The Twelfth Annual World Collab

The Twelfth Annual World Collab

A Poem by An owl on the moon

44 poets from 19 countries!


The Twelfth Annual World Collab

44 poets from 19 countries, with poets in alpha order by first name speaking their words inspired by this year’s theme: What we wish for our troubled planet and its beloved occupants. (Please let us know if anything has been posted incorrectly!)  We appreciate you all so deeply and this spirit of oneness with our voices lifted together. May there be peace on Earth.



Together let us gather to sing the Christmas songs.
Let us open hearts to strangers, together we belong.
Let us kneel with kings and shepherds upon this strawy earth.
Let us sing with joy, and worship He who gives the second birth.

afishamongmany (UK)

Wishes of coalesced peace melding upon all

As unique soft snowflakes landing lightly in space.

Virtues of many in synchronized healing

Lifting of truth in dreams raised from soiled dirt,

The beginning of small efforts, resurrected in united light

Amber/Seriana (USA)


The breath of love for all, once more
That’ll keep our hearts so warm and glowing,
And Christmas magic’s at the door
And good old Santa comes in strolling.
It snows with giggles and delight,
The fairy tale comes alive at midnight,
As long as we cuddle close in front of the firelight.
Merry Christmas
Ana B (Republic of Moldova)


I like to thank all those young
pine trees that gave up
their lives to celebrate Christmas
when we really need is
more trees planted to
reduce the carbon emissions.
My heart goes out to those two
if you are a Turkey or a Ham! Ouch!

Andrew Mitchell (Australia)


Ten calma tempestad ardiente en bosques espesos,
Calla huracán que riega en la costa su miedo,
No corran lodo y lluvia que entierran sueños.
El hombre aun no entiende la dureza de esta madre tierra
Cuando sufre heridas y queda despojada y rota,
Tanto deseo que sea escuchada, protegida y amada,
Madre tierra que eres nuestra casa.
Angela Eunice Sacalxot (Guatemala: with translation)
Be at peace, oh violent storm in sparse woods
Be silent, hurricane that waters your coast of fear
The mud and rains that bury dreams, are not flowing.
Man does not yet comprehend the toughness of this mother earth
When she suffers wounds and is left stripped and broken,
How much she desires to be heard, protected, and loved,
Mother Earth, you which are our house, our home.


From here to there and there to here,
I wish blessings and hope at Christmas this year,
Hearts reaching to hearts in joy and love,
As snow falls gently from above.
No want, no need, no suffering,
Just Peace On Earth...
As angels sing.
Annette Pisano-Higley (USA)


Let us share in our own special way
to the world that seem to have lost its way,
let us spread some smiles,
warm hugs while we are at it
let's all come together
to make this world, a better place
Ardra (UAE)


I wish on a moon lit Christmas Eve night. Where a world of love and the season of a bright shining star over Bethlehem, a child is born within the next phase of sharing love. This Christmas season reaches out with an OLD FASHIONED SPIRIT OF LOVE.
Arthur Henn (USA)

A heart, can light
The sky ablaze to call you home
A heart can, light
The weight of ache upon your nights
The cry malaise that made you roam
This hearth with flames your sparks intone
A heart, can... light
This is a wish for you all and a thank you in rondoletish form.
Bad Bunny (USA)


It isn't once a year that counts
but how you live each of your days;
that acts of good will overcome
all that is bad, all that is wrong,
and thus, 'tis not the path we take,
instead, it is the choice we make.
Beccy (UK)


I wish we could all think with the mind of a child
Let our senses run wild!
For a child sees through our lies
and our disguises
They speak the unpalatible truth
It is not us that will pay the price
But the as yet unborn will be the sacrifice.

Bobbie Coelho (UK)


Grandma had set the Christmas tree up. The grandchildren are dancing around the tree, laughing and being joyous. Dear Grandma set-up baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph. She covered-up baby Jesus and she told the grandchildren. We shall welcome baby Jesus in the morning and pray together. Be thankful for what we have.
Coyote (USA)


I dreamed of God,
and touching stars…
Finding Love -
and being “more”…
And learned.
“Blessed Be.”
Chris (USA)


It's hard to see, through that dense fog of daily perception, that those things that we do for ourselves and for others are what the face of happiness looks like. Those things aren't about money or position, but more about self and sharing. To each and every one of you who read this, you are here because your heart is so big. Big enough to capture my imagination and the imagination of thousands. And doing this makes you happy. The world needs you and you're beautiful heart. Pen on and let me bathe in your glow.
Happy Holidays I love you all....
Corey (USA)


In minds of earth

Only sky and skin, no more.

