FB3-85 "Darceon Returns"

FB3-85 "Darceon Returns"

A Chapter by dw817

I went to my room, started to undress and was in nothing but my underwear when a wall of blue energy suddenly surrounded me in a sizzle of controlled energy. A perfect cube the size of my room ...




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F U T U R E   B A R R I E R
( The 3rd Novel )
Secret Technology, Unrequited Love, Absolute Vengeance

© January 2019 Written by David Wicker
Please do not reprint without permission

 CHAPTER 85 - "Darceon Returns"

* * *

This chapter is Rated: TEEN

In a short amount of time, the plane had leveled itself, as high as it could go without skipping off the atmosphere.

The pilot yelled above the engine. "We're getting ready to create a zero-G here ! Are you ready ?"

Dr. Seisbee raised up one of the "Sky Stones" to show that he was.

The pilot nodded and then took a steep angle of descent, very deep ! In a short amount of time the rate of descent exceeded the pull of gravity and everything was weightless.

"Do it now, pops !" the pilot yelled. "I can't maintain this for long !"

Dr. Seisbee pulled the other two stones from his pocket and this time it was quite easy to fit all three of them together.

A beam of purple light flashed out cutting against Dr. Seisbee's wrist where he let get of the conjoined stones.

In zero G, they begin to spin against each other shooting out more violet beams, cutting into the plane and causing burned marks to appear against the metallic and airtight surface.

Then one almighty beam leapt out from the top and shone straight through the plane. The beam was so bright Dr. Seisbee was certain it had not only left the plane but Earth itself and shone its beam directly at the sun !

Suddenly the plane shuddered horribly as the hole in the roof caused a displacement of atmosphere and removed the safety of airtight flight.

The pilot was frantic holding on to the shaking controls. "Put your masks on, now !" he yelled to the three passengers, Dr. Seisbee, Margot, and Danielle.

All four reached for the rubber appendage and began to breathe in them as the plane continued to descend. Then it started to turn into a tailspin. "EJECT !" the pilot yelled.

The two girls looked at him alarm and question. "Jump !" he finally said, seeing they weren't understanding. He pulled a lever and the side of the plane leapt outward from a controlled explosion of dynamite.

The two girls each grabbed a parachute and swallowing their fear, leapt out of the doomed plane. But Dr. Seisbee was not amongst them ! "Where is he ?" Margot yelled above the wind buffeting them all over.

Dr. Seisbee was trying to grab the sky stones that were now fused together.

"There's no time !" the pilot told him and reached to pull him away.

"I've got to get this ! It's the point of the flight !" Seisbee yelled above the roar of the wind and engine now going into a high whine.

The pilot shrugged and taking a parachute, jumped out himself.

Now it was just Dr. Seisbee. He reached his frail hands for the fusion of stones, and, fortunately when he grabbed it this time, the laser beams quit their illumination.

The plane was now only a few thousand feet in the air !

Seisbee reached for a parachute and wrestling it on, jumped out, and just in time, as the plane hurled past him rolling a fiery ball of destruction against the impending trees below.

The parachutes were good ones. Everyone managed to land safely though nowhere near each other.

Despite this, Seisbee landed badly when a crosswind tore at his parachute. He managed to break his leg in a landing but received no further damage. He hobbled out of the brush to a waterless beach where strangely a girl was there. Not at all dressed for the desert but instead in school clothes, apparently High School. From the United States ?

He rubbed his chin thoughtfully, "Where did you come from, dear ? Are you from the stars, answering the call of these sky stones ?"

Just then he heard yelling, "Dr. Seisbee ! Where are you !?"

"Over here !" he yelled back.

"Come to us !" the two girls yelled.

He shook his head, "No, come here ! I've busted my leg and ... someone else is here !"

"The pilot ?" one girl yelled back.

He raised his head and cupped fingers to his mouth to be better heard, "No. Someone - unexpected."

The pilot was also within earshot and approached the beach. The girl was unconscious, what appeared to be heat prostration.

When all four were together the doctor asked, "Any of you have some water ?"

The pilot reached for his belt and pulled out a flask to hand him.

"Thanks." the doctor said and cupped the metal lip of the water flask to the unconscious girl while lightly slapping her on the face. "Come on, wake up. I need to know where you came from."

. . .

Hum was making great progress unlike previous expeditions. It was as if he were a native of this dimensional horror. He had managed to circumvent great distances without once having to slog through the mire that covered nearly every step of the way.

Then he finally came across a strange raised disc that had razor-sharp edges around it, like glass but much more valuable.

