Chapter 51: Myriad, At Last!

Chapter 51: Myriad, At Last!

A Chapter by Latifa Rahim

The team finally enter this long-awaited city after three months journeying.




aving crossed Merfagla's Great Plain, the team finally arrives at the East Gate of Myriad Capital City. Hoping they would get instant access turned out the wrong string to tug, as the stationed Seraphim Soldiers quickly dissipates them, stern and firm. Not too long after, the team met again with Alma who had chosen to stay behind in Naino. An outrage happened, Jadel and Reita weren't satisfied with the man marched in and out the group as he likes. Alma told everyone of his reason coming back�" that is, Kamilah chose grave beside her late husband and freeing Alma from her incessant paranoia. This belated sweetheart of Alma wished him to go back and stick to the group, realizing it's the only place he belongs to.  She has been placed right beside Yaed's, like her last wish told me to, Alma ensures the group he have honored her last request. At long last, the team is united once again, they agreed to try once more lobbying the guards to enter Myriad Capital City.


No one dared to speak of words while they walk back to the cave's entrance. Alma positioned himself at the behind most row, along with Thomas and Banri. Hameda led the front, with a certain grumpy man, still has to be supervised lest he'll go on another rampage. Reita stays at the middle of the pack, alone and pondering how she should take on all of these reel of feelings.


"Alma, are you okay?" the blond young man looks up in worrisome eyes.

"Mr. Banri, do you think we can get inside this time?" he posed another question,

seemingly giddied too much from the silence.

"Hmm, I don't know. Maybe if we ask again? Hey, it's never hurt to try, right,

guys?!" his volume rises at the end, yet no one seems eager to reply to the


"Anyway... How did you manage to get here, man?" Banri averts his question,

regretting to have imposed to the group's gloominess.

"I- I got help from somebody..." Alma replies weakly.

"Who was it? It's a miracle you arrived at the right time!" Banri tries to force a



"Sir Godum and his men helped me..."

"What, Godum?! That Godum?!" Banri gasps in shock.

"Yes. I met them some times after leaving Naino.

Sir Godum said he has business on Uncle Kilbrook’s, then offered a ride for me."

"Hey, that's quite generous of him!" Banri laughs crisply.

With no one to compel to his banter, the bearded man shuts himself off until

everyone arrives again at the spot where they almost got detained before.


"Hey, it's those guys again!" the group of Seraphim Soldiers starts to pick off

where they have. "Are you deaf? We've told you to not come back!"

One of them looks madder than lesioned ministry candidate. Hameda ignore their

warning flat-out. The man himself is in a middle of self-composure, after

preventing huge outrage evicted by the man beside him. Though, now, Jadel

doesn't look like he's trying to pull his trigger.

"Hey!!" the soldier shouts again.

"I said get the hell outta here!" one hand fisting his sword's tuck.


"Leave this to me." Alma nods to Banri and Thomas before facing the group of

Seraphim. "Greetings, gentlemen." another forced smile flashes on his face.

"My name is Alma. Can you please let me and my friends in?"

"Huh? Don't know who you are." the nosy soldier cackles sardonically before going

back to his group. "Hey, do ya know someone named Alma? I sure don't!" his group

shrugs off. "See? No one cares if you're 'Alma' or 'George' or whoever!

We're not letting you in, and that's final!"


Alma flicks something out from his robe, a long thread latched on his neck, left guised under his black-jet undergarment. It turns out a pendant, with the eye of diagonally-cut white pearl embodied in purplish color at its edge’s end, ornament shaped of glowing star amidst.


"Please take a look at this." he foisted calmly.

Suddenly, the cocky guard's eyes jotted, he pace back to call his friends.

The other guards wonders what makes him so agitated.

"What's wrong?" one of the guards asked.

"Sir, I ask you to please let us in to Myriad." Alma repeats his word, the pendant is

flashed to every guard's direction.

"T- That's... A Holy Signet?!"

The team now raises an eyebrow of this fractural turn of event. "What's that?"


"Oi, oi... Don't tell me you're...!" Banri gasps as he gander the pendant.

"No doubt. This is the real one."

"What is? What is?" Thomas follows to Alma's side. "A Holy Signet of the


"A- A what?" Thomas blinks several times, trying to ingest Banri's speeding words.

The guards look to each other, dumbed speechless and unsure what they should

do. One of them then suggest, "We should call the Commander."

"Yeah, that's the most logical thing to do." The nosy guard turns back to the team

before setting off with another pair.

"Adventurers. Wait here, I will speak to the Commander."


With the leave of Seraphim Soldiers, the team is now left on their own to wait.

Banri inspects the said pendant thoroughly, confirming his verdict: it's the real

one, the Holy Signet. "But, how did you...?" he still gape for words.

"My apologies, I didn't mean to hide it." Alma bows slightly.

"I was appointed as one of Archbishop Candidates here, before setting off to


"What?!" Banri almost s**t his pants.

"B- Before Naino? But, wait..." Thomas continues in his stead,

"Didn't you came there ten years ago? That makes you around sixteen years old

when that happens, right?"

"That is correct. Before coming to Naino, I am stationed here." Alma replies



"Oi, don't give me that crap. You're telling me... At the age of sixteen, you've

already attained the position of Archbishop?!" Banri starts rising his voice


"I am not an Archbishop yet, though I have this signet..." Alma's face fell,

signaling this too, is one of the topic he would be willing to share.

"Oh... Ohh..." Banri nods slowly. "I thought so! There's no way anyone could be an

Archbishop at such tender age, right?" he nudges Thomas, the one who currently

able to compel his words.

"Uh, yeah. I think so too..." Thomas nods along.

The rest of the team stayed silent as rocks, trying to not provoke each other's



After a long wait, the guards came back. This time, they are acquaintance by another man with seemingly high-end, classy armor in lace white and deep, pine green. The man has a slightly pointed ear tip, although not as much as common elf's. His hair colored ginger blond, but less pigmented from Thomas', nearly as pale as Hameda's silvery strands. He spoke in a firm yet calm demeanor.


