![]() Chapter VIA Chapter by ourrealityEverything around everyone slows to nearly a standstill, responding to the Unsealed. The flowing winds become like solemn psalms toward their surroundings, demanding all to display their truths. Soon, Halo City is shown to have a complexity of cryptic seals over its entirety. Barriers upon barriers shimmer with vicious intent, scribes never before witnessed display a godly aggression, and the world, so cryptic, curse at the ones who are adamantly opposing. Before anything further can be truly displayed, the Ascended open their eyes and move with a speed that rivals time itself. Like an expanding circle, they rush to bombard those that surround them. The closer they near the Unsealed, the greater display their existences reflect through their own auras. Their movements soon mimic the swishing winds, their weapons shriek with defined resolve, and their intentions to kill are undeniable. As they reach the ones they oppose though, they are met by halting barricades, weapons that are solely intended to dissolve purpose, and a wrath defined by absolute end. The Ascended spiral backwards and crash hard onto unyielding grounds. They struggle to comprehend the counter from the Unsealed as they lay sprawled, weakened, and severely wounded in a multitude of body areas. Unfortunately for them, while slowly bringing themselves back to their feet, the stationary onslaught of the Unsealed beings… begins. Within the raised palms of the Astrological houses, each of their natural elements is revealed, readying to cause more consequence. The rays of the demeaning sun spark malicious flames into the signs of Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. The earth beneath their feet breaks off threatening size rocks and rubble, hurrying into the palms of the Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. Raising winds settle with spite around the stretched arms of Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. Lastly, tears from the Unsealed gather to hover above the righteous palms of the Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. The twelve Astrological houses speak at once. “Ophiuchus, the thirteenth house of the Astrological houses, unseal and lend ill-fated aid.” For a single second, color is drained from all, stillness becomes inevitable, and the only thing that lingers… is an unusual deafening silence. Lius gathers himself, refusing to be drawn into the horrific present, and is drawn to one noticeable sound; his older brother severely in pain. “Nil!” “This sensation,” Nil grunts, struggling to maintain an obvious sense of self. He is on his knees with his arms around his waist. His face is utterly flush, barely able to keep his eyes open. “It’s just like the last time.” Grave concern falls heavily over Lius’s face. With renewed strength, Lius wraps himself with whispering magical scribes and moves like the shifting winds, hurrying to his brother’s side. “Are you okay?” Nil closes his eyes, breathes, and returns his entire being into a meditative state. His essence is seemingly able to briefly ignore the crippling sensation and his body rises, restraining doubt. “I am well enough, brother. Besides, we must do something before they gain aid from whatever source they are referring to.” Lius nods in agreement, returning his attention to those that oppose them. Anger grows apparent across his face. His intense annoyance on why all of this is happening to him and the other Ascended members multiplies the many whispering scribes that circle him. He moves within the sound of a single emotion-filled shriek and is back in his original place, fully ready for combat once again. The Ascended, even with swelling exhaustion, are on their feet and they also return to their meditative state. Heavy panting slows to a controlled breath, placing palm into palm in front of their chest. They finally accept the unfathomable truth that’s around them. Although they may still not understand much of what is happening, they know one thing for certain… live… and gain discovery. Therefore, they bare their most revered attack. “I am the star of the morning, ascended from the seven heavens,” they recite in unison. Each of their individual energy’s connect, forming a bonded halo. The revealing skies and its shimmering quintessence, abruptly becomes motionless. The halo energy of the Ascended shoots upward and creates a second, but noticeably smaller, halo. They recite the second passage, in unison. “I am the essence of all dimensions, ascended from the seven living streams.” The many layers of blasphemous seals that are enveloped around everything, flash with heightened nervousness and strained distress. A third halo forms, and now, the Unsealed are no longer looking up but staring unblinkingly