Tags : Forgive

Moving away

Moving away

A Poem by Johanna

"It's so strange to be growing older, somehow I thought I'd never see this day.."
Dangerous Flames

Dangerous Flames

A Poem by thinktodiscover

An old poem of mine made new, hopefully the words help you find healing too.


A Poem by gabiaimee

We all need a little


A Poem by Antoñyo

Now a 6-word contest story
My, My

My, My

A Poem by Anna

The world fell not to atomic ashes,not to dust, not to nothing again.But it died and I started listening,to the thunder when it would rain.My brother ..
Forgive Yourself

Forgive Yourself

A Poem by Wicahpi

it's for your own peace of mind
Forgive me

Forgive me

A Poem by Tamika

This is just a very short, basic poem. The inspiration of this was very small, on a movie I was watching a woman went to confess her sins. I automatic..


A Story by The Unknown Sith

OUT SHINED Eclipsed, The seizure kicks the pupils back like clapping heals clicking to a sick tune, As the sun out-shined the gloom of t..
I don't miss you

I don't miss you

A Poem by Omikron

The heart forgives The brain forgets Time passes by Babysteps My fingers don't miss The touch of you My nose isn't lusting Your strong perfum..
three letters

three letters

A Chapter by Lyn Anderson

the words to live by -- for anyone who's ever doubted ...
forgiveness is not a condition, sorry not the cure

forgiveness is not a condition, sorry not the cure

A Chapter by Lyn Anderson

forgiveness is not a condition, nor a cure, in the style of Jon Roggie) -- sort of
Life Goes On

Life Goes On

A Story by Savannah Giovanna

What hurts the most in life are the little things. Like walking past the love of your life, now as a stranger. Like knowing those moments and memories..
Forgive me Dad

Forgive me Dad

A Story by Starr

I stopped and crashed. Forgive me Dad, I love you...
November Rain

November Rain

A Poem by reece

Cold, like the late November air.An icy mist blowing, beating youuntil you feel it to the bone. Youcrouch down to endure the worst.But still yet you ..
At the water's edge

At the water's edge

A Poem by Nadia Gerassimenko

Two steps at the water’s edge My eyes locked on yours We’re two bodies unknowning What our souls experience Let’..


A Story by Anurag Alawa

Instead of Forgeting them i always Forgive them! :)