Tags : leafless

You Can't Go Out Today!

You Can't Go Out Today!

A Poem by David Lewis Paget

He lay in bed and he watched the sun Beam in through the double glaze, The leafless treetops, withered and bent In an unforgiving haz..
The old man and the tree

The old man and the tree

A Poem by Rudi J.P. Lejaeghere

They both are old and have lived their life.
Haiku 4

Haiku 4

A Chapter by LonelyWanderer

The leafless tree Throughout the winter- Standing tall and proud.
Winter Awakens My Care

Winter Awakens My Care

A Poem by Michael R. Burch

Winter Awakens My Careanonymous Middle English poem, circa 1300loose translation/interpretationbyMichael R. BurchWinter awakens all my careas leafless..