the battles

the battles

A Chapter by Larry Dyson

The battle ……


When we left the “Great Lord”, He was enroute to the Temple, one of the last Temples with the correct religious altars, spices, oils and ancient Books of Runes... His intent - to reach the “Goddess” and petition for her blessings and protection.

He persists in seeking-out  the “Goddess” and specifically asking for her guidance to assist Lady Shelby his concubine ...She was his One true companion many years now.

As “Queen of the Witches”, she must  return to his side for this set of Battles...for the " War to End all Wars" was almost upon them. He needed the edge of her Magic.

We now move to the heavens and the abode of “The Goddess “… where she is holding council with her Prophetess and discussing the merits of this One-“Shelby "Queen of the Witches”… and second in command in the kingdom of “The Great Lord”…He is a persistent petitioner this Hawk Dragon for he loves his charges and embraces the “Old Ways”…

He follows the guidance we send and he makes his visits to the Temples as required of a great leader.

“What say you Prophetess ...shall we visit and bestow our blessings and gifts upon them and allow the Prophesies to come to fruition”?(Actually this was a rhetorical question for no one advises "The Goddess “and She had made her mind up previously) .."They are worthy...Is my judgment ..."bring Me the Lady Shelby"...the slave of the Prophetess leaves and returns with the Lady Shelby ...The Goddess addresses her and She immediately slumbers deeply and is readied for the return to the "Worlds" and to her Master and Lord....returning the temple in the World of future battles...

As the new light is dawning a solitary lab assistant drudges away in the recesses of the “Dungeon” it is called, of the Science and Bio-engineering building of the Space Academy’s complex...the self -same complex where the cloning was developed for the original experimentation with the human ex-patriots caught during the resurgence of the opposition to the government take- over of the viable monetary generating…concerns .

They were known as the so-called Financial and Business interests and the Industry and Labor force Management conglomerates.

The cloned results were used to infiltrate the rebel forces and to undermine the efforts at exposing the inequalities of the contracts being forced on the populace. The unholy alliance between the scientists and the politicians was rampant and blatantly obvious though by the time the last elections were cancelled and martial law was declared and the Management Consortium took control and began full scale take over and replication of all the living tissue allowed to be produced as population increase. Abar, head of security, missed his old friend and collaborator...since the death/ disappearance of his friend /”Master Lord Hawk Dragon”...he was listless without direction...simply going thru the motions of his position ...he thought to himself..

Why did he sacrifice himself for this lost cause attempt at setting the Galaxy back on its Axis...If only he had remained and “Witch Shelby” was at his side...yeah and what if pigs could fly?..He continued to ruminate and mutter when a hand clasps him on the shoulder... (He thought to himself ...nahh it can't be) and as he whirled to defend himself his thrust was blocked and parried by the only one capable of that move...”Lord Hawk Dragon” could this be he thought to himself as he stared at the visage of the battered and scarred face of his old friend ..?


