Love Versus Terrorism - Part 1 - Poems on Anti Terror , Peace , Love , Brotherhood

Love Versus Terrorism - Part 1 - Poems on Anti Terror , Peace , Love , Brotherhood

A Poem by Nikhil Parekh

This Book which has 50 differently titled Poems is actually Part 1 of the Book titled – Love Versus Terrorism ( 409 pages ) .


[ Note - Currently I seek a traditional publisher for the publication of my Book as above described , in the Print form . Published here ; is this Poetry Collection of mine in its entirety , alongwith the differently titled Poems contained in the Book . As of the present moment ; 47 of my Books are available for purchase in the eBook format from Kindle Store United States at - . My style of Poetry / literature is unique and has never ever been written before or experimented on the mortal planet by any mortal , though my Poetry / literature is normal and natural . GOD'S grace on me . i am nothing infront of GOD . i am nothing infront of GOD'S holy messengers . So any victorious publisher who may want to publish my Poetry in Paperback without Financial Expenditure to me , can directly communicate with me at the address , [email protected] or [email protected] ] . I am Nikhil Parekh , ( born 27 August , 1977 ) , poet and author from Ahmedabad , India . I am also a 10 - Time National Record holder for my Poetry with the Limca Book of Records India , - which is India's Best Book of Records , Ranked 2nd in the World officially to Guinness Book of World Records . You can visit me at - ; to browse my Poetry on GOD , Peace , Love , Anti Terrorism , Friendship , Life , Death , Environment, Wildlife , Mother , Father , Children , Parenthood , Humanity , Social Cause , Women empowerment , Poverty , Lovers , Brotherhood - at this website you can also browse my varied Books , my awards and my National records in Poetry .

Copyright © by Nikhil Parekh

All rights reserved. No Part of this book publications may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, Electronic, Mechanical, Photocopying, Recording, Print or otherwise, without prior permission of Copyright owner and Author, Nikhil Parekh.

About The Poetry Book

In a planet usurped today by graveyards of terrorism, this poetic collection imparts enlightenment, optimism, courage and an eternal desire to breathe free . GOD’S sacred earth isn't the way it used to be when it was created, thanks to greed of man which has indiscriminately torn apart every creed, color and definition of time for the 5 alphabets called 'MONEY'. The devil has spread terror in the name of religion, in the name of God, most abusively, without the slightest remorse. This book brilliantly equates 'Love' and 'terrorism' at every step and goes on to timelessly prove that no matter how ghastily terrorism perpetuates into the atmosphere,  immortal love perennially triumphs over one and all on the earth. A startling collection of anti terror poems in an hour when the world wants them more than anything else, Parekh's words act as a harbinger of peace to infinite masses agonizingly estranged in brutal violence and bloodshed. A must read for every patron of global peace out there !

An Introduction to The Book

Love Versus Terrorism unconquerably depicts at each stage that no matter how wretched the wrath of terrorism has penetrated into the planet today-Love forever emerges victorious. Because God has created it as the most Omnipotent panacea for one and all humanity and the living kind. As long as the earth exists, the devil would continue to exist in various forms and shapes-trying his best to insidiously harm living kind. But the power of truth, love, compassion would not only conquer it in all respects, but would continue to bond the entire planet in threads of everlasting humanity. So that the best religion that pervades over one and all is the 'Religion of Humanity'. This book is an unflinching salute to the chapters of love, peace and brotherhood-which are the most efficacious panacea to conquer dastardly terrorism.




They belonged to no religion. As they solely surrendered to the religion of the devil -which ruthlessly beheaded countless innocent; infirm and freshly born; in the name of sacred Lord Almighty,

They belonged to no color. As they solely pledged to the color of the devil " which wanted to invidiously incarcerate every effervescent shade of life; into the gallows of hopeless and haplessly stymied black,

They belonged to no territory. As they solely blended with the territory of the devil -which satanically wanted to snatch; maim; bombard and eventually merge every blissful corner of mother earth into its graveyards of inconsolable blood,

They belonged to no language. As they solely hissed the language of the devil - which inexhaustibly plundered; rebuked and abused the fabric of humanity and nicety; with the jinx of baseless sacrifice and the corpse,

They belonged to no mindset. As they solely clung to the mindset of the devil "which unthinkably yearned to build the most glittering castles of Gold on the foundations of innocuous bone; gory blood and life distorted to amorphous pulp,

They belonged to no atmosphere. As they solely salivated in the atmosphere of the devil - which tirelessly feasted all night and day on the stench of innocent blood -drinking; lavishing and languishing in it to lead life Kingsize,

They belonged to no roots. As they solely squandered in the roots of the devil - which executed the most terrorizing acts on all living kind-praying to the sight of fanatically splattered blood and shattered skull; to give them the power to survive,

They belonged to no category. As they solely rotted in the category of the devil -which wanted to rule the planet clamped in a spurious little incapacitated fist; assassinating every source of life with treacherously lame cowardice,

They belonged to no caste. As they solely clung to the caste of the devil " which forlornly stymied every vibrant form of emerging life; laughed at how easily humans disintegrated into boundless bits at the tiniest of dastardly provocation,

They belonged to no character. As they solely spoke the character of the devil "which believed the best integrity and the best survival was in rising above every conceivable soul on earth; if not by hook then by hideous crook,

They belonged to no government. As they solely stagnated in the government of the devil " which barbarously chopped off fingers, hands; feet; veins; limbs and throats of bountiful humans at the tiniest of error; and in order to assert sanctimonious superiority,

They belonged to no soil. As they solely sputtered in the soil of the devil-which constituted the granules of all hell; dungeons after dungeons of children who lay dead-just to affirm some hell of a non-existent sadistic strength,

They belonged to no Church; Temple; Monastery or Mosque. As they solely wept in the mortuary of the devil - inexhaustibly wanting to metamorphose the trajectory of this planet into insipid ash; the sinful veil of the bloodstained corpse,

They belonged to no definition. As they solely endorsed the definition of the devil " which was out on a rampage to plunder Mother earth and its children as much as it could; taking ultimate refuge within realms of the fetid carcass,

They belonged to no village. As they solely inhabited the village of the devil - where each abode was a unbearably shrieking tombstone; and the clothes that everyone wore were sequined with chopped tongues; limbs and unfinished desire,

They belonged to no forest. As they solely rummaged through the forest of the devil - where all that was seen and heard was bellows of ghoulish smoke and agonizing scream; where life was insidiously sacrificed at the altar to immortalize the self,

They belonged to no heart. As they solely slaved in the heart of the devil - which was nothing but a gorge of inexplicable sinking drudgery; and continued to meaninglessly exist without the most insouciant of beats,

They belonged to no face. As they solely deteriorated in the face of the devil - which constituted of the most ridiculously non-existent vacuum; that thrived on the curses given by everyone of those that he'd tortured and kept doing so,

Hey ! Wait a minute; they were children of the same God as you and me were allright. Because after all God owns the entire Universe and all its Life,

But they chose to follow the path of the devil against God's wishes. They were infact what every single one of us in the world today hatefully addressed by the word "Terrorists" .


No petal is ever born disdainfully decayed; from the womb of the redolently mesmerizing and celestially effulgent flower,

No fledgling is ever born a hideously treacherous vulture; from the womb of the uninhibitedly ecstatic and timelessly soaring bird,

No raindrop is ever born smeared with satanic blood; from the womb of the impeccably glorious and fathomlessly endowing sky,

No ray is ever born a mass of bedlam nothingness; from the womb of the Omnipotently Golden and brilliantly optimistic Sun,

No sound is ever born cold-bloodedly cacophonic; from the womb of the vividly resplendent and ebulliently mellifluous nightingale,

No flake of ice is ever born cannibalistically brown; from the womb of the innocuously placid and endlessly enamoring snowball,

No globule of milk is ever born sadistically venomous; from the womb of the unsurpassably sacrosanct and benevolently munching cow,

No mischief is ever born insidiously crucifying; from the womb of the vivaciously dancing and eternally cavorting rainbow,

No salt is ever born diabolically asphyxiating; from the womb of the rhapsodically undulating and perennially poignant sea,

No soldier is ever born a disparagingly gory traitor; from the womb of the Omnisciently proliferating and peerlessly blessing soil,

No echo is ever born ludicrously silent; from the womb of the unfathomably deep and inscrutably reverberating gorge,

No truth is ever born an egregiously marauding lie; from the womb of the unconquerably Omnipresent and Perpetually bestowing heavens,

No honey is ever born iconoclastically prejudiced; from the womb of the fantastically boisterous and enchantingly exotic honey bee,

No fruit is ever born forlornly deteriorated; from the womb of the quintessentially mollifying and blissfully symbiotic mud,

No lion is ever born mercilessly trampling; from the womb of the uninhibitedly fearless and synergistically blossoming forest,

No epitome is ever born lugubriously crumbling; from the womb of the invincibly compassionate and inimitably towering mountain,

No continent is ever born atrociously bombarding; from the womb of the tirelessly panoramic and unbelievably majestic globe,

No breath is ever born hissing parasitically pugnacious fire; from the womb of the insuperably heavenly and insurmountably moistened nostril,

No beat is ever born murderously betraying; from the womb of the unassailably godly and passionately thundering heart,

And no organism is ever born a reproachfully indiscriminate terrorist; from the womb of its unshakably priceless and altruistically blessing mother .


When I shook hands with a waiter; interrupting his monotonous sequel of serving delicacies,
The handshake was pretty lackadaisical; the aftermath of which rendered me with grease and a perennial stench of garlic diffusing from my palms.

When I shook hands with a beggar; forcefully clasping his disheveled fingers in mine,
The handshake was absolutely nonchalant; it was as if I had awakened a dying man from the course of his blissful sleep.

When I shook hands with a pot-bellied butcher; nimbly requesting him to relinquish his sharp cleavers before he executed the same,
The handshake almost squelched my bones to fine chowder; and an obnoxious scent of foul fish and meat wafted profusely from my palm thereafter.

When I shook hands with a clean shaven barber; smiling amicably as I noticed an effeminate tinge of polish on his nails,
The handshake was as frigid as a slithering worm; also I had to scrub my palms
vigorously after the same; to free them from the unscrupulous strands of hair and shampoo; incorrigibly clinging tightly.

When I shook hands with a flamboyant model; gently entwining my hands in her dainty fingers,
The handshake was as cold as frozen ice; and I had to wash my hands with
stringent acid soon after; to get rid of the vanity aroma that nearly choked me to death.

When I shook hands with the bespectacled doctor; confidently gripping the back
of his hand in mine,
The handshake was a replica of the printed encyclopedia; and I almost swooned
on the ground after inhaling the despicable odor of chlorine and potent antiseptic.

When I shook hands with a madman; prudently catching him unaware when he was snoozing under the Sun,
The handshake seemed to last till eternity; almost engendering me to abdicate
my breath; as the imbecile idiot displayed no signs releasing me; against the most resilient of my efforts.

When I shook hands with the meticulous business tycoon; in an ambience inundated with majestic drapery and redolent flowers,
The handshake was the most sophisticated I had ever encountered; and I deliberately rolled my hands in sordid sand after the same; to add some vibrancy; break free from the impeccable aura of the superficial corporate world.

When I shook hands with the convict; incarcerated behind iron bars of the dingy prison,
The handshake was murderous; also the agony in his cold blooded eyes; the nefarious devil lurking in his brow; made me scamper at electric speeds towards the exit gate.

When I shook hands with the drunken truck driver; soaring past verdant landscapes; the splendidly gorgeous valleys,
The handshake was pretty bizarre; as he treated my petite palms like the steering wheel of his vehicle; maneuvering them frantically in several directions at a time.

When I shook hands with the bare chested washerman; in the midst of his fervent washing activity,
The handshake was as slippery as the shimmering dolphin; and he almost squashed my hands against the obdurate floor; overwhelmingly replete with a soapy bath of detergent and carbolic.

And eventually when I shook hands with the soldier; in a backdrop of guns;
marching commandos; and hostile war,
The handshake this time was THE PERFECT HANDSHAKE; as he fearlessly
entangled his fingers in mine; and the fragrance of his loyalty lingered till times greater than eternity in my eyes; as I saluted his indomitable spirit; the tenacity in his persona to emancipate life for his country.


Ghastly war could only win; countless screams of all those haplessly orphaned children; who hopelesslystared into the desolately maiming open spaces of hell; with the blood soaked bodies of their parents upon their innocuous shoulders,

Treacherous war could only win; countless curses of all those brutally lambasted mothers; who indiscriminately lost their exuberant young sons; to the arrow of carnivorously unforgivable malice,

Sadistic war could only win; countless nightmares of all those inexplicably shivering on the heartlessly obdurate ground; barbarously naked and without the tiniest leaf of humanity to engulf their wailing bones,

Inconsolable war could only win; countless slaps of all those relentlessly searching for their inseparably lost ones; whose even the most infinitesimal whisker wasn’t to be found; under the most tenaciously blazing of sunlight,

Cold-blooded war could only win; countless abuses of all those rendered devastatingly homeless; who now had no other option than to perennially reside upon graveyards of horrendously charred ash,

Parasitic war could only win; countless tears of all those still uncontrollably oozing priceless blood; even infinite hours after the Sun had celestially set,

Wanton war could only win; countless agonies of all those who were left to salaciously crawl on a single hand and foot for the remainder of their lives;
indefinably mutilated by the cannibalistic swords of dastardly abhorrence,

Hedonistic war could only win; countless impotencies of all those who were left without their sacrosanct beloved’s; and in whom the desire to further procreate
had inevitably died like the last brick of the deadened coffin,

Unsparing war could only win; countless infidelities of all those who’d completely lost faith in every fraternity of living kind; gorily witnessing their loved ones being acrimoniously pulverized like insouciantly deplorable matchsticks,

Satanic war could only win; countless vindications of all those inimitably new born infants; who’d unfortunately seen their mother being ruthlessly slained; felt her blood-soaked skull instead of amiably suckling her breast,

Prejudiced war could only win; countless frustrations of all those whose most gloriously unfettered and victorious future; had now been forever burnt into
flames of inanely decrepit meaninglessness,

Licentious war could only win; countless dumbness of all those perpetually stunned by the impact of the intransigent heartlessness; all those whose voice forever refrained to waft out of their throats; as they saw their own brothers and children being buried alive; right infront of their eyes,

Disastrous war could only win; countless diseases of all those whose every iota of flesh had been tawdrily ripped apart; to remorsefully reveal their profusely pus laden bones,

Imbecile war could only win; countless insecurities of all those who’d lost every ounce of their physical and emotional possession in vibrant life; for whom every
trembling footstep forward; seemed to be like the most massacring valley of death,

Diabolical war could only win; countless blood-drops of all those who lay miserably unattended and inconsolably wounded; for whom there seemed nothing else but a mortuary of despondently never-ending darkness; infront of even the most ethereal of their senses,

Heinous war could only win; countless sarcasms of all those who were neither a part of it; or all those who never lost any of their loved ones to its tyrannical swirl; but whose tongues still developed a flagrant flavor simply listening to all
delirious atrocities going around,

Deteriorating war could only win; countless idiosyncrasies of all those who were mentally tortured by its whiplashes of apathetic ferociousness; for whom every instant of life had now metamorphosed into the gutters of worthless insanity,

Unceremonious war could only win; countless living-deaths of all those still existing just for the sake of inhaling and exhaling out air; but for whom the entire Universe was nothing but an ominous skeleton of unrelentingly stabbing blackness,

And cowardly war could only win; countless betrayals of all those who once upon a time immortally loved; but now whose every beat had wholesomely metamorphosed into slandering sinfulness; tirelessly witnessing blood and malice as the only signatures of blessed life .


The bird of ghastly terrorism might undoubtedly fly all right; but without the most ethereal trace of direction; and miserably collapsing in its non-existent grave; as its decayed wings woefully crumbled mid-air,

The waterfall of indiscriminate terrorism might undoubtedly cascade all right; but it never was able to touch even an inconspicuous iota of pricelessly venerated soil,

The car of crucifying terrorism might undoubtedly chug forward all right; but it soon uncontrollably exploded into such an inferno of indecipherable nothingness; that was impossible to find even in the corpses of obliviously paralytic hell,

The soil of sadistic terrorism might undoubtedly sprout all right; but every fruit which it dared to parsimoniously bear; salaciously sank an infinite feet beneath worthless mud; even before they could kiss the first beams of morning light,

The clouds of unforgivable terrorism might undoubtedly rain all right; but every globule of water that they satanically oozed; was that of venomously cannibalistic and mercilessly slandering blood,

The mountains of slavering terrorism might undoubtedly stand all right; but every epitome of theirs was shamefully and sinfully inverted; like the endlessly outstretched palms of the cadaverously wailing beggar; who never ever witnessed even the most insouciant trifle of wealth all his wretchedly impoverished life,

The eyes of nondescript terrorism might undoubtedly see all right; but every ray that radiated from their whites metamorphosed into the most remorsefully maiming graveyard of deplorable blackness; even in insuperably flaming Sunlight,

The tree of vindictive terrorism might undoubtedly fructify all right; but every of its leaf charred you to the most inconsolably pathetic extinction; instead of mollifying every frazzled nerve of yours with mesmerizing shade,

The sea of unsparing terrorism might undoubtedly swirl all right; but each of its demonically asphyxiating wave; drowned you into a mortuary of wanton meaninglessness; even before you could emanate your first or last breath,

The Sun of frigid terrorism might undoubtedly shine all right; but every of its criminally diabolical ray; could foment nothing else but only tirelessly beheading nightfall; even in the peak of irrefutably blistering day,

The Moon of brutal terrorism might undoubtedly twinkle all right; but every of its deliriously surreptitious beams; metamorphosed even the most impeccably divine child; into an unstoppably marauding dinosaur of perverted crime,

The mirrors of agonizing terrorism might undoubtedly reflect all right; but every image that they lividly portrayed; was that of the vengefully bombarding and bizarrely demented devil,

The sky of ominous terrorism might undoubtedly stretch all right; but even the most transiently feckless ounce of space in it; irretrievably and solely belonged to the coffins of despicably pulverizing hell,

The veins of heartless terrorism might undoubtedly bleed all right; but every droplet of blood that they frenetically oozed; bore the color of carnivorously amorphous and unsurpassably lackadaisical nothingness,

The meadows of tyrannical terrorism might undoubtedly dew all right; but globule of sanctimoniously ironical golden; was the most unconquerably despicable venom that planet earth could ever produce,

The mouth of truculent terrorism might undoubtedly speak all right; but every word that it rambunctiously uttered; was the most ignominiously sinful abuse on the grace of the Omnisciently Almighty Lord,

The shadows of acrimonious terrorism might undoubtedly lurk all right; but timelessly impregnating only germs of baselessly excoriating fear; in one and all;
disgustingly alike,

The nostrils of plagued terrorism might undoubtedly breathe all right; but each puff of air that they notoriously inhaled; buried them deeper and deeper into the most horrendously torturous gorges of inveterate death,

And the heart of cursed terrorism might undoubtedly throb all right; but each beat that it penuriously diffused; barbarously incarcerated every single organism on this fathomless planet; into chains of hedonistically assassinating war and limitless hatred .