"I see that these adventurers are the one you spoke of?" he ask the guard.

"Yes, Commander. One of them claimed he has the Holy Signet..."

"Ah, yes. You have informed me regarding the issue. Is he the one who spoke of

the claim?" the Commander turns his alarmingly malachite-colored eyes to Alma.

He walks closer and inspect Alma thoroughly. "From the looks of it, you are

indeed similar to those who travel as a Priest. Let me see the pendant you spoke


Obliquely, Alma lashes off his pendant and put it into the Commander's hand.

The green eyes remained calm as he flips back and forth the diagonally-cut stone.

"I see..." he mumbles before returning the pendant back.

“We will have you go straight into the Palace."


"What?! T- The Palace?!!" Banri gasps again. "Ain't that quick for a turn of


"It's a good sign, isn't it? This means we can enter the city, right?" Thomas

whispers back.

"This is no doubt, the Ophanim Holy Signet. I have to ask where you did�""

his words are cut short by Alma's explanation.

"Cestria Ebraldi. I am once a candidate of Archbishop here in Myriad."

"Ah, now that you mention it..." the Commander slips a relieved smile.

“I can digress why this feeling of familiarity lingers when I saw you." he nods

away. "High Priest Ebraldi, welcome back. It's been awhile...

You may not remember me, since I was but a trainee when you've already

secured your place as Archbishop candidate."

"Please, you're praising me too much. I am now but a simple man trying to get

permission to enter Myriad." Alma shakes his head.


Surprisingly, the Commander stretch his hand. "Vaikne Sal Blautiel. Commander of

Eighth Sect of Seraphim Army."

"Pleased to make you an acquaintance." Alma returns his greeting.

"Shall we?" Blautiel turns to the team, abiding their quest now fulfilled.

"As for your companions, High Priest Ebraldi." Blautiel speaks.

"They shall be brought to our quarter for further inspection."

"Hey, what's that mean?!" Thomas goes first to protest.

"We're with Alma, so there's no way we're bad guys!"

"That is depend on your succession of the trial." Blautiel respond calmly.

"Heh... So, even with the Archbishop-to-be here, we won't get special

admission?" Banri smirks ironically.

"Well, there's no point just standing here! Let's go, guys!"

The last three nods without a single file of complaint.


"Open the gate." Blautiel commands his soldier.

"Commander, are you sure to let them in?" the gate guard voices his doubt.

"There is no need to fret, soldier. I will take them straight to our quarter, and 

High Priest Ebraldi to the Palace."

"As you say, Commander!"

At the group, Thomas whispers again to Banri. "Hey, Alma called himself

something totally different just now. Does he have that much aliases?" Banri

responds justly,

"A man needs more than a thousand if he is to live in wilderness, boy!"


The bar has been raised, the team is now free to enter. Their own hearts skip few beats as they stepped inside the white limestone pavements. Finally, our three months paid off! Quite well, that is! Breathtaking scenery hurdled everyone's eyes, lathering their minds with unearthly scant of grandiose. The first thing which caught everyone's attention is the floating island, separated from all of the city walls. From its berg's end, water comes down flowing into a ginormous man-made lake stationed below. Nested atop the floating island is translucent gloss reflected from the white-walled building, sun-stricken in this noon time. The yonder of glitter lapsed above almost as humiliation to the less-bright ones built on the earthen land.


"Wh- Whoa..." Banri's eyes recaptures the image several times by rapid blinking.

"Look at that... It's really floating. I've been here in the past, and still amazed

seeing it!" he cracks an overwhelmed laughs.

"Y- Yeah... It's gorgeous..." Thomas nods while making sure birds won't peck

inside of his gaping mouth.

"Welcome, travelers." Blautiel smiles as he led the team.

"This is the city where Angels reside, Myriad."

"W- What's that f- floating island?" Thomas asks idly.

"That is the upper part of Myriad. We called it the Divum Stratum.

I shall take you there first."

"O- Okay..." Thomas nods slowly, his eyes still leeching the foreign scenery.


"How is it, Little Miss? You like seeing new towns, aren't you?" Banri tries to open

word or two from Reita.

"Yeah. It is awesome indeed." she smiles, but the line of her lips looks forceful.

"Right? I have been here several times in the past, but still! This scape never fails

to amaze me." Banri nods along.

"It is made with thorough plan and dedication. One thing we can't help but to

praise our own people." Blautiel replies.


Everyone seems focused to their respective tinkering, leaving only Banri who seems love to chat with the peculiar Commander-in-charge. After walking for some times, the team arrived at the transfer point. A Seraphim soldier in-charge saluted Blautiel as he approaches. The Commander nods lightly before speaking of his subjects.


"I have brought an important guest of the Palace."

"Sure, Commander!" the cheery guard nods profusely.

"Though, I haven't heard anything from the official about this!"

"We have been visited by our long-lost High Priest..." Blautiel's tone glints.

"Are the sky lift ready to go?"

"Of course, Commander! Anytime for you, Sir!" the guard salutes again as

everyone enter the transparent apparatus.

"I assume nobody has phobia of being in high places here...?" Blautiel chuckles a

bit. "Of course not! We're tougher than you think! Right?" Thomas grins widely.


"Oh, by the way..." the young man remembers something.

”Mr. Blautiel, do you perhaps know of a soldier named Ariad Kalewill?

He's my brother..." Thomas spoke. "I've been looking for him all this way..."

Blautiel shook his head regretfully. "Unfortunate to say, I am not aware of every

soldier's name. The army of Seraphim itself consists of twelve Sect, mine is

stationed in the eighth."

"You don't know his division?" Banri whispers, then Thomas sighed. "No, I don't..."