“ABAR… old sparring partner and Friend”...He said...don’t you recognize me”? Abar sputtered ...”OF, course’ Master”...I cannot fathom how you survived and are here this Moment, but I am so glad you are,  for you are sorely needed”...and the “Lady Shelby” be she? Fine, Fine, my old friend...she is in waiting for the most propitious moment to use her magic...all in good time Abar”.now tell me...what think you of these enemy ..What will their next move be...what is the intel on their War room ,what scientific weapons of attack are they up to now?Abar looks solemnly at his friend and says“they are planning on attacking with a neuclear weapon of radiation to thwart the reanimation of the virual cellular structure. The “Great Lord” simply looks at Abar and shakes his head ...”when will they learn, eh Abar? When will they see this is destined…? IT IS TO BE... IT IS SO WRITTEN AND SPOKEN! The Sorobelth... book of the ancients... predicted it. Foretold of these battles, the mutations, and the ultimate defeat of the cloning altered humans. They are doomed to the lake of fire and oblivion. Their altered marked cells are an abomination of nature... and the more they conspire the more they draw a nasty lot of Karma their way...for what they sow, they shall reap...and the fruit of this misadventure will determine the race of humans to be an extinct race found wanting in the realm of the heart, of the spiritual.. “So what of the priests and prophetess and all who worshipped the “old ways “are they in place to conjure and consult the “Gods “and “Goddess”...are their supplications being offered all cycle of the Sun and Moon for a swift end to this mockery of justice”? Abar hangs his head in shame at the piteous neglect of the old ways…”Sir, the people have strayed from the old supportive ways and neglected the ceremonies and the days of penance, they no longer bring food and staples and the things of the homestead,  so the temples are closed or closing and the priests and priestess are no longer retained …they are wanton…as Hawk Dragon hears this… He despairs…for all know his families dedication to keeping the old ways including the temples and their maintenance...and the training and facilitating of the gifts of the priests and priestess...shaking his head he says; ”Abar …how can a society seek to better itself without remembering its old ones and the history of our ways ..for “those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it”. ”Instead of the triumphant return the “Great Lord” hoped he was making to bolster the resolve of his troops ..He has found total disarray in the ranks and as well as in the populace …He says to Abar …”Where my friend is the nearest temple complete with Priests and Prophetess”? I seek solace to ponder our next move ...least we lose this war before we even start.


The first attack came as all was silent and dark…but dark is relative in the void of space and that was where they hit …the farthest outpost of the space frontier...using a new disruptor that destroyed at the cellular level …(I guess they didn’t believe the talk of cellular regeneration or were testing it first hand) but as the first blast hit and the first warrior of the Ixtrobe*bexx was hit and shattered literaly into a million pieces and the pieces began to shape-shift and reform their substructures… miniature warriors began to scurry like insects into hiding and buy themselves time to gain full status and girth only to take over for the one which was sacrificed .. .it so astounded and terrified the enemy onslaught that all hopes of a battle were dashed and the human genetic material ran like the confused clones that they were …Well the first battle or rather merely a skirmish was a complete rout…no strike on the defenders was felt for over a week in space time.

The Samhain is upon us and the night is bewitched, the million witches and their

Covens have gathered to pray and give thanx for the New Year and to please the Goddess, the

Priests and the priestess are reading the runes and petitioning for a good year and the "Beast"

Is blessed the task at hand...For a blood moon on the Samhain, when this moon is blue

Not crimson ..The old adage holds true, for this is a once in a million consecration, the

Millennium of the coming and the time of the Great Wars and the joining of the beasts and the

Humans ...the Army ...the Guerra of a lifetime or maybe several life times ... The Army of

"Sethmired" from the old book, all to come to

Pass under the eyes and considerations of the "Prophet-Beast Hawk Dragon"...

"The Sorobelth" forecast

In addition, told in the Runes be the deliverer of the people and the uniting force of the "Final

Battles" ...The routing of the enemy "Ixtrobebexx" not seen in the 3 millenia that had past.

.but whose presence had been felt in all matters of concern ...large or small…this prophet

Must be immune from the attacks of the Ixtrobebexx by evolving into the perfection of both

Races and genetically conjoined; becoming impossible to attack from all fronts. This

Perfection only being found in the genetic sub cellular level and being addressed by the

MAJICS…laid to wait for revival, a

Resurrection from the pyre of the cellular level to genetic transmutation of the offspring

…thereby allowing the beast to endlessly replicate; the prophet as required, not equal,

Clones but transmutations to the cause at hand, able to tackle the situation due the make up

Of the new creature, each challenge brought an alteration…not only in the current gene

Pool but the alternative…a choice for a full mutation to all of the cellular material in the

Makeup of the “BEAST” an entity.

Established it is… that the “BEAST “has overcome the vulnerabilities he was

Destined to vanquish..., his Mother Protector saw to that, a virus implanted in her body by the

Enemy himself, meant for her destruction...yet the salvation of the races thru her

Offspring…the real vanquisher is yet to be beheld for in waiting for the time of ultimate battle

Is the great Witch herself, hidden away in the flash and spectacle of her Childs rising from?

