Tags : Artists

Confidence--Or a Lack Thereof

Confidence--Or a Lack Thereof

A Story by Erika Kim Harris

A girl with low self-esteem realizes that the barriers separating her from her peers are not as solid as she had thought.
I Think You've Heard of Us

I Think You've Heard of Us

A Poem by Silver

Inspired by Apple's Posters for Educators (or whatever it's called)
Blue Girl In Paradise:  Fail Like An Artist

Blue Girl In Paradise: Fail Like An Artist

A Story by Karolina S.

When she fails at a crafts project, BlueGirl accidentally makes modern art instead. Maybe she'll be able to leave behind her boring day job....


A Poem by N

To be an Artist is to give up everything you love for your work, to be unable to give up anything your work.
Hitchhiker's Guide to Discovering New Music

Hitchhiker's Guide to Discovering New Music

A Story by Mica

Just a fun little list I wrote up because I was bored... 7 random(ish) tips for how to discover new music
Whom are the Sparrows, Canaries?

Whom are the Sparrows, Canaries?

A Poem by Ripple of Aqua

Why does the world think that writing is nothing but scribbles wasting paper? Don't they know that it's thanks to writing we have a past, a future, an..
The Artists of Life

The Artists of Life

A Story by siddhartha288

You cannot fashion the world without first cracking a few eggs, skulls, bones and limits. I've pondered this plenty.
Tales of the Talented

Tales of the Talented

A Book by Katherine Enma Pineapple

Somethings you don't know of the talented


A Poem by Suavis_Umbra

my heart still refuses
Takin' Chances

Takin' Chances

A Story by Escritora

The Masterpiece

The Masterpiece

A Story by Fictioneer

Do not judge a book by its cover.
passage; thoughts from a starving artist

passage; thoughts from a starving artist

A Story by bree grey

Mad thoughts from a starving artist. Paint splatters on a canvas junkie can be hell on the brain, and grammatical errors on a three am literary rant c..

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