Chapter 10 - Bad Luck doesn't hit twice

Chapter 10 - Bad Luck doesn't hit twice

A Chapter by lover of Sirius

"Well we've finally done it" I said as I drove down the motor way

"I know, leaving Cheadle at last" Jess said, We were finally leaving my hometown, where I had lived all my life, to move to Cardiff, I switched the CD player on and our favourite song, Mercy by singer Duffy, we sang along to it when it went off I turned it down

"A few more hours and we have finally fulfilled our dream!" I said in an evil voice, we both laughed 

"Mwah ha ha ha" She joined in making us laugh again.

4 hours later
We had made it to Cardiff at last, it was about 8ish and was very dark in the streets of Cardiff, We parked in Cardiff bay and got out the car, I dialled Ceri's number but she didn't pick up

"That's weird she isn't answering" I told Jess. she shrugged

"Want to go get a drink at a bar?" She asked

"Why not, we might even see John Barrowman, David Tennant and Gareth David-Lloyd" I agreed and we set off across Cardiff Bay searching for a bar. We found one after about 10 minutes or looking and we entered it, I stopped in my tracks 

"What?" Jess asked, I didn't say anything just pointed over to the bar, Jess followed my gaze, she gasped sure enough John Barrowman, David Tennant and Gareth David-Lloyd were sitting at the bar with Freema Ageyman and Catherine Tate, I couldn't believe my eyes and I'm sure Jess couldn't either 

"Jess stay calm alright, act calm and I'm sure Gareth will shag you" I said

"Same back at you this time with David" I smiled and led her up to the bar a few metres away from the actors and actresses "What you having?" Jess asked 

"Vodka and Coke please" I replied she nodded and got the drinks in, we pretended to talk to eachother normaly.
Half way through our 3rd drinks David and John came over, caught up with our own talking we didn't notice until John coughed, I spun around 

"Evening ladies" David said

"Hey" I replied calmly but inside my heart was beating really fast

"Can we buy you some drinks?" John asked just as Gareth walked over I glanced at Jess she was staring at her idol 

"I wouldn't mind one off you two but I think my friend will perfer having one bought by Gareth" I smiled John and David followed my gaze and both saw Gareth and Jess chatting 

"Well well well" David said, I could nearly die from just hearing his scottish accent and John's american in real life 

"So you gonna buy me one or what boys?" I asked 

"What you having?" John asked 

"Vodka and Coke please, I'm Fiona by the way" I said

"Pleased to meet you" David greeted

Two hours later

"Right I'm off" John said 

"Alright it was amazing to meet you John" I said hugging him and kissing him on the cheek

"Right back at you Fiona" He told me grinning "Don't do anything I wouldn't do" He joked before strolling over to the door

"Now that would be hard" I called He laughed and walked out the bar, I turned back to David, grinning

"Soooo..." David said

"Yeah soooo...." I agreed, I drank the rest of my 7th drink, feeling the alcohol finally taking a toll, I put the glass down "Bloody hell" I said 

"What's up?" David asked

"Nothing the alcohol's just getting to me that's all" I told him smiling 

"Want to come back to mine?" He asked I stared at him

"You're asking a stranger you met less than two hours ago" I said

"You're not a stranger to me, you're a friend of Ceri's" He told me

"Wait you remember me, but I didn't even speak to you" I replied a little shocked

"Course Ceri kept talking about you after she hung up from the phone call yesterday" He explained, I grinned 

"I'm so glad I met Ceri" I said, David laughed 

"So, coming?" He asked

"Why not as long as you haven't been keeping that you're going out with Ceri" I joked missing David's shocked expression, he quickly gave me a grin and led me out the pub, I passed Jess on the way and winked at her, she smirked and stuck her thumb up, I walked out the bar, I linked my arm through David's and leant on his shoulder.

We arrived at his flat 15 minutes later, I was getting drowzy by then and as soon as we entered the living room I fell on the sofa ready to pass out at anytime, David sat next to me 

"Want more alcohol?" He asked

"No or else I'm gonna regret it in the morning" I told him, he chuckled, I looked up at him to find he was staring straight at me, I noticed his head moving towards mine and I couldn't help glancing at his lips. Before I could stop myself, we were kissing passionately, leading eachother to the bedroom.

© 2010 lover of Sirius

Author's Note

lover of Sirius
i am apologising now for the next future chapters, my imagination was horrible two years ago, forgive me please!!

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Added on May 22, 2010
Last Updated on May 22, 2010

Coming Back to Reality


lover of Sirius
lover of Sirius

Stoke-on-Trent, England, United Kingdom

hiii, my names Fiona i'm 17, Bisexual and from England. I love writing but i have a fear of stepping outside the boundaries of harry potter/ twilight etc. But fortunately for you i have been brain.. more..