The pyre …from the cocoon… from all the previous dharmic alterations entailed in the coming

Of age of the “Prophet”, she will become his support, directing the armies, which battle for

Control and to control his minions … to insure the contiguous completion of his WAR

Against “the plague of the Ixtrobebexx”...for only a virus can attack and successfully kill

Another mutating virus…on the level that his or her war would be fought …sub cellular,

Microscopic…, and deadly…for in the potions the Mother Witch prepared were the

Genetic stimulants to cause her Childs adaptations to the onslaughts of the enemy and the

Poisons to attack that enemy so perfectly...geneticly to make it susceptable to the solutions

Which wrongly told its white cells what to replicate to avoid its inevitable death …i.e. it?

Would literally turn upon it and devour its own kind in its haste to answer the genetic

Puzzle put before the destruction of the host virus...the thinking virus would challenge the geneticly spliced virus for the

Known Galaxy…



The chrysalis opened one Last time. In addition, being true to form what appears is the gender reversal of what entered. ...this time of transition and the time of transforming in the chrysalis has produced the incarnate being of both the Lord Hawk Dragon and the Lady Witch Shelby, a soul copy of their essences in one body, tempered by the storms of the times and the battles of this millennia and alliances upon alliances,both broken and invalidated due to corruption in the judicial system and the ruling powers of those “unknown” unspoken of for all this celestial round. This being is sexless, androgynous in the human and beast sense, multiplying thru direct regeneration of the cast off tissues of the growth process itself. For as a virus multiplies in the regeneration process the Beast Hawk Dragon will produce his progeny…each being imbued with a special consciousness allowed by the Maker themselves.

Now we have a being all powerful and able to regenerate from each cell... and invincible to all downfalls or setbacks in the battlefield ...for every piece injured regenerates into a complete newly cloned ...but individual bodied being ...all connected by the universal mind. This collective then able to mount a combined mental and spiritual attach on the a snake, which by cutting off its head...grows two in the place of the one...!

The Samhain is upon Us and the night is bewitched ,the million witches and their covens have gathered to pray and give than for the New Year and to please the Goddess, the priests and the priestess are reading the runes and petitioning for a good year and the "Beast" Is blessed the task at hand ..For a blood moon on the Samhain, when this moon is blue not crimson...the old adage holds true, for this is a once in a million consecration,the millenium of the coming and the time of the Great Wars and the joining of the beasts and the humans ...the Army ...the guerra of a lifetime or maybe several life times ...All to come to pass under the eyes and considerations of the "Prophet-Beast Hawk Dragon"..


"The Shezai"…

HAS... your skin ever crawled even at the mention of something or someone? Have you been so afraid of the conceptual ideology of a thing, an entity? Such as a banshee, a vampire or a werewolf that your blood runs cold and the hair on the back of your neck prickles...Well all of these feelings do not even compare to the presence & foreboding you will sense of the undead warriors of "Shezai".....Undead and caught in limbo by their covenant with the dark powers to redeem themselves and therefore enter into Valhalla for all eternity....

SO begins our next chapter in this Saga of universal dominance…we find that the time is fast approaching for a battle to determine the right to souls for slaves in the mines and workers in the plants… to the executive ministers of the courts .. Many factions have aligned and re- aligned in their jockeying for political presence and privilege. For when the dust finally settles on this this Universe…. will be structured in a fashion not before seen in 3,000 yrs... Either it will be the dawn of a new freedom  ...Or the setting sun on a once glorious galactic rule of the people and dragons over this end of the known universe.

Yes… you have been introduced to “The Shezai” dreaded undead warriors indentured to the Gods thru their promises and arrangements to bargain their souls into Vallhala, when at long last the final battles are waged... waiting in limbo for all eternity for that which is promised …more than the proverbial carrot on a stick yet more effective.




