ADBruns : Writing

First Do No Harm

First Do No Harm

A Screenplay by ADBruns

A film noir piece set in the 20s. A psychiatrist plots to kill his wealthy wife so he can inherit, but the plan goes wrong, and he tries to cover it u..


A Screenplay by ADBruns

A dark comedy about a serial killer who moves into a suburban neighborhood with a hidden agenda. While his obsessions with various neighbors grow, so ..
The Forward Motion

The Forward Motion

A Screenplay by ADBruns

A dramedy about an elderly woman who takes up motorcycle racing as a hobby. Filled with many quirky characters that are connected in surprising ways.


A Screenplay by ADBruns

A semi-dark comedy about a teenage girl trying to solve a murder in her small town. However, she still deals with regular life on the way, such as tro..