Chapter Eight

Chapter Eight

A Chapter by Lonnie Paul Johnson

Zack and Vivian long held dreams for their families coming back together are destroyed.


Chapter Eight


Vivian stands in front of a full length mirror dressed in a pale yellow dress that flair out above the knees, she making sure it’s bows are puff perfect and the collar is straight and neat.  Today Saturday afternoon Vivian mother is coming to visit because she has something important to say.  Vivian is brushing her hair back not to leave one strain undone as she claps a large hair clip to hold it in place.  Subconsciously she wants to look like the little girl her mother remembers before the separation.   She is not wearing lipstick but a little gloss, no eye shadow or blush, Vivian want the right look for her mother while she applying moisturizer on her face and arms. 


She is getting anxious every time she glances at the clock as it getting closer for the meeting.  This week for Vivian has been a turbulent one for sure, she decide to let her wall down to invite Jack in to her heart and he has capture it in a magical sweeping fashion.  She is experiencing passionate and joyous relationship with her new boyfriend, but it is depressing knowing that her new happiness has come at the expense of her special friend Zack.  She knows looking into his eyes he is confuse and sadden by the breakup, Zack is special to her, he took the blame for the fight to keep her on the team.  He could have drawn anything to enter the art contest but he sketch an image of her as his subject and almost won the whole competition.  Giving back the bracelet, she wants to find a way to make things right with Zack.


Now to finish the week her mother is coming to visit and she knows in her heart she going back home to be with her.  It has been many years since she was snatch away and put in the foster care system with the only contact was by phone occasionally with the promise of reuniting.  Vivian will be off to college on a basketball scholarship next year out of state, but she is willing to attend a local institution so she can spend time with her mother. 


Vivian walk around the small house to amp up to sit waiting for her mother arrival, Gloria calming her nerve by staying in the kitchen preparing snacks, she knows in her spirit something is not completely right about today, but she thinks it her emotion grieving about thought of losing Vivian.  For the last 3 years, she has grown to love Vivian as her own daughter; Gloria has fostered teenage girls over 10 years.  Gloria knows rule one, ‘do not get attach too much.’  Girls will come and go some stay a couple of days to a couple of months, but Vivian has been with her for over 3 years and the length of time have bounded these two souls.


Vivian push open the swing door that lead into the kitchen for two reason, one so she won’t be alone and two the smell of those yummy cookies baking in the oven.  Gloria looked up with approval as she caught sight of Vivian in her pale yellow dress, “You looked beautiful,” spoke Gloria.  Vivian glances down as she gave a nerves smile.


“Come and taste test my cookies,” Gloria holding up a tray of cookies just came out the oven.  Vivian took hold of the warm treat start nibbling it, she makes the best cookies ever.




The door bell ringed loudly through out the house, ‘she here!’ thought Vivian, Gloria removing her apron tap Vivian hand as she walk out the kitchen to open the front door.  “Yes may I help you?” ask Gloria as she view a mature woman pose at the doorway dress in clothing slightly too tight for her figure having bulky and lavish rings on both hands.  When she move her arms the numerous bracelet on both wrist cling loudly, her hair dye in an unnatural color and its long down her back extremely full with huge curls, makeup apply thick as if she attending a nightclub.


“Yes my name is Janet, Vivian mother,” spoke the woman; Gloria invited her into the house.  Vivian standing at the kitchen doorway out of sight until she heard her mother voice, stepping out Gloria and Janet ended their small talk to gaze at the tall young woman in front of them.


“Vivian,” called Janet.


Opening her mouth to speak Vivian words seems caught by her tongue and would not come out, with effort she push the syllables from her lips, “Momma!”  Walking slowly toward Janet, she notices that she is heavier and with wrinkles but its mother.  That walk turn into a gallop as she firmly embrace Janet with such strength Janet took a couple of steps back.  Janet did not know how to hold Vivian with her hands so she lightly padded her back, Vivian emotion is high with affection as her skin touches her mother face for the first time in years, ‘she has her family back, she has her family back.’






The doorbell sounded throughout the house, Alice sprint at the front door already knowing who is behind it turning the knob and opening the door, “Hi Daddy!” 