"The Ixtrobe*bexx"

Now meet their counter parts … "Ixtrobe*bexx" not seen in the 3 millenia that had past and not since except in the remote outposts of the galaxy …How had they evolved untouched excommunicated with all these eons ? Did they evolved super bodies tall like trees or something more sinister like telepathically controlled weapons or those things we do not yet comprehend…

All these Beasts and More come together to rout the forces "Of The Evil Ones"...”The Un named."..Who were these cowl'd humans and were they really humans any more , after eons of gene manipulation and splicing .. Perfecting the service of "The Evil Ones" in many human like forms serving different purposes... the mines, the mills, the work place of trade and barter...all adaapted to serve efficiently and with objection .. In addition, did they feel any emotions? Who knew at this point...?


In the spirit realm, time moves at a rate unrelated to mortal or universal time, in space. …while the wheel of karmic, tantric progression is in motion, the actions brought forth are not necessarily represented by corresponding events in the cosmos...that is …in the realm of time...things happen faster or slower ..not necessarily when the Gods have decided outcomes to be meeted out to the Mortals and the Beasts.The Army of "Sethmired" from the old book ,"The Sorobelth" forecast ...the routing of the enemy "Ixtrobe*bexx" not seen in the 3 millenia that had past…but had the gods forgotten or worse yet forsaken this prophesy that they decided..?

To delve into the ministrations of the Gods’ cognitions and the troths they required and honored of the dead and… undead, the beings who walk in shadow retained to serve when the odds are so far-sighted against the side of right...thru reconciling the deaths in battle and the room in the heavens for warriors of valor..For many of these undead were not behaving as warriors when they met their deaths...but offered a bargain for their soul if they waited in the purgatory of the battlefield...the anti-room to. Valhala..


              *poem for intro?

Like the ocean is your god-self;

It remains forever undefiled.

When your spirit goes wandering upon the wind,

Unguarded, committing a wrong unto others and therefore unto yourself.

And like the ether it lifts but the winged.

Even like the sun is your god-self,

It knows not the ways of the mole nor seeks it the holes of the serpent.

But your god-self does not dwell alone in your being.

Much in you is still man, and much in you is not yet man,

But a shapeless pigmy that walks asleep in the mist searching for its own awakening.

Moreover, of the man in you would I now speak?

For it is he and not your god-self nor the pigmy in the mist, that knows crime and the punishment of crime.

Oftentimes have I heard you speak of one who commits a wrong as though he were not one of you, but a stranger unto you and an intruder upon your world?

However, I say that even as the holy and the righteous cannot rise beyond the highest which is in each one of you,

Therefore, the wicked and the weak cannot fall lower than the lowest, which is in you also.

Moreover, as a single leaf turns not yellow but with the silent knowledge of the whole tree,

Therefore, the wrongdoer cannot do wrong without the hidden will of you all.

Like a procession, you walk together towards your god-self.

You are the way and the wayfarers.

In addition, when one of you falls down he falls for those behind him, a caution against the stumbling stone.

Aye and he falls for those ahead of him, who though faster and surer of foot, yet removed not the stumbling stone.

And this though the word lays heavy upon your hearts:

The murdered is accountable for his own murder,

And the robbed is not blameless in being robbed.

The righteous is not innocent of the deeds of the wicked,

Moreover, the white-handed is not clean in the doings of the felon.

Yea, the guilty is oftentimes the victim of the injured,

Still more often the condemned is the burden-bearer for the guiltless and blameless.

You cannot separate the just from the unjust and the good from the wicked;

For they stand together before the face of the sun even as the black thread and the white are woven together.

In addition, when the black thread breaks, the weaver shall look into the whole cloth, and he shall examine the loom,  also.

If any of you would bring judgment the unfaithful wife,

Let him also weight the heart of her husband in scales, and measure his soul with measurements.

And let him who would flog the offender look unto the spirit of the offended.

And if any of you would punish in the name of righteousness and lay the ax unto the evil tree, let him see to its roots;

And verily he will find the roots of the good and the bad, the fruitful and the fruitless, all entwined together in the silent heart of the earth.

And you judges who would be just,

What judgment pronounce you upon him who though honest in the flesh yet is a thief in spirit?

What penalty lay you upon him who slays in the flesh yet is himself slain in the spirit?

