Tags : Revenge

I Saw You

I Saw You

A Poem by Ron Sanders

Why lonely guys are so goofy. Entrée One.
The Daughters of Zeus and Poseidon

The Daughters of Zeus and Poseidon

A Story by SparksInTheNight

An orphan girl. Forced to live and work with people who see her as less than human. Forced to sell her human dignity to get by.
It Wasn't A Wonderful Life

It Wasn't A Wonderful Life

A Poem by Randy Johnson

Some people were upset and they said it was unfair.George Bailey killed old man Potter and he went to the electric chair.George discovered that the ei..
Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A Chapter by CharlieBlitz

Chapter 1: A Second Chance in Ruins The last thing Aria remembered was the blinding headlights of the truck and the screech of tires. Her heart ha..

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