CHapter Fifty-Three: The First Time Is The Sweetest

CHapter Fifty-Three: The First Time Is The Sweetest

A Chapter by Fenix Flight

"'Cause the first touch of your first love Is the deepest and the sweetest"


Han walks out of the Hospital with a smile on his face. Today was his last check up for a few months. Doctor Montgomery had just given him a clean bill of health, telling him that his wound had healed perfectly and he could resume life as normally. The two and a half months of hospital visits and torture were over. He jumps into his Nissan and speeds off, a smile on his lips as he thinks over his plans for the day. He had it all planned out. He wanted to take Katie on a late romantic Birthday date, he already had reservations made at a fancy restaurant that he remembered Katie mentioning she had always wanted to go, then after that he had a hotel room at the Marriott booked for them, so the could have a night together where they didn't have to worry about the family walking in on them. Even if all they did was hold each other and watch movies, he didn't care, as long as he could be truly alone with her. The prospect makes him smile wider and press on the gas harder, the Nissan easily speeding up as he easily weaves in and out of traffic, laughing as the drivers Honk at him and peg him off. A few moments later he stops back the Los Rentals, where Melina had managed to get Katie a job with her. He parks his car, locking with a click of a button as he walks toward the front door, the whole front wall panes of glass, showing the show room inside. Out of the corner of his eye he sees a sales man eye his car, a look of greedy joy entering his eyes at the prospect of a rich customer. He ignores the creeping salesman and enters the building, the bell softly tinkling announcing his presence. Immediately he spies Melina at the front desk talking quicking on the phone that was sandwiched between her head and shoulder as she typed furiously at the computer, nodding at whatever the person was saying on the other end. He walks over to her and leans against the desk, waitinf patiently for her to finish her call. She spies him, flashes him a smile and a wait a minute sign before going back to her conversation.

"Yes Mr. Steele, I just put your card number through the system, and the appointment is set, we have you coming by tomorrow at five to pick up your rental," She goes silent, exasperation written all over her face, though her tone pleasent, "We can add a GPS if you wish, Alright I'll make sure to put that in your file, Is that everything? perfect alright we will see you tomorrow at five, yes goodbye Mr. Steele." She says and quickly puts the phone done, ending the call. She sighs a very tired sigh before looking up at Han. "Why Hello Sexy eyes, Aren't you a treat to see on this lousy afternoon." She says with playful meaningless flirtation. Before he can say anything back to her an irritated hiss comes from behind him and when he turns he sees the salesman who had been eyes him moments before.

"Ms. Morales that is No way to treat a customer." He says sternly before giving him a flashy smile. "I apologize for my employee's behavior sir, Is there anything I can help you with, is there any certain car you would like to rent?" He asks putting on his best Saleman voice. Melina snickers behind him and Han has to bite back a bark of laughter as he shakes his head.

"Its quite alright, Melina here and I go way back, she's my girlfriends sister, speaking of which," he turns back to Melina, "Where is Katie?" Melina opens her mouth to respond but just then Katie comes barreling out of the ladies room across the floor, her purse and sweatshirt in her hands, as she gets ready to check out. She looks up from digging around in her purse for her phone and smiles wide when she sees Han, quickening her pace.

"Hey babe, I didn't know you were picking me up, I was just about to call Shawn." She says as she slides behind the desk with Melina. Melina moves over in her chair so Katie can have access to the computer, her fingers flying over the keyboard as she clocks herself out. "See you Wednesday Melina, tomorrow's my day off." She says to her best friend before turning back to Han, The salesman, whose name tag said Raymond Jones, was glaring at Han like he was wasting his valuable time, now that he was no longer the rich customer he had originally hoped for. "Goodbye Mr Jones Have a great afternoon." She says sweetly before taking Han's hand and quickly dragging him out of the building, a chuckle on his lips as she leads him to his car. She flashes him a smile and making sure they were out of view of her boss she pushes him against the side of his car and crushes her lips to his taking him by suprise the intensity behind the kiss. Breaking away she gives him a sly smile, before he realizes she had slipped his keys out of his back pocket. He shakes his head and goes around to the other side jumping in and barely gets his seatbelt on before she was speeding out of the parking spot. He laughs.

"Well I guess you're in a good mood." He chuckles looking at her. She just grins.

