me see if you are allowed up. What's you names?"

"I'm Clarissa Smith, and that's Mckayla Johnson."

"Ok, you can sit over there while I see if you can come up."

"Thank you."

We walked over to the small waiting room and sat down. Cali was looking at the covers of all the out-dated magazines, while i just sat back and prayed that we would be able to go and see him. I couldn't stand the wait. Finally the receptionist walked over to us.

"Ok, you two can go up. He's on Level 3 room 23B. The elevators are right there and if you need any help finding the room you can ask anyone that works here. Oh, and here are your visitor badges. Don't take them off."

She pointed in the direction of the elevators and gave us our badges. We got up and walked away thanking her as we left. We got into the elevator and Cali hit the 3. As we went up, I couldn't help but think about how he would look, and that was all it took to make me start crying all over again.

© 2009 LittleEye:)

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Added on August 27, 2009



orlando, FL

All of you that have known me since 2007 have seen me grow up through my work, i just want to say thx for all of the reviews and the comments you guys help a lot more..