at them. “I am the wake of the three crescents, ascended from the celestial truth.” All that are around the Ascended are fully attentive with bright wide eyes. They sense the developing ruin, the uncaring destruction, and the intolerable resolution for being antagonized flourishing for them all to see. “I am the ring of him and her, ascended from the destiny of the destined,” the Ascended assures, giving way to a hellish devastation. “Amaranthine’s Halo… denounce.” The devastating halo of energy from the Ascended shields them and flares up into the skies, creating a surging cylinder. The energy this cylinder possesses swirl with three distinct colors; red, blue, and white… representing the birth essence of Amaranthine’s existence. The display from the Ascended’s omnipotent power spikes magnified apprehension from those around them. Even the revealing seals and barriers show utmost fear by their action. The Unsealed aim their raised arms in the direction of the Ascended, rushing to rebuttal. “Revelations… denounce.” The beings whom represent the five point star position themselves a calculated distance behind the twelve astrological houses. Although they are without their center point, the sixth point… similar to the twelve astrological houses are parted from the thirteenth… they are still persistent in their determination to defeat the Ascended. They spare little time aiming their arms at the Ascended and permit their true selves to be more evident. “We are the five points to the sixth and the second sealed seal of the seven sealed seals. Revelations… denounce.” Then, a colorful assortment of energy suffocates the revealed atmosphere. The strength of the opposing energies conflicting against one another are so defying that the world’s color, which was drained from sight earlier, refuses to return. The barriers around everything and everyone begin to slowly crack from the weight of it all. The Unsealed are unwavering in their stance but are starting to show indications that the solidified unforgiving energy from the Ascended is wearing heavily on them. The Ascended find strength from their obvious rebuttal and the world is becoming content with remaining black and white. The elderly woman with the tattered scrolls in the background raises the scrolls to her face, preparing to intervene. Lady Emilia waves a disheartened hand at the elderly woman, signaling for her to not mediate. Tears fall plenty from the Lady of the Angellius demesne as she removes notion from the elderly woman with the scrolls and brings attention to the many in front of her. Those she has adored wholeheartedly, taught with her entirety, fought along side of, nourished with the fondest intent, and loved from all parts of her own self being… she must now… kill. Lady Emilia closes her eyes… and goes into her own form of meditation. Her lips move, her tongue inflicts, and her voice whispers, giving way to an absolute catastrophic form of herself. “You, the Ascended, whom must no longer be sanctioned to walk the plains of Amaranthine’s gifts, shall be removed from all worlds, all heavens, and all paths of the living. Death will care little for you and give way to a repentance warranted to only those who dare the worst. I am the four immaculate trumpets of the Unitalius, the first sealed seal, and the bearer of Amaranthine’s calamitous truths. Revelations… denounce.” With eyes still closed, never parting from her meditative state, Lady Emilia leaps with inconceivable power into the conflicting array of colors and vanishes. Taking everyone by surprise, the blaring brass sound of a most wondrous trumpet can be heard, resonating within the massive contradicting energies. Color finds strength to return to the world, time takes heed to the trumpet’s eloquent tones, and all becomes still in request from the first seal. A huge thunderous crash can be heard at the center of the Ascended’s formed ring, forcing them all to turn their attention behind them. Then, they see her. Not as Emilia, the Lady of the Angellius demesne, the one they have known all their lives… but as the First Sealed Seal. Her auburn hair ravage through the whipping winds like wildfire, her skin is no longer skin but written reflections of her existence, and her eyes give way to an image of the proclaimed seal she declares to be. The First Sealed Seal, who is on one knee after the landing, lifts herself up. An indescribable energy flows around her hand, ready to ravage. She forms a fist and brings it to her mouth. Soon, the remarkable energy shapes into an extraordinarily lengthy trumpet and the First Sealed Seal is quick to blow into it. As the trumpet sound orchestrates a melody through her surroundings, the First Sealed Seal moves to begin her transcending onslaught; slashing, devouring, eradicating, and