* * *
Hum spoke to Murphy. "I have arrived to the proper timezone gate. Once I enter, I will be out of communication until I can retrieve the plugin and return here. Please mark these coordinates. I'll send a signal when I am back."

With that and no fear at all, he stepped straight through the portal and did indeed appear in the correct timezone I lived in. Hum picked out a device that showed the direction and distance of the plugin.

According to the readings he was only 2-dozen miles away and bearing off to his left. He looked around and there were streets and houses. At once he became self-aware that he looked very little like a human himself.

Dodging behind one alley he grabbed a sheet off a dryer's line and expertly wrapped it around himself so he looked more like an exceedingly tall and homeless man rather than an alien agent of time and space.

. . .

Back with me, Dad was attempting to rouse Mom from her earlier faint.

She was mumbling to herself fearfully, "I saw her enter ... the wall !"

My Dad nodded, "Yes, I saw it too. There are things taking place here that go beyond conventional thinking I believe."

Then Dad's eyes lit up and he came close to me. "Son, what else can you do ? Can you turn lead into gold ? Can you fly ? Can you visit other planets ?"

I held my hand up for him to stop. He got quiet to wait for an answer.

I finally spoke, if a little nervously. "I - don't really know what the limit of it is. But I need to be careful. This kind of - ability - got me into all kinds of trouble with the Arkos Institute when Tyr used her telekinetic ability freely. Agents came after her."

"While the organization now is no more, I have no doubt there are other agents, possibly even the government, that would very much like to get their hands on me - and this technology - for military reasons. And that's the very last thing I want to have happen."

Dad stood up to put a supportive hand behind my back. "Then we'll keep it a secret. Won't we ? All of us. We won't breathe a word of this."

Dad smiled broadly, "My gosh ! To think my son was chosen for superpowers ! Is that how you beat me at chess earlier ?"

I nodded. Dad nodded too and spoke proudly,"Yeah, I'm a bit of an ace at chess and for you to beat me, it had to have been something supernatural."

Mom unexpectedly laughed here. I think she was trying to break the tension. But after a moment she spoke quietly, "So, what now, Dev ? What do you do - with this new power of yours ?"

I stood up from the table, "First things first. I find where Tyr went."

She asked the obvious question, "How are you going to do that ?"

I shrugged, "I don't know. But I'm certain it will come to me. Maybe in a dream ?"

Dad sat back down at the table, "Speaking of dreams, it's late, past 10pm. Lilly, Coraline, you're welcome to stay the night. There's no school tomorrow so Dev won't need to get up anytime soon. And - as he said, maybe ... maybe it'll come to him in a dream about how to get Tyr back."

Lilly who had been quiet all this time finally asked, "What about Annie ?"

Annie of course being Tyr's Mother who had literally entered a state of shock with what she saw and what happened to her daughter - disappearing like she did.

Coraline stood up, "Lilly, you can spend the night if you like, try to work out how to get Tyr back from the desert. But I'm worried about Annie. I'll go now to the hospital to check on her. I'll let you know what's happening with her once I have a better idea myself."

With that the party started to wind down. I went to my room, started to undress and was in nothing but my underwear when a wall of blue energy suddenly surrounded me in a sizzle of controlled energy. A perfect cube the size of my room, and the energy was all too familiar. It was the same barrier that I used early back in school so Scant couldn't hurt me.

Fearfully I reached for the door handle, but I couldn't. It was like a strong air current prevented me from doing so. It was indeed the exact same substance. The barrier. I also knew it was soundproof so yelling for Mom or Dad would do no good.

I backed up against the bed in fear and there stepping through the energy field was Darceon again. I remember the initial time I had seen him and he appeared no different now.

A tall gaunt man, at least 7 feet in height, in a trenchcoat that appeared to be cut from razor sharp metal. He had a steel collar about his neck adorned with symbols and cuneiforms unknown to me. Each of his fingers ended in a hypodermic needle on a spring, likely carrying a unique poison for each of his 10 digits.

I was certain if he wanted to, he could kill me in an instant with one wave of those needles. He was a force not to be trifled with.

He also wore a metallic mask over his face, I guess to protect him from Earth's elements and possibly bacteria. He had long sunken eyesockets that reflecting piercing orange and red lights, his eyes which were more than enough vestiges to remind me of his removed humanity.

He spoke in deep sepulchral tones muffled only slightly by his mask. "We need to talk, Dev. You and I, about the future. Yours, Tyr's, and of this planet."


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