As the sky lift went upwards, the scenery changes from mere tall buildings adorned in white to the real Myriad. The team sees citizen lurks in narrow street, merchant laying their goods in disarray, children looms over, begging for foods from passerby. One or two pair of them slumps as a result of excessive walking with empty stomach. Wives are seen running frantically, begging for what seemed like a bottle of medicine. They pawned jewelries, fabrics and anything worth a penny. Their husbands are probably at home since the kids followed them like a shoelace to its complimentary. The team saw blackened spots of their skin�" Unlike burn wound or sun-blanched pigment, these peculiar spots are dark as night and seem to plagued the whole body.


"What the..." Banri frowns. "What is happening there? Why are those people...?"

"It's awful..." Thomas' head falls low.

"I can even hear those children’s cries from this height..."

Alma stayed calm, he remembers the very consequence of dividing Myriad into

two layers. The poverty everyone speaks of must've been this, he thought.

"Commander Blautiel, those people..." he tries to speak.

“That is no concern for any of you." Blautiel's face seems undisturbed.

"Our main task is to bring you to the Palace, and the rest of you, to our quarter."


Quietly, Jadel grunts. "Tch. Everywhere is the same... Nobles living in luxury,

while citizen crawls their gut for hunk of rice."

Hameda gave him a slight, deep nod. "They also seem to be sick."

Banri realizes then, it's been a while since Reita gave one or two commentary.

The girl used to be the first one jumping in first sight of new town, appealing

every new things she could take gander of. "Little Miss, you've been quiet...

Are you okay?"

"I’m okay." she replied shortly, her eyes cringes upon the soliciting view.

"Well, alright..." given the cold shoulder, Banri decides to tune down his


“We’re almost there." Blautiel comments as the lift now rose, passing the end tip

of the floating island. "Here is the Divum Stratum, where the chosen one lives."

He proudly states.

The team ponders, irked by Blautiel’s boastful tone. "Chosen one?"


Alma decides to explain this to his teammate. "Residents of Divum Stratum are

but three groups. They are the Archivist called Binah; the Worshipper an

OfficialsOphanim; then there's Malakim which consist of Nobles."

Blautiel applaud his coherent memory, then added. "We worship the Holiner who

conjoined Myriad into one united city, Lord Gilthar and Lord Zarmesiton."

"Lord Gilthar is symbol of knowledge while Lord Zarmesiton is worshipped for his

prowess of order." Alma adds his explanation.

"We, the Worshipper or Ophanim, has main duty of spreading Myriad's teaching to

our people and to manage sacred scripts along with the Archivists."

"Sounds difficult!" Thomas exclaimed. "But you're able to master those all in my


"That is because I had supports from everyone around me..." Alma answers



At long last, the sky lift arrives at its destination. Up on the atmosphere, the surrounding looks a bit foggy due to cloud scattered all over the place. The Divum Stratum is made to float in such height, even the sky lift needs approximately fifteen minutes to reach it.


"Here we are." Blautiel steps out, greeted by other soldiers, possibly from his


"Now, if you please." he looks to Alma. "High Priest Ebraldi, I shall accompany

you. The rest of you, Iegor will attend to your trial in my stead."

"Pleased to make you acquaintance." a soldier with armor made from similar color

of Blautiel’s, but has a jasper lining than pine green.



Jive of sky's bluish hue splayed across the marble floor. The Palace is built upon one perfection of architecture approved by Nobles. Spiral dents in the supporting pillar looks as if they were crafted using bare hands, with the elevation and curve smoothly warps along. Garden of Zen surrounds the whole place, inhabited by few selective breed of flowering plants one couldn't have seen in mere plains. The doublet of colors from them races against one another, creating display of phantomlike rainbow upon the sun's glow. Small birds hop along the stalks and sing their perplexing tone of bliss, only magnifying the current lavishing view so.


"Commander Blautiel..." Alma spoke as he walks along The Palace's entrance.

"May I know who I will meet here? Why my friends are taken to your quarter�"

I'm sure they pose no harmful threat!"

"They are conspicuous the way they are. Further implement of their background

shall determine whether they are allowed inside our city or not." Blautiel

responds calmly.

"As for the one you are to meet... It will be the Chancellor."

Alma frowns, he has this odd feeling of knowledge who might this Chancellor be.


Blautiel doesn't impose his guest further, leading him straight to one room with

two guards parallel to each other.

"Commander Blautiel! Good day to you, Sir!" one guard gave his salute.

"Good day to you, soldiers of the Seraphim. I have brought a guest of importance

for the Chancellor."

"T- The Chancellor, Sir? But..." the guard sounds hesitating for a moment, but as

soon as he saw Alma with his signet, he abruptly saluted. "Affirmative! Please

enter, Sir." he moves aside and knocks the door.


An annoyed voice calls back from inside. "Who is it? I'm busy!"

"Sir, Commander Blautiel is here. He brought an important guest." the guard's

words pickled a bit.

"Important guest, you say? Which is more important, pray tell, getting this

damned paperwork done or him?!" the voice now yells louder.

"S- Sir!" The guards went to speechless limbo.

"I shall take it from here." Blautiel reassured him, and spoke in his stead.

"Chancellor, I've brought High Priest Ebraldi with me."

The room then goes silent with no voice heard from within.

After a moment, it calls back. "...Ebraldi? Did you just say 'Ebraldi'?"

"Yes, Sir. It is no doubt the High Priest himself."

The voice goes silent again for a while before answering. "Alright. Come on in."


The door clicks open, revealing a room reeks of royal red and gold embroidery upon Majorelle blue. A man sat on his chair with stack of paperwork folded neatly beside his quill pen and bottle of ink. He raise his head and smirks.


"It’s really you, Cess. You’re coming back now?" his voice is far from welcoming.

"Blautiel, good work. You may go."

"As you wish, Sir." he bows a bit before leaving the room, only Alma and the man

himself. "Ten years, Cess." the man speaks while tidying his paperwork.

"Ten years I have been filling your absence. You know, people are not there just

for your own musing."

"I'm sorry, Blythe. I really am."

The man named Blythe poses a sour smile. "What is there to forgive, Cess?

We both know lost times won't come back, no matter how we wished for it."


Alma stayed quiet, standing firm while the man gnaw his own teeth in bitterness.