Don’t fight in the name of Religion; the same Religion which gave you your own identity to impregnably exist in the first place; fervently worship one particular form of Godhead till the last breath of your life,

Don’t fight in the name of Color; the same Color which bestowed upon you your very inimitably charismatic personality; amidst billions of different organism on the trajectory of this fathomlessly effulgent Universe,

Don’t fight in the name of Blood; the same Blood which perennially perpetuated the feeling of exuberant rebirth in every ingredient of your persona; even as you were just about to embrace the gallows of gory death,

Don’t fight in the name of Height; the same Height which timelessly endowed
you with your very own blissfully clambering stature; over every conceivable element of feckless mud on planet divine,

Don’t fight in the name of Power; the same Power which infallibly bestowed upon you the united conviction; to tackle every insidious adversity with your unflinchingly royal stride,

Don’t fight in the name of Nationality; the same Nationality which profoundly enshrouded even the most infinitesimal shades of your personality; with the flag of its majestically unconquerable individuality,

Don’t fight in the name of Motherland; the same Motherland which so compassionately bore even the most egregious of your idiosyncrasies not just
for 9 months; but for an infinite more enchanting lifetimes,

Don’t fight in the name of Superiority; the same Superiority which harmoniously ensured that you timelessly towered like the ultimate prince; alongwith every other organism of your kind,

Don’t fight in the name of Heaven; the same Heaven which perpetually ensured
that you invincibly burgeoned in the cradle of paradise; where existed nothing else but the unassailably priceless hilt of truth,

Don’t fight in the name of God; the same God who miraculously caressed your
impoverished existence in an infinite shapes and forms; every unfurling second of your enigmatically sparkling life,

Don’t fight in the name of Holy Scripture; the same Holy Scripture which
indefatigably and ardently taught you just one thing; that every living organism irrespective of caste; creed; stature and tribe; is wondrously alike,

Don’t fight in the name of Democracy; the same Democracy which endlessly
allowed you to palpitate in the beat of undefeated freedom; exercise your very own symbiotic right to the most unprecedented of your capacity,

Don’t fight in the name of Flesh; the same Flesh which magically aroused every tangible pore of your skin to even the most insouciant vibration of the atmosphere; triggered in you the most sensuously tantalizing sensations of all times,

Don’t fight in the name of Signature; the same Signature which represented the true resoluteness of your personality; irrespective of your wealth or stature,

Don’t fight in the name of Temple/Mosque/Church/Monastery; the same Temple/Mosque/Church/Monastery; in which you sought indefinite refuge;
In your times of inexplicably assassinating duress,

Don’t fight in the name of Food; the same Food whose quintessentially synergistic ingredients; eventually became the undyingly resurgent swirl of blood in even the most oblivious of your veins,

Don’t fight in the name of Wealth; the same Wealth which so handsomely replenished every perceivable of your mortal need; and put even the most
acrimoniously frazzled nerve of yours to bountiful sleep,

Don’t fight in the name of Love; the same Love which made you forever feel
the most insuperably priceless organism alive; and the closest to the heartbeat of the Omniscient Creator Divine,

Instead; if you really had this impudently boiling urge to fight; then please all of you on planet earth unite together in the religion of eternal humanity; and fight till death AGAINST the name and even the tiniest innuendo of the devil’s whine .


Greatness was in the bountifully altruistic lap of mother nature; which didn’t raise its voice even an infinitesimal whisper; although plucked an infinite times for its fruit and nutrient; by despicably impoverished man,

Greatness was in the wholehearted smile of the newborn child; which brought the most pricelessly inimitable cheer; to even the most morbidly deadened corpses floating fecklessly in the atmosphere,

Greatness was in the timelessly rejuvenating spray of the waterfall; which tirelessly mollified the most horrendously agitated of nerves; profoundly blended with the rays of golden sunlight,

Greatness was in the first droplet of uninhibitedly blessing rain that fell from the sky; divinely enriching every conceivable patch of ghoulishly arid mud with the elixir of vivacious life,

Greatness was in the sacredly unblemished eye; which conveyed the most exhilarating tales of an infinite lifetimes entirely in its whiteness and blackness; and the perennial beams that it emanated of Omnipotent life,

Greatness was in the unimpeachable uniform of the soldier; who sacrificed his life without the tiniest of thought or hesitation; as the very first step of the enemy alighted towards his venerated motherland,

Greatness was in the pathway that forever and ever led to the Sun of righteousness; where there shone nothing else but the Heaven of infallibly brilliant humanity,

Greatness was in the tongue which licked compassion into the most inexplicably venomous of wounds; fully aware that it could disastrously and irrevocably be an impoverished victim of the same,

Greatness was in the everlastingly redolent fantasy; which united the entire planet irrespective of caste; creed; religion or kind; into a singleton wave of unassailably fragrant oneness,

Greatness was in the unpretentious voice that always rose in favor of the oppressed; became their sole guiding ray of enlightenment; in even the most vindictively blackened and hopeless night,

Greatness was in the unparalleled exuberance of the rustic wind; which never ever let any organism on earth feel lonely; as it enchantingly whistled past their cheeks every unfurling minute,

Greatness was in the indefatigably conquering entrepreneur; who still considered the mission to be a countless shades bigger than him; whose mission to evolve newness forever continued till the time he lived,

Greatness was in the haplessly childless mother; who still blessed every symbiotically married couple on the trajectory of this fathomless planet; to procreate several amazing of their kind,

Greatness was in the truthful rivers of sweat which ran down the armpits; paying the most royal tributes to the unflinchingly fearless chapters of undying perseverance,

Greatness was in the majestically uninterrupted melody of wondrous creation; which arose from the innermost realms of the triumphantly passionate heart,

Greatness was in the multiple colors of the astoundingly eclectic rainbow; which radiated separately and profoundly in their own shades; but together spawned the beam of unparalleled hope,

Greatness was in the heart which knew only to perpetually disseminate the paradise of love; although its very own beats were salaciously betrayed by the people it befriended in its destined life,

Greatness was in the tireless nostril which kept instilling impregnable life; into every miserably stony corpse; dolorously stagnating till eternity in sinfully satanic vacuum,

And greatness was in every entity; every moment; every hour on this endlessly enthralling Universe; which forever and ever and ever; throbbed with the sky
of miraculously reincarnating simplicity .


For the sake of all those trapped mercilessly beneath the rubble; fighting helplessly against death,

For the sake of all those wails flooding the atmosphere; the fountain of innocent blood sprayed indiscriminately around,

For the sake of all those struggling for breath; moving their arms and feet despairingly under savage concrete,

For the sake of all those attendants; buried ruthlessly under the weight of their serving trays,

The perpetrators should be penalized to the highest degree; should be sent to God’s hell .


For the sake of all those cars squelched to threadbare metal; infinite shards of acrid glass sprawled satanically around,

For the sake of all those firemen buried alive; while inadvertently trying to extricate the individuals trapped; douse the unrelenting flames and smoke,

For the sake of all those chunks of limp flesh sprinkled horrendously around; the torn remnants of victims peeping out from every corner,

For the sake of all those who were maimed for life; losing their limbs under bulky rods of hot iron,

The perpetrators should be penalized to the highest degree; should be sent to God’s hell .


For the sake of all that darkness that engulfed the streets; in the heart of the brilliant morning,

For the sake of unprecedented terror that had crept in everyone's souls; after the barbaric attacks,

For the sake of all those offices pulverized to inconspicuous dust; which were once the nerve center of the entire world,
For the sake of all those mourning relatives; that wept in uncontrolled hysteria as realization dawned upon,

The perpetrators should be penalized to the highest degree; should be sent to God’s hell .


For the sake of unsurpassable devastation that had crept in all quarters of the planet; after the vicious attack,

For the sake of terrorizing the entire world; by committing irrevocable acts of brutality,

For the sake of all those graveyards; now brimming to capacity with lifeless mortals,

For the sake of countless numbers of wives waiting for their husbands; even when they knew that there were frugal chances of finding them alive,

And over and above all for the sake of all those lives lost; all those infants crawling without support on the ground; all those families rendered missionless after losing inevitable parts of their blood; all those mothers anxiously waiting for their son's to return with tears welling in their eyes,

The perpetrators should be penalized to the highest degree; should be sent to God’s hell .


A world laden with overwhelming prosperity; touching the hearts of all living organisms alike,

A world of ubiquitous equality; disseminating the message of perpetual love in every corner submerged with ghastly darkness,

A world of insurmountably transparent simplicity; with all organisms candidly divulging the inner most feelings of their hearts,

A world of celestial unity; with the drooping; the poor; and the stinkingly rich; marching ahead; shoulder to shoulder,

A world of ravishing titillation; with romance being the cardinal savior under milky beams of majestic moonlight,

A world of uninhibited expression; with nobody being a slave of spuriously bombastic aristocracy,

A world of vivacious color and charisma; with each individual deluging the atmosphere; with an astounding repertoire of gifted talents,

A world of jubilant laugher and cheer; with children and the old; fulminating into a cloud of invincible happiness; alike,

A world of irrefutable altruism; with each entity contributing its best; towards the benign service of philanthropic mankind,

A world of symbiotic relationship; with people embracing each other; in times of exuberant joy; as well as disparagingly crippling pain,

A world of bountiful progress; with the amalgamated efforts of all tribes combined; yielding the sweetest fruits of magical success,

A world of pacific calm; with each living being harboring peace and goodwill in his soul; to blend wholesomely with the divine,

A world of mesmerizing beauty; with the untamed wilderness of the forests; proliferating into a fountain of newness; every unveiling second,

A world of impregnable security; with no child ever being orphaned; immaculately sleeping for centuries immemorial; in the lap of its sacrosanct mother,

A world of perennial goodwill; with each human ardently wishing the best for his fellow counterpart in inexplicable misery,

A world of marvelous mysticism; with every unfurling path; blossoming into a voluptuously enticing chapter of existence,

A world of friendship and eternal peace; healing the most horrifically gory wounds; with the balm of unconquerable camaraderie,

And a world of immortally passionate love; profusely bonding the beats of tangible existence; for infinite births more; till the Creator bestowed life upon earth,

Is what I have always desired since the time I inhaled my very first breath; and although I indefatigably pray all night and day; to the Almighty lord,

Believe me; it can wholesomely manifest into an unshakable reality; with me; you and all of us on this colossal planet; united together .


Freedom to laugh; uninhibitedly chortle whilst embracing the fathomless expanse of the mystical valley,

Freedom to talk; candidly voicing my innermost opinions; with absolutely no restraints from the conventional society,

Freedom to dance; vivaciously gyrate to the enchanting beams of the milky moon; well past the heart of ravishing midnight,

Freedom to socialize; blend with any organism; caste or creed; that I was inevitably drawn too,

Freedom to write; inundating the periphery of unfathomable bits of bonded paper; with the passion circumventing my soul,

Freedom to sing; coherently or incoherently humming an unsurpassable myriad of tunes; even as the world caged itself in boundaries of malice,

Freedom to wink; flirtatiously philander in the aisles of heavenly desire; through
the romantically enigmatic hills,

Freedom to dress; enveloping my impoverished persona; with the cloth rustic embellishments of my choice,

Freedom to eat; feasting upon food from all quarters of the planet; as long as it was robust; as long as it was divine,

Freedom to romanticize; unrelentingly fantasize into the wildest entrenchment’s of exoticism; till times immemorial,

Freedom to meditate; being profusely encompassed in whirlwinds of profuse concentration; even as a battalion of scorpions crawled down my nape,

Freedom to sleep; embracing everlasting slumber in the flamboyantly flaming day; stare like an intransigent owl all throughout the resplendently starry night,

Freedom to desire; handsomely floating through clouds of fabulous silk; bowing down in timid obeisance upon the feet of invincibly alluring angels,

Freedom to gallop; running in rhapsodic exhilaration with the majestic winds; as the crimson fireball of Sun tantalizingly set; behind the charismatic sky,

Freedom to procreate; evolving countless of my own kind; magnanimously contributing my best to continue God’s charming chapter of existence,

Freedom to swim; voraciously peddling through choppy fountains of salty froth; as the undulating waves of the enthralling ocean; catapulted me to a land above ultimate paradise,

Freedom to survive; unequivocally extracting my share of happiness from this parsimoniously lecherous society,

Freedom to love; wholeheartedly accepting all with a benign heart and tumultuous passion to serve God’s humanity,

And most importantly freedom to live O! Almighty Lord; making me the richest entity alive; relishing each element of your impeccable planet till the last breath
I diffused; till the time I throbbed my last heart beat .


Non violence is not about being lambasted like raw mince meat; for apparently no fault of yours,
It is infact a seed of love that proliferates ubiquitously around the globe; your voice against tyrannized injustice and uncouth radicalism .

Non violence is not just staring at sky like dumb sheep; while the lecherously manipulative around incessantly whipped your bare chest,
It is infact the most magnificent self defense mechanism of your body; which gives you the astronomical conviction to confront the mightiest of acrimonious attack .

Non violence is not just retreating into your cocoon of overwhelming shyness; as the world outside brutally transgressed upon your back,
It is infact a bird soaring high and handsome in the aisles of uninhibited freedom; your sacred messages to the society propagating immortal love and peace .

Non violence is not about rotting in dungeons of obsolete oblivion; while the hideously devilish danced in venomous wine outside,
It is infact about fearlessly bonding the benevolent alike; preparing every tangible organism of God’s mesmerizing creation to; disseminate the wave of brotherhood in all quarters of the planet .

Non violence is not running like a whipped slave; to even the most inconspicuous command of those misusing the centerstage of power,
It is infact a candidly philanthropic answer to all diabolical; scrapping the gory pedestal of satanic savagery from its roots; with the insurmountable resilience of your righteous conscience .

Non violence is not shivering in inexplicable weakness; as the invidiously dictatorial guffawed after murdering people outside,
It is infact the candle of irrefutably Omnipotent light; enlightening impoverished masses towards a bountiful beginning; a wonderfully optimistic tomorrow .

Non violence is not nodding your head to each act of torturous malice; licking the dust left by cold-blooded demons sucking blood,
It is infact a flower diffusing its scent of unequivocal freedom to far and wide across earth; ensuring that its rays of perpetual unity; invincibly escalated above all boundaries defined and undefined .

Non violence is not being maimed at every step you alighted; while stinking butchers of civilization used your shoulder to talk with the skies,
It is infact the perennial ladder to benign success; your most innermost voice of expression which granted you the fortitude to lead an infinite more lives;
even after you died .

And Non violence is not surrendering your heart; body and soul; at the most diminutive command of the parasitic traitors who wanted to ruthlessly devastate
celestial mankind,
It is infact an arrow of immortal victory; which pierces through every shadow of evil lingering on this fathomless Universe; yet spawning and giving fresh birth to an everlasting human race; a harmonious livingkind .


In order to stitch barren patches of colossal sky; all that was required as a conglomerate of voluptuously silken clouds,

In order to stitch the miserably dilapidated walls of the castle; all that was required was a flurry of handsome bricks and fortified cement,

In order to stitch the overwhelmingly blood shot eye; all that was required was river of poignantly emphatic tears,

In order to stitch the ragged sheet of wretchedly torn paper; all that was required was parsimonious droplets of efficacious glue,

In order to stitch brutally bruised and pathetic wounds; all that was required was minuscule traces of potently healing antiseptic,

In order to stitch a battalion of smashed teeth; all that was required was astronomical fillings of invincibly tenacious calcium,

In order to stitch the hungrily parched desert crying hoarsely under the sweltering Sun; all that was required was an ocean of deliciously sweet and sparkling water,

In order to stitch a dolorous pair of profusely gloomy lips; all that was required was tinkling laughter; an intriguingly enchanting smile,

In order to stitch the pigeon lying gruesomely injured and helplessly slithering on the ground; all that was required was a pinch of fresh mud; which almost intransigently fomented it to soar robustly and fly,

In order to stitch profoundly distorted chunks of ice; all that was required was a refrigerator; with its power to chill escalating exuberantly towards blue sky,

In order to stitch the disastrously disheveled web; all that was required was a silvery spider which traversed to and fro; faster than the speed of dazzling light,

In order to stitch the haywire and incoherently absurd story; all that was required was a thoroughly imaginative and ardent writer,

In order to stitch insurmountably morbid anecdotes of painstaking gloom; all that was required was an uninhibitedly hilarious joke,

In order to stitch the abhorrently looking gaping holed shoe; all that was required was meticulous pairs of glossily dangling lace,

In order to stitch a ghastily abraded battlefield of lies; all that was required was the omnipotent essence of irrefutable truth,

In order to stitch unfathomable kilometers of space deluged with perilously treacherous darkness; all that was required was stringent beams of optimistic light,

In order to stitch dead shades of rapidly diminishing life; all that was required was inconspicuous mouthfuls of celestially blissful breath,

In order to stitch the satanically shattered self esteem; all that was required was candidly listening to the voice of the inner most conscience,

And in order to stitch the shamefully dispersed land of violence and obnoxious hatred; all that was required was a stream of immortal love; a stream that caused crime to perpetually fall .


Whatever’s Love in its most Immortally fructifying and blissfully embracing form; is infact the exact; comprehensive and most irrefutable definition of Anti Terrorism,

Whatever’s Love in its most infallibly heavenly and faithfully invincible form; is infact the exact; honest and most irrefutable definition of Anti Terrorism,

Whatever’s Love in its most pristinely uninhibited and compassionately unabashed form; is infact the exact; transparent and most irrefutable definition of Anti Terrorism,

Whatever’s Love in its most brilliantly blazing and eternally egalitarian form; is infact the exact; unchallangable and most irrefutable definition of Anti Terrorism,

Whatever’s Love in its most ecstatically peerless and royally ameliorating form; is infact the exact; impregnable and most irrefutable definition of Anti Terrorism,

Whatever’s Love in its most Omnisciently blessing and symbiotically ever-pervading form; is infact the exact; indisputable and most irrefutable definition of Anti Terrorism,

Whatever’s Love in its most triumphantly effulgent and resplendently sparkling form; is infact the exact; unfettered and most irrefutable definition of Anti Terrorism,

Whatever’s Love in its most unconquerably mellifluous and timelessly healing form; is infact the exact; unprejudiced and most irrefutable definition of Anti Terrorism,

Whatever’s Love in its most perennially innocuous and vibrantly enthralling form; is infact the exact; unalterable and most irrefutable definition of Anti Terrorism,

Whatever’s Love in its most perpetually spawning and magically proliferating form; is infact the exact; panoramic and most irrefutable definition of Anti Terrorism,

Whatever’s Love in its most everlastingly synergistic and regally harboring form; is infact the exact; unobstructed and most irrefutable definition of Anti Terrorism,

Whatever’s Love in its most enchantingly celestial and ubiquitously mollifying form; is infact the exact; uninterrupted and most irrefutable definition of Anti Terrorism,

Whatever’s Love in its most astoundingly victorious and timelessly harmonious form; is infact the exact; undying and most irrefutable definition of Anti Terrorism,

Whatever’s Love in its most unbelievably charismatic and unlimitedly rhapsodic form; is infact the exact; refreshing and most irrefutable definition of Anti Terrorism,

Whatever’s Love in its most incredulously magnetic and inherently fortified form; is infact the exact; perspicacious and most irrefutable definition of Anti Terrorism,

Whatever’s Love in its most pricelessly natural and unflinchingly bestowing form; is infact the exact; unceasing and most irrefutable definition of Anti Terrorism,

Whatever’s Love in its most undefeated benign and tirelessly uniting form; is infact the exact; inimitable and most irrefutable definition of Anti Terrorism,

Whatever’s Love in its most altruistically contenting and bountifully miraculous form; is infact the exact; unassailable and most irrefutable definition of Anti Terrorism,

Whatever’s Love in its most immortally unhindered and fantastically liberating form; is infact the exact; unshakable and most irrefutable definition of Anti Terrorism,

So the next time you need to exactly define Anti Terrorism; please don’t open your lugubriously monotonous dictionaries for a word so spell bindingly quelling as this; please directly take its most fearless definitions from the chapters of Immortal Love; instead .


