Chapter 5

Chapter 5

A Chapter by KW Writing

Elyza's story continues.


The walk to Harand was breathtakingly surreal. As they turned the first corner, before Elyza lay a dirt road with trees running along the sides. The trees reached up and met above the road like a beautiful green archway. Walking along the path, she could not help but feel a lightness in her heart and excitement bubbled in her chest.

“It is magic.” Florenz informed her. She turned and looked at him confused.

“The excitement and joy you are feeling, it is magic. These trees were magiced long ago to bring joy to visitors as they approached Harrand. This town was the most popular amongst the magic community as it is so close to Faygle Forest, a great source of power. Because of this, it was the first town the queen conquered. She knew if the magic community saw her coming they would band together and protect this town with all they had and she would have no chance winning against them. Together we are strongest however, now there is so much fear in our community that we cannot protect ourselves individually let alone together. It is sad to see how far we have fallen.”

“I am sorry Florenz. I never knew your world before so I guess I cannot see how much things have changed.” He stopped and pulled her off the road behind a large tree so they were not visible from the road.

“I am going to show you Harrand in its prime.” He placed his fingers along the sides of her face and closed his eyes. Elyza suddenly had images running through her head of bustling streets with stalls filled with food, fabrics and jewellery. There were people using magic everywhere you looked, laughter and conversations filling the air. It was like nothing she had ever witnessed before, the sense of unity was overwhelming, and something Elyza had never felt before but had always longed for. The images faded away as Florenz removed his hands.

“It was truly an amazing place to be.” Elyza nodded in agreement.

As they continued along the path, Florenz told her of the people whose fortunes he had told over the years. She could not help but laugh at the way he told his stories; he was so expressive using different voices and large exuberant arm gestures. As they followed the last turn in the path Elyza’s jaw hug loose, her brows came together and she stopped in her tracks. Before her lay the entrance to the new Harrand, the entrance archway had half fallen down and looked worn and old. Florenz took her hand and led her forward into the town. Everywhere she looked all she saw was either damaged or broken, there were only a few people to be seen hurrying to get where they were going. Suddenly there was a cry in the distance. Elyza looked up at Florenz who gestured her towards the sound. She hurried into what appeared to be the same city square she had seen in the visions. In the middle was a mother calling for her child as a soldier pulled him away. The child was screaming and reaching for his mother, as he did it was as if an invisible lasso was pulling his mother towards him. A man dressed in loose trousers and a tunic shirt; stepped up to the child and placed his hand on his head and the child fell unconscious in the soldier’s arms.

Elyza could not believe what happening, not a single person went to help the mother or the child. Eliza looked over at the mother who stood weeping into her hands. She went to walk over to the mother but Florenz stopped her and pulled her away into an alleyway.

“We have to help them.” Elyza blurted out once they were alone.

“If we interfere things will just get worse and we will be taken with the boy. This is how things work in Wifaria, anyone found with magic is taken from society so they may not corrupt it.” Florenz explained.

“Corrupt it? That’s not right.”

“No it is not. It has been this way for 25 years and we do not question it. The Queen uses those with magic that she has taken. They are conditioned into believing in her cause, even if it means tearing families apart. The man you saw who touched the boy is a mind manipulator. He can make you do whatever he wants just by touching you. Would you go against that, people are afraid. They need a leader to show them that not all hope is lost.”

“And that’s what you want me to do.” Elyza said.

“Yes. Elyza never before has someone had all four of the elements. If anyone can show them there is hope, it is you.”

“I will help you, but I’m not their leader or chosen one or whatever else they want to call me. I’m just here to help.” Florenz bowed his head in agreement.

“Also I need to find people to teach me how to control Water, Earth and Fire.” She informed him.

“I may be able to help with that.” Elyza thought she saw a glint of excitement in his eyes as he said it.

Florenz led her down the corridor where they turns left and then right until they stood in front of a door covered in peeling red paint. It did not look like anything special, it was just as run down as all the others. Florenz knocked with five loud solid thuds and the door slowly opened. On the inside, it was homely enough with three overstuffed couches surrounding an empty fireplace, there were plants all around the place, the only sign that someone lived there. There were no pictures on the walls or mantel. No nick knacks around the house.

“There is no reason to be afraid, Elyza here is with me and I trust her completely.” Florenz said to an empty room, only it was not empty anymore.

In the centre of the room was a woman with red eyes as if she had been crying, surrounding her was a room full of all types of people. The closest to them was an older man whose eyes were glowing gold.

“Florenz, why do you bring a stranger to us on this day? You know what today is.” The glowing faded from his eyes leaving them a piercing blue colour.