"I take it everything went OK at the doctors, we should celebrate." She says. he smiles

"Funny you should mention that, I actually have a whole day for us planned." He says seeing her startle, "Lets just get home so you can change out of your work clothes and then I will take it from there." He says, another chuckle as she speeds the car up. Once at the house she runs inside promising to be very quick, and he just gets out and leans against the car, sunglasses shielding his eyes from the sun as he waits.  Katie dashes into the house yelling a quick hello to the family before bolting up the stairs, Halting in front of her room, when no answer comes when she knocks she throws open the closet door, digging through all the junk to find something suitable to wear, He had mentioned a romantic dinne. A soft knock on her door shows Mia and Lisa walking in with grins on their faces, she  looks from one to the other.

"Let me guess, Han told you about his plans. Where is he taking me?" She asks turning back to the closet. Lisa snickers making her look back up at them. "You're not going to tell me are you?" They shake their heads making her sigh. "Can you guy at least help me pick something out?" Lisa smiles

"Follow us." She says grabbing Katie's arm and propelling her out of the room, Mia right behind them. She drags her all the way to Her and Dom's room, startling Dom who was sitting at the computer on his day off. "Babe get out, girl time." She says. Dom just smiles and slips out of the room. Does Everyone Know Han's plan but me? she thinks. Lisa lets go and goes to her own closet. With a smirk to Katie she says. "Will this work?" and opens the closet. Katie Gasps at the dress that was hanging on the peg on the back of the closet door. It was a silky deep red dress with thin Straps for sleeves, a small train in the back, with a risky slit up one side. " I thought you might like it," She says as she takes it out of its protective bag. Katie backs  up her hands out.

"Lisa I can't wear this! what if I ruin it?" She squeaks, Lisa just snorts very un lady like and bends down to grab a pair of black high heels, dropping them in front of Katie, just as Mia comes back from her own room with her jewelry case and a well known pink striped bag. "Guys what are you doing?" She asks. Mia hands her the case.

"We know how much this means to Han and you, We want it to be perfect." Mia says, Lisa nods and pushes the dress into her hands. Katie blushes and as the older girls turn their backs she quickly slips out of her work clothes. "Oh Wait Put these on before you put the dress on." Mia says handing her the Victoria secret bag. Taking it from her aunt she peeks inside and squeaks making them chuckle. Inside was a matching bra and pantie set. Taking them out she sees that they are black lace, the bra a push up, very sexy. Blushing deeply she quickly puts them on. Looking at the dress she had laid on the bed she tentatively picks it up and slips it on over her head, the silky material gliding over her body like liquid, hugging all the right curves. "Do you need help zipping it?" Mia asks Katie says yes and they turn around. Mia Sucks in her breath, Lisa looks suspiciously like she is going to cry, instantly Katie becomes self conscious.

"What? I look horrible don't I? Maybe I should just wear a nice pair of jeans." Katie hangs her head and moves to head for the door. Lisa stops her, putting her hands on her daughter arms she lifts her face.

"Katie you look Beautiful, and all grown up. Look" She whispers pushing her to the full length mirror on her closet door. Katie looks at her self and sucks in her breath. She barely recognized the women in front of her. She reaches her hand out and touches her reflection, only semi shocked when the refection reaches out her hand. Mia and Lisa smiled at her in the mirror. " Come on Mia isn't done with you yet," Lisa snickers and like that Mia has her sitting down pampering her with make up and jewels, which they had settled on a simple plain diamond necklace and earrings to match. When she was finally set free she steps into the high heels and accepts the small clutch purse Lisa gives her, her phone already in it, as well as, Katie blushes deep red. Inside was two tightly wrapped Condoms. Katie's head shoots up to look at her mother, her eyes bugging out. Lisa laughs. " In case the night goes well,"  She winks and pushes Katie out of the room "Now shoo, Don't keep him waiting too long." Katie walks down the stairs in a fog, Lisa was probably the coolest mother figure alive. At the bottom of the stairs Dom who  stood leaning against the banister looks up at the sound of her heels, A smile spreading across his face as he sees his daughter. She smiles at him and heads down, stepping into his open arms as he hugs her close.

"My don't you look Beautiful." He says putting her at arms length. "No longer that little kid anymore are you?" He says almost sad like. Katie just smiles and hugs him again, harder.