If only the building was empty; with scintillating mirrors on its wall creating a ghost appearance; then I would have been the least bothered,
But now my heart cries; as it was occupied by thousands of souls; laughing merrily and sipping coke.

If only the building was empty; with its computerized interiors staring in mock silence; then I would have been the least bothered,
But now my heart cries; as it echoed profoundly with the voices of people inside; the occasional ringing sounds of the mobile phones.

If only the building was empty; with its state of the art architecture desperately waiting to be tapped; then I would have been the least bothered,
But now my heart cries; as there was poignant cigarette smoke hovering around; as scores of business tycoons; contemplated on the economy in the conference room.

If only the building was empty; with its satin carpets sulking under the formal air-conditioners; then I would have been the least bothered,
But now my heart cries; as there were several youngsters munching sandwiches inside; strolling at brusque speeds through the labyrinth of alleys.

If only the building was empty; with its silver ceiling lights shimmering mournfully into open space; then I would have been the least bothered,
But now my heart cries; as there were volumes of cargo and citizen in the elevator; trying to reach the 100th floor in an absolute jiffy.

If only the building was empty; with the emerald drapery completely engulfing the windows; then I would have been the least bothered,
But now my heart cries; as there were more than a lakh eyes wandering around; trying to decipher enigmatic puzzles embossed in bulky files.

If only the building was empty; with its diamond studded doors stringently shut to the world; then I would have been the least bothered,
But now my heart cries; as there were boundless footsteps that were passionately heard; as a battalion of executives marched in all day and night.

If only the building was empty; with its handsome towers escalating lifelessly towards the sun; then I would have been the least bothered,
But now my heart cries; as there were a million needles of watch ticking from the wrists of flamboyant professionals; ingeniously working on unfathomable concepts and ideas.

If only the building was empty; with its heavily scented ambience voluptuously drowning one off to sleep; then I would have been the least bothered,
But now my heart cries; as there were shadows inside looming larger by the minute; as darkness descended by.

And if only the building was empty; with its magnificent assembly of chairs and tables lying deserted inside; then I would have been the least bothered,
But now my heart cries; as there were more than fifty thousand individuals breathing blissfully in the corridors; awaiting death and inevitable pain; as the hijacked airliner barbarically stormed its way in, and crashed inside .


Please Stop War; Please Stop indiscriminately terrorizing hatred to reign as the most supremely inebriating and acrimoniously rebuking ingredient; of the atmosphere,

Please Stop War; Please Stop Poverty from perpetuating its maliciously ghastly curse to every quarter of the planet; as countless innocent were rendered hopeless; and without a single roof to sequester their scalps,

Please Stop War; Please Stop indiscriminately uncouth racialism; ghettoizing
holistically bountiful society; into frigidly polarized and abominably shivering halves,

Please Stop War; Please Stop uncontrollably atrocious misery without the tiniest rhyme or reason; as boundless innocuous civilians cadaverously rotted in the aisles of reproachfully stabbing disease,

Please Stop War; Please Stop limitless impeccable infants from treacherously
emaciating; with every conceivable trace of food and water; pugnaciously metamorphosing into vindictively gory blood,

Please Stop War; Please Stop the coffin of unforgivable diabolism straddle its grip; upon every pristinely untainted chest and soul; till times beyond infinite infinity,

Please Stop War; Please Stop the nightmare of perpetual disaster from ghoulishly enshrouding every philanthropic brain; even in the most blisteringly Omnipotent of daylight,

Please Stop War; Please Stop the scorpion of egregious abhorrence venomously
blinding even the most effusively brilliant of your senses; to mortuaries of inexplicably endless despair,

Please Stop War; Please Stop politicians from taking unprecedented advantage
of the same; salaciously busy in gobbling votes from the one community
that they sanctimoniously supported,

Please Stop War; Please Stop the intransigently hazardous apocalypses of
nuclear war; cursedly victimizing countless more generations yet to be born; with the fangs of unfathomably incurable apathy and angst,

Please Stop War; Please Stop the indescribably penalizing stench of inhumanity forever disrupt the fabric of God’s eternal paradise; mercilessly torch every trifle of compassionate sensitivity alive,

Please Stop War; Please Stop the graveyard of satanically torturing tears; replace every beautifully burgeoning smile; replace every construable instant of symbiotically enamoring felicity,

Please Stop War; Please Stop the thorn of torridly tawdry unemployment to arise out of sheer nothingness; unsparingly lambasting its amorphous bigotry upon triumphantly bustling blood and youth,

Please Stop War; Please Stop Mother Soil from being lethally inundated with
raunchily unceremonious bone and decaying carcass; rather than being miraculously harnessed with the seeds of majestically blessing fertility,

Please Stop War; Please Stop every pricelessly new born infant from being barbarously orphaned; as its parents inadvertently became the fury of the violently rampaging and senselessly blinded mob,

Please Stop War; Please Stop every speck of fretfully asphyxiating desperation; wholesomely overrule the chapters of unassailably Omnipresent truth and gloriously undaunted honesty,

Please Stop War; Please Stop fecklessly livid nervousness heckling every sagaciously celestial bone alive; with every organism frenetically praying for its next breath; instead of insuperably relishing its present one,

Please Stop War; Please Stop contemptuously baseless condemnation of the Lord’s eternally symbiotic living beings; tossing away inimitably endowed life like a chunk of wailing feces; while sadistically kissing the coffin till times immemorial,

Please Stop War; Please Stop utterly derogatory annihilation of the panoramically enthralling environment; as it forever disappeared into the aisles of meaninglessness; while human brutally clashed sword with blood tainted sword,

And Please Stop War; Please Stop every beat of the perennially throbbing heart from bawdily wrenching in the hell of devil; rather than timelessly uniting with the immortally Omniscient paradise of the fathomlessly indomitable Almighty Lord


The bellows of smoke that rose in the air; still had poignant traces of their breath,

The splinters of glass shattered all around; still had profound stains of their blood,

The gargantuan slabs of concrete lying in disarray; still had brutally pulverized fragments of their valiant bones,

The incoherently shaped mirrors poking out from the rubble; still had their terrorized reflections,

The sordid bits of paper blended with stone; still had embodiments of their last minute declarations,

The disastrously squelched telephone pieces; still had shrill recordings of their horrified and ghastly screams,

The unconsumed cakes of food adhering to the severely distorted lifts; still had vivacious traces of their saliva,

The strands of metallic junk diffusing from the broken car seats; still had the blurred photo of their beloved,

The ripped apart fragments of curtain cloth wound limply around the gleaming iron nails; still contained curled masses of their blood soaked hair,

The disdainfully beaten pieces of plaster engulfed in clouds of dust; were still impregnated with scores of their shimmering teeth,

The mud sprinkled for kilometers on the stretch; was still moist with their river of agonized tears; which must have profusely oozed out from their cheeks,

The mammoth sized pillars which once held the building one piece from beneath; were still flooded with bonquet's of bruised flowers which they had been just
rewarded for their achievements,

The eagle which incessantly encircled the appalling sight; still had their expensive chains of silver in its beak,

The thoroughly dismantled upholstery buried several feet under the debris; still contained compassionate traces of their warmth,

The computer screens split apart into infinite halves; still displayed nostalgic images of their eyes,

The majestic wall paintings battered and bashed from all sides; still had animated marks of their caress,

The revolving chairs now an inconspicuous shadow of themselves; still had a fine conglomerate of chocolate powder; which they must be merrily munching a few
seconds before,

The colossal chimneys which were now reduced to matchsticks; still had their countless dreams rampantly lingering around,

And who says they were dead?, for if not anybody; but it is my firm belief that they were living; as no matter how unprecedented was the tragedy; no matter how horrific their destiny had been; their hearts were palpitating louder than outside world several feet below the rubble; with each beat louder than the other and proclaiming that THEY WERE STILL BREATHING AND ALIVE .


It was great to wholeheartedly smile; but an irrefutable feeling even greater than that; was spreading its celestial essence to the most miserably orphaned quarters of this boundless Universe,

It was great to marvelously fantasize; but an irrefutable feeling even greater than that; was granting a right to every person irrespective of caste; creed; or religion; to profoundly do the same; alike,

It was great to stupendously sight; but an irrefutable feeling even greater than that; was philanthropically assisting all those besieged with gruesomely devastating blindness; immortalizing their dreams into an eternal reality,

It was great to eat tantalizing food; but an irrefutable feeling even greater than that; was to feed the horrendously famished and deprived; witness them blossom into the celestially benign citizens of tomorrow,

It was great to dress up ravishingly beautiful; but an irrefutable feeling even greater than that; was to embellish every miserably abandoned infant; with the ornaments of perpetual love and care,

It was great to invincibly marry; but an irrefutable feeling even greater than that; was to unite passionately palpitating hearts all across the fathomlessly magnificent Universe; in threads of everlasting romance,

It was great to incessantly march towards your benevolent goals; but an irrefutable feeling even greater than that; was to educate and profusely transpire all those indiscriminately sucking each other’s blood; with the perennial fragrance of humanity,

It was great to acquire astronomical wealth; but an irrefutable feeling even greater than that; was to help the treacherously afflicted destitute; magnanimously bequeath upon them a dwelling of vibrant compassion; sequestering them from the vicious onslaught of neglect,

It was great to have Herculean muscles jutting profoundly from all quarters of your body; but an irrefutable feeling even greater than that; was to massacre the parasites of evil in entirety from this colossaly gregarious earth; relentlessly tower tall as the ultimate harbinger of all mankind,

It was great to have scarlet blood cascading poignantly through your intricate veins; but an irrefutable feeling even greater than that; was to save as many innocent lives as possible from despairing extinction; in the tenure of your transiently fading life,

It was great to melodiously sing; but an irrefutable feeling even greater than that; was to harmoniously pacify all traumatized agony incinerated due to malicious manipulation; with the supremely magical cadence in your voice,

It was great to uninhibitedly dance; but an irrefutable feeling even greater than that; was to sway in exhilarating gay abandon with all those disastrously maimed; uplift their impeccable souls to blend with the Omnisciently divine,

It was great to illuminate your abode with blazing light; but an irrefutable feeling even greater than that; was to Omnipotently enlighten all those hutments uncouthly lingering in pools of ghastly sadness and unprecedented suffering,

It was great to mischievously philander through the aisles of unfathomable desire; but an irrefutable feeling even greater than that; was to return their ecstatically lost childhood’s to children; brutally pulverized by ostentatious norms of the stinkingly rigid society,

It was great to tower barefoot upon the summit of the gloriously unconquerable mountain; but an irrefutable feeling even greater than that; was to mitigate
derogatorily castigated humanity from chains of lecherous slavery; hoist them to forever exist above the surreally romantic clouds,

It was great to be successful in every acrimonious examination of your life; but an irrefutable feeling even greater than that; was to pioneer all those hopelessly shattered lives; towards the epitome of bountifully resplendent prosperity,

It was great to be sagaciously truthful; but an irrefutable feeling even greater than that; was to disseminate the elements of peace; brotherhood; and symbiotic existence; in every organism that you holistically encountered in your blissful way,

It was great to royally breathe; but an irrefutable feeling even greater than that; was to bestow life upon all immaculate entities despondently crumbling; rejuvenating the cold-bloodedly insidious globe once again; into an overwhelmingly mesmerizing paradise,

And it was great to immortally love; but an irrefutable feeling even greater than that; was to perpetually coalesce every cranny of this aristocratically glittering planet; in the winds of compassionate sharing; in waves of impregnable peace; over and above all; in unassailable petals of inseparable mankind .


It stood taller than any other structure in the sky; kissing the ensemble of cotton clouds as they drifted by,

It looked like a towering giant; infront of the matchbox sized houses sprawled disdainfully around,

It caused infinite number of necks to stretch to their maximum; and yet its summit eluded their eyes,

It offered spell binding views; and the privilege to witness jumbo sized planes whistling from arms length from its body,

It withstood the most tumultuous of storm; the most thunderous of rain; incorrigibly refraining to budge an inch from its original ground,

It was the first structure on which the rain fell from the sky; later cascading down in minuscule rivulets towards soil,

It was the lone warrior which loomed large above all; when the entire city was inundated by a swirling flood,

It appeared almost invincible; with its formidable strength evading the mightiest of attack,

It reflected a tinge of robust pink; even when caught unaware in the midst of escalating flames,

It was the most contemporary piece of architecture ever existing; with its ergonomic interiors offering luxury befitting a king,

It was the very first expedition that students pursuing design were taken too; while visiting the modern city,

It was a manifestation of a battalion of ingenious design; involving countless engineers from all over the planet,

It was a feast to sight for the naked human eye; with its scintillating mirrors magnificently depicting the island of flaming Sun,

It harbored unfathomable number of royal conference rooms; golden elevators which transited you into a surreal spin; transporting you to a thousand meters above earth in fractions of seconds,

It was home for boundless individuals; evolving incredulous technology as each day crept from the horizon,

It was the nerve center for all business and trade; dictated life around the planet like nothing else did,

It was a monument about which; infinite lines had been written in the past; with the ink in the pen augmenting as each alphabet was drawn,

It was the stupendously captivating sight ever in history; fomenting every contemporary artist to ponder about,

And even today; even as each of its impregnable floor is reduced to raw ash; the perpetrators assuming themselves to be victorious have miserably failed; as its memories will live immortally in our hearts and The World Trade Center shall stand tall forever and ever and ever .


It either lethally wounded you; brutally divesting you of even the most infinitesimal bit of your celestially burgeoning happiness,

Or it either venomously blinded you for the remainder of your life; as it mercilessly zipped past the whites of your symbiotically effulgent eyes,

Or it either indefinitely fractured your bones; dolorously rendering you to beg on one foot; till the time breath was still ardent in each heavenly nostril of yours,

Or it either indiscriminately slandered you; leaving you without the most inconspicuous trifle of water and food; right in the heart of the truculently
acrimonious deserts,

Or it either baselessly tortured you to the most unprecedented limits; as at times the coffins of agony in every ingredient of your blood; seemed more Herculean than the corridors of infinite infinity,

Or it either indelibly cursed you; wherein you found that every step that you unflinchingly alighted; led only to the graveyards of death; death and inconsolably hedonistic bloodshed,

Or it either penalizingly divided you into a boundless halves; separating you forever and ever and ever from the ones you most eternally adored; embraced and loved,

Or it either unforgivably slapped you; leaving such a tawdrily cancerous indentation upon the fabric of your impeccable life; which was impossible to ever erase,

Or it either stained even the most mercurial line of your destiny with treacherous blood; the stains of which cold-bloodedly asphyxiated you for an unlimited
more lifetimes,

Or it either created parasitic boundaries and differences with your neighboring symbiotic caste; creed; nationalities and tribe; lambasting every conceivable cranny of your brain with the wrath of inexplicably frustrating prejudice,

Or it either unsparingly bludgeoned you into the corpses of bizarrely forlorn extinction; before even you ever had the time to utter your wistfully fervent

Or it either treated you as if you were the greatest criminal on planet divine; when infact you’d spent every unfurling instant of your life profoundly dedicated to the service of ubiquitously ever-pervading living-kind,

Or it either tirelessly victimized you beyond tangible degrees of comprehension; fomenting even the most oblivious nerve of yours to tremble in uncontrollable
abhorrence and satanic malice,

Or it either vanquished the Sun of unfettered optimism forever and ever and ever from your gloriously priceless lifetime; leaving you sacrilegiously drenched into solely a mortuary of baselessly crippling darkness,

Or it either ominously jinxed you for every unleashing second of your life; wherein whatever you dared caress; bawdily metamorphosed into the most disparagingly delinquent coal-mine,

Or it either tyrannically distorted the contours of your pristinely inimitable face; rendering you as the most penuriously ugly organism on the trajectory of this fathomless Universe,

Or it either vindictively stopped the influx of prosperity in your life; replacing even the tiniest bit of happiness; with traumatically augmenting sorrow and devastatingly devouring war,

Or it either made you as uxoriously hollow as the lifeless corpse even as you breathed; after witnessing countless of your own innocent kin and kind; unstoppably bleeding to the last breath of their life,

Or it either incessantly perpetuated you to lick lackadaisically ribald mud; as your jaws got unfortunately trapped into the sadistically cannibalistic enemy camp,

Or it either hung your head in shame every time you took birth; infront of all those whom you had meaninglessly assassinated in a trice of a second; without any ostensible reason or rhyme and only on the pretext of war,

Or it either snatched your beloved from so perpetually far away from you; that even the most preposterously wildest of your dreams couldn’t ever imagine of ever reaching her,

Then why the hell have you made this ghastly “ Bullet ” O! Impoverished Man; releasing it in countless numbers every unveiling instant of Omnipotent life; when all that was required was just one true beat of Immortal love earnestly wafting from your heart; enough to transform this boundless Universe into a veritable paradise; enough to enshroud even the most evanescent bit of misery into an unconquerably blissful entrenchment of the Creator Divine


You either take to terrorism; to tirelessly liberate the enslaved agony of your soul; at being ruthlessly divested of those quintessentially blissful ingredients of life; at the hands of chauvinistic anarchists,
But I’ll tell you to take to “Immortal love” is an infinite times better option instead; as you’re already liberated of even the tiniest of your agony; with every unfurling beat of your interminably passionate heart .