"What makes you came back all of sudden?

Don't tell me you're going to re-state yourself in Ophanim Academy?"

"That is never my intention." Alma replies.

"Blythe. I am here to ask for access to the Ancient Library."

"The Archives? What for?"

"There is an imminent force working�" dubbed themselves 'HOUNDS' who brings

destruction closer to nook and cranny of our world. We need every information

there is, in order to prevent them from destroying Gaia."

Blythe scoffed a laugh. "HOUNDS? You're still worried about them?

Didn't you see we have all the abundances here? Our Seraphim Army is more than

enough to faze them off!"

"That's not the case..."


Alma thought to himself how to bring the situation alight without shedding too much. He wants to tell the Kronos power bestowed upon his friend, the Signifer she acquired, Rex Hortus, the Kanjou Link... and everything else. He ruminates for a while, trying to compass the best words for explanation when Blythe suddenly calls him.


"At any rate, I can't let you in." he replies bluntly.

"Let me hear your reason." Alma argues.

"First of all, you are nothing more than a commoner to me, now." Blythe's words

cut pieces of Alma's heart apart.

"The maximum duration of absence allowed in Ophanim Academy is four years.

How long have you been gone again?" he taunts.

"...Ten years." Alma quietly replies.

"Ten years! Imagine how much you owe me along those periods. Ten years, Cess."

"I know. This is all my fault..." Alma bit his lips.


"Please, is there any way I can take a look into the library?"

"That's not a place for commoner, Cess. Even you should know that." Blythe's

sneer turns murky.

"Religious script, ancient text, everything is stored there, handled carefully by

the Archivist. It is not a place for commoners to hang out!"

"Blythe... You've changed." Alma shakes his head in regret.

"I didn't, Cess. you did."

"...What do you mean?" Alma frowns.

"Ha! ...Never mind, forget it." Blythe sinks back to his chair.

"If you have no further business, please leave. I still have works to do."

Knowing he can't possibly banter more to his old acquaintance, Alma bid his


"One last thing, Blythe..." he spoke before going out. “My name is Alma, now."


Around that time, at Seraphim Army's 8th Sect. The quarter looks more than just a building for troops. There is no teeming vigilant air, no weapon display, let alone armored guards strolling with their steady steps. Tranquil atmosphere looms instead, hallowed by a small garden placed on the terrace. Although the building doesn't seem spacious, marbled pillar with colors matching the pavement gives off eventful breather to anyone goes into it.

The team has been taken by Blautiel's junior, Iegor, to the questioning room. The room is actually one rectangular space, segregated into smaller ones with dividers. Each member sat in front of few soldiers, separated from others by a translucent two-side mirror. Inside the second from rightmost room, Banri sits together with Iegor and one of his subordinates.


"First, tell me your name." Iegor twiddles with his wavy hair, colored chestnut


"Hey, are you a Holiner, too?" Banri diverts the topic.

"Answer my question."

"Hmm, but you don't have the same ears like that Blautiel guy.

His are a bit pointed, possibly resulting from Holiner marriage." he smirks after

showing off his acute perception.

"That much of knowledge is called common sense today.

Our ancestors have long crossed the border, marrying female humans which result

to less-pointy-eared, less-pale and less-blonde Holiner: the Halflings."

"So that's what you call them? Interesting..."


"At any rate, answer my question!" Iegor looks a bit irritated.

"Ah, shouldn't you know me already?" Banri flashes his insignia, pinned neatly on

his undershirt.

"...I see." Iegor nods slowly. "You are the well-known Guild master of Southport

Mercenaries, aren't you?"

"Not mercenaries! You're making us sounds like assassins."

"But, aren't you? I have heard of your notorious act all over Gaia."

"That's in the past! Southport is a town with law now!" Banri's eyes twitched in



"Moving on... As the one seems to represent your group, what is your motive

coming here?"

"To look for the Ancient Library." Banri replies firmly.

"Even you should know it is a sacred place only for Binah and Ophanim.

It is no place for just anyone."

"We have our buddy speaking with your superior at this time."

"The one who went with the Commander?" Iegor frowns.

"Yep! He is an Archbishop here!" Banri proclaimed confidently.


"I haven't seen him before. Is he on absence?"

"Erm..." Cat seems to get Banri's tongue. "That's one way to put it..."

Iegor gave a sly smirk. "The fact I haven't seen him before must've because his

absence is longer than my stationing. Just so you know, I have served the

Commander in this Sect for five years."

"What does that have to do? He's still the Archbishop�" He even still has the Holy

Signet!" Banri argues.

"Our law states that four years maximum all members of Ophanim academy may

take his leave. Meaning..." Iegor chuckles, still fiddling with his hair.

"...That friend of yours are no more of Archbishop. Just a commoner, happened

to keep his ol' signet."


Sometimes later, the interrogation finally over. The team is free to go, but they must descend into the lower town once Alma has finished his business at the palace. Jadel almost got detained again due to his violent outburst as his interrogator seemingly provoked him intently. Hameda got out first after giving short but proficient reasoning to the interrogator. Thomas and Reita came out about the same time, completing the group again, all and well.


"Damn it! He's ticking my nerves." Jadel spat, he seems to be back to his former

self. "He meant it, I'm sure of it!"

"Cut it out, you're going to get arrested again, you know..." Thomas peer around,

there are several soldiers with alarmed looks, all directed to Jadel.

"I don't care! Sheesh. What's the idea, anyway?! This city is weird!

Everybody else is suffering below, and here they build palace for Nobles?

Chosen one, my a*s!" he goes on ranting.


"Cut it out." Hameda warns him.

"We shouldn't loitering around here too long. Let's go someplace else and wait for


"That's more like it! I'm fed out of this place." Jadel trots off, leaving his friends

behind. "We should go too." Hameda calls to the rest.

"Thomas, what's wrong?" he seems to realize the young man has been gloomy

since coming out from the interrogating room.

"They also didn't know where my brother is..." he spoke quietly.


