Chapter Seven

Chapter Seven

A Chapter by Lonnie Paul Johnson

Zack received a vision from Paula the Guardian how to draw Jennifer portrait.


Chapter Seven


Betty pacing hand on hip frowning at Zack sitting at one end of the sofa using his best acting skills to look normal like nothing happen, but fidgeting and tapping his foot on the floor trying to calming his nerve.  Jennifer sat at the far end of the sofa hand and legs together clothes stained with spilt cola and butter popcorn residue.  Her shoulder is slump head down as she is truly embarrass not want to look at Betty directly.  Positioning behind the couch Alice glancing at the guilty parties using all of her strength holding back laughter.


Betty sigh, “Boy, do you know how old I am?” Zack looking up in the air trying to think of the year she was born, 1967.  He quickly counting the years using his fingers in the process, “45, that mean I am too young to be anybody grandmother.” Said Betty, Alice let slip a snicker.  “I though you two were suppose to be watching a movie.”


“Yes ma, we were watching Midway eating popcorn and stuff,” reply Zack.


“So tell me what you two were doing in your bed?”


Zack glance at Jennifer still with her head down, then looked at his mom, “We were just horsing around; I guess it went a little too far.  I am sorry, but nothing happen.”


Betty grown, “Zack honey, I know the discovery of girls is all new and exciting and you don’t have much experience, but I know that you know what you was doing was inappropriate.  You are not 10 years old and horse playing or wresting with girls in bed will lead to me becoming a grandmother.  I do not want to be changing diapers and wiping bottoms again.  I thought I didn’t have to worry about this with you, your sister maybe.”


“MOM!”  Alice retorted


“Shut-gist girl,” Betty snaps.


Alice frowned folding her arms angry mumbling to herself, ‘Just because I’m a girl they assume I will be dropping babies like it’s hot, they need to be watching shy boy over here, huh,’ Alice speaking under her breath cutting her eyes at Zack.


Betty turned her attention to Jennifer as she is trying to disappear from the room without any success, “Honey…Baby…Sweetie look at me,” she raised her eyes gazing at Betty, “Look I don’t know what my son said or did that blew your mind or rock your world, but I need to give you some bit of wisdom.  Zack is my beloved son, but he a man so honey listens to me carefully, do not give a man your dessert until he eats all his vegetables.” 


Jennifer looking glassy eyed and confuse, Alice giggles spying at Zack expression and he turn away from everyone head down.  Betty pauses as she realizes that she does not know the girl whom she is talking too, “Who are you?”


“I’m Jennifer.”


Quickly turning to Zack, “Wait what happen to Miss tall skinny boyish looking girl?” ask Betty, Zack open his mouth to answer, but Alice spoke first.


“Oh mom she dumped Zack, it’s all over the school,” said Alice, Betty is distress.  She never liked Vivian from the start because she did beat up her son and got him suspended for the first time in his school career.  She knows that when he took the blame for the fight he was covering for her, to this day she do not know why, but he made friends with her and Betty tolerated the friendship forming between them.  Now she can see his hurt feeling in her son eyes and the seed of hatred is growing in her heart against Vivian.


Alice continues, “That witch acted like the cow that she is, in front of Zack in the cafeteria where the whole school was watching her kissing Jack.” 


“Who Jack?”  Ask Betty.


“Only the best looking boy on campus, he tall with petty eyes and the most precious smile, I just don’t know what he see in that thing Vivian.”


“Mmmm, he’s a man among boys,” Jennifer chimed in with her observation.


Pulling her phone from her pocket Alice is touching the screen finding a picture of Jack, “See mom,” Betty taking the phone inspecting his team photo.


“Oh, he is fine,” Betty nodding in agreeing with Alice and Jennifer, “He make me wish I was 21 again,” she express smiling thinking back.


Jennifer opening up relaxing tilts her head to the side with question marks all over her face, “Ms Starr, why 21?” she ask.


“Girls when I was 21 I was a brick house, slim and super fine.  If I got a hold of Jack I would turn him upside down around and around.” Spoke Betty very proudly twisting her hips and snapping her fingers with a point, Alice and Jennifer burst out laughing which lead to them discussing about boys and dating and Betty recalling the old days when she was at their age. 


Zack occasionally glance over to the girls bounding moment wishing to him self they where still discussing about vegetable and dessert.  The evening progress when Jennifer parents came to take her home, Zack walk her out to the automobile while Betty watches as they said there goodbyes as car drove off Zack walking back in deep thought, “I liked your little friend, honey,”  Zack stopping in his track surprise at his mom.


“You do?”


“Yes I have a good feeling about that girl; she is a keeper if you smart.”


Zack lounging at his desk in his bedroom concentrating on a blank sketch page remembering the deal he made with Jennifer, if he cannot think and draw an alterative sketch that she likes, he will have to draw her nude portrait.  The idea excites and frightens him all at once; a beautiful voluminous girl is willing to be naked in front of him so he draws her body.  Most boys would not hesitate the opportunity, but in his soul he knows what she wants from him is not right.  He lean his head back closing his eyes and his thought wonders about Vivian, if she would have ask him to do what Jennifer wants he would do it in a heart beat. 


Opening his eyes as Zack sat up straight pounder in his mind why, he knows in his heart he would almost do any thing if Vivian ask.   “Why would I do that for her, I guess I…” he did not want to say that word out loud, that word scare him that he will not say it out loud, but no idea has come to his mind to draw.  Then his vision started to blur and his eyes are heavy with sleep, rubbing his temple and tapping his face trying to stay awake, it is not working.


