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Microstory 291: Perspective Sixty-SixA Story by Nick FishermanThis is an experimental Perspectives microstory. The introduction can be found in Microstory 225. More to follow. |
O Captain, Everyone's CaptainA Poem by =This one is a repost on this website, it's the only poem from my old account that I wanted to carry over. |
Mysha (Mother)A Poem by BeautifulHolidayFor the women in Game of Thrones, and those inspired by them... |
Manager from HellA Poem by EllI'm your Manager, I'm your boss.It's not the other way round.I'm in charge of blah, blah, blah,And I've got status, authority and power.I also appear .. |
All We HadA Story by Amy CoutureI should have done something |
8. THE QUIET VICTORYA Chapter by Peter RogersonIt doesn't have to be that a tyrant leads an honest people. Sometimes honesty can win. |
9. PARTY TIMEA Chapter by Peter RogersonA decision needs to be made... |
The Birth of the BearerA Chapter by C_theSurrealistSoon, the one who betray you will kneel down. |
Chapter 1- The PlanA Chapter by Marshall=JuliusDennis try's to propose a "Genius" plan that has come to nearly every 12 year old's mind to his older brother, that happens to be the leader for their.. |
Being A True LeaderA Chapter by Sameer JindalTrue Leaders are not leaders, they are companion. |
Fire of RebellionA Poem by DarasiA leader of a rebellion confronting the subject of the people's misery. |
THE POWER OF THRONESA Book by Peter RogersonIn the beginning there were people, and then power came their way. |
1. THE OVERLORDA Chapter by Peter RogersonIn the beginning there were simple folk... |
Atman. Atman.A Poem by Robert RonnowI have no clue what Krshna taught Arjunabut I like the name Atman a lot.Atman. Atman. Where a man is at.At all times. No matter what.Gita, get in the .. |
THE LORD OF THE LANDS AROUNDA Story by Peter RogersonA little story about the forest folk with an odd leader.... |
AsexualA Poem by Robert RonnowWhile I pretty much opined for this impeachmentmy fellow Americans voted for this guy and they could be rightI’ve been wrong before, stuck as we.. |
Line LeaderA Poem by Cameron GilhoolyA playful free verse poem that uses form as a function. |
Abraham LincolnA Story by suuyuwriteyunuwritten in 2018 (4th grade) |