Hameda ruffles his hair and reassured it will be okay, and they will find his brother after everyone regroups. As they walks out, Banri tries to walk with Reita. His concern hasn't bustled, seeing the girl still hangs in somber.


"Little Miss, they didn't ask anything weird to you?"

"Not at all." she replied shortly.

"You've been quiet since we came here..." Banri's morose joke gains him a sharp

glare from the red-haired girl.

"Those eyes won't gain ya any boys, dude!" Jadel leers as he make his way to her

also. "C'mon, you've been too quiet! Hey, what about we get a grub after this?

My treat!"

"I'm fine." Reita nods firmly, her eyes doesn't look dole but still not as cheery as

they were. Jadel and Banri looks to one another, shrugging their shoulders.

"Aw, man! C'mon, I'll treat you to yer choice of meal!" Jadel linked his arm around

Reita's shoulder, which she doesn't even pay attention to.

The girl keeps walking, steady and frigid.


As the sun begin to sink low, Alma went back from the Palace. Everyone comments of him taking too much time inside, but soon understand as Alma explains to them. Riding back the lift down, as per ordered, the team has to find an inn at the Isfel Stratum or the lower layer.


"What the heck, man?! So that crappy talks are for nuthin'?" Jadel protest, still

latching to Reita's shoulder.

"I am terribly sorry, everyone. I have said I could be any of help..." he sighed


"It's none of your fault. You did your part." Hameda nods firmly.

"The only option is to guise ourselves so we won't be seen as mere commoners..."

Banri's eyes sparks in amazement as Hameda finished his words.

"...What is it?" The tall man frowns. "Did I said something...?”

"Hameda just said something suspicious!" Banri broke into a hearty laugh.

"So finally you will approve the less-legal method? Hmm?" he teases him.

"...Stop it. I didn't mean it that way." Hameda tries to hide his creasing brow.


"This is the first time I heard you actually propose for such idea." Alma chuckles

also. "Hey, not you too...!"

"Well, it's settled, then!" Thomas sums up the talk.

"We're going to sneak in tonight, right? Where to?"

"Oi, midget runt, yer words sounds like we're a band of thief!"

"That's a given. The Ancient Library." Banri gives a thumb-up.

"Leave the lock picking to me!"

"Hey! Now you're making us sounds like thieves!!" Thomas joins the laughter.


Moments later, the team managed to found a resting place at one pub which also has rooms for rent. As usual, they went for the cheapest�" one large room with two bed, sleeping area will be shared. At this time, everyone seems content enough sharing a room together, including Reita who is an opposite gender all by herself. Of course, she will have the privilege of private time at shower and changing clothes while the others stays outside. Dinner was room-service, hearty meal served feasible to the amount they paid in advance. Everyone is ready for the plan now, waiting until it gets dark and most people are asleep.


"Hey, ya sure we're gonna do this?" Jadel doesn't seem confident.

"Now that I think of it, this sounds bad after all. Shouldn't we ask Mr. Blautiel for

help?" Thomas replies.

"Ya moron! He'll jail us if we do that!" Jadel lands a slap to his head, much to the

boy's dismay.

"It hurts! Why are you always hitting me?!"

"Everyone, please, this is not the time..." Alma manages to prevent another time

spent for useless argument.

"The real issue here is what we should do if we can get inside the library."


"Hey, you're right!" Banri clicks fingers.

"We can't just sit down and read there, can we? We'll be found out in no time!"

"That's right. For now, let's write down what books we're going to look for."

Hameda readied a pen and paper.

"To 'look for'? More like, snatch!" Thomas laughs idly.

"Like I said! Ain't gonna steal or something, are we!" Jadel slaps him again.

"Hey, don't fight." Reita frowns�" that was her first words after dinner ends hours

ago. Alma stares at her for a bit, then to Hameda. "For starters, we'll need books

about Gaia's history." he begin.

"Then about Signifer and Sphaera, also about Kronos and three other races.

Books about HOUNDS would be useful too, since we are bound to deal with many

more of them in the future. Also, it won't hurt to have map or geographical book

of Gaia..." he then realizes everyone is giving him the flat eyes.


"I, uh... Is it not good? W- What do you think, everyone?"

"Alma, that's basically raiding the entire library." Banri taps his shoulder.

"How many books do you think we can 'borrow'? Give it two per person, we can

only get twelve to fifteen maximum!"

"We need to think this thoroughly." so Hameda suggests.

"Our first priority better be about the races of Gaia." Banri voices his opinion.

"There's so much we don't know about them, and I'm sure it'll be of much help

understanding Little Miss' power."

"OK, next?" Hameda scribbled the said opinion. "About HOUNDS." he suggest his

own. "One tip of winning a long-running battle is to uncover as much as you can

from your enemies."

"That's it then." Banri nods along with everybody else.

"I think the latter can wait. Those books will be our main priority."

"Alright! Just let's get our arse on!" Jadel sounds fired up.



Around the same time, at HOUNDS' headquarter. Reo Macbeth has received authority to dispatch some of Pavlos Demetriádes' men to spy around Gaia. Few have been sent to Myriad which he suspect holds some connection with the remaining Sphaera and Signifer, rumored as the bringer of Promised Land. He researched everything thoroughly, almost all of the ancient script kept within the dungeon have been highlighted. His supportive patrons�" few other Lord-ranks are by his side, occasionally letting him slip by some bureaucracy limitations.


"Knock, knock." raspy voice tries to mimic a cuter one calls out.

"Cut it out, Omus. Fifty-two and you're impersonating a kid's voice!?" Macbeth

almost dropped his round glasses seeing his trusted partner paid him a visit.

Inside a dungeon, crawling with webs and dust, this heavy-armored man braced

all the nooks by his huge stature. "Hey, a humor or two could lighten this place

for sure!" Omus laughs merrily.

"What brings you here?" Macbeth asks, he just finished reading his last script for

today. "I was just about to go outside as well."

"One of your messengers is here." Omus replies. "Said he found something...

Interesting in Myriad."

