Their faith in me dwindles ...when I go broke....
Joining the Cruise-liner?!... Now that'd be a master-stroke....
Earning just to spend .....and learning how to be hungry again....
You scratch my back; I scratch yours....lousy trade-off...and what a clumsy joke!!
I work and earn ...you cook and moan ...
when there is no food... I settle for Onion soup......
I fill those young minds with music...you hammer my head and make me weak...
I try my best to comfort you...and you say I'm up to tricks...
The kids have taken after you.....Respect .......to them is a term brand-new.....
I hope that soon they mend their ways...and you mend yours too I pray....
And hope that this silly monkey business is definitely not here to stay!
Walk in my vegetarian- Moccasins ...for just one bloody tiring day....
Detach your self from the Television...it drives your good-sense away....
And for the sake of this Hollow-Earth...stop being a kid and stop bullying Children,
I am done with advising you....wonder if you will ever learn!!