You either take to terrorism; to earn unsurpassable treasuries of currency; without slogging and persevering it the hard way out in inexplicably enamoring existence,
But I’ll tell you to take to “Immortal Love” is an infinite times better option instead; as you’re already the most pricelessly blessed organism on planet divine; with every unfurling beat of your majestically unimpeachable heart .

You either take to terrorism; to assert your dominance over countless other entities of your living kind; upon whom you otherwise felt you could never ever have supremely ruled,
But I’ll tell you to take to “Immortal Love” is an infinite times better option instead; as you’re already the most compassionately undefeatable organism alive for innumerable more births of yours; with every unfurling beat of your royally impeccable heart .

You either take to terrorism; to rightfully avenge and heal the sordidly ungainly wounds on your persona; dastardly inflicted by a handful of truants; nations;
enemies or kingdoms,
But I’ll tell you to take to “Immortal Love” is an infinite times better option instead; as you’re already miraculously ameliorated and healed of every of your internal and external wound; with every unfurling beat of your symbiotically amiable heart .

You either take to terrorism; to enrich every single person of your kin; with the most unconquerably enviable luxuries of life; infallibly prove to them that the entire world run on your singular commands,
But I’ll tell you to take to “Immortal Love” is an infinite times better option instead; as you’re already making not just your kin; but every living being on this Universe; experience the ultimate utopia of the heavens; with every unfurling beat of your magnanimously ardent heart .

You either take to terrorism; to limitlessly capture every cranny of this earth; embed your very own signature on every conceivable space and object frequenting the most invisibly thinnest of air,
But I’ll tell you to take to “Immortal Love” is an infinite times better option instead; as you’re already Omnipresent on every tangible trajectory of this fathomless Universe; with every unfurling beat of your enchantingly silken heart .

You either take to terrorism; to grant even the most incomprehensibly uncurbed fantasy of yours; the most final proportions of execution and unlimited supremacy,
But I’ll tell you take to “Immortal Love” is an infinite times better option instead; as you’re already floating in the cradle of unending fantasy suspended from the clouds of paradise; with every unfurling beat of your bounteously magnetic heart .

You either take to terrorism; to greedily assimilate all what you ever could in an entire lifetime; in just a single moment of barbarously indiscriminate power,
But I’ll tell you to take to “Immortal Love” is an infinite times better option instead; as you’re already blessed with all the wealth; all the virtues of a countless more lives this very moment; with every unfurling beat of your vivaciously virile heart .

You either take to terrorism; to pass time and simultaneously metamorphose every ardent dream of yours into an unbreakable reality; as just a single bullet violently reverberated from your pistol,
But I’ll tell you to take to “Immortal Love” is an infinite times better option instead; as you’re already engaged in the most unassailably fructifying activity without having to seek any other profession; with every unfurling beat of your victoriously effulgent heart .

You either take to terrorism; to prove that there was no God who existed on the firmament of this endless Universe; and it was solely you who controlled the
destinies of every entity existing and beyond; at the tap of your intricately nimble finger,
But I’ll tell you to take to “Immortal Love” is an infinite times better option instead; as you’re already the most Omnipotent God of every aspect of your very ownself; with every unfurling beat of your jubilantly unfettered heart .

You either take to terrorism; to gain the fame and attention of the entire globe; as every other option that you tried left you aimlessly wandering in the jailhouses of bizarrely maiming extinction,
But I’ll tell you to take to “Immortal Love” is an infinite times better option instead; as you’re already the most indisputably crowned king of vivid existence; with every unfurling beat of your spell-bindingly triumphant heart .

You either take to terrorism; to live each moment of life unfathomably larger than it seems; with every tangibly beautiful object and puff of air on this unending earth; handsomely capsized and placed upon your bohemian fists,
But I’ll tell you to take to “Immortal Love” is an infinite times better option instead; as you’re already parading as the most insuperable and tallest organism on this boundless Universe; eternally higher than the clouds; with every unfurling beat of your wondrously bewitching heart .

You either take to terrorism; to bring about a spectacularly blissful renaissance and improvement in the condition of your own country and tribe; sadistically oppressed by some cannibalistic superpowers of the ever-proliferating earth,
But I’ll tell you to take to “Immortal Love” is an infinite times better option instead; as you’re already being victoriously reborn and reincarnated alongwith every single dead and living organism on this ecstatic planet; with every unfurling beat of your everlastingly humanitarian heart .

You either take to terrorism; just because of your ominously repressed and thwarted desires of the flesh; just because your venerated wife was openly flirting and sinfully liaisoning with another man right infront of your very own eyes,
But I’ll tell you to take to “Immortal Love” is an infinite times better option instead; as you’re already being married to an infinite epitomes and skies of sensuous virility every single instant; with every unfurling beat of your poignantly infallible heart .

You either take to terrorism; to break the norms of the conventionally turgid society; which have virtually no substance and identity; and which have forced the entire human society to live in the dungeons of maniacal incarceration since centuries unprecedented,
But I’ll tell you to take to “Immortal Love” is an infinite times better option instead; as you’re already liberating towards the winds of the ultimate heaven and impregnable freedom; gregariously bonded with the entire heavenly Universe; with every unfurling beat of your perennially mesmerizing heart .


A wave of supreme contentment entrenching your soul; permeating your heart with an enchanting rhapsody; even though you were besieged with the most penurious circumstances on this planet,

An ever proliferating nostalgia to transit into childhood once again; euphorically bouncing in the lap of your sacred mother,

A desire to relinquish all worldly possessions; to save the lives of your fellow comrades engulfed with uncontrollable misery and pain,

An everlasting dream in your mind; to exist for centuries unsurpassable even after your death; dedicating your life to the service of love and mankind,

And you have the most stupendously serene rainbow of PEACE; diffusing its infinite colors to coalesce into the celestially symbiotic survival of all religion and human kind .

A mountain of trust in each other's doings; profusely blindfolded belief in the mother who bore you nine months in her womb,

An insatiable conviction to act upon the voice of your innermost conscience; follow the path of irrefutable righteousness; come whatever perilous in your way,

An untamed spirit to free God's divinely world; from the clutches of manipulatively uncouth devils,

An overwhelmingly resilient virtue of igniting astronomically brilliant fires; even in the most ghastliest of darkness hovering around,

And you have the most impregnable fortress of UNITY; with each second of unfurling black; yielding way for fathomless more lights .

A bit of compassionate care; uninhibited concern for your compatriots in inexplicable pain,

A petal of perpetual happiness; without a trace of abhorrent malice,

A cloud of tranquility lingering in all quarters of the Universe; instilling the virtue of harmony in one and all,

A trail of altruistic sacrifice; with the heart wanting to shower unprecedented more; even after palpitating each beat,

And you have a mesmerizing river of immortal LOVE; disseminating its Omnipresent essence in every entity blissfully breathing and alive .

An insurmountably valiant attitude to annihilate your own life; instead of catering to indiscriminate lies,

An incomprehensible belief in treading on the path of the Creator; ignoring the thorns of greed making you vehemently bleed all your way,

An incorrigible vow of bowing your head only in front of his Omnipotent grace; or else pulverizing it if the demons so wanted,

An inexorable longing to march unflinchingly ahead; irrespective of the religion you followed; entwining your palms with your fellow mates; to save the globe from getting destroyed,

And you have the most ubiquitously worshipped element of TRUTH; which none possessed the capacity to dismantle before this earth was evolved; and none would till the time it would continue to holistically exist .


You might ruthlessly extract it from people of different Heights from all across this fathomlessly brilliant Universe; cynically pulverizing their intricately blessed veins,

You might sadistically extract it from people of different Weights from all across this boundlessly benign Universe; cadaverously slicing through their astoundingly sensitive veins,

You might unsparingly extract it from people of different Nationalities from all across this timelessly resplendent Universe; brutally rummaging through their inimitably divine veins,

You might lecherously extract it from people of different Skin Colors from
all across this limitlessly unceasing Universe; disastrously excoriating through their non-invasively bountiful veins,

You might hideously extract it from people of different Ideals from all across this wonderfully philanthropic Universe; tawdrily biting through their redolently symbiotic veins,

You might demonically extract it from people of different Sensitivities from
all across this pricelessly indefatigable Universe; cannibalistically ripping through their jubilantly sculptured veins,

You might hideously extract it from people of different Demeanors from all across this endlessly blossoming Universe; atrociously ripping through their daintily innocuous veins,

You might tyrannically extract it from people of different Beliefs from all across this tirelessly spectacular Universe; parasitically sucking it from their beautifully nubile veins,

You might hedonistically extract it from people of different Brains from all
across this indefatigably glorious Universe; wantonly nibbling through
their poignantly unfettered veins,

You might chauvinistically extract it from people of different Communities from all across this pungently ecstatic Universe; criminally slandering through
their unbelievably ebullient veins,

You might treacherously extract it from people of different Intuitive Instinctiveness from all across this triumphantly unsurpassable Universe; despicably burrowing through their serenely shimmering veins,

You might vengefully extract it from people of different Muscle Power from all across this amazingly inscrutable Universe; vindictively victimizing through
their placidly holistic veins,

You might sinfully extract it from people of different Corneal Shades from
all across this victoriously effulgent Universe; monstrously trespassing through
their wonderfully untainted veins,

You might barbarously extract it from people of different Personalities from
all across this inexhaustibly synergistic Universe; blasphemously plundering through their innocuously humble veins,

You might carnivorously extract it from people of different Artistries from all across this unfathomably majestic Universe; devilishly eating through their emolliently unbridled veins,

You might ignominiously extract it from people of different Determinations
from all across this pristinely spell-binding Universe; venomously pilfering through their eclectically nimble veins,

You might lasciviously extract it from people of different Continents from all across this philanthropically unlimited Universe; unabashedly digging through
their splendidly priceless veins,

You might indiscriminately extract it from people of different Religions from all across this beautifully luminescent Universe; deplorably bombarding through their immaculately unhindered veins,

But eventually you’d find that from everywhere that you had heartlessly extracted; the color of blood was solely red; red and an irrefutable passionate red; and it was impossible for you to trace back its individual origin once you amalgamated the same into an unassailably united mass,

For if it was the Omnipotent Almighty Creator who had decided that all blood
on this boundless earth was; is; and irrespective of caste; creed; status and race would forever remain red; then who the hell were you inconspicuous molecular man; who wanted to sleazily divide God’s eternally united earth into an infinite parts of prejudice; war and hatred; who the hell were you to worthlessly discriminate?


An eye for another eye; would definitely plunge the entire world into a mortuary of cringing darkness"would definitely make the entire world blind,

A tongue for another tongue; would definitely dumb the entire world into a wall of haplessly delirious silence"would definitely make the entire world mute,

An ear for another ear; would definitely plague the entire world into a unfathomably deep gorge of sadistic nothingness-would definitely make the entire world deaf,

A lip for another lip; would definitely devastate the entire world into a corpse of irrevocably jinxed sadness-would definitely make the entire world flagrantly morose,

A hand for another hand; would definitely plummet the entire world into a carcass of fetidly indescribable hopelessness-would definitely make the entire world beg beyond holistic heights,

A spine for another spine; would definitely incarcerate the entire world into chains of sacrilegiously blackened slavery-would definitely make the entire world denigrated beyond self respect,

A stomach for another stomach; would definitely emaciate the entire world into infinite skulls of reproachful hunger"would definitely make the entire world vindictively starve,

A neck for another neck; would definitely curse the entire world into an inconsolably hideous dungeon of emptiness"would definitely make the entire world a bloodily anarchist battlefield,

A vein for another vein; would definitely devastate the entire world into a demonically sadistic lacunae"would definitely make the entire world plaintively emotionless,

A finger for another finger; would definitely coerce the entire world to cacophonically beg for a lifetime on the streets"would definitely make the entire world a pile of worthlessly rusted brittle pins,

A skin for another skin; would definitely freeze the entire world into a gutter-pipe of shivering and cloistered hopelessness"would definitely make the entire world crumble even under the strongest of blistering Sun,

A shoulder for another shoulder; would definitely deteriorate the entire world into a slushpile of abysmally pitiful remorse"would definitely make the entire world directionless,

A leg for another leg; would definitely sink the entire world into the marshes of despondently orphaned doomsday"would definitely make the whole world forlornly maimed,

A scalp for another scalp; would definitely lead the entire world into a ghost-town of venomously sordid blackness---would definitely make the whole world a hallucinated fool,

A bone for another bone; would definitely squelch the entire world beyond the threshold of unimaginable despair"would definitely make the whole world irrevocably maimed,

A tooth for another tooth; would definitely bruise the entire world into dastardly tastelessness"would definitely make the whole world remorsefully bland,

A cheek for another cheek; would definitely distort the entire world into a coffin of crucified ugliness---would definitely make the entire world a perennially maudlin scarecrow,

A blood-drop for another blood-drop; would definitely metamorphose the entire world into a veritably breathing hell"would definitely make the entire world a reproachfully stinking ghost,

Whist a heart for another heart - would definitely immortalize the entire world into the religion of eternal mankind - make the entire world fall forever and ever and ever without a chance to ever rise up; into the ocean of immortal humanity and love .


Eye to Eye; and there perpetually evolves; an unassailably glorious fabric of divinely mesmerizing and beautifully unprejudiced; empathy,

Ear to Ear; and there perpetually evolves, a sky of fantastically unparalleled and ecstatically astounding; sensitivity,

Lip to Lip; and there perpetually evolves; a forest of inscrutably untamed and timelessly fructifying; passion,

Finger to Finger; and there perpetually evolves; a heaven of inimitably majestic and poignantly intricate; artistry,

Bone to Bone; and there perpetually evolves; a fortress of unflinchingly handsome and fearlessly peerless; unity,

Shoulder to Shoulder; and there perpetually evolves; a mountain of indomitably unfettered and limitlessly coalescing; compassion,

Hair to Hair; and there perpetually evolves; a garden of spell bindingly tantalizing and effulgently romancing; sensuousness,

Eyelash to Eyelash; and there perpetually evolves; a meadow of unsurpassably
unbridled and eternally ubiquitous; mischief,

Blood to Blood; and there perpetually evolves; a civilization of irrefutably honest and unconquerably fragrant; oneness,

Tongue to Tongue; and there perpetually evolves; a cistern of unfathomably mellifluous and delectably rejoicing; sweetness,

Foot to Foot; and there perpetually evolves; a valley of inscrutably magical and jubilantly romancing; adventure,

Nail to Nail; and there perpetually evolves; a playground of regally innocuous and bountifully twinkling; uninhibitedness,

Cheek to Cheek; and there perpetually evolves; a cloud of unbreakably nubile
and charmingly pristine; desire,

Brain to Brain; and there perpetually evolves; an entrenchment of ingeniously amazing and tirelessly proliferating; innovation,

Skin to Skin; and there perpetually evolves; a mist of limitlessly untainted and ardently unhindered; longing,

Chest to Chest; and there perpetually evolves; a cradle of everlastingly unbridled and triumphantly symbiotic; compassion,

Belly to Belly; and there perpetually evolves; a thunderstorm of profoundly blessing and timelessly igniting; virility,

Thigh to Thigh; and there perpetually evolves; an epitome of passionately bonding and indefatigably yearning; electricity,

Shadow to Shadow; and there perpetually evolves; a gorge of tranquilly resplendent and unstoppably effervescent; mysticism,

Sweat to Sweat; and there perpetually evolves; a torrential rainshower of ecstatically ever-pervading and perennially mollifying; seduction,

Nape to Nape; and there perpetually evolves; a fountain of effulgently ingratiating and magically reinvigorating; excitement,

Toe to Toe; and there perpetually evolves; a wind of jubilantly unrestricted
and brazenly intrepid; enthrallment,

Soul to Soul; and there perpetually evolves; an atmosphere of insuperably heritage and unceasingly priceless; infinite infinity,

Conscience to Conscience; and there perpetually evolves; a seed of unconquerably redolent and boundlessly uniting; truth,

Forehead to Forehead; and there perpetually evolves; a whirlpool of unabashedly wonderful and inexhaustibly beautiful; creativity,

Nostril to Nostril; and there perpetually evolves; a planet of synergistically melanging and interminably procreating; life,

Heart to Heart; and there perpetually evolves; a Universe of Immortally Omnipotent and sacredly Omnipresent; Love .