Moreover, how prosecute you him who in action is a deceiver and an oppressor,

Yet who also is aggrieved and outraged?

And how shall you punish those whose remorse is already greater than their misdeeds?

Is not remorse the justice, which is administered by that very law which you would fain serve?

Yet you cannot lay remorse upon the innocent nor lift it from the heart of the guilty.

Unbidden shall it call in the night, that men may wake and gaze upon themselves.

And you who would understand justice, how shall you unless you look upon all deeds in the fullness of light?

Only then shall you know that the erect and the fallen are but one man standing in twilight between the night of his pigmy-self and the day of his god-self,


The first attack came as all was silent and dark…but dark is relative in the void of space and that was where they hit …the farthest outpost of the space frontier ..using a new disruptor that destroyed at the cellular level …(I guess they didn’t believe the talk of cellular regeneration or were testing it first hand) but as the first blast hit and the first warrior of the Ixtrobe*bexx was hit and shattered literaly into a million pieces and the pieces began to shape-shift and reform their substructures… miniature warriors began to scurry like insects into hiding and buy themselves time to gain full status and girth only to take over for the one which was sacrificed .. .it so astounded and terrified the enemy onslaught that all hopes of a battle were dashed and the human genetic material ran like the confused clones that they were …Well the first battle or rather merely a skirmish was a complete rout…no strike on the defenders was felt for over a week in space time.

As the new light is dawning a solitary lab assistant drudges away in the recesses of the “Dungeon” it is called of the Science and Bio-engineering building of the Space Academy’s complex ..the self same complex where the cloning was developed for the original experimentation with the human expatriots caught during the resurgence of the opposition to the government take over of the viable monetary generating Financial concerns and Business interests and the Industry and Labor force Management conglomerates. The cloned results were used to infiltrate the rebel forces and to undermine the efforts at exposing the inequitities of the contracts being forced on the populace. The unholy alliance between the scientists and the politicians was rampant and blatantly obvious though by the time the last elections were cancelled and martial law was declared and the Management Consortium took control and began full scale take over and replication of all the living tissue allowed to be produced as population increase. Abar ,head of security ,missed his old friend and colaborator....since the death/ disappearance of his friend /Master Lord Hawk Dragon...he was listless without direction ..simply going thru the motions of his position ...he thought to himself "..why did he sacrifice himself for this lost cause attempt at setting the Galaxy back on its Axis...If only he had remained and Witch Shelby was at H/his side..yeah and what if pigs could fly"?..He continued to rumenate and mutter when a hand clasp him on the shoulder ..(he thought to himself ..nahh it can't be )and as he whirled to defend himself his thrust was blocked and parried by the only O/one capable of that move ..Lord Hawk dragon himself could this be he thought to himself as he stared at the visage of the battered and scarred face of his old friend ..?

The Samhain is upon Us and the night is bewitched , the million witches and their

covens have gathered to pray and give thanx for the New Year and to please the Goddess, the

priests and the priestess are reading the runes and petitioning for a good year and the "Beast"

Is blessed the task at hand ..For a blood moon on the Samhain ,when this moon is blue

not crimson ..the old adage holds true ,for this is a once in a million consecration ,the

millenium of the coming and the time of the Great Wars and the joining of the beasts and the

humans ...the Army ...the guerra of a lifetime or maybe several life times ... The Army of

"Sethmired" from the old book ,All to come to

pass under the eyes and considerations of the "Prophet-Beast Hawk Dragon"...

"The Sorobelth" forecast

and told in the Runes be the deliverer of the people and the uniting force of the "Final

Battles" ...The routing of the enemy "Ixtrobebexx" not seen in the 3 millenia that had past .

.but whose presence had been felt in all matters of concern ...large or small…this prophet

must be immune from the attacks of the Ixtrobebexx by evolving into the perfection of both

races and geneticly conjoined ;…becoming impossible to attack from all fronts.this

perfection only being found in the genetic subcellular level and being addressed by the

MAJICS…laid to wait for revival ,a

resurrection from the pire of the cellular level to genetic transmutation of the offspring

…therebye allowing the beast to endlessly replicate the prophet as required ,all equal , not

clones but transmutations to the cause at hand , able to tackle the situation due the make up

of the new creature ,…each challenge brought an alteration… not only in the current gene

pool but the alternative…a choice for a full mutation to all of the cellular material in the

makeup of the “BEAST” a entity.

