Tags : Vatican



A Story by Danny J.H.

After the death of Warren Rugen, one of the first people in the world to see the tomb of St. Peter, our protagonist goes to search for the answers to ..
We Are David

We Are David

A Poem by The Poet of Black Wings

Yes, yes I see you. On top your holy mountain. Hiding up there behind your walls, your sanctuary. You act much like your blasphemous g..
The Scarlet Librarium - ACT 1 [The Price of a Memory]

The Scarlet Librarium - ACT 1 [The Price of a Memo..

A Story by Lawrence Grant

This darker piece of work I have been edging out started as something for a contest, it follows the tale follows a witch manipulated by Vatican to per..
Rome - replete with history

Rome - replete with history


When you visit Rome, it is as if history beckons,All other thoughts are secondary to reckon,Stunning architecture and ruins does the mind conjure,Whil..
The Scarlet Cloth

The Scarlet Cloth

A Story by Abishai100

A Vatican riddle about a sacred scarlet cloth tempts a Luciferian cult 'subverting the dominant paradigm' of Christianizing spiritual relics, and only..
Procreation Inflation

Procreation Inflation

A Poem by Michael R. Burch

Procreation InflationbyMichael R. Burch(for the Religious Right)“Be fruitful and multiply”...great advice, for a fruitfly!But for women an..
The Sistine Chapel

The Sistine Chapel

A Story by Haim Kadman

Chapter 21 or the thriller "An Irrertrievable Step."
The operator

The operator

A Story by Haim Kadman

Chapter 22 of the thriller "An Irretrievable Step."
The Whole Armour of God

The Whole Armour of God

A Poem by The Elusive Mr Dunne

'The Whole Armour Of God'"The Whole Armour Of God"You're to put on the Armour Of God, with the Mind Of Christ/Then have your mind, be not constricted ..