A different spoon for you and a different spoon for me; why not we forever digest with the same spoon; whose metal was made of the threads of invincibly compassionate symbiotism,

A different glass for you and a different glass for me; why not we forever
drink in the same glass; whose walls were made of the fathomless entrenchments of unshakably faithful friendship,

A different vehicle for you and a different vehicle for me; why not we forever travel in the same vehicle; whose body was made of the spirit of unflinchingly unconquerable togetherness,

A different plate for you and a different plate for me; why not we forever eat in the same plate; whose base was made of the elements of Perennially fructifying humanity,

A different cloth for you and a different cloth for me; why not we forever
cover our shivering bodies with the same cloth; whose fabric was made of the
eternally bounteous rudiments of Mother Nature,

A different dwelling for you and a different dwelling for me; why not we
forever live in the same dwelling; whose roof was made of the most unassailable skies of priceless brotherhood,

A different job for you and a different job for me; why not we forever do the same philanthropic job together; whose each conceivably working hour was for the perennial amelioration of all tyrannically deprived living kind,

A different path for you and a different path for me; why not we forever walk on the same path; whose every tangible bifurcation, fearlessly led to the ultimate epitomes of impregnable truth and sparkling righteousness,

A different tune for you and a different tune for me; why not we forever listen to the same tune; whose every decibel miraculously quelled all indiscriminate terrorism and royally led all towards the path of immortal love,

A different fantasy for you and a different fantasy for me; why not we forever delve into the same fantasy; whose silken paradise comprised of nothing else but; the ubiquitously spell binding beats of infallible love,

A different river for you and a different river for me; why not we forever bathe in the same river; whose waters eventually melanged with the unsurpassably bestowing ocean of peace,

A different country for you and a different country for me; why not we forever live in the same country; whose infinite foundations were erected on the ingredients of altruistic unity,

A different name for you and a different name for me; why not we forever embrace the same name; whose characters just spoke of nothing else but the indefatigably consecrating spirit of humanitarian oneness,

A different religion for you and a different religion for me; why not we forever befriend the same religion; whose boundless intricacies eventually and finally coalesced; with the everlasting religion of humanity,

A different inspiration for you and a different inspiration for me; why not we forever adapt the same source of inspiration; whose peerlessly optimistic rays of divine light; interminably perpetuated their way through the most despicable tunnels of asphyxiating pain and blackness,

A different shade for you and a different shade for me; why not we forever
rest under the same shade; whose every reflection symbiotically unfurled the
fathomless moods of vivaciously pristine Mother Nature,

A different school for you and a different school for me; why not we forever
study in the same school; whose every classroom undyingly taught the principles of triumphant selflessness,

A different breath for you and a different breath for me; why not we forever
survive in the same breath; whose unparalleled fieriness timelessly led towards the chapters of bounteously utopian life,

A different beat for you and a different beat for me; why not we forever love in the same heartbeat; whose every immortal palpitation brought every living being on the trajectory of this planet; closer and closer to the Omnipotent Lord divine


We aren’t afraid of the treacherous mountains; infact keep them in our back side pockets,

We aren’t afraid of the freezing winds; infact sheltered them in a solitary whisker of our profusely poignant moustache,

We aren’t afraid of the lethal bullets flying horrendously around; infact we face them with our chests escalating unflinchingly and handsome towards the azure sky,

We aren’t afraid of the acrimoniously sweltering sands; infact caress them like a prince marching uninhibitedly towards the corridors of victory,

We aren’t afraid of overwhelming thirst; infact posses the capacity to remain without a droplet of water; it the situation so demands,

We aren’t afraid of mighty avalanches of snow; infact treated them like insipid broomsticks sticking innocuously to our valiant eyelashes,

We aren’t afraid of indiscriminate abuse; infact let them pass like pieces of disdainful s**t; from one ear of ours to the other,

We aren’t afraid of the most ominous of crocodile; infact carried his live skin intrepidly; with a profound sense of equanimity on our shoulders,

We aren’t afraid of tumultuously vindictive storm; infact inhaled its merciless winds with astronomical ease through our fearless nostrils,

We aren’t afraid of perpetual blackness; infact stared at it in its uncouth eye; till it wholesomely disappeared into infinitesimal wisps of non-existent sky,

We aren’t afraid of truckloads of blood; infact shed it with insurmountably supreme pride; to defend the soil on which we tread since our first cry,

We aren’t afraid of the battalion of satanic swords gushing towards our head; infact held them like peanuts in our palms; inscribing our names with their tips on our belligerently barren chests,

We aren’t afraid of excruciating pain; infact smiled indefatigably whilst in the heart of it; and till the time our mission was blissfully accomplished,

We aren’t afraid of inexplicable spirits loitering in the atmosphere; infact coined our own destinies; with sweat of sweet perseverance; flowing gloriously from
our audaciously muscled shoulders,

We aren’t afraid of lecherous politics; infact blow the manipulative leaders involved; with minuscule draughts of our drearily languid breath,

We aren’t afraid of the most horrifically traumatic aftermaths; infact accept them with an invincible glow radiating resiliently from our eyes,

We aren’t afraid of sacrificing our lives at the slightest intimation; infact ardently waited for our chance to relinquish breath; and blend our impeccable souls with the Almighty Creator,

We aren’t afraid of losing our loved ones; infact had bid them adieu forever; when we plunged wholeheartedly on our path towards irrefutable righteousness,

Just one minute; before you start thinking that we were God’s; let me clarify that we were not; but we definitely take unfathomable pleasure in proclaiming ourselves to be the immortal soldiers of our MOTHERLAND .


I hated it ; like a dog wandering on the street detests to be lambasted,

I hated it; like thunder clouds in sky which simply refrain to rain,

I hated it; like the seasonal stream of water which protests vehemently against drying,

I hated it; like a sacrosanct priest in the church who intractably rejects worldly pleasures,

I hated it; like the unscrupulous burglar in the street despises to be apprehended,

I hated it; like walls of the palatial mansion severely repulsed ghastly darkness,

I hated it; like the palpable and intricate heart rebukes the closure of breath,

I hated it; like the sensitive tongue in mouth hates to be mercilessly scalded,

I hated it; like silver sands of the ocean thoroughly despise acerbic rays of brilliant sun,

I hated it; like the aircraft soaring high in puffs of clouds hates to collide with the ground,

I hated it; like fresh fruits dangling from tree branches hated to become rotten,

I hated it; like the synchronized demeanor of computer hated a host of virus,

I hated it; like the gleaming surface of immaculate marble hates yellow stain,

I hated it; like an innocuous child abhorrently detests to be scolded,

I hated it; like the motorized lift in the edifice hated to close brusquely midway,

I hated it; like the scintillating edge of sword hated to acquire rust,

I hated it; like the grandiloquent ship sailing on the sea hated to sink,

I hated it; like the people with perfect sight hated to transit to blind,

I hated it; like the silken spider in its web hates to loose balance and fall,

I hated it; like the innocent hate to be tyrannized and brutally mutilated,

I hated it; like compact cubes of solid ice hated to melt,

I hated it; as much as the marathon champion hated to loose the race,

I hated it; as much as a cluster of fortified teeth in the mouth hated to painstakingly decay,

I hated it; as much as I hated to relinquish indispensable breath and die,

Oh! Yes the thing that I hated has been hated profoundly since centuries unprecedented; by all those having a philanthropic spirit to live,

And now I think is the conducive moment to audaciously reveal; that the thing I hated the most was indiscriminate crime .


Religion is that - what even the most infinitesimal cranny of your eyes wanted to see"inexhaustibly absorb; admire; yearn for till times beyond infinity and even beyond your veritably stinking grave,

Religion is that - what each ingredient of your blood inexhaustibly craved to be a part of - flow for with an untamed zeal resembling the unendingly vivacious expanse of the crystalline blue sky,

Religion is that - what the innermost voices of your conscience felt to be the ultimate truth - irrespective of whatever be the place; time; situation; moment or conditionality of impoverished & truncated life,

Religion is that"what every part of your feet wanted to ardently step on - pave an inimitably righteous path of their very own amidst a brutal quagmire of emotions and squalid commercialism all around,

Religion is that - what your hands wanted to give the most unflinchingly definitive shape to - such an unfailing silhouette of eternal friendship which was impossible for even the most beguiling of demons to disrupt,

Religion is that-- what your lips wanted to kiss 24 X 7 " perpetuating even the most bizarrely frazzled persona to uninhibitedly soar in wisps of unfettered paradise,

Religion is that - what your nostrils wanted to inhale till the last breath of life - an entrenchment of unassailable compassion which made existence the most priceless chapter of destiny,

Religion is that - what your fingers wanted to timelessly intertwine with each unveiling instant - bask in the spirit of invincibly bountiful friendship for times beyond an unfathomable infinite,

Religion is that"what each part of your ears wanted to mellifluously hear - enthrall to the most unprecedented of capacities in the everlastingly symbiotic tunes of blissful survival,

Religion is that"what your palms wanted to infallibly clasp forever and ever and ever - that united strength of togetherness that granted you the temerity to palpitate even in the most apocalyptically disastrous of storms and times,

Religion is that"what your mouth wanted to perennially talk and sing praises about - rhapsodically engulfing each element of the atmosphere around you with the unbridled happiness of a countless lifetimes in one,

Religion is that"what each of your bones felt the most resolutely strong for---defending each honest and fructifying voice from within like the citadel of the gods,

Religion is that"what your mind fantasized till beyond the most unbelievably beautiful limits"and thereby felt in the seventh heaven of ubiquitous prosperity whilst traversing each instant on mundane earth,

Religion is that"what your shoulders philanthropically hoisted from one end of your adventure to the other"being a selfless harbinger of humanity to mitigate each ounce of sorrow with profound camaraderie and care,

Religion is that"what your legs want to ecstatically gallop after; like the horizons indefatigably running after the Sun"the most tantalizing mirage which tirelessly triggers you to achieve more and more and more,

Religion is that"what the tiniest cranny of your soul unshakably radiates - permeating such a yearning that you continued to wondrously exist beyond your corpse for a countless more lives and lifetimes,

Religion is that"what your heart feels is the absolute epitome of righteousness"no matter how uncouthly the barbarous planet outside chose to devour every bit of you; from your very roots,

So folks lets forget everything else; come lets move united and forward; come lets live this immortal religion of our hearts to the fullest; come lets forget our disdainfully castrated pasts and give this new religion of ours a fresh try"and our very very best .


The ratio of HEDONISM: HAPPINESS perhaps on this fathomless Universe; might have pathetically dwindled to a preposterously abominable; INFINITY: ZERO; today,

The ratio of ESTRANGEMENT: EQUALITY perhaps on this boundless Universe; might have abysmally faltered to an acrimoniously pugnacious; INFINITY: ZERO; today,

The ratio of POLITICS: PEACE perhaps on this mesmerizing Universe; might have sadistically extinguished to an acridly bellicose; INFINITY: ZERO; today,

The ratio of SALACIOUSNESS: SAGACIOUSNESS perhaps on this colossal Universe; might have disastrously deteriorated to an insipidly threadbare; INFINITY:ZERO; today,

The ratio of CHAUVINISM: CHEERFULNESS perhaps on this gigantic Universe; might have pruriently withered to an aridly lackadaisical; INFINITY:ZERO; today,

The ratio of MALICE: MYSTICISM perhaps on this unfathomable Universe; might have obnoxiously stumbled to an dolorously decrepit; INFINITY: ZERO; today,

The ratio of WAR: WIND perhaps on this fathomless Universe; might have vengefully reduced to a flagrantly atrocious; INFINITY: ZERO; today,

The ratio of VINDICTIVENESS: VERSATILITY perhaps on this spell binding Universe; might have remorsefully evaporated to a savagely infinitesimal; INFINITY:ZERO; today,

The ratio of TRAVESTY: TRUTH perhaps on this unending Universe; might have insanely massacred to a indescribably abashing; INFINITY: ZERO; today,

The ratio of BANE: BLOOM perhaps on this limitless Universe; might have sardonically butchered to a fretfully nonchalant; INFINITY: ZERO; today,

The ratio of DISASTER: DREAMS perhaps on this unconquerable Universe; might have sordidly slithered to a raunchily beleaguered; INFINITY: ZERO; today,

The ratio of POVERTY: PROSPERITY perhaps on this unsurpassable Universe; might have gruesomely disappeared to a delinquently despondent; INFINITY:
ZERO; today,

The ratio of UNEMPLOYMENT: UNINHIBITEDNESS perhaps on this gregarious Universe; might have treacherously shattered to a bawdily slavering; INFINITY: ZERO; today,

The ratio of ABHORRENCE: ABLUTION perhaps on this timeless Universe; might have egregiously crumbled to a uxoriously incarcerated; INFINITY: ZERO; today,

The ratio of JINX: JUBILATION perhaps on this enchanting Universe; might have disdainfully converted to a disparagingly dastardly; INFINITY: ZERO; today,

The ratio of BETRAYAL: BREATH perhaps on this boundless Universe; might have painstakingly debilitated to a derogatorily dreary; INFINITY: ZERO; today,

The ratio of LASCIVIOUSNESS: LOVE perhaps on this triumphant Universe; might have tawdrily sunk to a baselessly cannibalistic; INFINITY: ZERO; today,

But the ratio of the CREATURE: CREATOR; was; is and will forever be an Omnipotently majestic ; ZERO: INFINITY; till the time he commanded this earth to be; and even beyond the most ephemerally fugacious speck of space .


The waves emanating from it were astronomically spell binding; tranquilly pacifying even the most diabolically traumatized; with the spirit of Omnipotent humanity,

The colors diffusing from it were vivaciously resplendent; gregariously embellishing even the most brutally impoverished of entities; with the magic of eternally compassionate timelessness,

The tunes wafting from it were enchantingly mesmerizing; blissfully placating even the most inexplicable of miseries of truculently bereaved human kind,

The rays wafting from it were Omnipotently uniting; celestially melanging all religion and tribe; into the invincible fortress of pricelessly symbiotic sharing,

The winds disseminating from it were bountifully benevolent; philanthropically endowing the sacred essence of existence to every dwelling; that they triumphantly gushed into,

The droplets cascading from it were Omnisciently healing; regally soothing even the most tyrannically macabre of pain; with townships of enthrallingly beautiful symmetry,

The reflections exuding from it were majestically ubiquitous; in which every organism alive; could innocuously perceive the essence of its harmoniously synergistic survival,

The mists floating from it were triumphantly tantalizing; marvelously engendering a cradle of silken paradise; even in the hearts of the most salaciously monotonous and devilish murderers,

The leaves whistling from it were aristocratically gregarious; royally bringing even the most fathomlessly distant and prejudiced quarters of the earth; to collectively replenish themselves with the fruits of heavenly fructifying nature,

The shadows flowing from it were immaculately ingratiating; irrefutably cleansing the heinously despicable soul with the rhythm of unconquerable righteousness,

The beats pulsating from it were perpetually vibrant; handsomely revolving the threads of the entire civilization; with levers of magnetically sparkling and unparalleled truth,

The rivers tumbling from it were perennially rhapsodic; transcending past the spuriously parsimonious entrenchments of abhorrent manipulation; to spawn a valley of unsurpassably impregnable sensuousness,

The melody gallivanting from it was magnificently iridescent; victoriously towering over even the most insipidly mercurial iota of gruesome badness; with its profoundly unassailable sweetness,

The empathy fulminating from it was stupendously unshakable; forming bonds of ubiquitously serene companionship; between the disastrously penurious and powerhouses of ostentatious wealth; alike,

The charisma unveiling from it was incomprehensibly fantastic; casting its spell of exhilaratingly ebullient fantasy; upon all those with an immaculately affable heart,

The numerals pouring from it were spotlessly undefeatable; irrevocably portraying the flag of blazing victory; at even the most minuscule turn that the earth took and enchantingly radiated into,

The breath dispersing from it was undeterrably unflinching; instilling boundless caverns of life and luck into the lives of even those; morbidly disintegrated and countless feet beneath their graves,

The love circulating from it was immortally inimitable; Omnipresently deluging the life of every deplorably devastated entity; with universally sparkling and poignant togetherness,

It needed no pretentions; caste; creed; wealth or power to purchase; it needed no specific township to occupy; as it was ready to divinely assimilate into every heart harmoniously willing to accept it; be the timeless jewel of every immaculate eye; such was the everlastingly princely SKY OF PIOUS PEACE .


Be it overwhelmingly tall; or be it the shortest man on this astronomically majestic Universe,

Be it preposterously obese; or be it a marvelously perfect angel with gloriously sparkling body contours,

Be it robustly pink; or be it the most horrendously ungainly looking man wandering on the trajectory of this mesmerizing planet,

Be it an impeccable messiah; or be it the most salaciously manipulative entity; entangled in a web of commercially bizarre malice,

O! Yes; Be it any religion or even the most oblivious of dialect; the color of blood running in everybody’s veins was a poignant scarlet; so c’mon mates lets relinquish baseless discrimination forever; and immortally bond ourselves; in the everlastingly


Be it incomprehensibly penurious; or be it an organism blessed with all the unfathomable embellishment of this earth,

Be it immaculately white; or be it a human more horrifically blacker than sordid charcoal in veritable complexion,

Be it an insipidly inconspicuous laggard; or be it the most stupendously fastest and euphoric man on this boundless Universe,

Be it ominously infertile; or be it the most articulately blossoming artist evolving insatiably compassionate enigma; on every step that he blissfully transgressed,

O! Yes; Be it any continent or even the most oblivious of dialect; the color of blood running in everybody’s veins was a poignant scarlet; so c’mon mates lets relinquish baseless discrimination forever; and immortally bond ourselves; in the everlastingly


Be it irrefutable Hindu; or be it a resolute Mohammedan sacredly chanting in the Omnipotent mosque; tirelessly all day and night,

Be it intransigently staunch; or be it an individual uninhibitedly unleashing into a fountain of eternally resplendent freedom; every unfurling minute of the brilliant day,

Be it voluptuously charismatic; or be it a rudimentary rustic buffoon; wandering wholesomely bereft of even the most capricious of knowledge of this enchanting

Be it a sagaciously chivalrous philosopher; or be it a pathetically illiterate beggar cacophonically wailing on the discordantly uncouth streets,

O! Yes; Be it any tribe or even the most oblivious of dialect; the color of blood running in everybody’s veins was a poignant scarlet; so c’mon mates lets
relinquish baseless discrimination forever; and immortally bond ourselves; in the everlastingly priceless HUMANITARIAN SECT.


Be it abominably prejudiced; or be it an altruistically regale spirit celestially and
ubiquitously diffusing the scintillating essence of mankind,

Be it ingeniously innovative; or be it an obnoxiously dumb human; not knowing how to use even his vividly big thumb,

Be it piquantly sharp and truculently volatile; or be it a living being as placid as the miraculously placating midnight Moon,

Be it malevolently disgruntled; or be it an entity who existed for nothing else but; ecumenically disseminating the spirit of ingratiating happiness,

O! Yes; Be it any culture or even the most oblivious of dialect; the color of blood running in everybody’s veins was a poignant scarlet; so c’mon mates lets relinquish baseless discrimination forever; and immortally bond ourselves; in the everlastingly priceless HUMANITARIAN SECT.


To enter it was as easy as the wail of a freshly born child; as you suddenly escalated to the absolutely unprecedented summit; of awesome power,
While you found yourself lambasted to threadbare bits of inconspicuous dust; the very instant you decided to wholesomely relinquish its; preposterously ghastly swirl .

To enter it you didn’t require the slightest of guts; as the profusely overwhelming cascade of lethal guns in your hand; made you feel more powerful than the most indomitable of prince,
While you transited into an infinitesimal pool of disdainful mosquito curry; the very instant you decided to quit its heinously gory swirl; for good .

To enter it you didn’t need even the slightest of brainwork; as the profound feeling of raw power sunk deep into your malevolently prejudiced soul,
While you had the worst nightmare of your life which incorrigibly refrained to end; the very instant you tried to spit on its derogatory web of insidious lechery .

To enter it was the most lucrative moment of your impoverished life; as you envisaged nothing but castles of glittering gold on even the most sordidly
remorseful step; that you tread,
While you got kicked worse than the orphaned stone; in lunatic whirlpools of your own blood; the very instant you even thought a ludicrous fraction; of relinquishing it forever and ever and ever .

To enter it was a live life kingsize dream for you; with fathomless territories of innocuously opulent land; diminutively reeling under your savagely merciless authority,
While you relentlessly wailed worse than an agonizingly dying man; embedding your feet deeper and deeper into the morbid graveyard; the very instant you perceived even the tiniest of abdicating; its uncouthly barbaric swirl .

To enter it all you needed was an ungainly bunch of surreptitiously hideous contacts; as you proudly envisaged yourself to be one day seated on the throne of this entire Universe,
While you had veritably no saliva left in your mouth to swallow; the very instant you resolutely planned to abnegate; its treacherously bloodstained dormitory .

To enter it you had perhaps waited all your life; conceiving silken luxury to perennially kiss your penuriously devastated footstep; and that too within the wink of an eye,
While you found yourself devouring garbage left over by the pigs for centuries immemorial; the very instant you eventually realized; and wanted to forever shun its uncouthly parasitic caress .

To enter it was the most ego satisfying time for you; as you could now ruthlessly slap back all those who had even inadvertently scratched you; with the unfathomably invidious power of dastardly weaponry,
While you irrefutably didn’t get even the most mercurial of chance to sight the morning Sun once again; the very instant you benevolently resolved; to abandon its ghoulishly forlorn dungeon of meaninglessness .

