Final Reaping

Final Reaping

A Chapter by Eddie Davis

Eleazar's team raids The Temple of the One True God in Aeropolis



Final Reaping


The rest of Eleazar’s group met Valmiai the following ‘morning’, though there was no difference in the lighting.   They were all anxious to get underway, but Sam encouraged them to wait until the Final Reaping ceremony was fully underway before they began their raid.


“It is a week long festival.”   He told them, distaste in his tone, “They sacrifice prisoners - mostly followers of Yesh- in the arena.   At least this was what my informants told me.    They were heavily guarded and kept hidden so they could not be rescued.    We heard rumors that there were to be Halfling children sacrificed yesterday and the day before that, a handful of High Elven women-  all killed due to their race and faith in Yesh.”

“Yesh have mercy!”   Zeatt exclaimed, pacing angrily in the dark underground room, “How can anyone allow this?!”

“All of the faithful have fled, Reverend Mother.”   Sam told her, “Those being sacrificed were brought in from elsewhere, I am told.   The city has descended into depravity.”

“Then it needs to be destroyed.”   Zeatt hissed, her eyes a terrifying red.

“The source of evil needs to be destroyed.”   Aurei corrected her, “There are thousands of innocent people there, I’m sure, that are too scared to act for what they know to be right.”

“So how do we protect the innocent and punish the guilty?”   Uyuit asked the ladies.

“There is no way to sift through a city.”   Alvis told the Drow man, “But we cannot morally bring down harm on the innocent along with the guilty.”

“But we can cripple the guilty.”   Eleazar said, “I think I have a solution - it is not perfect, but it may solve our problem.”


He told them of his plan and they agreed to the idea, but it all depended on first killing Torrin and Emperor Fortatius.    They discussed the details of the plan, and at last it was time for them to act.

In the dark they buckled on all of their equipment and checked their weapons and spells.   Then with a prayer to Yesh, delivered by Zeatt, they went through the doorway and down a tunnel hall.   At the other end was a trapdoor.   Sam motioned for them all to be silent, and he slowly opened the door into the basement of the former High Church of Yesh.

It was dark and empty when the door swung open.    Cobwebs and undisturbed dust told them that none of the Nunmontuites had found the secret door.   Into the room they crept and they could hear muffled sounds from somewhere above them.

“They will be far into their revelry by now.” Sam told them in a whisper, “It is an orgy of wine, gluttony and sex.   I can assure you that any that are carousing above us are far from innocent.”

“What about their slaves?”   Aurei asked.

“The Final Reaping is specifically for the leaders of the movement.   It is a reward for their loyalty, and as they behave in a lurid manner, they do not allow any servants or slaves to see the festivities, though from the rumors, everyone knows.”

“So all that we will find in this… ‘party’ will be the upper echelon of the cult of Nunmontu?”

“Yes, plus the Emperor and a few of the important senators that are also Nunmontuites.   There will be no slaves or anyone there that does not desire to be there.   Even guards are not allowed inside; they will be outside the door.”

“Where will this debauchery take place?”   Zeatt asked Sam, though from the smoldering look of anger on her face, she knew what he would tell her.

“Horribly, within the Nave, but also throughout the first floor, though those we seek to kill will desecrate the Nave and even the high altar.”

“Let us go then, if we are all prepared.”   She insisted and they did not dare argue or hesitate, for Zeatt’s anger ran hot.


They had planned for hours and now it was time to act.    They found the winding stairs upward and soon they were ready to rush out into the hall.   Zeatt had told them that the basement stairs were at the back of the church.   The main entrance was at the other end of the building, but there were two other entrances into the Nave area that needed to be secured.    Howst, Alleania and Drake volunteered to find and then wizard-lock them.    Valmiai cast a spell of invisibility upon the three wizards.   

“Don’t touch anything with your hands or speak, for as soon as you do either one, the spell will dissipate.”   She warned as they disappeared.

“Go through the doorways and wizard lock them from the inside,” Eleazar instructed them, “We will rush in when we see you in place.     Remember my silence stone - it will not cover the entire Nave in effect, so you will need to get out of range if you want to use magic.”