In halls of life

Merely iron hinges on a door.

Yet depths of life reside below

When seeds of heaven now we sow.

Blessings to all!

Craig Froman (USA)


We can transcend the differences that keep us from evolving
For all the miracles achieved there’s problems that need solving
Its easy to become dismayed with fear for the worst
As many we are history, as one we’ll be the first
Danielle (Australia)


The Spirit on our hallowed ground will bring
Us peace profound; if we should lend an ear
To rest the rattlin' pace of thought and sing
a silent song of love throughout the year
Einstein Noodle (USA)


The beginning; no matter which book, life was meant to be.
Time passed: words flew from rounded shoulders born of foetid mire
Where fishes gasped in hope for glisting sun 'pon stormy sea.
Called then the trumpet daffies' pleas, their sounds a moonlit choir.
Soon came a LOVE from hallowed hands - born of starlit golden sands.
Emma Joy (UK)


What would I wish for the travailing earth
But a sweet child born of truth and love
To remind the world of the virgin birth
And the Son of God, Most High, above
And if I were given the wish again
Then, peace on earth, good will toward men
Fabian G. Franklin (USA)


Weary is the soul of modern man
as yuletide greetings abound
he hath left but a barren land
for joy and love he hath naught found
let happy reversal of such sadness come alight
make merry with glee and joy this Christmas night
Fran Marie (USA)


We are all made of
atoms that came from old stars
that exploded long ago. Thus, to who,
we are but stardust. Find the brightest
star in the night sky.
Follow it.
peace on earth, dana 2019.

h d e rushin (USA)


I want to be a Christmas Tree this year,
a live one with room to grow,
maybe needing more care
but at least being real.

jacob erin-cilberto (USA)


Hay gente muriendo en todo el mundo y es tiempo de darle una mano a la vida, el mejor regalo de todos, si quieres cambiar el mundo hazlo infinito, conócelo, trátalo bien y cambia todo lo que no esté bien, que se ponga de moda cuidar el planeta tierra. El tiempo se acaba por el propio tiempo., Espero aún te oiga el viento, si no espero y tengas dinero para comprar más tiempo y viento.
Junior Aroldo Herrera (Guatemala �" with translation)
There are people dying all over the world and it is time to give life a hand, the best gift of all, if you want to change the world do it infinite, know it, treat it well and change everything that is not right, that becomes fashionable Take care of planet Earth. Time is running out for the time itself., I hope you still hear the wind, if I don't wait and have money to buy more time and wind.


In tears our planet lifts hands in prayer. Let us leave treasures at the door of giving.
Health improved, bodies strengthened by pure water from twinkling wells drilled deep.
Gifts of hope can become Wishes granted. Let us be the world’s Yuletide bells ringing.
Someone like me, like you for a new transforming tomorrow- Our world’s souls to keep.
Money spent, love shared, Food sent, shelter given, they can hear Christmas singing.
We wish within night visions of peace our world’s inhabitants dwell in sweet sleep.
Planting seeds of love we give them seeds to plant tomorrow. Healing comes in caring.
Kathy Van Kurin (USA)


I can cast a stone
That will not change the world
But the ripples of its landing might.
I can breathe a word into a starlit crisp winter’s night
And then see a better Earth reflected
Ken Simm (Scotland)


Comfort sets in when we don’t encourage change
As I travel the third world countries
I see the daily struggles, we Westerners easily unsee
The collective heart
The collective soul
It’s all we did ever need
KWP (Australia)


I prayed 2 decades to be not me; to surrender
to accept what I cannot alter, to alter only that within me
that is unacceptable. You are too much fire they
said, be more cotton. But I held a refugee’s brother
while he cried; they took her, he said, they did so much;
too much. I stopped praying to be walk only in peace;
for there is no peace, without justice, and justice burns. Like fire.
Marie Anzalone (Guatemala: with translation)
Oré por 2 décadas, para no ser yo; para rendirme
y aceptar lo que no puedo alterar, y alterar únicamente, lo dentro de mi
que no es aceptable. Eres demasiado fuego, me dijeron,
seas más algodón. Pero abracé al hermano de una refugiada
mientras que él lloró; ellos la tomaron, me dijo, hicieron tanto a ella,
demasiado. Dejé de orar para solo andar en paz; por no hay paz,
sin la justicia, y la justicia, quema. Como fuego.