"I'll always be your little girl.... Dad" She whispers. Dom blinks back furiously like he was trying to keep tears from falling and steps back, opening the door for her telling her to have fun. She walks out of the house, the sun making her squint as she makes her way to Han's car, Butterflies instantly fluttering in her stomach. She then notices Shawn, Neela, and Twinkie gathered around the car, with Han in the middle. Han looks up from Twinkie and his breath catches in his throat as Katie makes her way over. His heart pounding in his chest. Katie was the picture of perfection, the red dress gliding against her skin and make her green eyes pop, She truly was an angel. His breath hisses out when she walks closer, a shy smile on her face. Shawn does a double take when he sees his sister, Neela lets out a girlish squeal that was very un Neelaish and Twinkie just smiles. Han stands there, taken away by her beauty. A light blush spreads on her face as she gives him a shy smile.

"Hi." She says quietly. He doesn't say anything, He just pushes off the car, and that's when she finally notices that he too had changed. He was no wearing a black neatly tailored suit, a deep red shirt to match, with a black tie loosely tied around his neck, his hair had been brushed into submission and flowed in waves to his shoulder. He was down right sexy and her heart picks up, crashing against her ribs. He stops right in front of her, Staring at her with that stunned look on his face, raw emotions swirling in his dark eyes. "Hi." she whispers again.

"You're beautiful." He says  before he shoots his hand out and crushes his lips to hers. Her body trembles in his arms making his heart skip a beat as she returns the pressure of his kiss, chuckles from the others finally makes him break it and give them a guilting look before turning his eyes back to the girl, no the woman in his arms. A breathless dreamy look plastered on her face. The others tell them have fun and head back to the house. Han goes around to her side of the car and opens her door like a true gentleman, only closing it when she was safely buckled up. Jogging back to his side he slides in.

"So what were the four of you talking about?" She asks making him laugh.

"Nothing, just setting up a time to head to the Air base tomorrow for that race. We'll meet them there around 2 tomorrow, Twinkie will show them the way." He explains, taking a hand off the wheel to lace it with hers, tracing patterns on her skin as they make their way to the restaurant. 




Katie giggles as Han drives up to the Hotel. The memory of their dinner fresh in her mind. It turned out to be the small fancy restaurant that Katie had always dreamed about going to. It was smallish place, with dark wood walls and dim lighten, candles in expensive holders flickering on the tables, with tinkling violin music playing over the speakers. As soon as they had driven up to the place a skinny 17 year old Valet boy came running over to park the car, They had traded the Nissan for the Mazda, the boy practically drooling over it. Still being a gentleman Han held out his arm for her to loop hers through and they proceeded into the building. The host a pretty Asian girl smiled warmly at them, eyeing Han before asking for their reservation name. Showing them quickly to their seats which was tucked away in a little corner much to her delight. Their table sat in front of a beautiful painting that a local artist had painted of the Skyline at sunset. Her breath was taken away by its beauty. Their waitress came by shortly afterwards, a huge smile on her face as her eyes fell on Han, clear flirtation in them. But it seemed Han only had eyes for Katie, making her feel the most important girl in the world. After the initial brush off their waitress, whose name turned out to be Samantha, seemed a little bit icy toward Katie, forgetting her refill on drinks making her ask a few times before actually getting it. But even she couldn't ruin her night. When she had seen the prices she almost protested being there but Han had waved them away telling her this was his late birthday present to her and that she could order anything on the menu, it didn't matter. She ended up settling with the chief's choice same as him which turned out to be Steak tips drizzled in the chiefs secret sauce with sauteed onions and grilled veggies on the side. The steak was so tender it practically melted on her tongue,s he giggles when an eggaterated moan of pleasure leaves Han, his eyes closed as he bites into it. Soon the Chief came over with a bottle of wine and a small homemade chocolate cupcake with a candle in it for her birthday, thankfully sparing her the embarrassing Happy birthday song and telling them the wine was on the house and they could take it home. They had decided to wait until they got to the hotel before opening it so Han could drink some too. After that Han once again surprised her by having them walk down the street to a 24/7 ice cream shop that was so adorable Katie fell in love with it immediately. They ordered two scoop ice cream cones and ate them quickly as they slowly walked back to the restaurant to get the car, the ice cream had dripped onto her hands and she giggled as He took her hand and kissed it off before kissing her under the night sky, the taste of his coffee ice cream coating her lips and mixing with her strawberry.

