Tags : dear

Trying To Take My Last Breath

Trying To Take My Last Breath

A Poem by Mercutio

The poem describes being knocked down,and struggling to get back up.
I Need Some Lion-hearted People

I Need Some Lion-hearted People

A Poem by Md. Ziaul Haque

In search of some brave hearts
The Sun is Different Here

The Sun is Different Here

A Poem by Md. Ziaul Haque

The sun is different here, Because of you, Who makes me proud, my dear, By God this is true. Craving for your touch the air ..
Hidden Struggle

Hidden Struggle

A Poem by Kim

Nothing to say, nothing to seeEverything to smile, something to thinkCracked and broken with a silent laughNot pure anger, not pure sorrowbut a thorn ..
Your Smile is Paradise

Your Smile is Paradise

A Poem by Md. Ziaul Haque

I can proudly say, A paradise spreads its ray, Each time you like Vinci’s Mona Lisa smile on, All my sadness is bound to be gone. ..
I am with You

I am with You

A Poem by Md. Ziaul Haque

Even if the sky changes its colour, With an idle world anew, The water starts owning hue, And the birds stop singing, don’t you..
Future Lover

Future Lover

A Story by SavyNess

"Before you said you were mine, I was yours already."I keep telling myself I'll write to future me/my future lover and just remind myself/them what's ..
When I will not be Here…

When I will not be Here…

A Poem by Md. Ziaul Haque

When I will not be here, Will you miss me? My dear, Will your eyes search for me to see? When the cattle rush toward the farm, ..
Who can Love You More than Me?

Who can Love You More than Me?

A Poem by Md. Ziaul Haque

None can love you more than me, I can proudly guarantee, The way they love is not really love, Fake they are inside and outside which you..
27112014 Dear Tom

27112014 Dear Tom

A Poem by Walczak

A poem.
Okay Love

Okay Love

A Poem by Robert Ronnow

Dear Robert I'm enclosing the warranty for your shaver In caseanything should happen I've circled the address where to bri..
All Soft Feathers and Flight Muscles

All Soft Feathers and Flight Muscles

A Poem by Robert Ronnow

In the intermediate zone between heaven and hellopinions and complaints, after much moaning, maycome to be held in common.The way a flock of chickadee..
Dear Kristen

Dear Kristen

A Poem by Kat Marie

A letter for the only person I've ever truly fallen completely in love with.
Make It Last

Make It Last

A Poem by Healing Star

The ones who come are so Dear so Precious, my eyes fill.
Screaming Thoughts

Screaming Thoughts

A Poem by Jonathan Gutierrez

Inspired by a misunderstanding between me and my better half.