I desire the concern of ages to prevail
and wisdom of generations to avail
Our rational to encamp life on this wandering star.
Tolerance onto all induce vitality examplar
For there is no other planet like this to enthral.
Mrudula Rani (Brasil)


Oh you poor earth, in your most beauteous gown
man, as holder of the keys, has let you down.
Too late, they have seen the error of their ways knowing
only with love will this hopelessness erase.
With love of nature and their fellow man,
this world must come together, and show they can
to save this iridescent pearl, jewel of the celestial crown.
Marie-Louise Freake (France)

God only gave us two hands
So that we would have to ask for help
I want Michael Rennie to make the earth stand still
So that we are forced to remember
Why we only have two hands
God rest ye merry gentlemen
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should
olla (USA)


El orbe gira raudo y fecundo
desviando rayos que erosionan su cuerpo,
libertadora presencia que no se quiebra ante el tormento,
siguiendo el faro de la llama que no quema,
que guía al planeta en aurora que levanta su vuelo
bajo el manto de humanos luceros
plenos de amor cabalgando sin riendas.
Oscar Arnoldo Soto de León (Guatemala: with translation)
The orb rotates, swift and fertile
deflecting the rays that erode its body,
a liberating presence that does not break before the storm,
following the lighthouse that holds a flame that does not burn,
which guides the planet in an aurora that lifts in flight
beneath the mantle of humans with souls lit from within;
full of a love riding forth without surrendering itself.

I just wish...
There is no fish...
without water...
without rain...
I wish...
there is no garbage...
polluting my drink...
Pablo Barrera (Guatemala)


Wishing snowflakes to fall gently on the mind
where Indigo Buntings nest on boughs of trees
beside colored lights of hope and love...
Blessings to be whispered in the breeze
and the music of harmony breathes in
every Nation where Oceans touch the sky.
Patricia Wedel (USA)


A solitary star looked down upon the world.
A world they once called earth.
The birds were the first die out.
Sea levels rising quicker than anticipated.
Man had done something a thousand nuclear bombs could never do.
He had finally pressed the button to his own self-destruction.
Paul Bell (UK)


Breathe. Fall. Let the silence from night revive you. Be a wonder to the latch and hear the wish tumbling its potent verse. Speak not of disregard but fill your cup in rims of laughter, for even now the winter’s grief has smiled its reason. Even now the boundless oak believes, hears the seed that soon will greet its dream with another branch for wings, Our courageous heart made patient stirs within. Share it all. Feed every lasting well, Rejoice! So willing that all of earth inhales to our reflection.

Happy Holidays to all!~
Perdition (USA)


Rebuff the tyrants’ tainted tinsel
Commercialised as Christmas fare
For this is not the spiritual message
To encapsulate at this time of year
Instead take time to share your heart
With those needing kind compassion
Phill Oz O'fee �" copyright (UK)

God spoke to me
led me behind the railroad
tracks and trash dumpsters
a homeless family
Humanity's sad litter
Ray (USA)


Al rededor del nacimiento, un abrazo fraternal
Al rededor del amor una sonrisa plena
nuestras miradas, reflejos de estrellas y luna
Ilusiones enlazadas en danzas que palpitan
se dibujan en el viento siluetas de eternidad
y en unión fraterna se disfrutan manjares soñados
un suspiro de esperanza vibra porque es navidad.
Reyna Rita Santos (Guatemala: with translation)
Around the birth, a brotherly embrace
Around love, a simple smile
Our gazes, reflections of stars and moon
Illusions bound in dances that palpitate
drawing in the wind silhouettes of eternity
and in brotherly union, the enjoyment of traditional delicacies,
a breath of hope vibrates because it is Christmas.


Oh, if I could, I’d make the world a gift …
such, that each and every soul were blessed
by loving laughter ~ everywhere a shift
in soothing touch, that all tired souls may rest;
sing joyful hearts, with peace their only quest.
I’m sending this for all the world to see,
"Beloved Friends"
�" wherever You may be.


Let us return to the Wisdom of the Father
Seek the Light and thirst for the Truth.
Recognize we are all spiritually one family
Share our love and gifts freely
Become childlike and sing with the animals
Cherish Mother Earth. Rest in her Beauty.
Richie b. U.S.A.

Christmas is a time for giving.
So I want to give my
Christmas wish list to humanity
So it can us it to wish for
Unity, equality and self-love for everyone.
For that is what I want
But can’t do it alone.

