Tags : gangster

Late Night Television

Late Night Television

A Story by H.S. Moyler

You've been given the task of watching over your little brother while your parents are way. The task doesn't seem overly difficult, but you're worried..
Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A Story by Scott Pusateri

The first chapter of a unnamed story I have not nearly completed. This is definitively one of the most polished chapters I have completed and would li..
Ode to the OG’s

Ode to the OG’s

A Poem by J L Solomon

Historical fiction.
Dead Weight

Dead Weight

A Poem by J L Solomon

You say she's the lady of your dreams let me tell ya now she ain't what she seems. She's the definition of 'gold digger' She'll be off with the ..
Never, Ever Relax

Never, Ever Relax

A Story by hvysmker

Second person anti-hero story. A continuation of my second person story of a man robbed by a hooker tracking her down and revenging himself. “T..


A Story by A.M Leone

A story that came to mind when thinking of Rick, from Casablanca
Yotta games has a very long and very well-researched piece detailing

Yotta games has a very long and very well-research..

A Story by Asuna xing

Yotta games Details The “culture Of Sexism” At Yotta games Yotta games has a very long and very well-researched piece detailing what it c..
Mafia City H5 – the Fast Ways to Get Mansion 30 Without Spending much Time

Mafia City H5 – the Fast Ways to Get Mansion..

A Story by Asuna xing

This post is going to show you the strategy that I used to get Mansion 30 in the Mafia City H5 game without spending.
Untitled wip MATURE historical fiction (1930's)

Untitled wip MATURE historical fiction (1930's)

A Story by J.Parmak

Abel Beasley is a wanted man for robbing banks across the midwest. Henry is interested for some reason in this particular outlaw. Will their paths cro..
Merry Christmas, NYC.

Merry Christmas, NYC.

A Story by OscarRat

A chance meeting on a cold night.
Synnastyr Kuhr - The 8th Deadly Synn (Chapter 1)

Synnastyr Kuhr - The 8th Deadly Synn (Chapter 1)

A Story by Synnastyr Kuhr

Cursed werewolf, mafia hitman and devoted father, Synnastyr Kuhr is called on to solve a problem for a member of the criminal family he belongs to onl..
Killing Gold

Killing Gold

A Book by Dev Rana

In 1995, Martin Langton, a former surgeon got involved in the mafia. Now he has become the target of a very dirty conspiracy.
Martin Langton

Martin Langton

A Chapter by Dev Rana

The beginning of The Barber.
The Mobster's End

The Mobster's End

A Story by Novice

Just a story of how a obster died.
Bullets For Brains

Bullets For Brains

A Poem by Marlon Ferguson

A tribute to all the great film noirs and hard-boiled novels of the past.
The Haunting of Roy DeMeo Part 1: Prologue

The Haunting of Roy DeMeo Part 1: Prologue

A Story by Ron Safari

Based on the fabulously lurid true crime classic 'Murder Machine' the story follows notorious mafia killer Roy DeMeo and his bloodthirsty career after..

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