The Marriott loomed over them and Katie sighs, waiting for Han to once again Open her door, making her giggle again. Grabbing her overnight bag that Mia and Lisa had packed for her without her knowing this morning she takes Han's hand and they head inside,  going up to the front desk, waiting for someone to come out of the back office.

"Hello, can I help you with anything?" A young man, maybe a few years older than Katie, asks going over to the computer and booting it up. Han gives him his name and the Man lights up, giving him the room keeps. His eyes popping out when he saw Katie, still wearing the red dress, making her blush and quickly look away. Han snickers and guides her to the elevators. Once inside she groans as the cheesy elevator music blares over head, her eyes shooting up to his as he presses the top floor, where everyone knew the suites were. He smiles and trying to make her smile he grabs her waist and her hand and twirls her around the small space of the elevator, dancing along to the silly music, her laugh echoing louding in the confined space, At the 12Th floor they stop, the doors sliding open revealing an elderly lady who just smiles kindly at them when they quickly drop their hands, their faces flushing.

"AH Young love, how sweet, you have a good man here young lady if he's dancing with you in an elevator." She says winking at Katie who just blushes deeper, Han laughs and grabs her hand kissing it like they do in the movies,

"I'm the lucky one Ma'am." He mutters. The lady's eyes crinkle with joy as they shoot up to the top floor, Han and Katie step off the elevator, the elderly lady calling at them to have fun before the doors slide shut behind them. With his hand still holding hers they walk to the end of the hall the room number 15B staring at them from the top of the door. "Close your eyes." He says moving behind her and holding her around the waist. She shuts her eyes and feels his front leaning against her back as he puts the key in the keyreader, the soft click of the door unlocking reaching her ears. He opens the door and helps her inside, the door shutting softly, shutting the outside world behind them. She lets him lead her to the middle of the room "Open your eyes." He whispers in her ear, his breath tickling. She opens and gasps. They were standing in the middle of a living room area, a separate bedroom area and a huge bathroom. Soft music that sounded like The song Ellie Goulding's song ' Love Me like you do '. She notices White Rose petals that lead from where she stood all the way to the bedroom and she follows them, feeling Han Right behind her, nerves radiating from him. IN the Bedroom her breath leaves her, rose petals in the shape of a heart where arranged on the bed, with more roses, Still White, arranged beautifully in vases around the room, Candles places here and there, their small flames causing light to dance around the room. The scene was beautiful and she feels tears prick at her eyes. She turns to Han who was standing in the entrance wringing his hands with nerves. "Do you like it? I set this all up yesterday." He says nervously. Katie crosses over to him, almost tripping in her heels and wraps her arms around his neck, crushing her lips to his.

"Its more then I could ever dream of." She whispers against his lips, feeling his smile as he kisses her back. Breaking the kiss she kicks off her heels and trails into the living room to plop on the couch, surprised to find it very comfortable. "We left the wine in the car didn't we." She says. he curses softly and drops his own overnight bag in the bedroom with hers.

"No we left it at the Restaurant, Let me just change my clothes and I will head over to get it, I promise I wont be that long." he calls as he quickly throws on the outfit he was planning on wearing tomorrow,  A simple black tank top and jeans and a belt, a comfortable brown hoodie to throw over the tank top. Katie wanders into the bedroom and picks up her own bag. he kisses her. "I promise I'll be right back." He says and she just waves.

"Take your time babe, I think I am going to Enjoy a pleasurable bath in that jettube." She says nodding to the bathroom. He smiles ruefully at her before running out, grabbing his keys he had dropped on the table near the door. Katie heads to the Bathroom and within minutes she was submerged up to her chin in Jazzmine scented bubble bath water. The water warm against her skin.  Han speeds through the streets until the restaurant comes up ahead, Jumping out of the car without turning it off, waving away the valet boy from earily. He enters the building and smiles pleasantly at the host when she spots him, a small frown on her face.

"Hi me and my girlfriend were here not twenty minutes ago, We left the complimentary bottle of wine the Chief gave us, May I go retrieve it?" He asks. The lady blushes, nodding, and he flashes her a thankful smile before slipping past her. The wine right where they left it. When he steps outside he laughs when he sees the valet boy taking pictures of the Mazda, instantly stuttering apologies when he is caught. "Nawh kid its OK, I'm in a good mood, hey want a pic of you sitting in the driver seat?" The kids mouth drops open and he hands him his phone, Han snapping a picture for him, laughing when he thanks him profusely. He jumps in and waves at the kid as he revs the engine and speeds away. Heading back to the Room he lets himself back in. "Angel I'm back, Katie?" He says noticing all the lights off.

