Chapter 27 - Lucius Malfoy I'm going to kill you!

Chapter 27 - Lucius Malfoy I'm going to kill you!

A Chapter by lover of Sirius

Chapter 27 - Lucius Malfoy I'm going to kill you!

"What?" I asked not believing what he said

"Keira and James have been kidnapped" he repeated

"This day just keeps getting better and better doesn't it" I said sarcastically, I rubbed my forehead thinking hard "Sirius take Harry and Ceri to our flat, I want you to protect them, if Lucius Malfoy has got the twins then he will surely come back for Harry, what ever it takes" I said Sirius nodded 

"What're you going to do?" he asked

"What do you think?" I asked "I'm going to get our children back and kick that slimy b*****d into next year, and if he has hurt him I will not be responsible for my actions, Remus with me" I said

"Are they going to be alright?" A small voice asked, I looked down to find Harry standing in front if me, I knelt down 

"Harry, they are going to be fine, now I want you to stay with Sirius and Ceri, I'm not about to lose you too" I told him, he nodded and hugged me tight, I hugged him back, I let go and kissed him on the cheek "You stay safe, I'll be back soon" I said, he smiled, I stood up and gave Sirius a long kiss "I'm going to get our kids back Sirius" I whispered hugging him tight

"I know you will, Fiona" he said, I smiled, pulled away and ran out of the station, Remus on my tail. I stopped in the middle of the bay, about 10 metres from the Torchwood set, I had an idea, I sprinted up to it and found Russel T Davis the Doctor Who and Torchwood Producer, "Excuse me" I said politely, he turned to look at me

"Hello, you must be Fiona" he said I was taken back

"How did you know?" I asked

"John speaks highly of you" he answered, I smiled softly 

"Anyway could I please speak to him, it's an emergency" I said

"Why what has happened?" he asked clearly concerned

"My 9 year old twins have been kidnapped" I answered

"Dear Lord, have you called the police?" he asked, I had to laugh dispite the situation 

"I am the police" I told him, I got out my ID to show him 

"Oh, " he said he turned to the set, where the cast were getting ready for another shot "John!" he called, the Actor looked at us then ran over, 

"Hey Russel" the he saw me "Fiona! What're you doing here?" he asked

"Keira and James have been kidnapped" I said, I looked at Remus then back at John "I was wondering have you seen anyone acting suspicious, say a tall man, with long blonde hair, " I looked at Remus to check, he nodded with encouragement

"I can't say I have, honey" he answered, he pulled me into a tight hug, 

"Ok, well if you see him or my kids please ring me straight away, and what ever you do, do not comfront him, he is a dangerous man, " I hoped he understood what I was getting at, he did get it

"Ok, good luck with everything" he said, I kissed him on both cheeks 

"Thank you" I said before grabbing Remus' hand and pulled him away "Where would he be?" I asked, we stood there looking around, I jumped in shock when I heard Remus shout

"He's over there!" he said, I looked to where he was pointing to, and sure enough Senior Malfoy was running across the bay, anger flared up inside me, and I broke in to a sprint after the Death Eater, I ponited my hand at him and as I ran I shouted out a number of curses, 

"Petrificus Totalus!" the body bind hit him and he froze, falling to the floor with a crunch, we ran over to him, I looked down at him, putting my boot on his chest, the sharp heel digging through his robes, and into his skin, "That hurt?" I asked, of course he didn't reply "I want to know where my kids are Malfoy, and if you don't tell me then let the so called Voldemort to help you, because, scum I will get my kids back what ever happens" I explained "Even it mean killing you, and I have no intention of doing that, but if I have to I will, Remus take the stick" I told him, the Werewolf picked up the cane which a wand was hidden within "Relashio" I said the counter charm and Malfoy unfroze, I didn't take my heel off him. "So, where are my children?" I asked, digging my heel in a bit harder, he flinched

"If I tell you, will you let me go?" he asked through gritted teeth

"Haven't decided, probably not though" 

"Well I'm not telling you then" he replied, I dug my shoe in harder, he yelled out

"I think you may want to repeat that answer, Malfoy" I said, angrily

"James Street, number 13" he answered quickly

"If you're lieing Malfoy, I will kill you slowly and painfully" I said, 

"I'm not!" he protested

"Fine" I said "Stupefy" the stunning spell knocked him out, I took my boot off him and scraped it on the floor, scraping the blood off "My boots are ruined now, these are my favourite ones" I moaned "Well, anyway, Remus will you take this git to Dumbledore and I'll go get Sirius" I said, Remus nodded and picked the unconcious figure up, I was astonished of how easily Remus did it, he saw me staring at me

