Tags : cycles



A Poem by Patrick Schultz

A poem about death and hope.
Time, My Garment

Time, My Garment

A Poem by Footprints al carbon

What can be made without time?
The Poetry of Basho

The Poetry of Basho

A Poem by Brandt

a dash of Matsuo Basho, a splash of Tang Dynasty moon mirrors, a crash of worlds
No Returns, Only Exchanges

No Returns, Only Exchanges

A Poem by golden

First post, not sure how this goes. This is about not feeling comfortable in your own skin and trying to cope with life and death through substance us..


A Poem by Laura Kate

Last night I diedtears streaming from my eyesbefore I even realisedthat I was half way throughwriting my goodbyes.I stoppedto mourn myself;the person ..
You are the Fan

You are the Fan

A Poem by Laura Kate

You are the fanI wait in your windsto feel your flowrun through my clothes,my feet liftto dance upon your driftstwirling, swayingcolours swirlinghair ..


A Poem by Laura Kate

If anyone could find a way to come through,there’s no doubt in my mind that this person is you.So I’ll wait on this side for a pleasant su..
Water Burns

Water Burns

A Poem by Suniverse

Lake fires Open clam Cook to eat Life's hide All learned Tears burn down Pages not even read Wordless fire fed Cries infant the oldest Far s..


A Poem by Terry

Though something is created it is finite, though something is destroyed it can be rebuilt.
Next In Line

Next In Line

A Poem by Jeff Bresee

It feels kind of like someone gave me a drug...


A Poem by SophRBD


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