swiftly bringing the Ascended closer to an inevitable end. This second distinct tune gives it’s own discharge of wrathful substance, flooring the Ascended and leaving them barely conscious. “My sorrow toward this moment is beyond mentioning,” the First Sealed Seal admits, her tears heightening. Then, another extravagant trumpet forms in her hand. “Therefore, I will end this with my third trumpet.” As if it were in slow motion, the First Sealed Seal brings her lips to the tip of the trumpet so that she may end all forms of the immediate with the Ascended. But, without the First Sealed Seal’s permission, everything becomes paused. She wonders what is happening, but only for a second. She recognizes the notion and is quick to realize what is happening. The First Sealed Seal is too late in doing what her resolve had prepared her to do. For two mysterious beings have arrived. These two mysterious beings say nothing to no one. They do not acknowledge the First Sealed Seal, they care nothing toward the astrological houses, and are oblivious to the elderly lady in the background. These two are formidable and before anyone can grasp an accurate image of them, they have disappeared… and so have the unconscious members of the Ascended. A sense of quietness falls upon all, anger stir as the Unsealed are very aware of what has happened, and thoughts to figure out the next impactful steps are on the minds of every single person. Destiny comes to fruition and denial has become ignorant to the fact….
Lius opens his eyes to a blurry vision. “Where am I?” He first sees the many silhouette shadows against the countless candle-lights around the room. Shadows soon turn into outlines and visibly familiar faces, his Ascended counterparts. The room Lius lays in is something different entirely. The walls are made of a colorless marble with crystal etchings and writings in the eldest text. “You’re finally awake,” Princess Florsza states, relieved. She tightens her grip of his cool hand. “Thank you Amaranthine. Everyone… our Guide is awake!” Those he knows the most are quick to be in front him. Lius carefully sits up while shrugging off an apparent headache. His eyes travel from one face to the next, pleased as he is assured that everyone is accounted for. Particularly his older brother, Nil Zathos, who stands at the end of the bed with his arms crossed in front of his wide chest… smiling. “I am glad you are awake brother,” Nil tells, pleased. “As am I,” Lius replies, a bit hoarse and still seemingly groggy. “What has happened? Where are we?” “You are right where you need to be,” a very unfamiliar male voice guarantees, furthest away from everyone. Lius squints trying to see who this cryptic person may be, but he is hard pressed to distinguish the identity. He wishes to probe more. To find out exactly the answers to his questions… even more so though… how long he was unconscious. So many infinite queries run wildly through his mind, yet he has no strength to ask them. All he feels he can do is sit in silence and permit strength to gradually return. “Roen Angellius,” Kale blurts, seemingly regaining recent memories. “Our Rune is really dead.” The cool room suddenly grows colder. Even the candle-lights seem to dim from his words. The faces of the Ascended fall to that of a mourning expression. Words cannot describe their dreadful feeling for the current. All that can be shared is a fateful glance of sorrow. “He is,” the unfamiliar male voice interrupts from the furthest corner of the room. “And you wish to understand why? All of you do?” The mysterious person steps out into the declining candle flames. His dark grey hair curls at the shoulders and sway continuously across his hardened timeworn face. His long jawline is greatly tense and his eyes are small, barely revealing color. His tall medium frame darkens the area where he stands with little effort and something about the way he positions himself gives an exuding presence. “His love for us all, this demesne, our Crown,” Liisor tells, his voice filled with sorrow. “Rune Roen loved with his heart and soul.” The mysterious elderly man nods in agreement, flashing a recognizable smile, and then exhibiting a just as identifiable seriousness. “Then he chose to learn the truth and soon discovered the disloyalty… the deception.” The Ascended stare at the elderly man for a moment, trying to grasp why he seems so familiar to them. His mannerisms and the way he grabs their attention, is uncanny. They stay silent a few seconds longer, until one finally speaks… Nil. “What truth?” “The unfortunate truth,” the mysterious aged man responds, immediately. He narrows his gaze on each of them as he continues his explanation. “It is the reason that all of this is happening right now. Roen Angellius was