“It is precisely that reason that I have brought her here today.” He replied

“The Choosing is not something for you to bring your magic free friends to come and watch.” The man said very upset now.

“Oh Petro she has magic. Very powerful magic.” Said an old woman pushing her way forward.

“She is an elemental, of that I am sure. However, I cannot tell which element.” Her brows creasing in the centre.

“Yes, I imagine that would be confusing for you. You see Elyza here has all four of the elements.” Florenz announced to the group with a broad grin on his face. Every person in the room looked at her in surprise. Elyza stood there feeling utterly the centre of attention, something she had always hated. As she stood there looking at her feet while everyone looked at her as if she was some attraction at a zoo one girl stood almost laughing at her. She had dark hair and dark eyes with fair skin. She slowly walked forward until she stood before Elyza. Elyza lifted her eyes to meet the girls. The girl just smiled grabbed her hand and pulled her into a back room. The room had no windows and was lined with large candles. The girl shut the door turned and leaned her back on it.

“I’m Rayleigh. Sorry for everyone staring at you.

They do like to make people feel very uncomfortable.

Oh, Florenz is sometimes very oblivious to other people’s feelings.

Yes, he is very caring and gentle but he gets caught up with the ‘greater picture’, as he puts it, and forgets that actual people are around him. The curse of his magic I guess.” It was as if she was answering every question and thought that popped into Elyza’s head.

“Every form of magic has a bad side. Me for example, I read people’s minds, the down side is that I know the bad things people think. Trust me there is a reason you think things and do not say them. It can get really awkward.” That explained a lot, a mind reader.

“Sorry I get carried away sometimes. My mother is always telling me to take a breath.” Rayleigh finally took a breath and Elyza seized the opportunity.

“Sometimes it is nice to speak the questions and thoughts. I suppose you know everything about everyone around here.”

“I only know what they think and only if I am concentrating on that person in the moment they think the thought.”

“How close does the person have to be?” Elyza asked.

“Well if it were open space nothing between us I’m not sure there would be a limit but buildings and closed doors and such make it harder and eventually impossible to read someone. It helps if I’ve met the person. It kind of creates a bond that’s easier to follow over distances.”

“This room, it is different. I cannot even sense anything outside of it.” Elyza mentioned with a frown on her face. She had never experienced anything like it.

“Yeah, it was made that way a long time ago by one of my father’s old friends. Apparently, he could block magic so he created this room, where it is safe to practice magic and no one on the outside can sense it. It’s been quite handy actually.” She looked around the room with a sense of appreciation.

“I have a question for you.” Rayleigh said.

“Okay, ask away.” Elyza was not sure why but she felt a sense of friendship already with this girl. But then after having someone read your mind was there any other option?

“Have you learnt to control your magic? It’s quite impressive you know, being able to control all four of the elements.”

“So I have been told. I can mostly control air but not the others. Not yet anyway.” She responded

“And do you enjoy playing with air?” The look on Elyza’s face was all the answer Rayleigh needed.

“Let me guess. They’ve told you how serious a situation this is and it’s been all business.” Elyza was shocked she knew this, even if the Rayleigh could read her mind.

“Yes, they told me if I didn’t learn to control it that my life could be in danger.”

“Sure that’s true but it’s important you enjoy what you can do as well. Have some fun with it. It can’t all be business. Show me what you can do.” Elyza was unsure about this but what the heck.

Elyza closed her eyes, took a deep breath, opened them and with a flick of her hands a gust of wind swirled all around Rayleigh. The girl was in a fit of laughter as the wind brushed against her skin, blowing her hair out around her. When Elyza let the wind go Rayleigh looked at her with wonder in her eyes. Never had anyone looked at her like that before.

“Oh we are going to have so much fun together.” Was all she could say to Elyza before the man Petro from earlier and Florenz came into the room.

“Petro has most graciously invited us to stay with his family while we are in Harrand. Isn’t that nice of him.”

“Of course he did. You can bunk with me Elyza. Florenz can have the couch.” Rayleigh chimed in.

“Petro is your father?” Elyza responded.

“Oh, I didn’t tell you that? I could have sworn I did.” Elyza shook her head at the young girl who shrugged in response.

“Anyway, it is time we headed over there and settled in. Then you can meet some other people.” Florenz told them and they all followed him out the door.

The walk to the house was not a long one. They passed by streets of run down old houses that looked abandoned. For reasons Elyza could not quite put her finger on it mad her sad to see the houses like that. As they kept walking, the houses slowly became less dishevelled in appearance. Seven streets down they turned left down a road with the name Seren Lane. They walked twelve houses down and stopped in front of a run down but beautiful looking cottage. The paint was a fading blue colour that was peeling away with what used to be cream edges but were closer to brown in colour now. The garden was completely over run.