"Werewolf strength" he told me, I smiled and nodded

"Meet you at my flat" we split up and I ran to my flat, I burst into the living room where Sirius Ceri and Harry were sitting, "Sirius with me now, I know where they are" I said, Sirius jumped up and ran up to me "We'll be back really soon" I told Ceri and Harry, they nodded and I led Sirius out the flat, and turned to him "We need to apparate to 13 James Street" I said, he nodded and linked his hand through mine, then turned on the spot, I opened my eyes and found us standing outside an old victorian house, me and Sirius looked at eachother and nodded, then we ran into the house, me kicking the door open, we stopped in the hallway "James, Keira!" I called, I heard pounding footsteps, we looked up the huge staircase, James was standing at the top, 

"Mum, Dad, Keira's hurt, she's broke her ankle, she can't get up" he said, I sprinted up the stairs taking two at a time, dispite the boots, I was still fast, I found Kaylie on the floor, sitting against the wall, I ran over to her and picked her up, 

"It's ok sweetheart, we're going home" I soothed her, I headed out the room and out the house Sirius and James walking behind me, I stopped and turned to my Fiancee and my son, I grabbed Sirius' hand and James holding on to the other one, Sirius turned on the spot and we dissappeared from that spot and ended up outside my flat, Sirius opened the door and let me in 1st, I carried Keira to the sitting room where we found Ceri and Harry playing cards, Harry jumped up and ran up to me, I put Keira down on the sofa carefully and ran into my room, getting my 1st aid box out, I took it back into the Living room and sat next to Keira, putting her foot on my legs, I started to wrap it up in bandages "I would fix it, but I don't think I want to risk it" I told her

"It's ok, Mum" she said, I tied a knot in it and hugged her, Sirius and James walked over and joined in with the hugging, I looked up at Harry, 

"Come here Harry" I said, he split into a grin and ran over to us, I wrapped an arm round him, we didn't hear Ceri leave, becuase we were too busy hugging, , I pulled away "I'm making a new rule, what ever happens, we all look out for eachother, and we all look after Harry especially" I announced, they all nodded, Sirius kissed me softly, I smiled and turned to the kids, "We're going to have a quiet night in with some DVD's, you all get to pick 1" I said 

"Little Mermaid!" Keira voted, James and Sirius groaned, I laughed, 

"I vote for that as well" I said, "It's a good film!" I said

"I vote for Stormbreaker" James said, I nodded, then looked at Harry

"What about you Harry?" I asked, he thought a moment

"I've always wanted to watch Ratatouille" he said, I smiled

"Little Mermaid, Stormbreaker and Ratatouille it is then" I said, I kissed Sirius and headed out the door, I went to fetch my car where I left t at the Police Station.


20 minutes later I walked through the door, holding to carrier bags, one with snacks and the other with DVD's. I walked into the kitchen and set everything onto plates and dishes, pop corn, crips and chocolate, with some fizzy pop, I carried everything in with my magic and laid everything on the coffee table, I looked at my family, 

"Ready?" I said, they nodded, "Ok, I think it will be more cosier in your pj's" I told the kids, "James can you lend some of yours to Harry again" I asked, he nodded and the boys headed into their bedroom, I picked up Keira and took her into my room, I fetched her some pyjamas, and helped her get dressed, I carried back in and set her next to Sirius, then went to get some blankets, and the vodka for me and Sirius, James and Harry were sitting on the second sofa, I covered them in a blanket and then put the Little Mermaid DVD in, once it was on I poured everyone a drink, then settle down next to Sirius, he put his arms around me, and I snuggled up to him, Keira curled up next to me, I pulled her over so she was sitting on Sirius's lap, although her legs were draped over mine, I covered us all with a blanket then finally settled down to watch the DVD.


A number of hours later the credits of Ratatouille began rolling up and the kids were asleep, I gently picked Keira up and took her to her bedroom, I lay her down, and pulled the cover over her, Sirius came in carrying James, he did the same and then we walked back into the living room, 

"Where shall we put Harry?" I asked quietly 

"Leave him here for tonight and we'll sort something out tomorrow, now I am shattered and want to go get into bed" he said, I nodded and followed him into the bedroom, pausing for a moment to switch of the living room light, I smiled and walked into the bedroom closing the door after me.

© 2010 lover of Sirius

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Added on June 1, 2010
Last Updated on June 1, 2010

Coming Back to Reality


lover of Sirius
lover of Sirius

Stoke-on-Trent, England, United Kingdom

hiii, my names Fiona i'm 17, Bisexual and from England. I love writing but i have a fear of stepping outside the boundaries of harry potter/ twilight etc. But fortunately for you i have been brain.. more..
