Tags : horse

Chapter Six

Chapter Six

A Chapter by Elizabeth Reed

"Wow, Wesley. That was great." I said as I put my plate in the sink."Yeah, it was good. Thank you." Kale said. Wesley smiled and started washing the d..
Chapter Ten

Chapter Ten

A Chapter by Elizabeth Reed

When we got home Aunt Hailey was so excited to take me to dinner and I was ready to let her. I trotted upstairs and changed into some work clothes and..


A Poem by Katie Lynn

There is no greater joy on earth than the feeling you get from running a horse at full gallop.
Chapter Eleven

Chapter Eleven

A Chapter by Elizabeth Reed

When I got home later that day I got straight to my chores in the barn. I was kind of worried about what Beck had said earlier. If I did get caught I ..
The Girl Who Came from the Moon

The Girl Who Came from the Moon

A Poem by David Lewis Paget

I noticed the glow through my window-pane, A glow, set deep in the wood, I thought that it might be a tree on fire And it didn’..
Chapter Twelve

Chapter Twelve

A Chapter by Elizabeth Reed

I trudged through the day, depressed and annoyed, wishing it would end. I had now realized that I had almost all my classes with the blonde and brunet..
Words knot Worlds

Words knot Worlds

A Poem by lee von cleef

Chapter one had to have a chapter two, and three.


A Poem by Brid

Dreams like awillful and headstrong child ofhoof-flight, through thedusty passages of herpast, intowide open spacesNever go back again, forwhat is los..
Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A Chapter by Kayo0104

Just to show how hard her life was.
Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Thirteen

A Chapter by Elizabeth Reed

Laina was right when she said she would be back at the barn as soon as possible. A week after her accident her parents let her come back and help us o..
Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fourteen

A Chapter by Elizabeth Reed

I drove around for a while, trying to ease my rage before I decided to stop at a small, open clothes and jewelry shop. I parked my Echo and walked ins..
Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Fifteen

A Chapter by Elizabeth Reed

I fell asleep in the truck and woke up about four hours later in bed. Beck and Laina stayed by my bed, promising they would stay as long as they could..
Journey: A Memoir

Journey: A Memoir

A Book by J Walling

With the haunting words of a poem I wrote long ago, "Go back, go back, remember me. In all my grace, in all my greatness..." I write here the story a..
The Last Ride

The Last Ride

A Poem by J Walling

Towards the ends of the earth, they endlessly went galloping — For the last time upon the ghostly horse, she went riding
Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Sixteen

A Chapter by Elizabeth Reed

After about a week I was feeling perfectly fine. The flu was gone and my arm was out of the sling. My shoulder was still a little sore, but I was work..
Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Seventeen

A Chapter by Elizabeth Reed

A few days later things were going pretty smoothly and it was a Saturday, so Beck and I slept in to about 9:00am before getting up and heading downsta..
The Rescue

The Rescue

A Poem by Shawna

Short story/poem.
Cutting the Stalllion

Cutting the Stalllion

A Story by Colt 45 & 9/16

Short story of man recently out of prison, living in a half-way house, where he has to work for a local veterinary clinic. He is presented with a dem..
The Sorrel

The Sorrel

A Poem by lee von cleef

Thank you Diego, "Two Quarters Spinning in the Sun"