When they passed through a broken old fence everything in front of them changed and she stopped in astonishment. The paint was not peeling away nor was it faded but it was like new. She did not think there was a crisper shade of white than what marked the trimmings of the house. The garden was by far her favourite part of the house. It had climbing trees and shrubs as well as many beautiful flowers in shades of red, yellow and orange. The house was beautiful.

“My dad does illusions. He made it so if you are not of magic you cannot see what is truly there.” Rayleigh whispered in her ear with a smile on her face.

“It is amazing.” Was all she could say before she was ushered inside.

Once inside she was pleasantly surprised by the layout of the house. It was a lot like houses back home in that it had wooden floors and the kitchen seemed to be the centre of the house. The bedrooms all were located off the lounge room, three in total. It differed in that they appeared to use fire as their main source of light, heating and cooking. In ways things on Wifaria were more primitive then on Dorfrin however, no one seemed to mind. When Elyza first entered the kitchen she was met by a tall, beautiful brunette woman whom Elyza knew immediately was Rayleighs mother. The resemblance was very clear.

“Oh hello there, I didn’t know we were expecting company.” She said looking sternly at her husband.

“Sorry darling I didn’t have time to let you know. You remember Florenz.” Petro said waving a hand at him. Florenz stepped forward and enveloped the woman in a warm hug.

“And this is Elyza. She has quite the tale.” He said looking sheepishly at Florenz as he said it.

“I see. Well the more the merrier. Especially when you’re married to my Petro, always bringing home strays this one.” She said with an affectionate look at her husband.

“My name is Chenelle. I am Petros wife and the keeper of this home.” She said with great pride.

“And a beautiful home it is. I see you have been working on your garden.” Florenz said taking Chenelle by the arm and leading her into the lounge.

“Oh isn’t it looking marvellous Florenz. The plants are all growing perfectly.” Pride was all over her face.

“Indeed it is my dear. I was hoping you would do me a very large favour.” Everyone had followed them into the lounge and were listening intently for what favour he could possibly need.

“Well of course Florenz. I am always happy to help.” She seemed like such a genuine person.

“My friend here is quite lacking in her magic training. I was hoping you would show her the ropes as you are somewhat similar.” He said looking right at Elyza who was once again the centre of attention and hating it.

“Oh you have plant magic too? This is excellent.” She was so excited Elyza felt bad letting her down.

“No, not exactly. It is more of an earth magic.” Elyza said looking at her knees. Chanelle looked confused.

“Oh Elyza there is no need to be shy, we are amongst friends. Elyza here is an elemental. Only she is not partial any one element but all of them. She has become quite well trained with air thanks to the turtles however; we are in search of those who can help her with the remaining. I quite brilliantly thought that as plants are so closely related to earth you could tailor it to work for her.” Chanelle sat looking at Elyza until her daughter interrupted.

“You taught me it’s rude to stare mother.”

“Oh my I’m so sorry. It’s just that it’s not every day you meet an elemental. Of course, I will be happy to help as best I can. It will help that you already know how to control a portion of your magic. We can start tomorrow if that works for you?” She said to Elyza.

“Tomorrow is fine.” She mumbled.

“We have limited time before Elyzas disguise wears off. Two more days to be precise.” Florenz informed them.

“This is not what she looks like?” Chanelle asked worriedly.

“No mum. She has flaming red hair and eyes as green as emeralds.” Rayleigh winked at Elyza as she spoke.

“Oh well I see why you disguised her. It would make people notice and remember her. As for the time frame, perhaps I can show a little something now.” Chanelle waved for her to follow her.

They walked back out the front door into the garden. The smell in the garden was one she would never forget. The flowers all around gave off a most pleasant aroma. Just being in the garden made Elyza heart lift with happiness. Chanelle sat on a concrete bench that was in the middle of the garden. Elyza followed and sat on the other end of the bench. Chanelle turned to Elyza.

“What form does your power take?”

“It is four different coloured flowers.” Elyza replied.

“When you reach for your power does one feel like the earth?”

“Feel like the earth?” Elyza was very confused by this.

“Close your eyes and reach for the flowers. Tell me what you feel when you reach for each one.” Elyza followed her instruction and closed her eyes. She took a deep breath and reached for the flowers. She had never thought about how she felt when reaching for them.

“I feel freedom and peaceful.” It was an amazing feeling when she reached for the air.