Eleazar took a magic stone from his belt pouch and freed it from its lead wrapping.    Immediately silence fell all around them.    Even with the silence stone, they knew they’d have to work quickly, for when all sound stopped, those within the radius of effect would know something was at hand.

Zeatt brushed past Sam and pushed the door open leading out of the basement.    There was no sound as they rushed through into one of the church’s transept chapels.    It was lit by candle light and to Zeatt’s horror, it was littered with the nude forms fornicating.    They had all just noticed the abrupt lack of all sound and were looking up from their sins when they moved into the room.

Most yelled out in alarm and tried to either flee or jump up to defend themselves, but the Drow, Alvis, and Sam rushed in quickly.    It was an awful thing they had to do, but they struck down those they found in the chapel.    With the silence stone neutralizing all sound, none heard them.    

Aurei was sick at her stomach as they regrouped and went out of the room, down a connecting passage toward the front of the church.   Thankfully they encountered none coupling.  

Peering around the corner of the passage toward the front entrance into the Nave, they found a group of people - all partially or completely nude, talking and drinking between the outside door and the doors leading into the Nave.      

They rushed forward and fortunately the area of effect of the silence stone caught the group of people before they were able to cry out.   One man tried to run to the outside door, but Alvis intercepted him.   He pulled a dagger from somewhere within his toga-like wrappings and stabbed at him.    Alvis easily deflected the blade and ran the man through.    He too felt his stomach churn at what he had to do, but he reminded himself of those who had died the past two days, to satisfy the master of this cult.


The others were easily cut down and luckily none had reached the inner doors to the Nave.  

Now it was time for the main part of the raid.    They cleaned their weapons and with a deep breath, Eleazar pulled one of the double doors leading into the Nave open slightly.    It was filled with bodies of men and women engaged in sex, drinking and eating.   

Glancing to the location of each of the other doors, he saw Drake, Alleania and Howst crouching low to conceal themselves somewhat, by their assigned doors.    With a look back at his number, he flung both doors open and they all rushed inside.


It was like something out of a terrible nightmare.    As soon as the silence from Eleazar’s magic rock covered them, they looked up from their carousing in surprise.   

Eleazar’s group had spread out and brought death to all of those they encountered.    They covered about a quarter the length of the Nave before everyone in the room was aware of their presence.

There was no more need for silence now, Eleazar reasoned, and so he quickly placed the magic stone back in its lead box.   Immediately the room was engulfed in screams, shouting and yelling.  

Most were trying to flee out one of the side doors, but they found them magically locked.

Drake, Howst and Alleania rushed to join them.   Howst weaved around the scattered cushions and pieces of furniture that had been brought into the Nave.  He had almost made it to the others, when a man that was sprawled on the floor as if he’d been killed, suddenly sprang up behind him and jumped on his back as he passed.

The Drow wizard flung him off, but not before he had been stabbed several times with a dagger.   As he sank to the floor, mortally injured, Uyuit killed Howst’s attacker, then ran to the wizard’s aid.

But as he knelt to assist Howst, a large, muscled man that had been hiding behind a small sofa nearby, sprang to his feet and turned the sofa up and over, knocking Uyuit to the floor.   The man lunged forward, snatching up Uyuit’s dropped short sword before the stunned Drow could recover it.  

A savage slash deep into Uyuit’s throat killed him.    But the large man wasn’t finished; as he leapt over the overturned sofa, he plunged the sword into Howst’s heart, and then sprinted toward the back door.

Sam was nearest to intercept him and he jumped in his way with his sword drawn.   This did not seem to defer the muscular man, for he engaged the Bitter Dreg at once.    To the right, Gamel saw their battle and he disengaged from those he was pursuing to go to Sam’s aid.   For Gamel recognized the man and by his skill handling the sword, he knew Sam would need assistance.

It was the Emperor, General Fortatius.  


Fortatius fought for his very life and though injured by the Bitter Dreg, he thrust his short sword into Sam’s gut, just before Gamel could reach them.