shown a caged world. The inner linings they do not want anyone to see. The fear of what may happen if it was all unraveled.” The Ascended look over at one another, confused but not with irritation or callous. Instead they reflect a confusion of intrigue and a sense of yearning to acquire. Jhene takes a gauging step toward the mysterious elder, deepening her expression into the man. Her stance displaying impatience for cryptic sentences and her following exhale exudes intolerance. “Who does not want anyone to see? Speak plainly.” Liisor places a calming hand on Jhene’s shoulder, reminding her to keep her short-tempered ways composed. “We just really want to make sense of it all.” “You saw them around you all, staring with trialing eyes,” the mysterious man of old responds, not budging from his own stern and resolved stance. “Those you all swore to protect, some you never met before, and others that each of you have loved and adored your entire life… choosing to kill without consideration nor hesitance.” The memory of the Ascended returns them to the killing intent from the Unsealed. They recall the absolute commitment from the Unsealed to end their existence and reject their connection toward them. Their expressions become somber and a hollow sense for purpose grows unmistakable. “They almost succeeded,” Lius grunts, utterly irate. “Indeed they did,” this mysterious being assures. “But they neglected to realize the value that each of your destinies possess. So… we had to intervene.” Before anyone can react, Lius catches on to one particular word from the mysterious being’s last sentence, which alters the entire dynamic of the discussion. “We?” Suddenly, from the deepest and darkest corner of the room, a mammoth of a man reveals himself. He moves with purpose, standing at the end of the bed before anyone can even notice that he was not part of the conversation. The gleaming light from the outside rays from the three crescents showcases a glistening sand color of skin. He is towering and threateningly immense yet his face has a freckled charm to it. Even his wavy cropped hair gives an additional sense of intimidating charisma. “Great,” Dilith begins, throwing his hands in the air and showing his typical sarcasm. “Now we get to speak with two people we do not recognize.” “I am " ” He pauses, hinting his unusual but demanding appeal through his invigorating deep voice. Not because he wants to but because he senses that someone in the room who should not be capable of it, has already recognized exactly who he is. “I see your aberrant scribes, so cryptic and unreadable to me,” Lius reveals, his tone drifting in a way an oracle speaks of future knowing’s. “Nevertheless, I see them and I can grasp enough to realize that you are the Crown from the Cervul demesne… the land of the aberrant beings. Your name is Illyonithine.” Illyonithine stares at Lius with large sharp black eyes, analyzing him. He does not wish to pay attention to just Lius’s physical self but of his soul. He looks to travel to Lius’s furthest depths, reaching his existence and perceiving a purely defined destiny. “He is conscious of me,” Illyonithine measures. “Able to identify what and who I am instantly. Capable of seeing my scribes without any assistance from pre-knowledge.” “It is because Lius is an Hourglass Being,” the original mysterious being informs, walking over to stand behind Illyonithine’s shoulder. “He just doesn’t comprehend it… yet.” “That would explain his interpretation of me,” Illyonithine huffs, intrigued. “The influence of Amaranthine resonates firmly in his truth.” “Look around, Illyonithine, and see the extent of all their truths,” the mysterious being demands. Illyonithine glances over all that surround him and it does not take long for his eyes widen greatly. “You see it now don’t you? Why each of them was so important to Roen. Why he did what he did.” The aberrant crown gives one clear and conscious nod. “I was mistaken. The influence of Amaranthine resonates well inside them all. And they wish to find out the why as well. I see their destinies as clearly as I do my own. But are they ready for such truths?” The Ascended take in the mood of the current. They sense the altered perception of themselves occurring. Each can feel the reverberating certainty flow steadily from the aberrant Crown’s voice and this certainty heightens their desire for the hidden knowing. “Time will soon be against you, Illyonithine,” the other mysterious being reminds, his voice calm and appeasing but straightforward and uncompromising. The aberrant Crown nods once more. “Very true. I shall leave at once.” “You will not remain with us?” Lius asks, a bit disappointed. Illyonithine shakes his head. “Everything has changed, in a highly interesting way. I will need