Compartment 114
Compartment 114
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Tags : knights

Chapter one and preface

Chapter one and preface

A Chapter by Nickzilla617

This is your introduction to the galaxy of LoW and i hope you enjoy it.
Times of Ancient Lore

Times of Ancient Lore

A Poem by Lauren Jones

a poem simply asking what happened
Draft 1

Draft 1

A Book by VassD

This is a story I started three years ago. It only took about two or three months of constant writing--with lots of long breaks in between--to complet..


A Chapter by Kalrach

Roy explains what he understands about what's happened to him thus far. PS: For a much better reading visit this page on my deviant art
Knights Of Plythemus

Knights Of Plythemus

A Book by Kalrach

Roy, Ben, and Allen, three humble Merchant Marine's officers with background in military affairs, find themselves stranded in a different world after ..
Chapter 1: Plythemus

Chapter 1: Plythemus

A Chapter by Kalrach

Roy survives his own execution and evades death, but for how long?
Chapter 3: The Beast of the Waste

Chapter 3: The Beast of the Waste

A Chapter by Kalrach

Roy comes in contact with a new creature, but is she friend or foe?
The Amicable letters of dragon and slayer

The Amicable letters of dragon and slayer

A Book by SirErudite

A knight and a dragon want to kill one another, the send letters back and forth
Dear dragon,

Dear dragon,

A Chapter by SirErudite

The first letter
Dear Kinght,

Dear Kinght,

A Chapter by SirErudite

the dragon sends his regards
Acceptance: Part Two

Acceptance: Part Two

A Chapter by Dayna Clarke

He's back to where he started; Redd is on the verge of something great, but what is he prepared to do?
Chapter 6: Void

Chapter 6: Void

A Chapter by ~Dragon X

Felix's alter-ego reveals himself hoping to cause sheer chaos, but Master Rose stands in his way, giving a "gentle" reminder that she specializes in e..
My Worst Fear

My Worst Fear

A Story by Zyris Tobiano

Just a bit about my worst fear... I was bored and in an emotional state.
Beginnings Gone

Beginnings Gone

A Chapter by Dayna Clarke

Knight of The Order of Leto, Tristan Redd, looks back on his first memory of being in the ranks.
Come to Light

Come to Light

A Chapter by Dayna Clarke

An addition to the story of Tristan Redd, in which we find out what being a Knight includes.


A Chapter by Dayna Clarke

Tristan Redd''s journey continues.


A Chapter by Dayna Clarke

Further reminiscing on the part of our favourite Knight-Lieutenant!