The Emperor pulled the sword free, sending Sam to the floor dead.    He had seen Gamel’s approach and flung an overturned stool at the Drow Paladin, to give him time to scoop up Sam’s dagger in his left hand.

Backing against a thick pillar, Fortatius crouched with both weapons ready as Gamel advanced.

Eleazar saw the commotion and turned to assist his son, and Aurei went around the other side of the pillar to prevent Fortatius from bolting.

Gamel was holding his own, but his skill was with the Great Sword, not in the long sword that he was using due to the close quarters of the mission.   The Emperor was pushing him back and would have scored several serious wounds, had Gamel’s plate armor not deflected the blows.  

Now Drake was rushing in to intercept the man, and Fortatius sensed he was doomed.    Seeing Aurei slowly coming up behind him, he spun suddenly and flung Sam’s dagger at her face, then clutched at a cord around his throat where a single, cheap-looking blue bead hung.

The dagger was thrown skillfully, but Aurei’s reflexes were faster and she jerked to one side, which let the dagger miss her left ear by a few inches.

“Yield, Fortatius.”  Eleazar warned as he moved in beside his son, “You cannot defeat us.”

“My folly was to abandon magic!”   He said, taking a swing at the Half-Drow.   Eleazar easily parried the blow, but it had only been a feint, of sorts.    The Emperor pulled the necklace from his neck and flung it at Drake, who used his staff to bat it aside.

But to their surprise, the bead on the necklace was magic.   Apparently Fortatius had not abandoned all magic.  

As soon as Drake’s staff connected with the bead, there was an ear-piercing clap of thunder and a bolt of lightning shot up the staff and surrounded the Archmage for a few seconds.   He jerked and danced in place, then collapsed to the floor as the magic dissipated. 


The Emperor of course tried to escape in the confusion.   He sprinted toward the main door into the Nave, but Aurei came around the pillar and slashed his legs as he went by her.   He tumbled over another sofa but got up quickly.    By then Gamel and Eleazar had surrounded him.   

Wildly he swung his short sword - before him, behind him, above him and below, as if fighting off an invisible swarm of bees.   

Suddenly Eleazar’s sword shot downward, cutting off the man’s hand in mid swipe.   He yelped in pain, but had no time to back away before Gamel delivered a chop to his shoulder that cut him through the collar bone down to his heart.   He gasped once and slumped to the ground dead.   


Drake felt himself leave his body, floating out of the form of Devin that he had inhabited for the past several days.    Looking down, he saw some of his companions rushing over to him.

“You did well.”  The voice of Yesh said around him.

“Thank you, Lord.”  He replied, looking down at the scene.

“Alleania believes, and she no longer is a vampire.”

“So I guess my time there is done.”   He said with slight sadness.

“Why do you not want to go?”   Yesh asked.

“I think it’s because I’ve actually enjoyed being around these people, Lord.   When I first lived, my entire life was devoted to magic and learning more and more until I felt like I knew everything.    I missed out on a lot of life - I guess I missed out on my entire life, thanks to my pursuit of magic.”

“Drake, you wish to stay and live, do you not?”

“I can’t hide it from you, Lord, yes I do.   I just want to feel like I actually lived a life that I enjoyed.”

“No one gets a second chance at life, Drake.    I do not recycle souls.    So if I allow you to stay down there in the body of Devin, but as Drake, there are conditions.   First, you will remember nothing of Heaven or of your past life, before awakening as Devin.     There your memories will begin, and though others may try to jog your memory, you will have no memory of anything before you awake.   You shall know your name, and the names of the others around you, and what has transpired since you first took Devin’s body, but nothing before.”

“This includes spells, except for  those you have cast since you came here.    You will have to relearn everything else - spells and about the world.    When you die, you will return to Heaven --- if you continue to follow me, of course- and then you will have your prior memories restored to you.    Is this opportunity worth that, Drake?”

“Yes, I think so, Lord.”   Drake told him, “I agree to your terms.”


There was the feeling of falling and he awoke with a gasp to see the ending of the divine magic of Laying of Hands by Eleazar.

“He’s breathing!”  Aurei said, then turning to him, “Drake, can you hear me?”