And to enter it all you had to do was sporadically utter the word CRIME; and Lo! Behold there was some salacious gangster or the other fervently waiting there to optimally exploit your innocence to the most unsurpassable limits,

While you insensitively scrubbed your entity from this earth forever with your own blood laden hands; the very instant you took a solemn pledge; to vanquish its menacingly slandering territory .


When I tried hoisting the flag of greedy corruption; it initially soared towards the absolute zenith; basking in the glory of horrendously manipulative deeds,
However after a while it left me astoundingly dumbfounded; as it melted like a frigid matchstick; under the most feeblest light of the Golden Sun .

When I tried hoisting the flag of brutal violence; it initially shot up higher than the clouds; overwhelmingly hooting with heinous power; trapped in its knuckles,
However as the clock ticked; my eyes nearly popped out searching for it; as it blended like a speck of infinitesimal dust; in the ethereally fading horizons .

When I tried hoisting the flag of blatant lies; it initially galloped like a prince over every obstacle; riding high on a foundation of bizarrely obnoxious manipulation,
However as time unveiled; I nearly fell unconscious laughing; as a mere infant swapped it from its very roots; like a parasitic mosquito hovering in plain air .

When I tried hoisting the flag of irascible slavery; it initially glided like a majestic eagle; smoothly sailing over the weak; with satanic power and diabolical force,
However as the hours crept; I stood transfixed in sheer disbelief; as the same found itself infinite kilometers beneath its corpse; with the tiniest draught of rustling leaves .

When I tried hoisting the flag of sinister cowardice; it initially weathered the most treacherous of storm and rain; hiding and treacherously plotting from well within its insidious cocoon,
However as moonlight descended; I emitted a whistle of sheer triumph; as it pathetically strangulated to death in its own coffin; even as the Sun played hide
and seek behind the crimson clouds.

When I tried hoisting the flag of baseless discrimination; it initially catapulted to an ultimate crescendo; lecherously tormenting color and tribes which it didn’t like,
However as the evening crept past; I heaved a sigh of blissful relief; as it charred to a dustbin of inconsequential coal; even before the most diminutive whirlwind of freedom whipped by.

When I tried hoisting the flag of sinful terrorism; it initially flamed like an untamed inferno in the cosmos; ruling the impeccable planet in a swirl of uncouth bloodbath,
However as the days unfurled; I bounced ebulliently in a land more stupendous than paradise; as it meowed like a tame cat; even before all united goodness; alighted a single step outside.

When I tried hoisting the flag of insane bloodshed; it initially hissed like a tireless snake; relishing its new found freedom of wholesomely assassinating millions; at free whim,
However as dates sped themselves on the calendars; I guffawed the loudest laugh of my life; as it lay nonchalantly like a miserable stone on the ground; being ruthlessly kicked by even the ants who trespassed its dastardly way .

But when I tried hoisting the flag of immortal truth and love; although initially the cloth showed no heroics of escalating to the pinnacle of glittering stardom,
However at the end; as each night blossomed into the vibrantly optimistic day; it became a patriotic wave; bonding all hearts irrespective of caste; creed; color; race; in the mission to save mother earth; alike .


They ran on frozen ice; draping their bodies in threadbare minimum of inexpensive cloth,
Took their positions scrupulously behind incoherent lumps; aiming dead straight with their missiles.

They hardly paid attention to food; surviving on parsimonious amounts of water
compounded with intermittent meals,
Swirled their eyes rampantly in all directions; trying to track the slightest of movement; the most inconspicuous of sound.

They didn’t budge an inch at the sound of bullet firing; instead retorted back
with indiscriminate gunfire of their own,
Belligerently attacking with their grenades and tanks; trying vehemently to
push back the infiltrators.

They used their fists onerously to dig furrows in the snow; sequestering
themselves from the opposite camp,
Used every trick in their armory to entice the intruders; before mercilessly
assassinating them.

They constructed their camps in the inclement cold; dexterously spreading the
heaps of canvas they had onerously carried on their shoulder,
Listened diligently to crisp voices emanating from their walkie talkies;
endeavoring to adhere to every command of their seniors as stringently as

They were quite accustomed to the obstreperous noise echoing far and distant
throughout the valley; as it was an indispensable part of their lives,
Incessantly chalked plans to capture their adversaries with surprise; without
giving them the tiniest of insinuation.

They hardly talked about their miseries; the streams of blood trickling
down their bare palms,
Instead courageously pepped up each other; envisaging the sweetness of victory; applying cold water to their wounds as an antiseptic medicine.

They audaciously struck their swords into their opponents chest; remaining
unperturbed by the tyrannical gasps of profound anguish,
Took several soldiers at a time; still remaining invincibly triumphant in the

They remembered their families on infinite occasions of time; nostalgically
reviving the blissful moments they had spent back home,
However phlegmatically shrug such thoughts away; when they saw them interfering with the safety of their country.

They were unrelentingly fighting to save their nation; at prime cost of sacrificing their lives; ensuring that a majority of their population rested cozily in their homes,
I considered myself nowhere near the most obscure fractions of their shadows;
as I was dying every moment to save my cowardly life,
While they lived for centuries unprecedented even after death; as they had
deservedly earned the proud status of being "IMMORTAL SOLDIERS".


Say no evil; refraining to bring even the most inconspicuous of hatred to your immaculately divine lips,

See no evil; closing your eyes as they lecherously wandered; casting their diabolical glimpse upon innocuous entities trespassing through this mighty planet,

Propagate no evil; disseminating only philanthropic benevolence from your palms; in every entity you encountered; during your impoverished existence upon Mother Earth,

Hear no evil; basking only in the glory of melodiously captivating sound; gushing like an untamed whirlwind to the faintest cry of your fellow comrades in inexplicable distress,

Sing no evil; chopping your tongue to an infinite bits of inconspicuous ash; the instant it uttered things against God’s most enthrallingly mesmerizing planet,

Patronize no evil; harboring only the irrefutable essence of celestial peace profoundly within your magnanimous soul; blatantly ostracizing those who condemned wonderful humanity,

Fantasize no evil; drifting the intriguing chords of your brain towards a land more enchanting than paradise; the instant the devil tried capsizing it from all sides,

Philosophize no evil; tirelessly browsing through only textbooks of charismatic mankind; immortalizing its spirit till even centuries after; you relinquished breath and died,

Shield no evil; audaciously vanquishing every single trace of malice from the gloomy interiors of your dwelling; substituting it with an everlasting stream on perpetual love,

Paint no evil; using your fingers to uplift tyrannized humanity; sketching with them an infinite myriad of shapes; that profusely enlightened disastrously devastated lives,

Chase no evil; indefatigably embarking upon a mission to save earth from bloodshed; evacuate the most inconspicuous iota of treachery from the complexion of satanic soil,

Eat no evil; relishing the fruits of freedom every moment of your diminutive life; escalating higher than the rhapsodic clouds with your comrades by your majestic side,

Transcend no evil; perennially existing beneath the blessings of the Omnisciently divine; savoring as well diffusing harmonious happiness; to every iota of this boundlessly beautiful planet,

Confront no evil; praying intransigently to the Almighty Lord; for decimating even the most infinitesimal trace of sin; from the innocent organisms lives,

Sleep no evil; relentlessly dreaming about an island of unsurpassable unity; with the rich and poor marching towards the corridors of sweet success; alike,

Trade no evil; sharing only the essence of benign compassion with every organism on this globe; enriching its life with uninhibited smiles,

Do no evil; intransigently revolting against each part of your shivering body; till the time it alighted only for immortalizing the unflinching spirit of humankind,

Love no evil; ardently embracing only those with empathy in their hearts; bonding with their passionate beats; in every birth you took birth again,

And live no evil; unfathomably exploring; discovering; altruistically evolving each moment of your life to exist higher than the skies; endeavoring your very best to alleviate the lives of all those submerged in pain; of those drowning in a web of lies .


Bring life to your devastatingly chapped and gloomy lips; with a gorgeous ocean
of profusely amicable smiles,

Bring life to your dolorously isolated and groping eyes; with a poignant river
of boundlessly emphatic beauty,

Bring life to your pathetically dried and shriveled veins; with a vivacious sky
of piquantly crimson blood,

Bring life to your ludicrously staggering and maimed brain; with perennial rivers
of seductively mesmerizing fantasy,

Bring life to your horrendously famished and dithering stomach; with exquisite cuisine’s of ravishingly exotic food,

Bring life to your ruthlessly jaded and orphaned palms; with a vivid fountain of magically inexplicable destiny lines,

Bring life to your pathetically dwindling and despondent ears; with an endless forest of mystically resplendent sounds,

Bring life to your treacherously lambasted and tyrannized cheeks; with untamed fireballs of ecstatically dancing exuberance,

Bring life to your insipidly malignant and termite ridden hair; with a marvelous waterfall of blissful sandalwood paste,

Bring life to your languidly incoherent and sleepy fingers; with a scintillating rainbow of magnificently royal pearl rings,

Bring life to your incorrigibly dumb and insidiously slimy tongue; with a torrentially uninhibited whirlpool of fabulously silken voice,

Bring life to your savagely fluttering and extinguishing shadow; with a fascinating tornado of bountifully spell binding enchantment,

Bring life to your rustically bohemian and perilously stagnating feet; with the timelessly majestic pathways of eternally bequeathing artistry,

Bring life to your horrifically sagging and irately dysfunctional eyelids; with an unfathomable mountain of impeccably flirtatious winks,

Bring life to your icily stoned and turgidly abhorrent neck; with an acrobatically ebullient island of incessantly drifting movement,

Bring life to your murderously crippled and sardonic imagery; with an insatiable paradise of exuberantly frolicking angels,

Bring life to your monotonously manipulative and blatantly lying conscience; with the Omnipotent light of irrefutably sacrosanct humanity,

Bring life to your despicably withering and tumultuously tortured nostrils; with the Omniscient panache of voluptuously divine breath,

Bring life to your lecherously betrayed and shattered heart; with the one and only religion of unsurpassably immortal love,

And bring life to your satanically broken and commercially convoluted life; with the everlasting tonic of unassailable humanity and happiness


Every maelstrom of unendingly truculent misery was whiplashed upon you by the hedonistic devil; as he salaciously marauded with his fingers soaked in innocent blood,

God was irrefutably a beam of Omnipotent righteousness; who not only blessed you with the insurmountable power to conquer all evil; but created infinite more of your kind; tirelessly every unfurling minute of the night and day,

Giving supreme liberty to the devil to do whatever he could; in whatever form he could; but in the end he would be pathetically decimated to inconspicuous ash;
and victory shall forever be of unassailably majestic truth .

Every corpse of ghoulishly ungainly torture and invidiousness was thrusted upon you by the parasitic devil; as he indiscriminately trampled left; right and center; with brutally lascivious hunger lingering in his eyes,

God was irrefutably a Sun of unconquerably princely hope; who not only blessed you with the unsurpassable power to behead all evil; but created infinite more of your kind; tirelessly every unfurling minute of the night and day,

Giving uninhibited liberty to the devil to do whatever he could; in whatever form he could; but in the end he would be transformed into wisps of insipid nothingness; and victory shall forever be of invincibly glorious truth .

Every spirit of cadaverous desperation and malice was jinxed upon you by the savage devil; as he unsparingly plodded forward to devour all organisms alive,

God was irrefutably the sky of fathomless beauty and ingratiating enchantment; who not only blessed you with the unflinching power to vanquish all evil; but created infinite more of your kind; tirelessly every unfurling minute of the night and day,

Giving unrestricted liberty to the devil to do whatever he could; in whatever form he could; but in the end he would crumble into disdainful oblivion; and victory shall forever be of altruistically patriotic truth .

Every hell of preposterously raunchy sin and bawdiness was thrashed upon you by the hideous devil; as he dogmatically barked the tunes of abhorrently despicable lies,

God was irrefutably a religion of symbiotically Omnipresent mankind; who not only blessed you with the peerless power to destroy all evil; but created infinite more of your kind; tirelessly every unfurling minute of the night and day,

Giving unparalleled liberty to the devil to do whatever he could; in whatever form he could; but in the end he would wholesomely reduce into graveyards of parsimonious nothingness; and victory shall forever be of pristinely unblemished truth .

Every whirlwind of indescribably penalizing lechery and sodomizing torment was slapped upon you by the devastating devil; as he insanely burnt till the last bone of his spine in the coffins of unrelenting hatred,

God was irrefutably an Omniscient harbinger of everlasting peace; who not only blessed you with inimitable fortitude to blow away all evil; but created infinite more of your kind; tirelessly every unfurling minute of the night and day,

Giving undaunted liberty to the devil to do whatever he could; in whatever form he could; but in the end he would be charred to inconsequential ash; and victory shall forever be of gloriously immortal truth .

Every speck of acrimoniously cancerous and destructive disease was stabbed upon you by the incarcerating devil; as he intransigently sulked in the gallows
of coldbloodedly rotten death,

God was irrefutably the priceless cosmos of perpetually royal fructification; who not only blessed you with the unchallengeable prowess to massacre all evil; but created infinite more of your kind; tirelessly every unfurling minute of the night and day,

Giving unstoppable liberty to the devil to do whatever he could; in whatever form he could; but in the end he would dissolve into the dustbins of extinction; and victory shall forever be of blazingly impeccable truth .

Every trace of orphaned wailing and hapless loneliness was tainted upon you by the ignominious devil; as he exhaled scorpions of remorseful prejudice even in deep sleep,

God was irrefutably a timelessly vivacious rainbow of desire and fearless hope; who not only blessed you with the insuperable ardor to finish all evil; but created infinite more of your kind every unfurling minute of the night and day,

Giving uncontrollable liberty to the devil to do whatever he could; in whatever form he could; but in the end he would lose every element of his existence; and victory shall forever be of immaculately bountiful truth .


With fires blazing unrelentingly in your ardent eyes; and the perennial desire to keep surging forward till success charismatically kisses your doorstep,

With an insatiable desire to conquer every acrimonious impediment that dared confront you in your way; and the essence of tireless perseverance profoundly
blended with every ingredient of your scarlet blood,

With a perpetual longing to always be the philanthropic best in whatever you benevolently undertook; and the blessings of your parents hovering like an invincible fortress round your impoverished visage,

Most importantly with your humble heart forever commiserating with all religion; caste; creed; and color; royally alike; and with all your reservoir of unprecedented energy resolutely diffusing for goodness,

Tell me who on earth can ever stop you in your benign mission to uplift despairingly bereaved humanity; tell me who on earth can ever make the tiniest of dent on your march towards uniting your brethren; in the strings of unassailable mankind ?


With the vacillating maelstroms of distress and inexplicable anguish; miserably dithering to deter you even an inconspicuous trifle; and your visage towering
like an unflinching mountain in all situations; alike,

With the charisma on an impregnable warrior written majestically on your blissfully smiling lips; and your marvelous resilience paving a way steadily through the sea of vicious acerbity,

With the heart of a courageous lion relentlessly throbbing inside your intrepid chest; and your unstoppable momentum only rejuvenating you beyond the limits of untamed imagination,

Most importantly with altruistic obeisance ingrained deeply within each of your veins; and the urge to serve your countrymen in pain; perpetuating you inevitably from all sides,

Tell me who on earth can ever stop you in your mission of wholesomely decimating the most infinitesimal trace of evil from the trajectory of this colossal planet; tell me who on earth can ever think of disturbing even a fraction of your divinely shadow ?

2 .

With nothing but the humanitarian epitome of triumph transcending supreme in your sight; and your eyeballs refraining to incorrigibly stoop; to even the most truculent of adversity that came its way,

With the fervent poignancy in your voice silencing all horrendously ungainly sardonism; and the tumultuous intensity in your stride making even the most Herculean of devils ludicrously shrink in their shells,

With the blessings of Omnipotent Lord Almighty making you more formidably unshakable on every step that you tread; and your bones wholesomely ready to sacrifice any amount of flesh; to save the lives of countless innocent,

Most importantly with the irrefutable paradise of truth embedded perpetually in your conscience; and its righteous sounds drifting you towards a civilization of unending togetherness,

Tell me who on earth can ever stop you in your mission of metamorphosing all treachery into scintillatingly optimistic goodness; tell me who on earth can ever
think of ruffling even a minuscule feather in your aristocratic cap ?

3 .

With oceans of profuse dynamism patriotically enshrouding you from all sides; and the chapters of eternal righteousness your priceless companions for the remainder of your expedition,

With the spirit of uninhibited freedom magnificently embossed in each element of your valiantly shimmering visage; and the wings of sparkling honesty making you fly a boundless continents; at a single time,

With the ravishingly vivacious beauty of the entire Universe incessantly revolving round the harmonious dormitories of your brain; and insidiously languid sleep remaining fathomless miles away from your countenance; as you advanced on your path towards the divine,

Most importantly with your majestically humanitarian attitude that made even the greatest of God’s salute you; and your ideals which had their rudiments in the
principles of timeless creation,

Tell me who on earth can ever stop you in your mission to become a ray of sheltering light for all those uncouthly divested; tell me who on earth can ever think of burying even your remotest of footprint; into the devilish graves ?


Whether it be the tumultuous tornado mercilessly slashing our throats; or whether the rain came down so treacherously from the sky; that we couldn’t even see an infinitesimal step further,

Whether an unfathomable battalion of savage panthers tried to tear us apart in our way; or whether the ground felt salaciously slipping under our hopelessly galloping feet,

Whether ominous daggerheads of uncertainty plagued us as we advanced forward; or whether the sky seemed to be miserably blending forever with inconspicuous earth,

Whether an unsurpassable dungeon of diabolical scorpions parasitically blood from our patriotic veins; or whether the freezing mountains seemed so unassailable; that tears refrained to stop down our cheeks,

We will indefatigably continue to march forward for our country as its immortal soldiers; will intractably cease to rest until the last iota of our sacrosanct motherland; is blissfully relieved from the clutches of the tyrannical devil .

1 .

Whether a gorge of acrid thorns viciously hit us in the soft spots of our eyes; or whether there wasn’t even the tiniest droplet of water available to placate the murderously traumatized agony; in our throats,

Whether the Sun shone so swelteringly that each speck of energy sagged inevitably from our dreary bones; or whether the ghastly blackness of the night; disdainfully maimed us in every step that we alighted,

Whether the profound memories of our children made the blood chillingly freeze in our veins; or whether an avalanche of bombs from the other side; disintegrated our caricature into an infinite pieces of worthless sawdust,

Whether diabolical earthquakes tried to heinously devour us in our stride; or whether the entrenchment of devilish hell was all that was ostensibly visible on every lane we chose,

We will unflinchingly continue to march forward for our country as its immortal soldiers; will irrefutably deny breath to relinquish our nostrils; until every space of our divinely motherland; is perennially bereft of the sweat of invidious traitors .

2 .