“Hey Princess,” said the tall man in his deep smooth voice, he walk inside the house as if he own it scanning looking for, then he found her, Betty standing observing her ex-husband still in her pajamas, hair pin-up holding a glass of juice.


“Hey B-e-t-t-y,” drawing out her name affectingly with his deep voice.


“Hi Paul,” Answered Betty as she sigh.


Paul advance toward Betty forming his lips to kiss her on her cheek as he done many times before when she was his wife.  Betty called an audible avoiding it by stepping back and twisting looking down the hallway.


“Honey your father is here!”  Call out Betty, Zack bolted out of his room walking the hallway he just pull his head through the polo shirt adjusting it and trying to brush his hair at the same time.  Zack seem rush even though he knew his father was coming to pick them up since last night when his mother told him and Alice.  It is strange, this is not the weekend they are supposed to go to their father home, but he has an important announcement to make.  The whole morning Zack is slow to prepare because his imagination was at work wondering, what does his father have to say to them?


Zack imagine before they get to his father apartment he would detour swinging by the car dealership where he the sales manager, pulling around the building where there are two cars under cover.  He leap out of his vehicle pulling the covers with glee exposing two brand new sports cars one blue and the other pink for them to have, but that is more of a great fantasy.  Then his mind went somber as he can see his father sitting them down and saying he very sick and only having 6 months to live as he coughs with violins playing the background, but Zack shaking him self he do not want to think like that.


“Hey sport, I heard you have two girlfriends one tall skinny and the other short and fat, that my boy they all good, Hun,” Said Paul in a teasing tone.   Zack did not know how to reply to his father, Alice giggling.


The kids said there goodbyes to Betty as they jump into Paul car, they arrive at his luxury apartment.  Inside the place with questions in her heart, she turns to her father very curious.


“Daddy, what is the big secret?”


“In a moment princess, you two grab a coke and wait at the dinning table,”  Responded Paul, stepping in the kitchen Zack grabbing two colas out the refrigerator and an already opened bag of chips.  They are sitting at the table sipping cola and passing the bag of chips discussing with each other of what is going on.


‘What is so important that he couldn’t tell at home (CHUNCH); I think mom know what it is (CHUNCH); she seem to be depress this morning (SLUP & CHUNCH); I didn’t notice that, I hope dad is ok (SLUP); the suspense is killing me; its like he is waiting for something or someone.’


Then they heard a knock at the door Paul rush to open and Zack and Alice can hear him talking to a woman, then he came into the dinning room holding hands with a young woman in her late twenties.  The woman had short straight dark hair and green eyes, she looks very nervous observing Zack and Alice, but Paul has a huge smile.  Carefully he guided this woman to her seat tenderly at the table as he sits very close next to her continually holding her hand.


“Zack, Alice this is Joann my fiancée,” announce Paul, immediately Zack and Alice face each other shock and with great disappointment in their eyes.




Gloria led Vivian and Janet into the kitchen where they sat at the table so she can serve them the cookies and coffee that were prepared.  Gloria sat quietly letting Janet speak, “Vivian it has been many years since you and your brother was separated from me by the courts, “ said Janet, “and all those years since I left rehab I could not afford to have you live with me.  Now you are weeks away from graduation high school and about to go to college out of state on a full basketball ride.  Your path is set and it’s wonderful and I going in a different direction so I think we should phase out and go on our separate ways…”


“No Momma!”  Blurred out Vivian, “we can make it together I know we can.”


“No girl, too much time has elapse between us, I don’t know you and you don’t know me anymore,” Janet speaking shaking her head.


“Mom if it about college I can change and go to a local school and I can get a job and help with expenses…” Vivian pleading with her mother not to abandon her a second time, Janet is getting frustrated as Vivian keeps cutting her off trying to reason with her. 




Janet angry at Vivian slamming her hand on the table, the noise startle Gloria she sat up looking at her, Vivian set back into her chair her shoulder slump and head down as she reverb back as a little girl afraid of her mother wrath.


“DARN IT GIRL YOU HAVE NOT CHANGE, YOU STILL A LITTLE BRAT,” shouted Janet, “You will not listen, you keep butting in and I am tell you it over too much time has gone, its done.”