“Yes…” He said weakly.

“We’re going to leave you here right now, but we won’t forget you or leave you behind.     Zeatt and Alvis have found Torrin.”

“Alright…” He whispered, and simply closed his eyes and fell into a sleep.

Aurei looked at her son and then at Eleazar.

“He’ll live.” Eleazar assured her, “Come on, let’s finish this terrible business.”

The three rose and ran toward the end of the Nave.


The prophet Torrin was backed against the heavy stone platform that had been the High Altar of the Church of Yesh, but now had been turned for vile purposes.   To each side of him was one of his lieutenants, and they were all in various stages of undress.    Torrin and one of his minions carried daggers, both with a dark substance dripping from the blades that was probably poison.

The other one held a large candlestick as a make-shift club.

But Torrin also had in front of him a young naked girl, with a corded garrote around her neck, and he held both ends in his other hand, choking her just enough to obey him.    It was his idea of a shield.

Zeatt, Alvis, Gallus and Alleania surrounded them, while behind them, creeping slowly and quietly toward them, Valmiai was approaching.    Eleazar, Aurei and Gamel joined the semi-circle around the prophet and his men.

“Release her,” Zeatt ordered him, but he just pulled the girl closer to him.

“Back away or her blood will be on your hands.”   He threatened, now holding the dagger to her throat.

“You cannot escape, Torrin.”   Eleazar said to him, wondering if his hostage was completely innocent or if this was a desperate stunt to gain freedom.   Sam had said that there would be none but the highest level of Nunmontuites here.    But what if he was wrong?

“Her life for mine.” He bargained, his eyes darting all about him.

“No deal.”  Zeatt answered, “You claim your god is powerful and Yesh is false.   Prove your faith now, prophet.    Surely your ‘One True God’ will deliver you out of the hands of those who are false.”

“I’ll kill her.”   He warned, “This dagger is coated with deadly poison.   You will not be able to save her.”

Suddenly there came the sound of a horrible, mournful wailing that surprised them all.   It was Valmiai, standing only a few feet behind Torrin.    He spun quickly to see the threat and that was his final mistake.

Alvis’ sword knocked the dagger away from the girl’s throat and at the same moment Zeatt brought her mace full force onto Torrin’s temple.    He fell straight down, crumpling to the floor on top of the girl, but releasing his grip on the garrote.

His two lieutenants sprang forward, swinging their weapons, but Gallus cut down one and Gamel killed the other one.

Quickly they pulled Torrin off the girl, who was coughing and gasping for air.   Turning him over, Zeatt began to feel for a pulse, but Alleania stopped her, pointing to his dagger.   He had pierced himself with it as he had fallen.    There was no pulse, he was dead.


They tried to check Torrin’s hostage, but she screamed and swiped at them, then jumped to her feet and ran, stumbling over bodies and furniture, toward the rear of the Nave.

“Let her go.”  Zeatt told them, “She can tell everyone what happened.”

The girl rushed out the double doors and a moment later, out of the church.

“She’ll bring guards.”   Alvis warned, “Let us collect our dead and injured and set Eleazar’s plan into action quickly!”

They did just that - Gallus carried the body of Uyuit on his shoulders, while Gamel took Howst’s corpse and Alvis bore Sam’s lifeless form.    Alleania and Aurei helped Drake stand and walk.   He was very weak but thankfully moved fast enough to keep up with them.

By the time they exited the church, there were not-so-distant sounds of alarm.  

“It’s now or never.”  Aurei told her husband, and he pulled his backpack off, opened it and quickly brought out something wrapped in cloths.

Unwrapping it, the Whuo-Nao was revealed.   He looked at it for a moment then looked up in alarm, “The language!”

“What?” Aurei asked.

“The language!   I don’t know the language of the firebird!   Only the basic animation word.”

Valmiai came forward, “What is the language you need?”

Toi-Migg - it is from another part of this world.  Surely you don’t know it!”

“No, I don’t have to, actually.”   She smiled and chanted a spell.   Torches and running footsteps could be seen and heard through the barred front gate of the Church compound.   It would not hold them long.