The Rock and Roll Cowboy (USA)


The world silently spins
Whether we plant love or hate
Not caring if anyone sins
The earth keeps turning to its own fate.
Much creation of humanity's separation
God tries to unite and give light
But we are blind truly in need of the lord's Mind.
©stories_behind_eyes_nancy_ll (USA)

Above all rests my solemn prayer,
for each soul bearing life's deep scars ...
know freedom's pathway, through despair.
For ...
salvation's promised in Your name,
Redeeming Grace, unlocks worn chain.
May living hope now shelter you ...
in Jesus Christ ~ hearts carry through.

Susan (USA)


Christmas is like Easter, but with more tinsel.
It's a time of celebration, the resurrection
of friendships, a healing of wounds and hope
for the future; rising as if from the dead.

Terpsichore (UK)


Se necesita la donación de un minuto ecológico de amor.
Regalar ideas que sanen su alma agonizante.
Amar las hojas, los bichos raros, los terroncitos de arena,
el agua, el aire, cada milímetro de su cuerpo que nos abraza.
Se necesita matar la avaricia humana
para liberar sus bosques prisioneros.
Vitalino Fidel Flores (Guatemala: with translation)
A donation of an ecologic minute of love, is needed.
To give gifts of ideas that heal its soul in agony.
To love the leaves, rare beetles, lumps of sand,
the water, the air; every millimeter of her body that holds us.
We need to kill human avarice
in order to free the bosques held prisoner.


© 2019 An owl on the moon

Author's Note

An owl on the moon
Thank you to everyone who participated this year! May your holidays be filled with joy and your new year with so many blessings. If you would still like to join, please feel free! All are welcome.

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Oh love of love is desperately needed
Within each heart
So deeply seeded
Just open up
And grant the needed
No need to ask or plead
Wishing the heart
It’s love
It bleeds

Look deeper
Just read
Forget the greed
Water that seed

The world is in
So much need
The seed of

Gently wrapped
In angels gloves

It’s free
For you
And me 🌹

Posted 4 Years Ago

An owl on the moon

4 Years Ago

Oh, thank you for this wondrous joy of thoughts... may the season of love and giving never end.
‘Thoughts In Time’🌹

4 Years Ago

I logged in just to see if this was still happening! I'm so happy to see that it is! It's a lovely little tradition for the Christmas and holiday season.

Posted 4 Years Ago

An owl on the moon

4 Years Ago

So happy you came by my dear friend! Your presence is always a gift to us here... hoping you'll be b.. read more
Thanks dear Craig and dear Emmajoy
for having this wonderful collaboration
once again two are awesome
putting such effort forth with all
the voices of yuletide greetings..

Christmas Cheers to all

Posted 4 Years Ago

An owl on the moon

4 Years Ago

Oh Fran, thank YOU for letting your life and words be a blessed gift every single day here!
My goodness, what a joyful expression of love from ALL around the world!! Stirs such quiet, humble emotions now for hope during the coming year. Thank YOU Craig, for always sharing and gently scooping us all into your beautiful masterpieces, encouraging us to do more, be more than we are. You ARE love!

Posted 4 Years Ago

An owl on the moon

4 Years Ago

Oh precious one, thank you for being a dear friend over all these years... for always encouraging, a.. read more
thanks again, Owl! its a real treat and eye opener to read so many thoughts and feelings that the celebration of Christmas inspires. from angst over humanities failures to elevated spiritual guidance and wisdom that real love and concern brings to us. ... and to Christ .. God becoming a man in order to make one last stab at showing us just what and who God is ... pity our frailty ... thank the Lord for our opportunity ... Merry Christmas! Happy New Year! :)

Posted 4 Years Ago

An owl on the moon

4 Years Ago

Merry Christmas my dear friend! May you and all those you love be deeply blessed this Christmas and .. read more
Einstein Noodle

4 Years Ago

thank you ...and most certainly right back at ya! :)
What a wonderful gift of love - Merry Christmas Everyone. Thank you, Emma & Craig for all your hard work. Very much appreciated.

Posted 4 Years Ago

An owl on the moon

4 Years Ago

So wonderful to share our lives through poetry, my dear friend. Merry Christmas!

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6 Reviews
Added on December 19, 2019
Last Updated on December 19, 2019


An owl on the moon
An owl on the moon

2024 is here... May we make it so much more heaven than hell... Wishing all peace on earth... Together, maybe we go the distance... The night has a thousand eyes, And the day but one; Yet t.. more..