"IN here." She says in a quiet but clear voice. She lays on the bed in nothing but a thin nightie, no bra, and just panties. She watches as Han stops midstep, his eyes widen and his breath hisses out of him as he stares at her laying there on the bed. "Come here." She demands softly, and like she was light and he was a moth that couldn't resist he rushes to the bed, shrugging out of his hoodie, his muscles gleaming in the candle light, the sight of his already ragged breathing makes her heart rate jump and quicken. He stops at the edge of the bed, his love shining in his eyes as he stares down at her.  Leaning up on her elbows she reaches out and grabs a handful of his tank top, dragging him clumsily on the bed. She climbs on top of him, His hands holding her hips as she leans down and kisses him with a wild passion. The message, I want this clear in her every touch he moans against his lips.




Han shifts his weight on the bed and moves positions until she was underneath him. She stares up at him, her blonde hair framing her face like a halo, his fallen angel. She reaches up, her hands slipping under his tank top to touch the heated flesh of his chest, shudders of desire rippling through him, going to places below his waist. She circles her hands around his chest and splay them out across his muscular back, her nails digging into the flesh drawing him closer.


The shudders running through him make hunger she hadn't felt in years stir wildly in her. The need to touch him, to have him close becomes so unbearable that she pulls him close, needing his lips on hers. Electricity pools deep within her as his mouth connects with hers the taste of the coffee ice cream he had eaten earlier coating his breath. With her tongue she teases open his mouth, biting his bottom lip softly before exploring his mouth, their tongues dancing around eachother in a passionate kiss.  A moan of pure desire rumbles deep inside him and he circles his arms around her, his weight pressing into her in a delicious way.


Han couldn't think of anything but the girl beneath him. His hands circle her waist, slipping them under the hem of her shirt. He lifts up to look into her eyes, silently asking her if it was OK, his answer came in the way of her just pulling him back in for another kiss. He moves his hands under her shirt, skimming across the smooth skin of her stomach, a whimper of pleasure escaping her lips and brushing across his. her hands on his back trail down until they are gripping the hem of his shirt, an urgency in her movements. He breaks their kiss only long enough to lift his shirt over his head and toss it carelessly to the floor, She gasps as his Gun shot wound becomes visible. He climbs back onto the bed and lets her reach out her hand to place it softly on his right side, over the scar. The scar was a jagged ugly red ,the skin was tight and sensitive and he shivers as her hands trace the scar, propping herself onto one elbow she leans her head foraward, places feather like kisses on the scar, the skin course against her lips. The need to kiss her flares strongly inside him and pushing her back down on the bed he lets his mouth explore her, kissing her neck, nibbling her, tracing the planes of her throat. Katie Moans and arches her body toward him, wanting to be closer, wanting some friction to cool her heated skin. Her hands glide over the muscles on his arms, tightening as he continues to torture her with his kisses.


"Han-" she pleads. He stops and looks at her, desire raging in his dark eyes matching her own. She lets go of him and in one fluid motion takes her shirt off and throws it on top of his.


He sucks in a breath as he stares at her naked top, realizing she had no Bra on under her thin shirt. Her hands drop down to his pants and she slips just one finger in, stilling as she looks up at him, an unspoken question filling her eyes. Swallowing he rest his hand on top of hers, momentary fear that he was rejecting her flares in her eyes but he guides it to his belt buckle, raw undiluted desire making him shake. He wanted nothing more then to show Katie how much he loves her, To express the love that he had been bottling up since the first day he met her six years ago. With clumsy shaky fingers she manages to undo the buckle and pull it off, his pants slightly sagging without them. Taking a deep breath she reaches for the button but before she can undo it he captures her hand and brings it to his lips.


"You don't have to do anything you don't feel comfortable with." he says his voice a deep husky sound. She just slips her hand from his and makes quick work of the button and fly, slipping her hands lower making parts of him wake up and jump to attention, her eyes widen and a shaky breath hisses through her clenched teeth as she lays her hand on him. She looks up at him with a look that could only mean "I give you full permission" and all reason flies out the window.


