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Tags : Random

Diamond- Rumbling Tumbling Rambling

Diamond- Rumbling Tumbling Rambling

A Poem by Jack Diamond

See if you can figure it out. I'll give two comments to anyone who has a good guess, ten to anyone who gets it right. Here is a hint "gnuJ lraC"
Insomnia [Bad Words inside;might not be suitable for the children]*Clarified*

Insomnia [Bad Words inside;might not be suitable f..

A Poem by Flames_of_Desire

[Explicit Language;May not be Suitable for Children] Another poem,based off the fact I'm extraordinarilly sleepy,yet I can't fall asleep. It's medioc..


A Poem by Yuki Devereaux

Another random poem thingy. The titles for these kinds of poems come from whatever song I happen to be listening to at the time. It's a habit-I title ..


A Poem by Yuki Devereaux

I'm not quite sure what to call this (both the title and what to label it) since I don't know if I consider this a poem or not. I just write what come..
Lust for Life

Lust for Life

A Story by Fallacy Pharmacy

Nothing to do with Iggy Pop, although I'm a fan of his. This writing contains my thoughts at the moment, which seem to be very depressing.
Organizing My Work

Organizing My Work

A Story by TopHatGirl

A bunch of sentences and stanzas that I am going to put into poems or stories. Im keeping them here for now so I don't forget them.


A Story by HighBrowCulture

Random. Random.
Nonsense Haiku

Nonsense Haiku

A Poem by aaaa

A random haiku that popped into my brain while writing my novel
Things I Wrote in Class Part 1

Things I Wrote in Class Part 1

A Story by Angie Diane♥&heart..

Things that I thought of in class and part 1 of it. Note to readers they are not depressing well maybe one, but you decide that for yourself. I will p..
Things I Wrote in Class Part 2

Things I Wrote in Class Part 2

A Story by Angie Diane♥&heart..

Part 2 is broken up. I didn't want to do all 22 so I broke it up. So three and four will be added as well today.
To Be Tired

To Be Tired

A Poem by E. L. Foley

A short poem composed on a cold, wet day after a supervising a boring lab session.


A Poem by Lydia Jamison

Just meager chit-chat,Until out of the blue,I find myself fallingFaster and fasterTowards you.Why didn't you catch me?One second we're actingLike the ..
Listen Closely

Listen Closely

A Poem by Kaden Sylvers

"Heaven In A Nut Shell"

"Heaven In A Nut Shell"

A Poem by PoeT4994

Random poem I wrote after reading a poetry book by Rob Sturma.
Escape Zone

Escape Zone

A Chapter by Ms. Starr

random jibber jabber. i bit of a laugh, ya know?
Worrying Over Our Sanity

Worrying Over Our Sanity

A Poem by Scratch

See my note :)

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