Dionysian Gnostic : Writing

Secret Tears Post Mortem

Secret Tears Post Mortem

A Poem by Dionysian Gnostic

an envious tear slid down her facelike a flawless diamondreaching for her heartshe wanted to be like those other girlsthe festive, dainty butterfliest..
stiletto street sex

stiletto street sex

A Poem by Dionysian Gnostic

stiletto heels strike the pavementlike matchsticks lighting the streets aflamesex sprawls across tinted SUV windowswindshields steamingpointed heels f..
what turns me on about women; the first fleeting moments

what turns me on about women; the first fleeting m..

A Poem by Dionysian Gnostic

eyes, clear and truethe majesty of their lightflawless in their sinceritybatting eyelashesopen and closethe way a bud bursts openin a flowering revela..
the other side

the other side

A Poem by Dionysian Gnostic

a weathered cobblestone bridgedripping with lush foliageon either sideappears quite charmingand despite being in disrepairhas managed to hold steadyth..
she smiles at death

she smiles at death

A Poem by Dionysian Gnostic

nothing touches thisit drips of magicand revenant textureslayered like sheetsof laughing fogit bends itselfover and over againlike origami jackalsprep..
violin concertos in the dark

violin concertos in the dark

A Poem by Dionysian Gnostic

you can hold her handand look in her eyessay somethingsay anythingbut don’t say those three wordsif you doit’s over!for you anywayshe&rsqu..
cocktail napkin scribblings

cocktail napkin scribblings

A Poem by Dionysian Gnostic

in the vastness of solitudea napkin can be a friendquietly consuming your thoughtswith a few flicks of a pencool glass dripping smudgeswet words make ..
a lipstick-shade away from dead

a lipstick-shade away from dead

A Poem by Dionysian Gnostic

you're a lipstick-shade away from deadin the final balanceyou've spent too much time obsessingover a pixeland you're missing the bigger picturemen are..
walking away

walking away

A Poem by Dionysian Gnostic

I saw her walking away that day.It was just the way a storm leaves you,but finds you missing the rain.Her hair fell on one shoulderand I could seeshe ..
things I'll never tell you

things I'll never tell you

A Poem by Dionysian Gnostic

so closenearly single digits awaythe dilemma of certainty binding metightly knit overtures begin a subtle advancepeeking over my shoulderpeeking throu..

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