Shadow WorldA Poem by KellyYesterday you were here
And today you are gone And there is a hole in my heart A gaping bottomless void Where you were ripped away from me And everyone who loves you This isn't the same world As it was before you left Shadow world The light left with you And I am alone in a World without air Without light I can't breath can't see My hands are outstretched and I stumble through the empty blackness Reaching for your hand Knowing I will find nothing but Cold My heart is ice Like your body So familiar But so empty Like an old photograph This isn't you You are gone Like a bird Freed from it's cage Singing and swooping of into the Bright blue sky I hold you in my hands One last time One last kiss On your feathered head Then With tears in my eyes Throw you Into the air you fly On the warm breeze No pain No fear For you, You are finally happy But I am still here Tethered to this Shadow world With a hole in my heart A gaping bottomless void... © 2011 Kelly |