The Monster Without

The Monster Without

A Poem by The Rock And Roll Cowboy(REBEL WITH A CAUSE)

He is in search for the darkest cave

Where he can hide away

Like the pain echoing off his chest cavity.

Built to be without feeling,

But was given a defective heart

That drips with loneliness.

The visible scars are nothing

Compared to the ones humanity

Has tattooed on his soul.

His hope to cover those marks

From being stitched together

Are thwarted by all the plastic surgeons

That say they are not miracle workers

And can never make him a whole person within.

Longing for nothing more than to be normal

When standing in a crowd

Has been his lifelong dream,

That is why the monster will have to do without

Living in my nightmares,

For I have long since rejected society’s standards,

Making it my Frankenstein's monster.

© 2014 The Rock And Roll Cowboy(REBEL WITH A CAUSE)

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ah.... beautiful created to reach out and beyond, deep inside of all that read... who will not be able to walk away without the feeling it creates in each one... Very nice job!

Posted 9 Years Ago

The Rock And Roll Cowboy(REBEL WITH A CAUSE)

9 Years Ago

Thank you so very much.
Longing for nothing more than to be normal
When standing in a crowd

The scars we carry on the inside are the deepest. This is a powerful reminder of that.

Posted 9 Years Ago

The Rock And Roll Cowboy(REBEL WITH A CAUSE)

9 Years Ago

Yes they most certainly are, thank you very much.
Talented write, I loved reading this piece. :-)


Posted 9 Years Ago

The Rock And Roll Cowboy(REBEL WITH A CAUSE)

9 Years Ago

Why thank you ever so kindly.
♔ CrownedDevil ☾

9 Years Ago

Your very welcome. :-)))
Was about to say Frankenstein then the finale jumped out at me lol Clever twist hon...society can make us our own monster is a precious gift to give out when we feel closed off xo

Posted 9 Years Ago

The Rock And Roll Cowboy(REBEL WITH A CAUSE)

9 Years Ago

Thank you Magick Heart… yes society can be The Frankenstein to the monster we become.
this one makes the heart go out to the man behind the monster mask... "given a defective heart that drips with loneliness"... awwwww.... the villain in stories is sometimes just misunderstood.. from experience I know, hiding away doesn't help... those "Scars that humanity has tattooed upon our hearts" are deep and painful, and if allowed with fester and breed hate and evil... this is a moving piece my friend... well done!

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

you're welcome.. I admit, I haven't ever read the story but enjoyed this glimpse into the man... :)
The Rock And Roll Cowboy(REBEL WITH A CAUSE)

9 Years Ago

Oh really, it is quite fascinating. Glad you enjoyed my work.

9 Years Ago

yep, really!!....might have to check it out!.. always enjoy your writing my friend..
Killer, thought provoking... we all need to see our inner Frankenstein.

Posted 9 Years Ago

The Rock And Roll Cowboy(REBEL WITH A CAUSE)

9 Years Ago

We sure do, thank you.
A most telling story and piece to regard against one of the best novels ever written, well done.

Posted 9 Years Ago

The Rock And Roll Cowboy(REBEL WITH A CAUSE)

9 Years Ago

Thank you kindly sir.
Better to be a Frankenstein who is true to himself than a monster whose goal is to blend in... Great piece, Dale - not just for Halloween...

Posted 9 Years Ago

The Rock And Roll Cowboy(REBEL WITH A CAUSE)

9 Years Ago

That is so true Rita, thank you so much.
Thought provoking and poignant with fantastic lines. "Tattooed on his soul" particularly brilliant. Excellently penned :) x

Posted 9 Years Ago

The Rock And Roll Cowboy(REBEL WITH A CAUSE)

9 Years Ago

Thank you very much.
I knew this gal one time ... who was fond of saying ... its like having a great dress to wear ... but nowhere to go with that. Nice ...

Posted 9 Years Ago

The Rock And Roll Cowboy(REBEL WITH A CAUSE)

9 Years Ago

Thank you for sharing that.

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40 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on October 16, 2014
Last Updated on October 25, 2014


The Rock And Roll Cowboy(REBEL WITH A CAUSE)
The Rock And Roll Cowboy(REBEL WITH A CAUSE)

It's better to be dead and cool than alive and uncool

Birth name: Dale Deadmond Born November 20th, 1969 Metaphorically speaking music is my BFF and poetry is my soulmate. This is my world of my favorite poets are E.A. Poe, Dylan Thomas, R.. more..


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