“Janet,” Gloria call out, “I don’t understand why you need to split ties with Vivian.  I know it been a long time since you seen her and she will be going to college in few months, but you can rebuild this relationship again and I know Vivian is eager to try.”


“Look, I need to tell you this,” Janet calming down, “My son will be getting out of prison in a couple of months on parole.  He been, convicted of sex crimes, which all lies, he has to file as a sex offender so that limited where he can stay.”


“Your son confesses to molesting those girls at your daycare,” reply Gloria


“All of them witches lied on him, he had no choice to confess or he was going down for life.”


“What about Vivian?  He confesses of touching her too.”


Glaring at Vivian, “she was the ring leader, I got the truth out of her before the trail started but no one would listen.”


“How many times did you have to hit her before she told you what you want to hear,” responded Gloria, Janet jump to her feet in rage at Gloria.


“I did not come here to be lector by and old spinster who never had any children and went to jail for running a brothel.” Hearing that word Gloria sat back in her chair stun, “Yes I know your secrets too, Madam Gloria!”


Those words coming out of Janet mouth daze Gloria not expecting to hear her past expose, she sat back in her chair turn her face turn away from Janet gazing at Vivian.  Vivian body language is depressive the joy of meeting her mother has left, in it place is the bitterness of the past.  She raises her eyes to glance at Gloria as she heard the shocking revelation.


“There are things in my past that I am ashamed of to this day,” said Gloria staring at Vivian, “What your mother said is true, I was a teenage runaway and a kind woman, what I thought was kind, pick me up gave me money, food and a place to stay, but the cost was to turn tricks.  I did it and it mess me up so I got on drugs. She trusts to manage of some of the girls.  Trap in that world by self-hatred, low self-esteem and addiction, until Jesus found me and with the truth and love pull me out.  What you see now is a woman saved by Grace and now my mission is to be that kind woman who I should have gotten when I was young, so I try to help young girls like you.”  Gloria finish speaking as a single tear roll down her face, Vivian look intently slightly nodded.




Janet smirking at them as she clap her hands, “That touching the brat and the old ‘H’, well I said all wanted to say,” grabbing her handbag leaving the kitchen table heading for the front door.  Vivian heartbreaking eyes watch her mother round the table.




This day Zack and Alice had dread and wish it would never happen, but it has when their father introduce Joann a woman they never seen until now as his fiancées.  The hope of their father and mother ever getting back together is officially over, many years has past since the divorce.  Loosing their beautiful home in the suburbs to live in a small house in the intercity, mother working all day sometimes two jobs just to pay the bills.  Enduring the pain of not having their father around except on the weekend and to share that little time with difference girlfriends over the years.


If someone would ask Zack and Alice would your parents ever get back together, they would say no, but deep in their hearts, they praying for a miracle.  They see their father as he is proud, happy and in loved sitting next to Joann, she has an uneasy smile waiting for their reaction of the news.


“When did you meet?”  Ask Zack breaking the silence


Paul explain he meet JoAnn 6 months ago after he broke up at that time his latest girlfriend, she came into the dealership to buy a new car.  He tells that they hit it off and JoAnn invited him to her church where she is a minster.  Shocking to the kids because Paul do not go to church, the couple started dating, but she wanted to keep the relationship a secret from his children until they know if this was more serious than just dating.


Paul hidden his relationship with JoAnn very well, on his weekend that he had Zack and Alice he would drop them off at their mother church on Sunday, then he rushes to JoAnn church to watch her.  Then he will run back and pick up his kids without them knowing a thing.  Paul has falling in love with this woman spending as much time with her as he can that means most of the time at her church while she doing her duties as a minster.


Alice opinion of JoAnn, she hates her thinking she just a gold digger wanting a sugar daddy and being a minster she do not believe it.  Zack on the other hand wanted to dislike her too but learning that she is a minster of the Lord that changes his mind about her, he knows in his heart he must honor God’s anointed workers.  Zack gazing at her quiet face questioning that she too young and pretty to be a minster.


“Kids I want both of you to be part of our wedding in a couple of months,” spoke Paul joyfully, “Princess JoAnn would be honor to have you as one of her bridesmaids.”  JoAnn turned to Paul trying to urge him to slow down in getting his children involved to quickly.


