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Where Anything Can Kill

Where Anything Can Kill

A Poem by Aisha Mnd

Where Anything Can KillWe need water.But it can kill us too.Drown us,seep into our air passages,throttle us.Take our breaths away.I choke, the bottle ..


A Story by A Meister W



A Poem by TheShAdE

My mom wrote this for me when I was young
On the Greatest Generation

On the Greatest Generation

A Poem by Mike Scinto

Who am I to judge you? I have never stormed a beach. Who am I to know hardship? I have never lived through a depression. Who am I ..


A Poem by Cherub

Feelings are hard to expressin wordsso i try to write them downon paperso you can understandmeand recognize i havethoughtsand feelingseven though you ..
On Narcissism

On Narcissism

A Poem by Colin Kingsden

When I long for the voices of othersI shall not sag into self-obsession,or treat their words as tokens of any fashion,collected one by one - each day ..
Baby In Blue

Baby In Blue

A Poem by Colin Kingsden

E n d l e s s l y i n s p i r e d b y y o u :You, whom I once thoughtto be lost in the summer’s night,in sun-showers and the fervor of ripening;..
Rock Steady

Rock Steady

A Poem by Colin Kingsden

Rock steady, rock steady:Breathing; love-bearers become heavy -break the levee, break the leveeYour heart, hands, mouth, becomes-all;becomes-you, beco..
Portrait Of A Foggy Night

Portrait Of A Foggy Night

A Poem by Colin Kingsden

This is mostly to say thatthis room was empty when I first arrived.Now the bed is pushed against the backof my desk, to which my dresser i..
Struggles Of Ones Past

Struggles Of Ones Past

A Poem by K.D.

Struggling to move on from my past, & just as I start to make progress, faded memories of mine come alive and I start seeing flash-backs. I'm complete..
If I Am To Be Frank -

If I Am To Be Frank -

A Poem by Colin Kingsden

Remember that you did not deserve to wake upin a bed other than your own, and saunter awayplacid and proud, like a dog who has succeededin scaring awa..
The Truth

The Truth

A Poem by Colin Kingsden

What is the truth? The truth is that we cannot fly. This is the first truth, a primary establishment of some limitation, an..
Out Like A Lamb

Out Like A Lamb

A Poem by Colin Kingsden

wakes up in March. There was another before you. Walks like an overacted portrayal of an army man might walk if you could envi..


A Book by Soulfulbubbles

writers block. writing thru. experimenting
Afternoon Rain In June

Afternoon Rain In June

A Poem by Colin Kingsden

Afternoon rain: something all-knowing; I speak for all when I call myself well-acquainted with your being. Here is something truly ..

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