“That I would say is air.” Chanelle felt the air around them stir as Elyza reach for it.

“Okay move onto the next flower.” Chanelle guided her. Elyza reached for the blue flower next.

“I feel weightless and calm.” Chanelle looked at the fountain next to her and saw the water swirling in the bowl.

“Water I would say. Now the next.” Elyza reached for the red flower.

“I don’t like this one, I feel unbalanced, dangerous.” Chanelle looked worriedly at the palm of Elyzas upturned hand as a small flame danced erratically in it.

“Okay Elyza move on to the last flower.” Chanelle tried to make her voice sound soothing and calm.

“I feel safe, like I am home somehow.” Chanelle knew that Elyza would be a quick study as the earth around her began to shake gently.

“Okay Elyza you can come back to us now.” Elyza opened her eyes and looked at Chanelles face. What she found was a look of wonder and excitement.

“I do believe you will be a quick study Elyza.” Elyza looked at her feet and shrugged.

“The last flower you touched is the one you will use for earth. I have a book inside for you; it’s about rocks and plants. It will help you to study up on the earth and it’s elements. The more you understand the more you will be able to do.” Elyza looked directly at the woman, smiled and said,

“I always liked books.” Chanelle smiled back at Elyza.

“My daughter is quite taken with you. She doesn’t have many friends but she is young. Only sixteen. I worry about her, she is growing into a woman who doesn’t fit in this world, she has so much determination. She wants the world from the old stories, a world where everyone can be themselves and not fear what others will do. They are stories of hope and she pursues that world a ferocity I have never seen before. I fear she will join those that fight the queen and I will lose her.” There was desperation and sadness in Chanelles voice that hit Elyza right in the heart.

“She is a unique girl. I have found myself quite bonded to her already. I was never someone who had many friends either; it was just dad and me. I will help end this suffering and pain if I can. Your daughter has shown me already that life is to be lived and not feared. She finds the fun in everything around her, even when she has to hide. It is inspirational.” Elyza was not sure if what she said would help or not but she felt she had to try.

“I am proud of her. The two of you are quite similar. Keep her out of trouble while you’re here will you.” Elyza felt for the woman.

“I will try.” Elyza promised.

“Run along inside, we will get down to business tomorrow.” Elyza nodded and headed inside while Chanelle turned her attention to her garden.

The rest of her day was filled entertaining Rayleigh by floating various items around the room while the teenager was in fits of laughter. The one that had the girl falling off the bed was when Elyza got Tabby, the ginger cat, chasing a ball of wool around and around in circles. Elyza was finding it easier and easier to manipulate the air around her. Chanelle finally came into the room and told them it was time for dinner.

“Sounds like you girls were having a good time in there.” Petro said with a laugh.

“You should have seen Tabby dad. I haven’t seen him play like that since he was a kitten. Floating wool does the trick.” Rayleigh started laughing again.

As all sat down for dinner Chanelle turned to her husband and said,

“How about a nice beach sunset tonight?” Petro turned towards the dining room and as his eyes began to glow, the room transformed into a beach at sunset. It was unbelievable.

“Do you do this every night?” Elyza asked.

“We are not ashamed of our magic Elyza. The only time we can use it without fear is in our home. So we like to incorporate it into our lives as much as possible.” Petro replied.

“I am sorry I did not mean that you should be ashamed. I have just never seen anything like this, it’s so beautiful.” As she finished saying this Petro looked at her with a proud smile upon his face.

“Thank you Elyza. I am quite proud of my skills.” And with that, they sat down to dinner.

After dinner, Elyza found herself to be quite drain and ready for sleep.

“We will set up bed for you in Rayleighs room while you shower.” Chanelle informed her as she walked Elyza to the bathroom.

“Thank you for everything you are doing for us.” Elyza realised she had not thanked her for putting them up for the three days they would be there.

“Not a problem dear.” Chanelle responded patting her on the shoulder.

As she lay in bed that night she overheard the others talking.

“She’s a miracle Florenz. She could not have got here at a better time.”

“Do not let her hear you talking like that. She has made it very clear that she does not want to lead us she just wants to help. She does not want to be treated any differently.”

“But she is different Florenz. There has never been someone with all four elements before.” This was becoming more and more clear to Elyza as time went by.

© 2017 KW Writing

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Added on September 1, 2017
Last Updated on September 1, 2017
Tags: Multiple Worlds, Fantasy, Unicorns, Magic, Flying Turtles, Trolls, Friendship, Discovery


KW Writing
KW Writing


Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens Bright copper kettles and warm woollen mittens Brown paper packages tied up with strings These are a few of my favourite things. more..

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