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House of HeartsA Poem by Jaffa ForbesYou gave it away with a look,That precious simple look like white linen that's all yours;It's telling me everything:You're telling me I'm fine,But no .. |
Green Eyed MeA Poem by ToribirdI dont know... Ignore my spelling please im to lazy to fix it right now... |
MemoryA Poem by StarryeyedGirlImmortal soul.. |
Losing SleepA Poem by Jeremy MachaA girl so amazing she can only be a dream. Yet she breaks my heart within the dream realm. |
Cold-eyed CrowA Poem by Zack ValentaA poem of gloomy, humor intent. |
GoodbyeA Story by Kali EllenA starry eyed girl and a boy who wasn't ready to love. |
Times Change, 2017A Story by Blank_CanvasAbiona travels to the past. There she meets friends and enemies. Plus many new experiences for her. |