to have my demesne prepared for what’s to come. Besides, my presence here will only make things more difficult for you all.” Illyonithine walks over to the other mysterious being and the two share a familiar glance. The other mysterious being places an open hand in front of Illyonithine. “You almost forgot huh?” the mysterious being scolds. “Indeed I did,” Illyonithine admits with a sly giggle. He then takes out a small clear box the size of his hand, from an inner sewn pocket, and gives it to the mysterious being. “I leave this to you.” “What is that?” Jhene asks, as she is nearest to the two beings and has the clearest view of the item. “It looks to be an instrument of some sort,” Liisor adds, inspecting the clear box as the mysterious being puts it away. “The writing on it seems to suggest it is a weapon.” “You are able to see the writing. Roen really did put together an extraordinary group,” Illyonithine states to Liisor, entirely amazed. His focus soon returns upon them all. “To give a little insight on the item, it is called the Anubis Instrument and it is not a weapon, Liisor.” “Then what is it?” Liisor asks, his curiosity seemingly growing. “And how can it be utilized by us?” “We will revisit those inquiries at a further opportune time,” Illyonithine assures, still seemingly amazed. However, the refined lines throughout his face, tightens and his demeanor becomes gravely serious. “For now, there are larger matters to discover and I must be on my way.” The other unknown being puts away the unique item. Afterwards, he places an appreciative hand on Crown Illyonithine’s shoulder and gives a grateful nod. “Thank you for assisting me. Considering the circumstances, of course.” Illyonithine huffs. Reflecting on an unshared past between the two while hinting to an underlining behind the last remark through tempered breath. “Considering.” The two share a smirk that sparks inquisitiveness from the Ascended. It is Illyonithine’s sudden burst of clear energy that truly peaks their interest. The stream of his existence hurry to take shape around him, creating a unique hexagonal prism that possesses countless amounts of flowing crystals inside. The sound of a whispering woman can be heard, ever so slightly, humming something unknowing throughout his aura. The Ascended are in awe by what they see and hear from Illyonithine’s aura. Aura’s have never been so defined and shaped with such distinction. They have never witnessed such a euphoric sight, nor have they ever imagined a remarkable truth existing. They wish to react but they are only capable of remaining mutely astonished. “Farewell, Illyonithine,” the mysterious being mutters, his smirk growing. Illyonithine matches the increased grin with his own. “Farewell… Lailius.” “Lailius!” the Ascended abruptly yell, in unison. The group quickly surrounds this mysterious being with the proclaimed name and they take in his image. Even Lius has removed himself from bed so that he may try to make sense of the suggested name. They inspect the man in new light. “It cannot be, can it?” Lius questions, simply beside himself from the notion. “Rune Roen never mentioned anything about you, except your name and even that was difficult to retrieve,” Prince Quintence explains, wide-eyed. “Even when we pressed further, his reply for us was nothing more than an exhale,” Princess Florsza continues, examining the man thoroughly. “So we all assumed you no longer existed.” Illyonithine disturbs the moment with a very sarcastic giggle. “That does not surprise me.” “Humph, me neither,” Lailius replies, giving his own ironic snicker. Lius extends his arm out to Lailius, placing a hand on his heart. No one moves, nor talk. They merely watch Lius, waiting for him to speak. Then, Lius meditates. He feels the way Lailius’s heart beats in a rhythm that he is very familiar, he hears a recognizable pattern to the man’s thoughts, and he feels a well known chaotic calm swirling well edging his soul. After another moment, Lius is ready to give voice. “Even though you two resemble nothing of one another, the familiarity is undeniable. Now I understand the feeling I sensed from you when I first saw you.” The Ascended nod in agreement, as they also reach out with their own existence, meditating and feeling the same things as Lius. “Although, I still cannot believe it,” Dilith voices, making humorous light to the revealing current. Lailius exhales through a slight giggle. “Well believe it. I am Lailius Angellius… Roen Angellius’s father.” © 2018 ourreality |
Added on March 5, 2018 Last Updated on March 5, 2018 Tags: #fantasy, #fiction, #novel, #amaranthine, #destiny, #betrayal, #love, #secrets, #knowledge, #seals, #confrontation, #warrior, #magic, #scribes, #positive, #negative, #neutral, #energy, #astrology Author