The flash in Macbeth's eyes shows enough of his peaking curiosity.

He hurried above, meeting this one soldier he had borrowed from Pavlos.


"Good evening, Milord." the soldier bows.

"No need for formalities, for I am not your Lord... Technically." Macbeth slips a

dreary joke. "So? Did you found something?"

"I have, Sir. It is positive His Holiness, the Ophanim Lord of Myriad holds th

Green Sphaera."

"Have you confirmed with your own eyes?" Macbeth raises his eyebrow.

"Not with my own eyes, Sir. But we have found one room in the deepest chamber

contains peculiar seal..."

"How much of 'peculiar' we're talking about?" Omus joins the question.


"It is exactly what you have showed us, Lord Macbeth.

The seal to control the Sphaera's power..." Macbeth happens to carry the said

drawing on his note, copied straight from the scroll. He flashed it both to Omus

and themessenger. "Are you sure this is it? The Seal of Vayu?"

"No doubt, Sir. Also..." he adds.

"What? You have another thing to report? That's quite the feat! No wonder you're

marked as the most intimidating army in the Liberals!" Omus compliments the

soldier with proud nods of acknowledgement.

"Like I've told you! Pavlos might be a bit loose on his belly, but his brain is packed

with wits!" Macbeth's comment made the messenger smiles proudly, then he

continues his report.


"Our men saw the red-haired girl in town."

"So they went there, as predicted..." Macbeth nods to Omus.

"Reckon any oddities?"

"Other than being questioned at Seraphim army’s 8th Sect barrack, the group

went straight back to their lodging, so none at the moment, Sir."

"Alright, thanks for your hard work. You may return."

"At once, Sir." The messenger left his landing, fast as the night's cold brew sifting

Macbeth's hair.

"You have... Predicted? What do you mean, Reo?" Omus asks.

"After looking at those scripts, it hits me that three of the Red Girl's group were

from Vanadeus."

"You think they might concurred the legend?"

"Perhaps, so. After all, their homeland was burned to ash. Who wouldn't give

their all to set things straight again?"


The two HOUNDS walked back to their quarter, chatting merrily as they pass the long hallway. At one end, they overheard few soldiers gossiping around. The two got curious, so they walks slowly so their steps won't be heard and frighten the soldiers.


"Hey, did you hear? Lord Skydas has his troops ready to be mobilized!" Said one

of the soldiers.

"Huh, really? Well, they are usually out for conquering Forts, right?

Said it would ease our objective altogether."

"This is different!" The other butts in. "They are definitely heading for Myriad!"

"Myriad? That city with newfound Ser... Sera... Seroma? Serrano?

Ah, whatever, that Sere-something army? What for?"

"My friends in the 'Rads said there's a big possibility the Green Sphaera is there!"

"What, really? Now that's a huge step ahead..."

"Damn, those 'Rads are definitely going to beat us Liberals!

At this rate, the whole organization will be their ship dock!"

"I know, right? Our acting Lords are too conservative to risk everything..."

"Man, now I regret my decision coming here. I should've stayed back at our old



"...and joined the hunt, get your gold and glory?" Macbeth's tone shows no mercy

of his dreary jokes.

The gossiping soldiers almost s**t their pants seeing their Lord have been

listening from the very start. "L- L- Lord Macbeth! And C- Commander Tertio!!"

they shrieks in unison.

"Hey there!" Macbeth sneers. "May I know the rest of the story?

No need to fret, your salary will work out just fine…" his malicious grin grows

wider as he talk.


Macbeth doesn't even needs hours to make them spill the beans. Within minutes, those soldiers ran their mouth dry, explaining everything in great detail. The spectacled man now understands that Skydas got ahead of him regarding the location of Green Sphaera. Most likely, someone leaked it. It was just moments ago Pavlos' surveillance team came back from Myriad; one of them might be a double agent, reporting his findings to Skydas before to Macbeth.


"What are you gonna do, Reo?" Omus sounds wary.

"It is better to not let your emotion takes up on you."

"Does that ever happen to me? I should be the one saying that to you, man!"

Macbeth laughs crisply after sending off the gossips.

"I have an idea." he then walks off.

"Wait, Reo! Where are you going?"

"Paying a visit~" he whistles, then went off.

"Damn. He's going to see the Oracle at this dire moment?!" Omus grunts to



Macbeth paces along the dim hallway. On his way, he mulls over worst possibility to come if things go as premised. There will be a lot of causalities, Macbeth thought to himself. If I can get my words fast to the Oracle, maybe he can stop Skydas. His train of thought almost leap off the trails and into Styx River as he bumps to a man in front of him, standing idly on his way.


"Whoops… Ouch!" Macbeth readjusted his slanted glasses.

"Oh, pardon me. I didn't see you there, Lord Macbeth."

"...Tácito." Macbeth growls seeing the vulgar man seething upon his prized pipe.

"What makes you in such haste? Has something happened?"

"Nothing concerns you." Macbeth sneers away his annoyance.


Damn it, why him at this time? He thought. Wait. He's not usually seen around here, could it be...? He stopped for a second, hindering thought of accusation overlaps with his logic. Not possible. There's nothing possibly he has to do with the Oracle. Maybe he was just taking a leisure stroll while hammering poor door guards with some yelling.


Tácito shrugs off, then walks away. He stopped for a moment, however, to warn

Macbeth. "Lord Macbeth, I suggest you don't mingle too much with that False


"...What are you suggesting at?" Macbeth frowns.

"I was talking about the Oracle..." Tácito hisses to his ear.

"That mongrel only has venom out of his lips. Nothing good, ever." he continues.

"Ah, Lord Casales. Always with the pessimism. Maybe you should quit along with

that smoking habit of yours, and laugh more!"

"Humph!" Tácito grunts heavily.

"It's a shame to see our brilliant professor has taken a liking to superstitious stuff

far from science." with that, he trots off.

Macbeth didn't thought too much of Tácito's ramblings at first, until he arrives at

the Oracle's chamber.


