shadows never stay still

shadows never stay still

A Poem by flickering candle

she was not my heaven she was my hell in disguise
she was a shadow of the hatred and anger i had run from for so long 
she was a who she was 
its hard to see clearly through broken lenses with a broken spirit
i thought i had it in my power to fix every wrong 
i overestimated my own human strength 
and she tore me apart
one hatred to another 
things had never changed but my illusions kept me content. 
we are all scared little animals 
afraid of death afraid of life afraid to love afraid to be alone afraid of never moving forward but afraid to take the first steps 
we run back to the bad places and the bad people we are used to and we long so desperately for something better 
what is better
when we find it, does it ten quickly become sour and we search again for better
are we destined to be lost in a loop of searching for better
what if there is something better than what we think is already
what if there is something better than me 
am i to be passed through by many people, looking for their better, and finding it in me for a short time, only to leave to search again, 
are we to be shadows to one another
everyone with a trail that follows
what if i become your shadow
what if i become yet another dark cloud to follow your subconcious
what if you come to the deepest parts of my soul and find nothing that pleases you
what if you saw me completely vulnerable to your hand and changed your mind
what if i had nothing to offer 
what if the idea of me no longer sounds exciting 
how can you really now
are we all just delusioned
i know i was a time before, the darkest shadow in my path
she never really loved me
she loved the idea of being saved by me 
she loved the comfortability of having another person worry for you, and care for you
and allow you to abandon all consideration for yourself 
she loved what i could be to her 
never really me
and i loved her, and i wanted to be her saving grace, 
i thought if i was saving somebody i was in love, two things which are not related at all and were definitely not in my case
i loved her because i thought she would love my broken pieces and see past them
instead, she looked at my scars in disgust and cared nothing but for herself
ignored my heart entirely and demanded for me to tend her wounds 
i decided miles were the best remedy to the pain she caused me
i wasnt looking for him
but by chance or coincidence or by the stars he found me
and i am unsure
just as all us little creatures are 
if i make my home inside another person
will he rip it out of my hands 
can i put away my things and rest each night in its safety
can you really know the true intentions of someone's heart

© 2016 flickering candle

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3 Reviews
Added on December 22, 2016
Last Updated on December 22, 2016