![]() Love with WhoA Chapter by CDseaderMany have tired to have him killed. He is very strong, why would you challenge him. Smart o he is so smart. There are too many words to describe him. OK maybe I have a slight crush on him. I am suppose to marry Jen. Jen is so boring he has a muscular build and is smart. He has dark hair, a kind of slime green eyes, and his fangs have a black tint. Really hot but boring, he doesn't like to talk much. He mainly talks about battles and war strategy. Nothing funny and most definitely no flirting with him. How do you marry someone like that? Boring right? My grandmother says it for my own good and the good of the family. So I shall do my duty to my family to make everything better. Derek and I still sneak out to find a way out and to plan a attack on the humans. One time we were sneaking out we found a broken water line. Which led us to a open tunnel. There was one human fixing the line. So I went to him and feed on him then another human came down Which Derek feed on that one. At that moment when he looked in my eyes, I saw his hunger. I saw what he had on his mind. On our way back he said, “That felt so good to feed, didn't it?” “I was glad I was with you to feed.” I blushed and kept quiet for a few seconds. As we reached my house I turned to ask him something. He put his hands around my waist very calm and fast like and pulled me in for a deep kiss. That felt so amazing the way he pulled me in for that kiss. I didn't expect that. Without a word he turned and left in a heart beat. He left me there wondering what the …....? Nothing was said after that day. Now when I look at him I smile. When he looks at me he winks. I feel so stupid but I giggle when he does that. I'm not sure what to say to him. Most of all I think I might be in love with him. Wow I am in love with him. His eyes make me feel like I am everything to him. He told me one night we were out that he wanted to be together. “I would love to be with you, but I'm suppose to marry Jen.” “I will hold a dance, all girls are suppose to come with head of the house hold. I dance with everyone at the end of the night I shall choose.” “ What if you fall for another girl?” “How could I your amazing.” I turned away shapely. I walk for a moment then stopped. Turning to him I said “What about Jen? I just can't say I can't marry you.”' He had sorrow in his eyes. Then said “Who ever I choose will not have to marry who there vows are too.” That is written in the book of vamps. You should know this, we studied it. “OK I will go and we will see if at the end of the night you choose me.” After that I just went home. Laying on my bed thinking about our conversation. The next day I got a invitation to go. My grandmother was so happy. The party is a week away. “I must start making you a beautiful dress. To look the best out of all those girl. Your hair will be done by the best of them all.” As she went on I just left, to go to my room. I feel so different now. Like not excited but ready. Not that I’m happy it's just I'm not sure. As the day neared so did my love for him grow. Every moment I had with him the happier I got. Our plans for our life grew even more. Finally the day came. I was ready for the night to come. As I put on my blood red and gold dress. With my deep red high heals. As the ladies did my hair into a perfect curly bun with bangs. Make-up all done. I look like a goddess. An angel that has fallen. I can't believe how beautiful I looked. We went in a black carriage and black and blonde horses. That moment I felt like I was royalty and a queen. I got out of my carriage and on to a red carpet leading to the kingdom. As I entered the room everybody stopped dancing and stared at me. I felt very conscious of what I looked like. Walking toward the Derek at his throne. His mouth was open. I approached him and said.......... © 2013 CDseader |
2 Reviews Added on January 20, 2013 Last Updated on January 20, 2013 Author![]() CDseaderSMALL TOWN U.S.A., KSAboutI Sporty. I'm crazy and wild hahahhahahahahah. :) :) I hope like my writing. I write stories about my life and my experiences. If you don't like it then don't read it, not really much to say. I won'.. more..Writing