The room looks same; dull coverings of purple-hued curtains with beige-sheen lace. Orb lamps illuminate the entire chamber with bluish light, more than enough to let people see each other's faces. The Oracle rests on his chair, subdued presence of mysterious air and peculiar seer-ability. His long robe surpassing both feet, scalding the carpeted floor softly. The mask he used, covered not only his face but also the eyes�" one can only see bleak darkness from the twin holes. He rise from his seat as Macbeth came knocking before side.


"Good to see you again, Lord Macbeth." the Oracle greets him with toneless


"I haven't seen you around recently. Any perchance you've grown tired of my

flower wreaths?"

Macbeth bows slightly, trying to keep quiet of his interest in hand. "Not at all,

Oracle. I was simply overwhelmed by too much assigned duties. Our paperwork

pile up faster than the air coming out from sneezes!"

"I see you're still the jolly one as you were."


Why the past tense? Macbeth wonders to himself. Also, is it only me, or the Oracle feels like another person entirely? Macbeth dissipates his rambling thoughts, back at issue at hand.


"I have heard," he begin,

"From field soldiers out there, that Skydas has mobilized his troops to Myriad."

"Did they?" The Oracle replies with another void tone.

"Did he come here and consult you beforehand?"

"I don't think so." the Oracle seems to clam up.

"Some matters require my attendance moreso than trivial things like that."


Trivial things? Macbeth's mind perks up. Since when he think of Skydas as a 'trivial thing'? Isn’t Skydas has been always by his side, plotting godforbid knows what kind of plan?


"So, Skydas has taken his move..." Oracle slips out a loud mumble, which latch

Macbeth more in curiosity.

"So you know about this?"

"Lest you mention more, Lord Macbeth." he shakes his head.

"Now, if you'll excuse me... I still have tasks to perform."

"Oracle. I need to ask you something of utmost importance." Macbeth says before

the Oracle went back inside his inner chamber.

"Yes, and that is...?"

"I want to believe you are on our side. But you have been, and always be, won’t

you?" Macbeth slips a sly smirk before setting off on his own. The door creaks

open and close as the Oracle stood by watching his guest divulge a coated threat.


Back to his quarter, Omus asks Macbeth of his finding. The glassed man only shook his head as a sign of nothing he had brought back to enlighten the current problem. Thus, Macbeth feels the urge to call his trusted pupil, Xisel Eda. He came faster than night wind, covered in his titular full-body case.


"Sir." Xisel salutes him.

"Xisel, there’s an urgent matter requires your performance."

Omus saw Xisel's eyes frowns slightly, perhaps seeing his master in troubled

expression is a first.

"Go to Myriad post-haste. I want you to seize the Green Sphaera from His

Holiness' keep."

"Reo! Are you crazy?!" Omus grips his shoulder.

"You'll gonna rise war flags if you do this!"


"Omus, this is no time for dilly-dally." Macbeth said firmly.

"Skydas is marching there as we talk. He's going to destroy everything again,

And left us in the dark, not knowing his real scheme is!"

"What basis are you speaking this of?" Omus tries to argue. "There's no guarantee

the rumor from those soldiers can be trusted!"

"Oh, no, we can. Gossips holds more truth than you think." Macbeth argues back.

"But you're right, Omus. Ordering Xisel to grab the Sphaera back here will be

sending him to his death and we'll wage unnecessary war." he think for a bit, then

another smile forms on his face.


"Hmm. This may work."

"Hey now. What are you planning this time?" Omus glints in worry.

"Xisel. Have you met with this group of adventurers with red-haired girl on it?"

Xisel paused for a bit before nodding. "Actually, they was our only hindrance

when hunting down the Siren."

"Perfect. I want you to assist them and prevent Skydas' troops from destroying

the entire city."


Omus blinks several times, perhaps my friend has got to that age? What is he planning, sending his disciple to side with possible enemy? Xisel is in stoic form, digressing the order he's about to operate on.


"No need to help them directly, though..." Macbeth smirks.

"Only assist them necessarily and prevent the 'Rads from ignites any flame to the


"...What about the Green Sphaera, Sir?" Xisel carefully asks.

"Don't worry about that. I have hunch things will go well."

"As you wish, Sir."

"Take Omus' boy with you too, Xisel." Macbeth pinpoints before he go.

"I’m afraid Soldier Damhorn has been appointed to Lord Skydas' command, Sir, as

Commander in-charge of Myriad's expedition."

Omus has his eyes almost burned in wild fire hearing the news.



Nighttime, at the Palace. White walls upon marble floor have been illuminated by luminous lights casted off from exclusive settlement built along the Divum Stratum. Around this minute, it is rudimentary for nobles to have their evening tea party. With only selected few are allowed to reside in this secluded floating island, they feel it is natural to socialize in glamour way every single day. To show their wealth, to boast their rank, to gossip about others, to talk politics. Maybe, to look for potential associate�" Their fraudulent charade further gesticulate the underlying needs, similar to those of Isfel Stratum.

Blythe Neredzīe, the acting Chancellor is also about to finish his work and join the nobles' convocation. Today was mediocre until Commander Blautiel appeared at his door, bringing a guest he knew fairly well. Cess, so he called Alma, abbreviation from his first name 'Cestria'. It's been a long whole years since I last saw him; yet now he march idly to my face! Blythe crumps the end of paper he's holding. Cess have been nothing before me. Being a Halfling have brought me easiness in attention, while he's a mere orphaned boy happened to be in His Holiness' care. Blythe carefully slips away the paper before his hand invokes another momentary reflex. He make sure to double-lock the door, as inside are important papers needed for tomorrow's duty.


As he walks outside, the door guard who just took his shift, greets him cheerily.

"Good evening, Lord Chancellor!"


Blythe responds in the same manner�" sickening manner. He has to put good face, lest he wants to lose their favor. Yes, everything changes after that one night. His accursed rival fled night before the Ceremonial along with the Holy Signet. He cursed this one so, but at the same time that stroke of foudre gave him way to position with less hindrance.

