Tags : Anxiety

After Midnight

After Midnight

A Poem by kayla

my thoughts about something that happened last night


A Poem by EileenMarie

Days filled with anxiety not sure where to put it sometimes
Now It Bursts From My Chest

Now It Bursts From My Chest

A Story by Tapher

Anxiety Disorder
Shaken and Scared

Shaken and Scared

A Poem by TrinityHawk

this is a poem about anxiety attacks and what one feels like
When Self Worth Defects

When Self Worth Defects

A Story by Sunkissed Circus

A short piece depicting what the human mind sees as a solution to everyday issues once self worth is a hidden treasure of the past. Getting things off..
Beautiful Broken Day

Beautiful Broken Day

A Poem by Poe Redd

during the drive through Mexico
The best I can transfer my being into words

The best I can transfer my being into words

A Poem by Jaclyn

And then I realize how lonely I am without him.I realize that no living creature should ever have to be so.. alone.And I realize how worthless and poi..
The best I can transfer my being into words

The best I can transfer my being into words

A Poem by Jaclyn

And then I realize howlonelyI am without him.I realize that no living creature should ever have to be so..alone.And I realize how worthless and pointl..


A Story by Dani

Walk. Walk. Walk fast. Walking fast, fast, faster. Panting, walking, escaping. The white, fluorescent lights above my head flicker, and the cold, pale..
I Will Be Strong Again

I Will Be Strong Again

A Poem by Chris M

Feelings, so many feelings;Worries, anxieties, concerns,Intertwined within me,So I can't tell where one starts and another ends.Starting in my throat ..
Desert Paradise

Desert Paradise

A Poem by Voxharmony

see for yourself, i'd like to know how this piece is interpreted by a blank slate..
Panic Attack

Panic Attack

A Poem by Danielle Nicole

Based on true events... This was several years ago. I still battle anxiety, still get the attacks, and still remember that day...I will never forge..