Tags : iraq

The Drowning Boy

The Drowning Boy

A Story by Easter3

Nations of Drowning Boys and Girls.......
Stop the Bullet

Stop the Bullet

A Story by A.C. Jones

Derek thought he was there for a simple lunch with his daughter....He didn't know he was in the middle of a war.
Sit Down and Relax

Sit Down and Relax

A Book by Mhbravo

First post. An exciting take on true stories melded with good characters . A visceral look inside of the heads of enlisted and commissioned men and th..
Sit Down and Relax Chapter 1

Sit Down and Relax Chapter 1

A Chapter by Mhbravo

I dream of a reality far away from this place. Unobsessed by war, power, or fashion, Driven by an infernal passion, for =Equality,= ..
Sit Down and Relax Chapter 2

Sit Down and Relax Chapter 2

A Chapter by Mhbravo

Chapter 2 Invisible. Lying prone in the dirt while perched on a hilltop 300m from the likely enemy position, Sergeant Ander Buzak continuously..
Sit Down and Relax Chapter 4

Sit Down and Relax Chapter 4

A Chapter by Mhbravo

Chapter 4 Decisions. Ander's Captain had made a decision. Captain Zeloski had decided to take the convoy through the nearby town instead ..
Sea martyrs

Sea martyrs

A Poem by K.M.C.

This one is dedicated to the hundreds that die every day in search of a better life away from all the death that fills our lives.
The Old Man

The Old Man

A Story by Jim of Earth

A very human encounter between a weathered Iraqi civilian and a seasoned American infantryman in Baghdad during the Iraq War.
To The Gallery

To The Gallery

A Story by DylanMOrchard

A short piece relating the refugee crisis.
The Veteran

The Veteran

A Poem by Reid

An excerpt from a longer poem. If you found anything good or bad about it I'd appreciate your criticism.
The Living Displaced

The Living Displaced

A Poem by EmotionalBLACKmade

Political, humane, for children and adults alike, realistic yet optimistic poetry amid a minefield of subjects; war, land, occupation and territories.
A happy announcement

A happy announcement

A Story by Haim Kadman

You can read the first three chapters of each of my 20 published novels & thrillers, at my Amazon.com page. Amazon.com: Haim Kadman: Books, Biography..
The preliminary meeting

The preliminary meeting

A Story by Haim Kadman

An excerpt of my 21st book and thriller A TWO EDGED SWORD.
A TWO EDGED SWORD - synopsis

A TWO EDGED SWORD - synopsis

A Story by Haim Kadman

The thriller “A Two Edged Sword” is my 21st published book. This thriller’s background is the western powers mutual efforts to an..
Qassem's report

Qassem's report

A Story by Haim Kadman

An excerpt of my 23rd book, a thriller, its background is the war in Syria and Iraq.
The trip outcome

The trip outcome

A Story by Haim Kadman

An excerpt of my 23rd book and thriller.
The analysis

The analysis

A Story by Haim Kadman

You may read scot free the first 3 chpaters of each of my digitally published 22 novels and thrillers, at my site with Amazon.com: https://www.amazon..
The fifth fleet

The fifth fleet

A Story by Haim Kadman

The thriller A Pincer Movement is the my 23rd book and thriller. You can read the first 3 chapters of each of my published 22 books on my site with A..
Unexpected news

Unexpected news

A Story by Haim Kadman

Blended Lit. Flashes is on sale on my Amazon.com page for just $4.99 and each of my short stories collection for just $2.99 without time limit. http..