A few moments later, Valmiai touched Eleazar’s lips, “It is a Know Language spell that I’ve cast upon you.    You will only have a few moments, so speak what you want the Firebird to do and it will come out of your mouth in its language.”

Eleazar didn’t waste any time and it was odd to hear the strange language flowing quickly from his lips.   He spoke perhaps four sentences to the statue, then gave the activation word and tossed it up into the air.   Immediately the statue took the form of a huge yellow and orange eagle, made of fire.

“Yesh forgive me.”   Eleazar whispered to his wife and Valmiai as the spell ended and the Whuo-Nao swooped into the air.   It made a wide arc in the sky and then dove sharply down onto the roof of the church.    For a few heartbeats nothing happened, and then the magic heat and flames of the Firebird set the structure on fire.    With a roar, the whole church was engulfed.  

“I commanded it to burn down this church.”   He told his companions, who already knew of the plan, “Then to set all the buildings and defenses of Aeropolis on fire, but to not harm any living thing.”

From beyond the walls of the churchyard, the sounds of alarm sounded as the Firebird began to set the capital city of the Southern Empire ablaze.

“Yesh have mercy.”  Zeatt prayed, “Let any innocent people be spared.”

“Now what?”  Gallus asked nervously watching as the church building was quickly consumed.

“This will probably stop the lynch mob for now, but we need to stay in the cemetery, away from any trees.” Eleazar replied, “The Phoenix will see its namesake’s work and rendezvous with us here.  It shouldn’t take long.”

“Let’s hope so.”  Aurei commented, “I just pray it wasn’t delayed coming here.”

It was a thought they all shared, and they hurried around the burning church, into the large cemetery yard in the back and found a space in the middle of the lot, away from the trees.



It was a surreal experience for all of them.   The great Firebird swooped throughout Aeropolis, going low and up the hills, setting every building on fire.    The night sky lit up with an eerie orange light while screams and shouts filled the air.    Thankfully, no-one came to the church in the chaos.   Eleazar’s group sat quietly on the tombstones, fascinated and horrified at the fiery destruction.    Zeatt healed Drake and he seemed very shaken and unsure of himself, even after he was healed.

It was half of an hour before they saw the shape of the Phoenix’s hull reflected in the orange glow of the burning city.    It coasted over Aeropolis and then hovered in one spot over the cemetery.

Eleazar and his group were thrilled to see it.    Soon a glowing blue levitation platform was lowered from the airship and they quickly went to stand on it.    Then they were gently raised into the air and the destruction of the Southern Empire’s capital city was more evident.   


Fire was everywhere and pandemonium ruled the night.    They boarded The Phoenix with somber hearts, for their raid had cost them three of their own.    The airship’s crew carried their bodies to the hold and the remaining nine adventurers leaned on the railing, looking down as the fire consumed everything.

“What will they do?”   Aurei asked, “It is now winter here, and they won’t have any place to live.”

“Winter is not nearly as harsh here, and there are caves in the mountains nearby.    They’ll have to make due with tents.   But hopefully they will abandon their hunger to take Northmarch and kill all non-humans.” Zeatt said to comfort her.

“We can only hope.”  Eleazar responded, “But now our focus needs to turn to our friends at Orc Pass.    As soon as the Firebird returns to us, we will head there to see if they met with success tonight.”

They all stood on the deck, awaiting the end of the destruction and wondering how things fared in Orc Pass.


© 2014 Eddie Davis

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Added on November 1, 2014
Last Updated on November 1, 2014
Tags: Marksylvania, Aurei of Westmark, Synomenia, Bugbears, Drow, Fantasy, Paladins, Good versus Evil, Adventure

A Sovereign Hope --Marksylvania Book 3


Eddie Davis
Eddie Davis

Springfield, MO

I'm a fantasy and science-fiction writer that enjoys sharing my tales with everyone. Three trilogies are offered here, all taking place in the same fantasy world of Synomenia. Other books and stor.. more..

One One

A Chapter by Eddie Davis

Two Two

A Chapter by Eddie Davis