Thousand of lighted dust particles are falling on his head and shoulders, Zack cannot see the dust but he is getting sleeper and sleeper.  He catching him self lend forward and sideways blacking out; deciding to take a quick nap at his desk.  He grab a stuff elephant, Zack like stuff animals, as a pillow.  Immediately the bedroom filled with blazing blinding rays of light that cover every shadowy spot in the room, the source of the radiance is Paula the guardian as she appear.  The intense glow pulsating like a heart beat causing window curtains, loose papers and other object to vibrate in rhythm.   The light is the reflection from the Glory of the All Mighty One.


Paula reach with her hand smiling caress Zack hair, “My precious baby do not worry that you are not like the other, you are where you suppose to be.  I came from the present of the Father to speak to your spirit about your Jennifer.”


“I love my daughter she is the apple of my eye, she is what I have design for her to be before.  She is precious to me her beauty is a reflection of my loved; before she was form in her mother womb I gave her a purpose.  The gifts that she knows is only a small portion of the totally of seeds that I have implanted in her.  She is more than what she sees in herself, bought by my blood she is righteous, all hurts and wrongs will be taken away.  Her children are blessed, her husband will call her wonderful and the enemy will tremble in her presence.  Today she is a new creature a woman of faith and strength, my beloved.” Paula finish speaking her hand never left Zack hair, she bends down forming her lips to kiss his forehead. 


Immediately his eyes open sitting up in his chair he felt refresh looking at the clock to see only a few minutes has elapse since he took his nap, but an image is burn in his soul of Jennifer, it is beautiful.  Taken his pencils marking up the sketch paper he can see the picture forming as his hand float across the page.  He did not want to draw just a sketch to show Jennifer his ideal he filling in with colors to make a completed work.  Drawing the image cannot come out of his hand fast enough; a joy is exploding inside of his soul.  Each stoke and flick of the pens it pleases him, it did not matter how much time pass he desire to finish this project to show Jennifer the next day. 


Zack stands over the portrait with tools in hand to see what else needed to be done but it was finish, he realize it is perfect.  Dropping his pens in a box and flop into his bed to sleep, he did not change into his PJ’s just laid on top of his bed tired but satisfied that he drew the real image of Jennifer.


The next day Zack could hardly wait to get to lunch period to show Jennifer the portrait he completed, time move extra slow in classes getting to lunch.  He enter the school cafeteria seeing at a distant Vivian sitting inspecting a red apple, Jack hand grab the fruit taken a huge bit smiling with his mouth full.  She turn to him and smile back then from the corner of her eye she spotted Zack, she focus her attention on him he gave a tiny grin, she slightly nodded.  Zack did not want to make a scene he quickly turn away trying to find Jennifer, she is holding court at a round table with her crew laughing and talking.  She sees Zack approaching stands holding her hands out with a wide smile


“Here my pal,” spoke Jennifer taking hold of his hand, “Girls I have commission Zack to draw a portrait of Moo-wa,” she speaking in a highbrow proper voice.


“But first he will show me a sketch of an idea that he think I will like and I will phoa, phoa this thing and he will draw what I really wanted, right,” said Jennifer confidently.


“Yes that is the deal, but this not a sketch, but a completed picture,” reply Zack as he laid the covered canvas on the table.  The other girls are very curious to see the artwork, she uncover it without looking at the picture still gazing at Zack.


“Oh Zack nice try but…”  She looks down at the illustration and it silences her, all of her girls gather closer to view the image.  Jennifer has a tiara in her long dark hair, she standing wearing flowing and folding off white dress that similar to a wedding dress but more like a coronation outfit.  Stain glass panels are behind her giving her form a glow, in her hand folded in front holding boutique of wild flowers. The face is looking up to the side as her eyes gazing at someone special.


“Hey, is that supposes to be the Virgin Mary or something?”  Ask Joyce.


“No, that Jennifer,” answered Zack


“That me…, did you give the portrait a name?” Ask Jennifer


“Yes, I called it God precious child.”


“Zack, do you see me like this for real?”


Zack is quiet for a few moments, “Yes this is how I see you; I had great joy painting this picture.  I could not draw it fast enough; I want to see this completed before I went to sleep.”  Explain Zack.


“God Precious Child, it’s so beautiful.”  Jennifer is impressed with the drawing.


Then a favorite boyfriend approach Jennifer from behind one hand touching her hip and the other arm wrap around her chest, “Hey baby did you miss me,” said the boy in his sexy voice in her ear.  Without filching taken her elbow and jamming it so hard into the boy side, everyone at the table can hear what sounded like cracking ribs, pushing the boy away with her hands.


“How dare you touch me like that,” yelled Jennifer at the boy bent over in pain, “I demand respect because I am a woman.”  The boy who was bent over in pain is shock about her behavior, her girlfriends are startle about what just happen and Zack is surprise over her reaction of what the boy did and her rejection.  Jennifer composes herself rubbing her hair turning to Zack.  “I like this picture to be my portrait, it’s so beautiful.”  Jennifer grab Zack and gave him a huge hug, he felt the apprehension and she kisses him the biggest and juicy kiss on the cheek ever.


“Thank you, thank you,” said Jennifer teary eyed, because Zack without knowing it received Jennifer first kiss.


© 2013 Lonnie Paul Johnson

Author's Note

Lonnie Paul Johnson
this chapter for me was fun to write I had fun with the confutation with mother and the visit from Zack guardian angel, tell me what you think about it.

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Added on March 17, 2013
Last Updated on March 17, 2013
Tags: romance, fiction


Lonnie Paul Johnson
Lonnie Paul Johnson

fort Worth, TX

I loved writing stories, when I was young I wrote very simple and crude stories base off of TV shows and movies I seen at the time. An event happen when during that time I believe influence my writin.. more..