Established it is… that the “BEAST”has overcome the vulnerabilities he was

destined to vanquish..,his Mother protector saw to that ,a virus implanted In her body by the

enemy himself ,meant for her destruction..yet the salvation of the races thru her

offspring…the real vanquisher is yet to be beheld for in waiting for the time of ultimate battle

is the great Witch her self,…hidden away in the flash and spectacle of her childs rising from

the pire …from the cocoon… from all the previous dharmic alterations entailed in the coming

of age of the “Prophet”…she will become his support, directing the armies which battle for

control and to control his minions … to insure the contiguous completion of his WAR

against “the plague of the Ixtrobebexx”..for only a virus can attack and successfully kill

another mutating virus…on the level that their war would be fought …subcellular,…

microscopic…,and deadly…for in thepotions the Mother Witch prepared were the

geneticstimulants to cause her childs adaptations to the onslaughts of the enemy and the

poisons to attack that enemy so perfectly ..geneticly to make it susceptable to the solutions

which wrongly told its whie calls what to replicate to avoid its inevitable death …i.e it

would literaly turn upon it self and devour its own kind in its haste to answer the genetic

puzzle put before the destruction of the host virus ..the thinking virus would challenge the geneticly spliced virus for the

known Galaxy…

The chrysalis is opened one Last time. And being true to form what appears is the gender reversal of what entered. ...this time of transition and the time of transforming in the chrysalis has produced the incarnate being of both the Lord Hawk Dragon and the Lady Witch Shelby, a soul copy of their essences in one body , tempered by the storms of the times and the battles of this millennia and alliances upon alliances ,both broken and invalidated due to corruption in the judicial system and the ruling powers of those “unknown” unspoken of for all this celestial round. This being is totally sexless,… androgenous in the human and beast sense , multiplying thru direct regeneration of the cast off tissues of the growth process itself. For as a virus multiplies in the regeneration process the Beast Hawk Dragon will produce his progeny…each being imbued with a special contiousness allowed by the Maker themselves.

Now we have a being all powerful and able to regenerate from each cell... and invinceable to all downfalls or setbacks in the battlefield ...for every piece injured regenerates into a complete newly cloned ....but indiviual bodied being ....all connected by the universal mind.This collective then able to mount a combined mental and spiritual attach on the enemy a snake which by cutting off its head ..grows two in the place of the one .. !

The Samhain is upon Us and the night is bewitched ,the million witches and their covens have gathered to pray and give thanx for the New Year and to please the Goddess,the priests and the priestess are reading the runes and petitioning for a good year and the "Beast" Is blessed the task at hand ..For a blood moon on the Samhain ,when this moon is blue not crimson ..the old adage holds true ,for this is a once in a million consecration ,the millenium of the coming and the time of the Great Wars and the joining of the beasts and the humans ...the Army ...the guerra of a lifetime or maybe several life times ...All to come to pass under the eyes and considerations of the "Prophet-Beast Hawk Dragon"..


Like the ocean is your god-self;

It remains for ever undefiled.

When your spirit goes wandering upon the wind,

unguarded, committing a wrong unto others and therefore unto yourself.

And like the ether it lifts but the winged.

Even like the sun is your god-self;

It knows not the ways of the mole nor seeks it the holes of the serpent.

But your god-self does not dwell alone in your being.

Much in you is still man, and much in you is not yet man,

But a shapeless pigmy that walks asleep in the mist searching for its own awakening.

And of the man in you would I now speak.

For it is he and not your god-self nor the pigmy in the mist, that knows crime and the punishment of crime.

Oftentimes have I heard you speak of one who commits a wrong as though he were not one of you, but a stranger unto you and an intruder upon your world.