Whether corpses of remorsefully devastating despair were the only things to greet us as we entered into the color of dawn; or whether perniciously heinous swords indiscriminately chopped of our chest; nose and feet,

Whether maelstroms of horrendously torturous captivity loomed large on every step that we trespassed; or whether the cries of disparaging extinction augmented in intensity as each instant unfurled into an entire minute,

Whether whirlpools of unbearable pain stabbed us beyond realms of holistic reprieve; or whether the weight of our own deteriorated visage’s became so onerous; that it yearned to sink to beneath soil for an eternal rest,

Whether the insatiably Herculean tenacity of the opposing force made us tremble in sheer disbelief; or whether the lap of our divinely mother incessantly called us back to be invincibly cuddled,

We will unconquerably continue to march forward for our country as its immortal soldiers; will throw all sleep and rest away from our blazingly bloodshot eyes; until even the last fragment of our heavenly motherland; jubilantly rejoices in the essence of glorious victory .

3 .

Whether all uncouth lechery on this planet was let loose upon our innocent bodies; or whether vengefully sinister sharks ardently waited ahead to pulverize us into abominable mincemeat,

Whether even the most mesmerizing of thoughts in our minds froze to just the singleton corpse of hopelessness; or whether lethally hideous venom was impregnated into our skins after removing all blood inside,

Whether brutally amputated parts of our bodies pathetically decayed in the aisles of asphyxiating boredom; or whether the anxious voices of our wives back home sapped every trace of energy from our resolute souls,

Whether powerhouses of lecherous greed gave us the status of martyrs after we altruistically shed our lives; or whether our vision became an insipidly obfuscated blur as the enemy camp tyrannically gouged us; for the remainder of our lives,

We will perpetually continue to march forward for our country as its immortal soldiers; will never let our lives see even the most remote beam of light; until
the breath from every quarter of our revered motherland; spawned from only the sons of its very own choice .


It was a bundle of overwhelmingly sparkling joy; please don’t mercilessly maraud its flesh; with your obnoxiously uncouth nails,

It was a sacrosanct leaf of freshly blossoming life; please don’t invidiously inundate its immaculate brain; with your horrendously truculent tales of bizarre manipulation,

It was a fairy having just descended from the heart of celestial sky; please don’t gruesomely maim it with your indiscriminately cold-blooded stride,

It was the ultimate fulfilling fantasy of any two perpetual lovers; please don’t heinously strangulate the last iota of breath from its innocuously godly body; with your infernos of indescribably sordid malice,

It was a quintessentially ardent constituent in God’s chapter of timeless procreation; please don’t ghastily blind it forever; even before it could open its mesmerizing eyes,

It was an Omnipotent lantern illuminating countless dwellings besieged with disparaging despair; please don’t ruthless snap its hands; with your fangs of vindictive hatred,

It was an unassailable harbinger of humanity; please don’t venomously poison its holistically vibrant soul; with your lecherously stinking world of politics and crime,

It was an astoundingly eclectic and unconquerable prince; please don’t lay a battlefield of your pugnaciously acrid thorns in whatever path that it crawled and blissfully tread,

It was a fountain of inexorably unending happiness; please don’t satanically thrash its ears; with your whips of derogatorily unforgivable savagery,

It was an everlastingly smiling doll which embraced all mankind; please don’t sinfully replace its bountifully adorable laughter; with your ghoulish teardrops of torturously penalizing hell,

It was the most divine fantasy of every organism alive; please don’t hideously cripple its unblemished originality; with your disparaging greed and ostracizing prejudice,

It was an unparalleled jewel of the poignant eye; please don’t salaciously rip apart its skin; with your profusely blood stained and barbaric butcher knife,

It was a blessing from the cosmos to all fraternity of mankind breathing and alive; please don’t trade its innocently benign flesh; for your sinister wads of debasing money,

It was the most impregnable Sun of tomorrow; a spell bindingly guiding light; please don’t horrifically confound its boundless resplendence; with your cloudcovers of treacherously gory night,

It was an unfathomable cistern of perennial enchantment; please don’t bawdily kick it with your bohemian toes; always sunk way beneath the graveyards of insane lifelessness,

It was the greatest star ever shining on marvelous earth divine; please don’t brutally plagiarize it with corpses of illiteracy and pernicious sodomy; instead of gifting it with effulgent toys,

It was a horizon which had absolutely no end; please don’t vengefully asphyxiate its chords of celestial existence; with the disdainful abhorrence for all surviving; ostensibly burgeoning in your eyes,

It was an immortal heartbeat pulsating with unstoppable life; please don’t tyrannically deprive it of all the fathomless tributaries of love; that it was destined to assimilate every unfurling minute of its beautiful life,

In the name of the Omnipresent Almighty Lord O! Devil; please don’t in anyway harm the new born child; even if your desire to kill transcends everything else on
this planet; you can readily take my life; but please don’t harm the child; don't you dare harm the freshest outcry of newborn life


Terrorism indiscriminately divides,
Love is an Omniscient panacea which wholeheartedly embraces; one and all .

Terrorism treacherously plots,
Love is a flower which diffuses its divinely scent; to the most remotest corners of this Universe.

Terrorism insidiously massacres,
Love is a seed which blossoms perennially; into the chapter of blissful prosperity.

Terrorism baselessly orphans,
Love is a cloud which showers happiness; even after veritably mortal death.

Terrorism tyrannically dictates,
Love is an uninhibitedly cascading stream; which pacifies one and all .

Terrorism devastates civilizations,
Love is a mystically gorgeous shadow; casting the unbreakable spell of humanity for centuries immemorial .

Terrorism perpetuates agonizing hatred,
Love is an Omnipotent ointment; which heals the most savagely brutal of wounds .

Terrorism evokes ghastly memories,
Love is a fountain; which fulminates every unleashing second into a river of insatiable ecstasy .

Terrorism diabolically poisons,
Love is the highest peak of unparalleled joy; overshadowing all wealth and commodity on this gigantic planet .

Terrorism maliciously mutilates,
Love is an invincible march towards victory; the most cherished achievement for an organism in its life .

Terrorism gruesomely cripples beyond hope,
Love is an unconquerably formidable armor; which harbors all religion; tribe; and mankind in its ardent womb .

Terrorism propagates gory bloodshed,
Love is a fathomless ocean of nostalgic belonging; which perpetually makes you feel; as if you were just born .

Terrorism beheads innocent,
Love is a poignantly bonding wave; which melts the most invidiously sinister; in its heavenly swirl .

Terrorism uncouthly lambastes at every step,
Love is an everlasting dream of peace; which lingers till times beyond absolute eternity .

Terrorism disastrously explodes into viciousness,
Love is a brilliantly optimistic ray; which touches the heart of the rich and miserably deprived; alike .

Terrorism deliberately dismantles,
Love is an intransigently undefeated arrow; ubiquitously spreading the message of celestial brotherhood; in every iota of this boundless globe .

Terrorism heinously corrupts,
Love is a sacred apostle of bountiful relationships; always ensuring you got the very blessed and harmonious in life .

Terrorism stinks in dungeons of hell,
Love is a tantalizing dewdrop which enchants you beyond the boundaries of paradise; making you feel the most richest entity alive .

Terrorism horrendously incinerates,
Love is a torrential downpour of celestial fantasy; which makes the most pathetically dwindling organism; entirely oblivious to pain .

Terrorism blasts through existence,
Love is a benevolent culmination of the divine; rising amicably and unscathed from the ashes; even centuries after losing breath .

Terrorism horrifically stagnates,
Love is a flirtatiously philandering wind through the hills; the perfectly symbiotic rudiments of all existing on this earth .

Terrorism remorsefully regrets,
Love is a mesmerizing voice which proliferates more stronger as the moments unfurl; blowing away all devil in a single breath .

Terrorism disrupts resplendent sleep,
Love is a caress which triggers waves of compassionate electricity; profoundly enlightening the hearts of all those; impeccably deprived .

Terrorism vandalizes beyond the point of sagacious control,
Love heals all tottering towards extinction; irrespective of whether they are poor or unsurpassably rich .

Terrorism shatters the slimmest hope to live,
Love lends its philanthropic shoulders to the weak and infirm; making them blossom into cheerful beams of sheer ebullience .

Terrorism sucks blood tirelessly,
Love spawns countless new lives every instant; naturally continuing God’s more revered chapter of existence .

Terrorism incessantly plunders and blunders,
Love is a web of melodiously sweet honey; which nourishes every organism; right from its birth to the final stage of its inevitable death .

Terrorism irrevocably numbs,
Love is a fireball of unending titillation towering towards the sky; rejuvenating life with lost charm and spice .

Terrorism voices its opinions through bullets,
Love is the most successful mission of a persons life; making him live an infinite heavens; in pragmatically present life .

Terrorism pulverizes immaculate to raw chowder,
Love is a boat which glides like a prince through the most tumultuous of storm; transporting its passengers to the land of beauty and paradise .

Terrorism separates kin from kin,
Love imparts the astronomical tenacity to be live without the tiniest of breath; yet feel the strongest entity alive .

Terrorism indefatigably kicks like a dinosaur,
Love besieges each contour of your lips with a timeless smile; an ardor to live higher than the clouds; at every stage of life .

Terrorism stumbles even before it alights,
Love is a grandiloquent fortress piercing the souls of all tangible kind; quelling each desire with its magical touch .

Terrorism sleazily petrifies,
Love is a bond which grows more firmer as each second elapses; unshakable against any attack; in this gigantic world .

Terrorism acrimoniously stings,
Love is a perennially silken feather which puts you to an eternal slumber; replenishing back an ocean of enthrallment into your dreary eyes .

Terrorism condemns all rhyme and religion,
Love is a fantastic identity of its own; embracing all living with the ever
pervading spirit of mankind .

Terrorism converts each day into an infinite thorns,
Love is the most fulfilling wish that you could ever desire; a flame of intimate yearning; escalating higher than the skies .

Terrorism kicks you out; from each heart on this soil,
Love is a treasury that augments as you use it; stirring the innermost chords of your conscience; for the betterment of humanity .

Terrorism rains hell,
Love is a fairy cuddling your senses into a land of magnanimous serenity; enriching all your purpose in destined life .

Terrorism scraps all self-esteem,
Love is a flamboyant patriot; showering an unfathomable number of lives; for
its counterparts in sorrow .

Terrorism is filthy manipulation,
Love is the greatest poet on the trajectory of this earth; captivating the most wickedly alien; in the swirl of its marvelous entrenchment .

Terrorism deteriorates all values,
Love is the pinnacle of irrefutable prosperity; uplifting your impoverished visage to the Creator; every time you tread you step on bare soil .

Terrorism rots the entire township,
Love is the air you breathe; the goodness which you feel; the feeling of benign devotion that profusely encapsulates each cranny of your robust countenance .

Terrorism monstrously violates,
Love is a stupendously exotic wine; which makes you perceive only ravishing beauty; till the time you survive .

Terrorism misleads at every step,
Love is an Omnipresent messiah straight from God’s land; vanquishing each hurdle that dared come your way .

Terrorism devilishly imprisons,
Love is a bird soaring handsomely in the clouds of freedom; hoisting all chained that came its way; on its exuberantly flapping wings .

Terrorism cold bloodedly snatches,
Love is a majestic art with royal shine; illuminating the most derogatory darkness; with its impregnable beams of hope yielding light .

Terrorism discordantly abuses,
Love is a charismatic magnet; attracting the most murderously rash in the untamed inferno of its passionate beats .

And Terrorism ultimately dies,
While love is the most wonderful gift of Almighty Lord; a stringent adieu to each deplorable past; an immortal beginning to every spell binding tomorrow .


The greatest victory for a mother was; when she was able to invincibly protect her child from all evil lurking rampantly in the night; and marathon hours of the sunlit day,

The greatest victory for a soldier was; when he valiantly bore the hostile opposition; waved the flag of his country in the heart of the colossal enemy camp,

The greatest victory for a spotted panther was; when it mercilessly capsized its prey by the neck; ripped it apart into boundless fragments before handsomely devouring it down,

The greatest victory for the black conglomerate of clouds was; when despite the fulminating fire ball of Sun behind; they were able to pour down indefatigably
upon the surface of the earth,

The greatest victory for the inconspicuous little mosquito was; when it sucked gallons of blood from robust flesh; dexterously evaded all in vicinity who tried to capture it,

The greatest victory for the mammoth shark was; when it unsparingly over toppled the mighty ship with her snout; gobbled each of its passengers to satisfy its gluttony for the unveiling hour,

The greatest victory for the diminutive red ant was; when she stung the gigantic elephant on his feet; made him plummet to the ground and taste dust like a
pack of molten matchsticks,

The greatest victory for the ocean was; that it never dried irrespective of the most acerbic of drought; kept swirling with its ravishing waves striking astoundingly against the rocks,

The greatest victory for the gleaming axe was; when it sliced gargantuan stalks of the century old tree with sheer disdain; engendering the lanky stem to collapse with a sigh on the mud,

The greatest victory for the lips was; when they were able to passionately kiss the girl they desired; taking complete control over her mind, body, and soul,

The greatest victory for the tabby cat was; when she sprang upon clusters of unsuspecting mice; masticated them with whole hearted relish as the first rays of
dawn crept from the sky,

The greatest victory for the blazing fire was; when it charred to raw soot whatever that dared to trespass its blistering path,

The greatest victory for the devotee was; when he was able to appease the creator with his overwhelming devotion and penance; rise to the pinnacle of success with the blessings of Almighty God,

The greatest victory for the eye was; when it was able to sight the most mesmerizing places in this Universe; keep staring for times immemorial; deeply into the eyes of the person it revered and loved,

The greatest victory for the hideously wailing vulture was; when it viciously plucked out flesh from the body of the dead; feasted on its meal with a flame of exultation burning in its eyes,

The greatest victory for the infinite territories of the sprawling desert was; when it was able to entice millions of unsuspecting adventurers; luring them with its fake mirages which were nothing else but pure sand,

The greatest victory for the blood flowing in the body was; when it blended with the soil in which it was born,

And the greatest victory for Man on this planet was; when he knew himself thoroughly; conquered all his desires and emotions; joined hands with his fellow
comrades; putting in his ultimate in order to save humanity .


If there was any relation more Omnipotent than blood relation; then it was nothing else; but the relation with the silken fabric of irrefutably priceless humanity,

If there was any relation more unassailable than blood relation; then it was nothing else; but the relation with the mesmerizing valley of marvelously scintillating truth,

If there was any relation more perpetual than blood relation; then it was nothing else; but the relation with the bountiful paradise of symbiotically enamoring togetherness,

If there was any relation more evergreen than blood relation; then it was nothing else; but the relation with the gorgeous waterfall of uninhibitedly innocuous mankind,

If there was any relation more everlasting than blood relation; then it was nothing else; but the relation with the fathomless sky of unconquerably blazing righteousness,

If there was any relation more Omniscient than blood relation; then it was nothing else; but the relation with the profuse fireball of fragrantly blossoming patriotism,

If there was any relation more poignant than blood relation; then it was nothing else; but the relation with the enigmatic forest of eternally tantalizing sensuousness,

If there was any relation more Omnipresent than blood relation; then it was nothing else; but the relation with the enchanting spires of unsurpassably overpowering seduction,

If there was any relation more ingratiating than blood relation; then it was nothing else; but the relation with the Sun of flamboyantly glittering Optimism,

If there was any relation more fabulous than blood relation; then it was nothing else; but the relation with the bird of heavenly burgeoning ecstasy,

If there was any relation more Godly than blood relation; then it was nothing else; but the relation with the handsome meadow of profoundly philanthropic benevolence,

If there was any relation more resplendent than blood relation; then it was nothing else; but the relation with the river of timelessly melodious mankind,

If there was any relation more revered than blood relation; then it was nothing else; but the relation with the sacrosanct apostle of glorious empathy,

If there was any relation more divinely than blood relation; then it was nothing else; but the relation with unshakable mountains of blessing solidarity,

If there was any relation more princely than blood relation; then it was nothing else; but the relation with the clouds of spell bindingly titillating fantasy,

If there was any relation more beautiful than blood relation; then it was nothing else; but the relation with the wings of unparalleled and ardently ravishing desire,

If there was any relation more formidable than blood relation; then it was nothing else; but the relation with the endless oceans of perennially bonding friendship,

If there was any relation more boundless than blood relation; then it was nothing else; but the relation with the fantastically vibrant chapters of mystically unfurling life,

And if there was any relation more immortal than blood relation; then it was nothing else; but the relation with the invincible beats of love; love ; and majestically true and unbiased love .


You might have emptied unfathomable barrels of blood from your body for your ownself; praying to the Lord Almighty; to grant you all the richness of this gigantic world; in return instead,
But the true martyrs are those who unflinchingly dare to shed even a single droplet of their inconspicuous blood; for the sake of their majestically sacrosanct motherland .

You might have unsparingly thrashed all bones of your body to pulverized curry for your ownself; praying to the Lord Almighty; to grant you the entire wisdom of this exotic earth; in return instead,
But the true martyrs are those who lend even a diminutive iota of their altruistic shoulder; to alleviate their priceless motherland; from the clutches of bizarrely barbaric captivity .

You might have ruthlessly exploded even the last trace of your voice for your ownself; praying to the Lord Almighty; to grant you all fascinating enchantment of this ever-pervading Universe; in return instead,
But the true martyrs are those who blazingly utter even a single word; to defend their gloriously royal motherland; against salaciously acrimonious traitors .

You might have lecherously maimed both your hand and feet for your ownself; praying to the Lord Almighty; to grant you the Omnipotent power to conquer the entire planet; in return instead,
But the true martyrs are those who intrepidly take even a single step forward; to relinquish the last iota of life; for blissfully preserving their; fabulously indomitable motherland .

You might have vindictively burnt both your eyes for your ownself; praying to the Lord Almighty; to grant you the spell binding power to maneuver the destinies of all on this fathomless earth; in return instead,
But the true martyrs are those who fearlessly protect even a single fraction of soil; for regally immortalizing their; beautifully divine motherland .

You might have treacherously sliced the entire network of your intestines for your ownself; praying to the Lord Almighty; to grant you all the voluptuous charisma of the boundless globe; in return instead,
But the true martyrs are those who smilingly bear even the most lethal wounds on their chest; perpetually ensuring that no power on this Universe could ever; invidiously intrude upon their blessed motherland .

You might have venomously poisoned your entire brain for your ownself; praying to the Lord Almighty; to grant you all the invincibly glittering success of the unsurpassable earth; in return instead,
But the true martyrs are those who patriotically sacrifice even an infinitesimal portion of their memory; evolving the most ingenious of ideas; to wholesomely bereft their compassionate motherland; from the ignominy of extinction .

You might have ominously exonerated the entire air from your nostrils for your ownself; praying to Lord Almighty; to grant you all lives on this colossal planet and that too for infinite more births to yet unveil; in return instead,
But the true martyrs are those who uninhibitedly diffuse even a single breath of theirs; to spawn a civilization of perennial newness; on every cranny of their bountifully resplendent motherland .