“Alice honey you don’t have to do this if you…” said JoAnn


“No she fine I know my baby girl, Zack I want you to be my best man.”


Paul did not notice Alice continence changing in front of him, but JoAnn can see it and feel it in her spirit that she wanting to speak.  Zack did not want a scene from Alice he stomp her toe, “That will be fine dad,” reply Zack, Alice smarting from the sting of Zack hitting her toe, she burning a hole in his head staring at him as he is agreeing to be part of the wedding.


Paul clap his hand overjoyed that his kids are onboard with the wedding and he sees JoAnn fears did not come true that they would reject her.  He wants to celebrate by taking everybody to dinner at a fancy burger restaurant.  Paul ate his food haughty enjoying every bite, Alice only nibble taking the rest home, Zack wanted to know more of what JoAnn do at the church, and JoAnn finding herself liking Zack curiosity about her work she truly smile for the first time.


After the meal Paul, drop off Zack and Alice at their motherhouse as they walk to the front door Alice turned to Zack annoy at him, “Why did you agree for us to be part of that witch wedding?”


Zack sigh, “It was going to happen if we like or not and if somehow we mess up her wedding day we will have hell to pay later.” Alice nodded agreeing with Zack with a frown on her face, “We prayed and cried for dad not to leave home he did and we cried and prayed for him not to divorce mom, he did.  He is going to do what he wants to do if we like or not so we should make the best of it.”


Alice turning the door knob opening the front door they enter, “Hey mom were back,” announce Alice, but they both stop when they observed Betty sitting forward on the couch hand over her face.  She has not change clothes still wearing her pajamas from this morning, they notice the empty alcohol bottle on the coffee table and she weeping to herself.


Zack step toward her, “Well did you meet her holiness?” he did not answerer she lift her head to face Zack started crying aloud, “My baby, I’m---so---sorry that you don’t have a proper family, you did not deserve this.  I am a horrible mother.” 


Filled with compassion Alice ran to her mother side, “No momma you are the best.”


Touching her daughter cheeks, “Oh little girl what advice should I give you about love, is it worth it---yes but it hurts so much,” Betty continue crying.


“We need to get her to bed,” whisper Zack, Alice agreed they both lift her up to her feet leading to her bedroom gently putting Betty into bed.


“Oh honey,” spoke Betty slurring her speech, “you should marry Jennifer, I know she fat but fat girls make better wives.”


“Yes mom.”


“For heaven sake stay away from Ms Skinny boyish looking thang,” Betty closing eyes quickly falls asleep.


“I am not wearing a stupid bridesmaids dress,” said Alice angrily, “It’s not right that he so happy and we are…it’s not right, it’s not right!” tears flowing down her cheeks as she storm out of Betty room into her own.   Zack slowly walk into his room shutting the door behind him standing in silence, his eyes fell on the bracelets that Vivian gave back wondering to himself what’s is she doing now.




Janet reaching the front door turning the knob Gloria grabs her hand and calling her name, “Please wait; I know you want to do for your son, but you don’t have to choose between your daughter or son.”


“No!  Ever since she was born, she has been a curse to my son and me, I should have aborted her, but I thought I was in loved with her father and trying to be a good Christian.   She is an adult now so I am done with her.”  Pulling her arm away from Gloria as she left the house, Gloria is a lost for words not knowing how to respond.


“Vivian!”  Gloria turns back and dash into the kitchen but Vivian is not there as she views the back door is wide open.

© 2013 Lonnie Paul Johnson

Author's Note

Lonnie Paul Johnson
If this chapter had a title it would be called "Good Parent Gone Bad." this chapter maybe should have been two chapter because I go back and forward in Zack and Vivian bad experience with there parents on the same day. Tell what you think structure the story.

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Added on March 17, 2013
Last Updated on March 17, 2013
Tags: Romance, Fiction


Lonnie Paul Johnson
Lonnie Paul Johnson

fort Worth, TX

I loved writing stories, when I was young I wrote very simple and crude stories base off of TV shows and movies I seen at the time. An event happen when during that time I believe influence my writin.. more..