Within four and half years, I secured my place as Chancellor, right after the crowning of His Holiness. It's a shame you won't be able to reach me this way, Cess. Ah, but you never could! Blythe fumes his self-gloating. Because I have robbed your place in about everything!


While pleasing himself of past facade, Blythe was stroked to see Commander

Blautiel stood before him in alarmed face. "Lord Chancellor." he said.

"His Holiness calls for your immediate presence at his side."


What is this guy doing? Blythe curses. Did he saw me when I was reminiscing? But he aware something might come amiss if His Holiness calls for him this late, moreso if he has to send a Commander-in-charge just to get him.


"I'll go there at once." he nods to Blautiel, which in turn, salutes him.

"Good evening to you, Lord Chancellor."


Straight ahead he went to His Holiness' quarter at the Palace's inner heart. He bids the guard a dry smile before entering, knowing this will be a long night. He's going to miss the gathering! The only event he can (and willing to) unsheathe his real self; laughing openly and engage in mindless banter.


"Good evening, Holiness." Blythe bows severely to the balding man draped in

priest articles, all white even to his cane which embossed in lion depict.

The man seated in his bejeweled chair nods firmly before standing up.

"Chancellor. Sorry to call you this late hour."

Again, Blythe wear his pleasantry. "I am at your command, Holiness."

"Something has happened inside the Sealed Chamber."


Dang, why this time! Blythe spat to himself.

He frowns as his way to express displeasure regarding this rising trouble.

"As you have realize, the Sealed Chamber must not be disturbed at any rate.

But I kept getting reports of fainted Seer from their duty."

Isn't he exaggerating? Blythe sighs mockingly. Those Seer are never the ones

with strong build, after all. Might've only a simple fatigue which will heal by



"Those who fainted reports the orb has grew violent."

The words pulled back Blythe from his skepticism. His eyes mellowed in sculpting 

fear of predetermined bad omen. "V- Violent, Holiness...?"

"Chancellor. See to it the orb is contained. We can't let our main pillar collapse."

"Right away, Holiness." Blythe bows again before taking his leave.

"Chancellor Neredzīe." the High Priest interrupts again.

"We have to maintain the Divum Stratum as it is. I won't fail like Father did."

"Of course. I’ll take this matter personally." Blythe ticks his annoyance as he left.


This acting High Priest who attain his Father's position have given him and everybody else many headaches with his baseless paranoia. The founding of Seraphim Army was also his idea, stationing them across the whole city, ready to take siege any time. The Parliament also weren't given any cut of slack; more paperwork awaits as they diligently wraps the red envelope.

Blythe arrives at the Sealed Chamber, nested deeply at the innermost end of a spiraling hallway. The door is chained, talisman and magic charms hangs among the rustic link. He grips the circular handle and ram it to the steel door. Few clanks and he is answered.


"Lord Chancellor. I am most glad you've come." said the Seer.

"What's the situation?" The Seer turns over to see her corporates sweating blood

while evoke chants into a glowing pedestal. She closes the heavy door.

"The Orb has been malicious lately."

"Do something about it, then." Blythe simplifies the matter.

"I'm afraid it is not that simple, Milord. Our powers have been exhausted by day

long strenuous works... Perhaps we will need someone of greater strength."


"We don't have time and resource to scout newcomers to your group." Blythe

shook his head. "You're the only one we have."

"We shall do our best, Milord. But..." she paused.

"What is it?" The Seer hesitates few times opening her mouth then closed it


"...Nothing, Milord. I shall go back to my duty, then..." she bows before went

back inside.


Blythe watches the Seer. Within the gap of the door he saw two more have passed out, slumped to the stone floor. Others looked for a moment before continuing their rites. His eyes blears as he witness vex of withering aura emanates from the pedestal�" atop of it is a rotating cubical sphere, contained inside a matter of emerald color. The cube strings left and right, as if ecstatic to regain its freedom.

Meddlesome; that's what Blythe thought. Why couldn't he just throw it away? Keeping antic of something we don't know much of, spells ingrained trouble. Indeed, it was also this new His Holiness who proposed for the orb to be contained. His reasoning is to keep the Divum Stratum afloat, far from surface's filthiness. His ambition has surely backfired now, but there's not a chance Blythe would oppose him as it would defect his career. Then what of his hopes, his urgency to climb the top? Nay, said he, I would not afflict the hand who fed me�"at least, not until I claim his spot.

Meanwhile at the same time, the team have long left their bedlam. The plan tonight is to 'borrow' some books from the Ancient Library, since they aren't in position to enter the forbidden place. Hameda and Thomas are in charge of main surveillance, checking whether the streets have been cleared of any possible eyes or not. Alma and Banri took the middle, relaying signals from upfront to the rear guards�" obviously, Jadel and Reita. For a while their tactic went smoothly. There were no one seem to still awake near midnight; the cold wind blows in favor, too, ensuing deeper sleep to any nocturnal guard.

After the team arrived at the square, though, they were dumb-founded. The sky lift has no one guarding it, but they can't seem to operate it. Further inspection reveals it needs some sort of fingerprint as key to operate it. Frontlines have affirmed there are no other ways to enter Divum Stratum beside the lift, so the plan is foiled altogether.

They doesn't seem worried, though, for 'nother day is all they will need to get upstairs�" that is, again, until someone painfully familiar caught them red-handed: Commander of Seraphim Army, Eighth Sect, Vaikne Sal Blautiel. With careful explaining and a bit of mind tricks, he agreed to overlook this small brew if the team go back straight to their barracks, leaving the city's night dead as it sounds.


End of Chapter 51!

© 2016 Latifa Rahim

Author's Note

Latifa Rahim
Finally! It's Myriad!!

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Added on October 7, 2016
Last Updated on October 7, 2016
Tags: adventure, book, six, adv, chapter, 51


Latifa Rahim
Latifa Rahim

Bogor, Bogor, Indonesia

Newcomer in writing world! Loves sci-fi and adventure as genre. Does drawing, too. more..