And you might have tyrannically extricated every iota of caring from your heart for your ownself; praying to the Lord Almighty; to grant you the happiness of all
on this unending globe; in return instead,
But the true martyrs are those who selflessly donate a single beat of their love; for embellishing every quarter of their heavenly motherland; with the spirit of timelessly proliferating existence .


Whether you were stinkingly rich; or whether you spent your entire lifetime begging discordantly on the bizarrely impoverished streets; for the Lord Almighty you and every other living being that he had created; was; is and shall forever be majestically equal,
But one thing was for unconquerably sure; that in front of his Omnipotently Supreme grace; you were nothing but a coffin of frigidly crumbling and egregiously disoriented matchsticks .

Whether you were indomitably overpowering; or whether you slithered like a maim dog to catch even the most strident parts of your shadow; for the Lord Almighty you and every other living being that he had created; was; is and shall forever be spell bindingly equal,
But one thing was for immutably sure; that in front of his Royally Unshakable empire; you were nothing but a dustbin orphaned with inconspicuously lackadaisical flies .

Whether you were innovatively brilliant; or whether you slept like a dumb tubelight even under the most flamboyantly exhilarating of Sun; for the Lord Almighty you and other every living being that he had created; was; is and shall forever be bountifully equal,
But one thing was for irrefutably sure; that in front of his Omnipresently iridescent paradise; you were nothing but a carcass of ethereally rotting bones .

Whether you were as white as a sensuously silken angel; or whether you chugged like hedonistically black charcoal even in the blackness of the wholesomely obfuscated night; for the Lord Almighty you and every other living being that he had created; was; is and shall forever be resplendently equal,
But one thing was for unchallangably sure; that in front of his unassailably fathomless aura; you were nothing but a molecule in the mist of nothingness; that was never going to be born .

Whether you were taller than impregnably charismatic Everest peaks; or whether you shorter than the preposterously tiny ant’s eggs; for the Lord Almighty you and every other living being that he had created; was; is and shall forever be inimitably equal,
But one thing was for irrevocably sure; that in front of his unshakably boundless form; you were nothing but a measly droplet of stray water; rapidly drying even before the day could unveil out .

Whether you were an everlasting apostle of blissfully symbiotic peace; or whether you stared in decrepit haplessness all your life towards abysmal sky; for the Lord Almighty you and every other living being that he had created; was; is and shall forever be regally equal,
But one thing was for invincibly sure; that in front of his Perpetually Omniscient fragrance; you were nothing but a trashcan of disillusioned invectives; disastrously trembling under your unsavory grave .

Whether you were like a stupendously boisterous bee; or whether you castrated each unraveling instant of your life in the corpses of treacherously remorseful loneliness; for the Lord Almighty you and every living being that he had created; was; is and shall forever be fantastically equal,
But one thing was for insuperably sure; that in front of his magnanimously bestowing heart; you were nothing but a gutter of repugnantly untreated sewage; rotting like waif feces without the slightest integrity of your own .

Whether you conversed in the most aristocratically impregnable of English; or whether you dolorously stagnated in the dungeons of illiteracy with belligerent rats; for the Lord Almighty you and every living being that he had created; was; is and shall forever be celestially equal,
But one thing was for triumphantly sure; that in front of his unlimitedly divine form; you were nothing but a puff of nonchalant dust; disintegrating into a billion particles of meaninglessness with the tiniest draught of breeze .

Whether you were greatest leader of devout religious spirituality; or whether the womb that bore you 9 months was that of a wastrel prostitute; for the Lord Almighty you and every living being that he had created; was; is and shall forever be harmoniously equal,
But one thing was for unendingly sure; that infront of his Victoriously Ebullient Kingdom; you were nothing but a fecklessly diseased ghost; cadaverously wandering without the slightest of entity or coruscated form .

And whether you were the most immortally cherished lover; or whether you were horribly maimed and blinded since the very first cry of inscrutable life; for the Lord Almighty you and every living being that he had created; was; is and shall forever be beautifully equal, But one thing was for irretrievably sure; that infront of his Glory of limitless righteousness and truth; you were nothing but a parsimoniously slavering lacunae of dirt; drowning more and more rapidly into the mortuary of hopelessly evaporating hell .


As invincible as the peaks of unfathomable Everest; which were the very first to salute royally Omnipotent sunshine in the center of undying sky,

As fierily dynamic as the orange ball of Sun; which transcended and won over the most inconspicuous of misery on this planet; with its unflinching light,

As compassionately amiable as every draught of whispering wind; which gave reprieve to every beleaguered traveler around from the myriad harshness of existence,

As mellifluously tingling as the fresh water forest stream; unhindered and uninhibited by every sordidly plagued discrepancy of the distrustfully robotic world,

As resplendently pristine as the bountiful rainbow in azure space; which inevitably evoked everyone to stroke the paintbrush of sensitivity on the inexhaustible pathways of life,

As unsurpassable as the victoriously tangy oceans; which affably fathered and mothered life of every conceivable kind on this planet; in gigantic recesses of poignantly frothy water,

As sensuously enthralling as every blade of grass sprouting from mundane soil; tickling the most monstrously hideous of devil into a reverie of tantalizing newness,

As unbridled as the immaculate pearl hidden deep within the oyster; dazzling every frigid ounce of despair with optimistic white; even as blackness tried all the more to wretchedly confiscate all light,

As unabashedly charismatic as the first cries of a newborn child; which magnetized people of all caste; creed; sizes and shapes into a close huddle; to witness the most blessed creation of the Almighty Lord,

As ecstatically fresh as thundershowers of rain charging from the sky; which bubbled into a newfound effervescent energy of togetherness; after blending with each ingredient of voluptuous soil,

As eternally rapturous as the unparalleled voice of the nightingale; which united every single heart in vicinity; with the interminable tenacity to symbiotically survive in its voice,

As untiringly positive as the nascent rays of dawn; which engulfed every bit of the Universe with a profoundly robust energy to live once again; after the gallows of haplessly jinxed death,

As gregariously redolent as the scent of the scarlet rose; which mollified every speck of traumatized apprehension around with the embrace of everlasting fantasy,

As fearless as maverick streaks of silver lightening in magical sky; which quelled every orphaned ingredient of nervous energy in the atmosphere"with the rustically naked valor to enlighten and survive,

As perseveringly timeless as freshly ploughed fields of mother nature; which earnestly spawned into fruits of eternal creation till beyond veritable time; in the face of beauty and apocalyptic devil alike,

As magical as mother earth's copious magnetic energy; which insuperably drew one and all on the trajectory of the fathomless planet; into a womb of unassailably divine warmth,

As harmoniously fructifying as golden nectar; which wondrously mended even the most devastatingly estranged of hearts with the unlimited sweetness of the Lord's Omnipresent Creation,

As inscrutably alluring as an infinite different pathways on earth; which led you to an infinite different destinations of charmed adventure; with all eventually uniting into a singleton mass of life's undefeated truth,

Was the miraculously life-yielding crimson blood in every living vein; forever and ever and ever uniting every caste; creed; religion; color; shape and tribe on God's blessed planet; into the one and only Religion of Humanity .


For every wish of goodness that diffused from your soul- praying to God to bless everyone with happiness, bliss, peace and immortal love- even as your friends and foes virulently abused you,
For every bountifully fresh sapling that you planted into barren soil; and all those others that you dreamt of sowing in fathomess fecund landscapes of mud,
For every handshake of yours with complete strangers; whom you embraced in your times of happiness and crippling duress alike- for being a part of the same Universe that you lived in,
For every song of oneness that emanated from the innermost realms of your heart- disseminating the message of a benign existence- even as living beings all around deliberately turned into sadistic parasites,
For every droplet of your blood that you donated for your fellow beings in distress- without worrying about your own bones which had started to bizarrely display more than your skin,
For every helping hand that you lent to those without sight to cross the cacophonic buzzing street- leaving them to their destination in spirit of undefeated humane brotherhood,
For every morsel of your food that you shared with all those starving- and then miraculously felt your very own stomach to be replenished without a grain- but solely with the wand of selflessness,
For every wounded animal on the street that you tried to resuscitate with your love; when everyone walking beside presumed it to have attained its veritable grave,
For every negatively nagged comment upon you that you transformed into an optimistic opportunity- accommodating one and in your diminutive dwelling- which was palatial with your love,
For every trail of yours that unflinchingly fought the most wretchedly asphyxiating of odds- just to ensure that the truthful voice of every God-gifted existence prevailed,
For every morbidly stagnating piece of canvas that you splashed with myriad colors and hues of a burgeoning existence- as the planet around you unraveled in its most inscrutably magical shapes and forms,
For every unnecessary complexity of a frazzled existence- that you solved with such child-like ease- with the universal quintessential elements of symbiotic existence,
For every inconsolably wailing infant that you hugged close to your heart- lending it your name; surname and astronomical care- after its biological parents hadn’t the courage to accept it for being a girl,
For every bit of happiness that you spontaneously triggered amidst a pall of robotically commercial gloom- by being just as how the Creator had sent you upon the planet divine and unpretentiously natural,
For every ounce of manipulative currency that you burnt- not letting anything besmirch your path of friendship and eternal love- as Love was the most priceless gift from the Lord Divine,
For every bit of infallible determination that you so blissfully transmitted- inspiring every bit of human impairment to become a blessing to survive,
For every poetic verse that you evolved out of sheer and vapid nothingness- to perpetuate drearily beleaguered bits of survival with the scepter of magical newness,
For every bit of informality that you perpetuated wherever you went- that relieved people of their unduly worries as in you they found a friend for life " who would never ever betray them the slightest,
May the entire mortal world join you in your every philanthropic conquest; then and together become a unified voice of love; a unified spirit of existence which knew no religion; caste; color; creed or tribe- but which only arose in uninhibited camaraderie to ignite the lamp of humanity


All disdainfully salacious lechery assassinated forever and ever and ever; not even a minuscule speck of it on the trajectory of this wonderfully gifted planet,

All acrimoniously bawdy prejudice decimated forever and ever and ever; not even a parsimonious speck of it on the complexion of this marvelously panoramic planet,

All derogatorily baseless lies pulverized forever and ever and ever; not even an ethereal speck of it on the periphery of this majestically unassailable planet,

All raunchily egregious indiscrimination swiped forever and ever and ever; not even an evanescent speck of it on the circumference of this regally exotic planet,

All truculently hedonistic insanity thrashed forever and ever and ever; not even an ephemeral speck of it on the fabric of this benevolently tranquil planet,

All stupidly fretful obsessions massacred forever and ever and ever; not even an obsolete speck of them on the cradle of this fantastically blessed planet,

All mercilessly lambasting crime extinguished forever and ever and ever; not
even a transient speck of it on the garden of this beautifully enchanting planet,

All remorsefully nonchalant laziness eradicated forever and ever and ever; not even a fugitive speck of it on the citadel of this invincibly proliferating planet,

All diabolically marauding politics vanquished forever and ever and ever; not even an inconspicuous speck of it on the mirror of this resplendently arcane planet,

All horrendously maiming pain liberated forever and ever and ever; not even an insipid speck of it on the playground of this iridescently scented planet,

All venomously lethal rampaging extradited forever and ever and ever; not even an infidel speck of it on the leaf of this pristinely burgeoning planet,

All tyrannically barbarous imprisonment exonerated forever and ever and ever; not even a feckless speck of it on the entrenchment of this marvelously glorious planet,

All brutally maniacal idiosyncrasies exonerated forever and ever and ever; not even an oblivious speck of them on the lap of this sacredly gorgeous planet,

All invidiously ghastly poverty expurgated forever and ever and ever; not even a disappearing speck of it on the borders of this triumphantly ebullient planet,

All meaninglessly ominous perversions trampled forever and ever and ever; not even a dingy speck of them on the pathways of this spell bindingly spectacular planet,

All depravingly ignominious cowardice squelched forever and ever and ever; not even a vanishing speck of it on the turnstiles of this astoundingly unfathomable planet,

All coldbloodedly abhorrent disease torched forever and ever and ever; not even an invisible speck of it on the waves of this rhythmically benign planet,

All disastrously despicable slavery removed forever and ever and ever; not even an infinitesimal speck of it on the meadows of this convivially bonding planet,

All miserably asphyxiating drudgery trounced forever and ever and ever; not even a measly speck of it on the pedestal of this timelessly bestowing planet,

All threadbarely incarcerating monotony defeated forever and ever and ever; not even a remote speck of it on the grasslands of this indomitably towering planet,

All nonsensically vindictive pompousness exonerated forever and ever and ever; not even a fleeting speck of it on the winds of this aristocratically fabulous planet,

And if you had commenced to think that the above and infinite more was because the God’s from the cosmos had exclusively descended from the cosmos to do the needful; then you’re in for the most rudest shock of your life,

For it was none other than the flame of eternal truth in each of our soul’s; that the Lord had so congenitally gifted us with; which if we started to wholeheartedly use; then the devil would hide its tail and disappear from the entrenchment of this vibrantly miraculous planet; forever and ever and ever .


They could perhaps ruthlessly snatch our eyes; horrifically blinding us with their derogatory barbarism; for the remainder of our impoverished lives,
But there was no power ever born on earth and sky except the Almighty Divine; who could snatch the unfathomable whirlpools of compassionate empathy; that we harbored for each other; in our everlastingly insuperable and brilliant hearts .

They could perhaps mercilessly snatch our ears; lecherously annihilating them from our face; with their satanically blood stained swords,
But there was no power ever born on earth and sky except the Almighty Divine; who could snatch the unprecedented fascination that we harbored for each other; in our bountifully timeless and philanthropic hearts .

They could perhaps indiscriminately snatch our bellies; deliriously extricating even the last bit of our intricately blissful intestines,
But there was no power ever born on earth and sky except the Almighty Divine; who could snatch the insurmountable magnetism that we harbored for each other; in our beautifully vivid and eclectic hearts .

They could perhaps perfidiously snatch our legs; tyrannically incarcerating and maiming us in chains of maliciously unending torture; till the time we relinquished our last breath,
But there was no power ever born on earth and sky except the Almighty Divine; who could snatch the inexorable passion that we harbored for each other; in our resplendently twinkling and unconquerable hearts .

They could perhaps lethally snatch all our dreams; truculently bludgeoning our brains on coldblooded rock; replenishing their parasitic stomachs with the gruesomely grotesque and pulverized curry,
But there was no power ever born on earth and sky except the Almighty Divine; who could snatch the unflinching solidarity that we harbored for each other; in our iridescently burgeoning and panoramic hearts .

They could perhaps irascibly snatch our arms; hedonistically forcing us to discordantly beg on the threadbare streets; so that their pockets perennially glittered with sanctimoniously sleazy silk and gold,
But there was no power ever born on earth and sky except the Almighty Divine; who could snatch the tirelessly ardent longing that we harbored for each other; in our gloriously effulgent and diligent hearts .

They could perhaps salaciously snatch our smiles; venomously infiltrating even the most inconspicuous iota of our happiness; with perverted mortuaries of uxoriously sadistic prejudice,

But there was no power ever born on earth and sky except the Almighty Divine; who could snatch the majestically royal camaraderie that we harbored for each other; in our sensuously galloping and impeccable hearts .

They could perhaps brutally snatch our shadows; ignominiously extraditing us from the civilization outside; just to lick the floors of their already spick and span dwelling,
But there was no power ever born on earth and sky except the Almighty Divine; who could snatch the spirit of sacrifice that we harbored for each other; in our passionately impregnable and unparalleled hearts .

And they could perhaps gorily snatch our wealth; rendering us to stagger in the aisles of uncouth nothingness; while they spuriously cavorted in the glory of our perseveringly righteous prosperity,
But there was no power ever born on earth and sky except the Almighty Divine; who could snatch the immortally inimitable love that we harbored for each other; in our magnetically bonded and celestial hearts .


Horrendously weird was not the term to describe it; speak about it even an inconspicuous trifle,

Satanically ghastly was not the image that befitted it; able to perceive it in the most faintest of its form,

Barbarically Murderous was not the expletive adept for it; hardly able to portray an evanescent glimpse of its worthless virtue,

Uncouthly indiscriminate was not the way it could be explicitly explained; discussed about even in the most ephemeral of perception prevailing and possible,

Intolerably repulsive was not the adjective that highlighted it; miserably floundering to envelop it even in its most obscurest of its treacherous shadows,

Diabolically stinking was not the odor that wafted from it; proving insurmountably miserly in front of its savage grace,

Overwhelmingly corpse like was not the depth to assign it; proving more diminutive than a mosquito in front of its fathomless valley inundated with bloody sins,

Repugnantly cacophonic was not the sound which diffused from it; got completely overshadowed when you witnessed its vindictively threatening caricature,

Utterly penurious was not the acronym fit to depict its wealth; stumbled unrelentingly when compared with its abysmally hollow ocean of brittle pearls,

Pathetically cowardly was not the attribute to christen it with; as its tales of merciless barbarism had gruesomely assassinated many a divinely smile,

Feverishly distorted was not the synonym to address it; as it was the most hideously nefarious thing that could ever have existed on this Universe,

Acrimoniously thorny was the shape to describe it; as it fell deafeningly down in it own eyes; every time it tried to hoist up from hard ground,

Brutally ill willed was not the emotion to annotate it; as it lived the entire quota of its baseless life in realms of deplorably diminishing hell,

Gloomily morbid was not the quality it harnessed; as it dug its own graveyard on every lane it transgressed,

Hopelessly frustrated was not the idea it harbored; as it oozed more tears than the whole planet weeping at a single time together,

Menacingly cruel was not the wave it spread; as it salaciously charred all who came in its swirl; into threadbare granules of black ash,

Inexorably blood thirsty was not the accolade it deserved; as it spread rivers deluged with innocuous blood across every territory of this boundlessly colossal Universe,

And the most 'Abhorrently hated of all' was a phrase still too less for it to be named with; as it was a jargon which every dictionary on this soil would gladly have liked to terminate,

O! yes the devil I am talking about; has made us kill each other like animals in our very own homes; has made us an imprisoned slave in God's most sacred paradise; has made us breathe hostile fire from our nostrils instead of blissful breath,

And even before I eventually tell you the word; I fervently wish from my heart that all of you forget it; for after all it’s the worst word of all words; infact a small figment of your own stupid creation called VIOLENCE .

The End .

© 2016 Nikhil Parekh

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Added on October 25, 2016
Last Updated on October 25, 2016
Tags: anti terrorism, brotherhood, harmony, nonviolence, peace, stop war, secularism


Nikhil Parekh
Nikhil Parekh

Ahmedabad, India

Nikhil Parekh , ( born August 27 ; 1977 ) from Ahmedabad , India - is a Love Poet and 10 time National Record holder for his Poetry with the Limca Book of Records India , which is India's Best Book of.. more..