But I say that even as the holy and the righteous cannot rise beyond the highest which is in each one of you,

So the wicked and the weak cannot fall lower than the lowest which is in you also.

And as a single leaf turns not yellow but with the silent knowledge of the whole tree,

So the wrong-doer cannot do wrong without the hidden will of you all.

Like a procession you walk together towards your god-self.

You are the way and the wayfarers.

And when one of you falls down he falls for those behind him, a caution against the stumbling stone.

Aye, and he falls for those ahead of him, who though faster and surer of foot, yet removed not the stumbling stone.

And this also, though the word lays heavy upon your hearts:

The murdered is not unaccountable for his own murder,

And the robbed is not blameless in being robbed.

The righteous is not innocent of the deeds of the wicked,

And the white-handed is not clean in the doings of the felon.

Yea, the guilty is oftentimes the victim of the injured,

And still more often the condemned is the burden-bearer for the guiltless and blameless.

You cannot separate the just from the unjust and the good from the wicked;

For they stand together before the face of the sun even as the black thread and the white are woven together.

And when the black thread breaks, the weaver shall look into the whole cloth, and he shall examine the loom also.

If any of you would bring judgment the unfaithful wife,

Let him also weight the heart of her husband in scales, and measure his soul with measurements.

And let him who would flog the offender look unto the spirit of the offended.

And if any of you would punish in the name of righteousness and lay the ax unto the evil tree, let him see to its roots;

And verily he will find the roots of the good and the bad, the fruitful and the fruitless, all entwined together in the silent heart of the earth.

And you judges who would be just,

What judgment pronounce you upon him who though honest in the flesh yet is a thief in spirit?

What penalty lay you upon him who slays in the flesh yet is himself slain in the spirit?

And how prosecute you him who in action is a deceiver and an oppressor,

Yet who also is aggrieved and outraged?

And how shall you punish those whose remorse is already greater than their misdeeds?

Is not remorse the justice which is administered by that very law which you would fain serve?

Yet you cannot lay remorse upon the innocent nor lift it from the heart of the guilty.

Unbidden shall it call in the night, that men may wake and gaze upon themselves.

And you who would understand justice, how shall you unless you look upon all deeds in the fullness of light?

Only then shall you know that the erect and the fallen are but one man standing in twilight between the night of his pigmy-self and the day of his god-self,

© 2012 Larry Dyson

My Review

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Now para 3:

both "needed" or "needs"?

Para 4:

"We now move to " or something like "In"?

"Where" is unneeded

Goddess is a Proper term - Yes? If so wouldn't all Pronouns referencing Her be capped?
She, Her - the use of the 'royal' We, etc. Throughout the whole work?

Having Characters speaking needs to be shown in a way that defines speaking as being different than just thoughts WITHIN the mind.

E.G.: - witch and second in command in the kingdom of "The Great Lord".

"...He is a persistent petitioner, this Hawk Dragon, for he loves his charges and embraces the "Old Ways"..."

...and he does follow the guidance We send, and he makes his visits to the Temples as required of a great leader, She mused.

"What say you Prophetess?" "Shall We visit and bestow Our blessings and gifts upon them and allow the Prophesies to come to fruition?" (Actually this was a rhetorical question for no one advises "The Goddess“ and Her decision had already been made.)

Posted 12 Years Ago

Laury, this is amazing!

Posted 12 Years Ago

The restart is looking good...

Beginning para 3 : "She was" or "She is" or perhaps "As" "Queen of the Witches"

Posted 12 Years Ago

This is my favorite chapter. The description was stronger and more detail. Each section allowing the reader to feel the desire and the reason for the story. Myths and old story is my favorite. You had it all in this story. Thank you for sharing this tale. With artwork you could create a beautiful and entertaining book.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on July 29, 2011
Last Updated on October 1, 2012


Larry Dyson
Larry Dyson

Tomball /Magnolia, TX

WARNING!!--- my writing approaches Mature most of the time, read with caution if you are concerned ,or so WC thinks? - I'm a retired southern woods walker..who writes and lives modestly..I love n.. more..


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