Chapter 33 – A shock beyond all shocks

Chapter 33 – A shock beyond all shocks

A Chapter by lover of Sirius

Coming Back to Reality

Chapter 33 �" A shock beyond all shocks

2 Months Later

My Hen Night

Myself, Ceri, Jess, Claire, Soph and Kirsty walked into the night club, the music was so loud it was making my ears buzz, we all walked up to the bar, we got some drinks, and while Ceri, Soph and Claire went out onto the dance floor, me and Jess remained at the bar, not talking, just listening to the music, suddenly I thought of something I really need to ask, I took a sip of my G&T then looked at her

“You know all those years back, when me and Sirius walked in on you and James?” I asked, her face went white, she nodded “What exactly happened, because I know for a certain fact James wouldn't do that to Lily, he loves her too much” I said, suddenly her face turned into a sneer I narrowed my eyes in confusion

“Oh that was all me, I wanted to hurt you badly, after all I never did forgive you for the incident in High School” she scowled, I stared at her in shock thinking back to that week in year ten, the day I got beat up because of her big gob

“Excuse me?” I said “Who was the one who got f*****g beat up?!” I asked “Me! I was the one who paid for your stupid fat gob, you just couldn't resist making it worse, I was rushed to hospital and you thought it was my fault, then when I came school the next day it was everywhere Did you get beat up last night? You made it look like it was my fault and the whole f*****g world revolved around you, even Mr Narraway got pissed off with you always moaning, moaning and moaning, and I'm still waiting for that apology, and have I got it yet? Have I f**k!” I said

“I was trying to stick up for you!” she told me,

“You call, provoking her and taunting her, trying to stick up for me? Well let me give you some advice Jess, get a new f*****g dictionary!” I replied, she glared

“Fine see if I care, I've always said friendship is more worthy-” I cut her off

“Oh don't give me one of your sad lectures, I've been having them since I first met you, and each one gets more annoying” I spat

“You've just lost a friendship” she returned

“See if I friggin' care, I know who my true friends are” and just then Ceri, Soph and Claire came and stood behind me, Kirsty on the other hand went over to Jess “Kirsty! How could you?” I asked

“I'm sorry Fiona I really am, but I care so much more about Jess, I was only the tag along with you guys..” I smirked inwardly that kinda reminded me of Peter Pettigrew “Jess saw me for who I was” she carried on, I sighed

“Fine, do what you want, and by the way Jess, nothing will come out of sleeping with other men who are currently in a relationship” I added, glaring, she sneered and with Kirsty walking behind her she stalked out the club, I stood there shocked, then finally I turned to the barmaid “Get me a really strong drink” I said, she nodded, and a few seconds later she placed a small glass of brown liquid in front, I picked it up and downed it in one go, I winced at it burned my throat, placing the glass down I looked at my 3 best friends “Thank you, you guys” I said, hugging them all

“Best Friends Forever?” Ceri smiled, holding her hand out in front of her, palm facing downwards, I smiled and placed my hand on top of hers, then Claire placed hers and finally Soph

“Best Friends Forever” We said together, & grinned.

Sirius' Stag do

In John's flat sitting at the dining table were; Sirius, Remus, John, Scott, Gareth & David, they had beers in front of them and were laughing at something John had done when there was a knock at the door, John went to answer it and stood back as Jess stormed in, Kirsty hot on her tail, she walked up to her boyfriend, who looked at her confused

“I forbid you to have anything to do with Fiona, or her family, I've just about had enough of it all” she said, Gareth stared at her, Sirius sat there shocked but also angry, he stood up and walked up to her

“What the f**k is your problem? It's our wedding day tomorrow, and I will not have anyone, including you spitting fire over someone I love, now you better have a f*****g good reason why you are shouting here, if not get the f**k out!” he said, Jess recoiled then her confidence came back

“Your precious fiancée has been spitting fire over me, she had the nerve to bring up an incident that was over 12 years ago, a week I'd rather forget, because Sirius, I got beat up and it was all her fault!” Jess lied, everyone gasped,

“I don't believe you” Sirius said,

“Well I'm sorry Sirius but it's true” she said, John whipped his phone up and dialed my number.


I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket I got it out and answered


“Fiona, it's John, I think you'd better get round to mine now” he said

“What's happened?” I asked

“Just come round, you will find out” he said

“Ok, I'm on my way” I said, fear spreading over me
, I hung up and turned to the girls “Come on we need to get round to John's somethings happened” I said they nodded and followed me out.

Back at John's flat everyone was waiting for me to arrive, John and Sirius were pacing, Gareth was sat at the table, tapping nervously, avoiding Jess' eye, Jess and Kirsty were standing in the middle of the room still, while David and Scott were sat at the table still, Scott kept glancing at John while David glanced at Sirius, just then the door opened and I walked in,

“What the hell is going on?!” I asked Sirius walked over to me and hugged me tight, I hugged him back confused, before we pulled away, Ceri went to hug David while Soph went over to Remus I cupped Sirius' cheek “Now please tell me what's wrong?” I asked again, Sirius placed his hand over mine

“Jess says you was the cause of her getting beat up in high school” I stared at him

“And you believe her?” I asked

“I don't know what to believe” he said honestly, I drew my hand away and noticed Jess standing up a corner looking smug I walked up to her

“How dare you!” I said “How dare you go and tell my fiancé and my best friends that you got beat up! It was the other way around, you opened your big gob and I paid the price” I shouted anger pouring out, I saw her recoil, just then I felt a hand on my shoulder, it was Gareth, I backed away and let him deal with it, I glanced at Sirius who was looking guilty, then turned back to Gareth,

“I thought I knew you Jess, but it seems I was wrong, you come barging in here telling me I am no longer allowed any contact with one of my closet friends” he said I gasped

“You did what?!” I demanded, I walked over to Gareth and placed a hand on his shoulder, squeezing it slightly “You are unbelievable!” I said, she glared at me and without saying another word she stormed out, Kirsty running after her, I turned Gareth round so he was facing me, then wrapped my arms around him, he sunk into the embrace after a few minutes we pulled away, “You alright?” I asked, he nodded “You still up for walking me down the aisle tomorrow?” he chuckled

“Of course I am” he answered, I smiled then slowly turned back to the rest of the men, looking at them each before my eyes landed on Sirius, I walked back up to him again,

“You said you didn't know what to believe, do you believe me now?” I asked softly

“Of course I do, I love you so much” he replied, I smiled and we kissed passionately

“I love you too” I told him once we had pulled away, he smiled, I turned to everyone else “Right I think we'd better break everything up now, we've had one hell of a night I want tomorrow come as soon as possible” I suggested, everyone nodded in agreement, “Ok, night everyone, seeya tomorrow” I said I gave the men all a kiss on the cheek, giving a quick snog to Sirius before me and the girls walked out.

© 2010 lover of Sirius

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Added on July 4, 2010
Last Updated on July 4, 2010

Coming Back to Reality


lover of Sirius
lover of Sirius

Stoke-on-Trent, England, United Kingdom

hiii, my names Fiona i'm 17, Bisexual and from England. I love writing but i have a fear of stepping outside the boundaries of harry potter/ twilight etc. But fortunately for you i have been brain.. more..
