![]() Divided SoulsA Poem by Rushabh Soni![]() 3-part poem topic: love Note: This poem contains allusions. Everything is intentional. The first serious poem I've written in a while.![]() Divided Souls I. The Sun Also Rises
is the cruelest time; The
skies are unclouded, and, my love, The
flaming White orb rises from her slumber When
I do, and blinds me. The glimmer of her unbridled beauty Lures
me, and suddenly, I have this desire to Walk
to her and be mentally consumed in her inferno; But
I cannot because she burns me.
dawn, when she is awakened, you are awakened with her; In
a mountain of images you come before my eyes, And
fill in instants of recorded time, For
the day will not advance without this reminiscence; Moments
have ticked by since you delivered the news.
must you leave me, don’t, please come back”
feel stranded, and free, Even
when you are not with me; Strangely,
my morning starts with you. I
shuffle off this mortal coil and Continue
with the hour; the sink is barren, The
reflection in the mirror is vacant and, The
eyes are drained: why is the world this way?
first tear trickled from my eyes and Doused
the basin: pathetic. The next burst out And
wet the desolate land, now varnished with rainwater. The
sun was out, its rays striking me, pleasantly. I
cleansed myself. The
event was past; now, there is a sensual element to my day. As
I put on my raiment, I feel you caress my skin and Wrap
around me, tight, with your silken thighs; I
wear you from cockcrow to the hours of darkness, Even
if your body gives in and your breath runs out, I
will still wear you: for, your presence is the thread, stitched into my
charming cheeks greeted me at every breakfast with Your
serpentine curves and naked lips. They
reflect with great eloquence your warmth. I
drank in your company and became intoxicated, Still
fighting the effects of your natural liquor.
your influence, I sit and write, and write, And
write until the sound of the typewriter keys Echoes
the rhythm of my heartbeat.
TAP tap TAP tap TAP tap ‘Dearest
Aurora…’ Argh! How shall I begin to express this
love into words? Where shall I start? I am like a
fledgling flying around My nest aimlessly, thinking, chirping my
thoughts, trying to make Sense of them all. But nothing. The
paper is just one big space. I became restless and impatient; and in
three sharp bangs I transferred my unease onto the object.
hjkl moknw’
Ah, now the page is dirtied with these nonsense
words that Serve no purpose; I have to start anew.
One. Two. Three hours passed and all was still empty: The page, the thoughts in my head, all.
My eyelids, slowly shutting, brought
down my heartbeat, steadily. I, now slapped with exhaustion, made my
mind blank and fell, Sank away like a stone through earth and
sea, reaching out to Him; may He guide me through this ambition
just as He did the beast.
mind she lives in, a polished cell with Shackled
chains and bolted locks, inescapable, and Wet;
wet with the encircling water.
A stream rose, Engulfing
the prison and drowning her; She,
relinquished from her cage, was now banished from the mind’s links.
My eyes jerked open and I awakened; Covered in sweat, I poured myself a glass of kind
vodka. The orb is now directly above me, the effect at its
greatest. Missing her deeply, I gulped the nostalgia away and Continued typing.
The lifeless black words now gushed through me and Filled the white paper, where she now contained.
Ay! ‘Tis too late, is it not? Has she left home yet? I do not know. Will she take time from her day to listen to my
chirp? Nay, I must not think like this!
My love, may you read my feelings and Hope to change your course; may we become one again,
like a compass.
The afternoon blurs into the evening As I immerse myself in my drink; the orb now Descending, passes off the burden to iris of the
night, which Troubles me the same: two eyes of one body, always Watching over me; one smolders me with her thoughts
and The other coldly stares.
No! She ill-deserves this! Without warning she Fled me!
need! No
Yet, my feelings be pure and my intentions be
genuine, And oh! Oh! Do I love her so! We are branches part
of the same tree! I must! Yes, I must! For the night is made to say the words you can’t say
The black words now illuminated, suddenly, awarded
me with Hope. As the cold darkness of the night consumed the
world, The warm light in the words kept me alive. The last
thought instinctively T(r)apped itself onto the page.
Done. III.
I am but a dove
in your cage, a flower in your jar, A trapped
creature requiring freedom. Why must you
keep me behind bars at all? Let me go love,
let me loose into the wild; I promise I will
be safe.
Take a mallet
and bash open this cage with All your spirit
so that I may depart with ease, And undo it all;
undo the invisible stitching That makes us
one; then cut loose the thread that Once touched me.
I have done the same with you. Make your life
fruitful again.
Whilst that,
crumple up the memories of me and Toss them gaily
into the deepest pit on earth; do Just as I have
done with yours.
If you have
drank your mother’s milk then you will Forget me; you
think it hurts me not so? You are mistaken. This loss is my
loss as well; you are a part of me just as I am A part of you;
so pure as we both are, we have each other’s Darkness inside
us, pressed so hard into our souls that we forever Feel the enduring
effects of a love so dense.
‘Tis nearing summer;
when the sun lingers longer Love and Passion
shall flourish within us, Directed at
different darlings, and restore our Once blissful
You will reflect
on this moment evermore, wondering Why the strength
our great love was a few short from besting Fate; remember that
Fate is an apathetic, prickly fiend Whose thorns
pierce through lovers’ hopes day by day; We are matchless
against it.
it do its job.
Goodbye, forever. Aurora S. © 2015 Rushabh SoniAuthor's Note
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