Tags : Story

My Silly Neighbor

My Silly Neighbor

A Story by Scott Thomas

A woman confronts her strange neighbor.
Asphyxiated via conventionalism

Asphyxiated via conventionalism

A Book by Wayne

Discovering what the f**k is goin on in life.


A Story by Haim Kadman

This short story is a detailed description of how a dream comes true.


A Story by Karissa A. Kelly

Written for a Thanksgiving-relative assignment. Thought I'd share.
To Dream of Magic Portals Chapter 1

To Dream of Magic Portals Chapter 1

A Story by ThirtyOnePetals

A young woman is in a familiar place but is it? Follow her along her way back to reality.
On the Hill of Sleeping Hats

On the Hill of Sleeping Hats

A Book by YouoweYoupay

a young wolf befriends a young colt.
Memah Lemon

Memah Lemon

A Chapter by YouoweYoupay

I thanked the gods for keeping my mother busy with preparing our evening meal.
The Driver

The Driver

A Story by Ray

An erotic tale of alien abduction.
Today's Werewolf

Today's Werewolf

A Story by Ray

Just another werewolf story, NOT !!
The Tree of Wisdom

The Tree of Wisdom

A Chapter by YouoweYoupay

But the gods were also fair and they indeed rewarded patient mortals.
The Eye of Guloc

The Eye of Guloc

A Chapter by YouoweYoupay

I made an unbreakable vow never to approach the cupboards of wisdom in Lumio's bed chamber again.


A Chapter by YouoweYoupay

For the remainder of this school day, I did not touch the neatly wrapped lunch in my school sack.


A Poem by Wala



A Chapter by YouoweYoupay

Ah, juvenile ignorants. If only they knew what made Fifo...Fifo!
Monsterous Bridge

Monsterous Bridge

A Chapter by YouoweYoupay

The test paper stared at me.
Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A Chapter by R.M.H

Breakfast is ready. A soft voice called out in the quiet 5 bedroom two story house on speakers that rang through each room. Up stairs in the far ro..
Part of an OC's Backstory

Part of an OC's Backstory

A Story by Rebekah

This isn't exactly a full story, but it's the story of when she was abandoned. Hope you like :)


A Story by Karissa A. Kelly

Wrote the backstory for my high school thesis film a long LONG time ago, which I suppose I'll share now to keep my profile from drying up.
The Games

The Games

A Poem by MR.W

The GamesEncircled, a swarm of strangers faces,an audience bearing only torches,cool, winded soil under footand the sound of metal on the windDrip dro..