She watches his eyes roll back slightly as she rests her hand on his most intimate part, she could feel him through the fabric of his boxers. When his eyes focus back on her a look of hunger grows in them, and she knew that he knew she was giving him full permission. A growl of primal need escapes him as he crushes her to the mattress, his hands ripping at her panties, her hands ripping at the only remaining clothing on him. He stands up and his pants and boxer fall to the ground, she half moans and half gasps as she takes in all of him. Shimming she wiggles the rest of the way out of her panties.


The sight of her naked body laying in the bed makes him freeze, staring at her in Awe. The light from he flames flickering around and across her, making her beautiful features almost goddess like. He was struck at how beautiful she was how strongly her hold on his heart was. He gingerly climbs back on the bed.


The way he stands at the end of the bed staring at her makes her feel alive, makes her feel sexier then she ever had in her life. When he finally climbs back onto the bed he positions himself above her, staring at her with raw love. She slips her hands around his neck as he positions himself.


"I love you Han." She whispers as she closes her eyes for a kiss. Her eyes fly open as a sharp pain from below her waist makes her squirm, uncomfortable and forgien, Her gasp of Pain makes him still and quickly start to pull back. But the pain subsides to immense pleasure and she sighs tightening her hold around his neck, her nails digging into him. He moves slowly and she couldn't help the moans and whimpers that escaped her, her eyes closing as she moves her body to meet his. And she was lost in all things Han.


His touch on her skin, his lips gliding over her lips, her shoulders, her throat, His naked body rubbing against hers leaving fire everywhere it touched, his hands roaming over her chest. She drags her nails down his back feeling the growl deep in his throat as it affected him. She wraps her legs around his waist and pulls him in closer, deeper, whimpers of his own making the fire inside her grow. He lifts a hand and grabs one of hers, weaving their fingers together and raising it above them. Their souls connecting in ways she never knew possible.


Every nerve ending in his body was on high alert, his hearing more attuned letting him hear every soft moan every pleasurable sigh that left her body, and her body, It moved against his like it was made to fit tightly to him. Her hands dragging down his back making him crazy, not able to contain the growls. Her scent that was only her surrounds him as he loses himself within her embrace, her pulse dancing under his kisses. His body twitches almost sending him over the edge when her teeth bite gently in the soft flesh between his neck and shoulder. His pace quickening much to her delight.


Strong feelings like she was rising above the clouds crash into Katie as He quickens his pace, her legs tight against his backside. She was close,


He could tell she was close by the way her pulse leapt like wildfire against his lips, It sends him closer as she tightens her legs around him. He looks at her and kisses her lips with such passion he feels her tighten and convulse around him, Her scream muffled by his lips. His own release following suit as his body tightens and twitches and they both ride the waves of pleasure.


Coming back down Katie starts to feel the exhaustion and squirms slightly underneath him. He shifts and she suddenly feels lost without the intimate touch they had just had. He rolls over until he is on his back and she curls up beside him. their breathing ragged and heavy , their heart pounding in time with one another. She rest her head against his bare chest and wiggles against him, trying to get closer, a small chuckle escaping her as she feels parts of him quiver, a moan of dramatic agony leaving him making her eyes shoot to his.


"How is it possible that I want you just as badly as before?" He whispers kissing her forehead. She just smiles and lays her head back down, trying not to wiggle. He shifts so that he was on his side facing her so she could bury her face against him, her bare chest flush against his, their legs tangling together. He holds her gently in his arms as he draws circles on her back, her smooth skin soft under his finger tips. His heart syncing with hers as it finally calms down back to its normal rhythm. And like that exhaustion hits him and his body relaxes.


She could feel him falling asleep around her and she kisses his chest as she too feels the effects of sleep. Her last thought was that her life couldn't get any better. She finally had the Man of her dreams. her soulmate.

© 2015 Fenix Flight

Author's Note

Fenix Flight
"'Cause the first touch of your first love Is the deepest and the sweetest" is a line from the song The Frist Touch by Rebecca Lavelle

My Review

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Added on April 30, 2015
Last Updated on April 30, 2015

Forbidden love


Fenix Flight
Fenix Flight

Kingdom Of Amythest, ME

Please Call me Fenix (Fen-nicks) (The FEN is pronouced the same way you would pronouce the FEN in Fenway) its more my name then the one I was given at birth. I wont put my life story here. You will se.. more..
