Tags : mythos

My Kingdom Hearts 3

My Kingdom Hearts 3

A Book by DrLrdMsterDerek

This is how I would write the upcoming final chapter in the Xehanort Saga, Kingdom Hearts 3. This telling includes descriptions of both cutscenes and ..


A Book by M.R Steiner

That which kills us makes them stronger.
Foreword and Warning

Foreword and Warning

A Chapter by M.R Steiner

foreword and a warning.
Chapter 1: Tides of fear

Chapter 1: Tides of fear

A Chapter by M.R Steiner

Soon I’ll be dead like the rest of them.
Chapter 2: Toten

Chapter 2: Toten

A Chapter by M.R Steiner

Everything is about to change
Chapter 3: The Pit and the Potato

Chapter 3: The Pit and the Potato

A Chapter by M.R Steiner

Assaults and fatalities at Geneva hotel
Chapter 4: Death leaves Geneva

Chapter 4: Death leaves Geneva

A Chapter by M.R Steiner

And not a minute too soon
Chapter 5: An eye in the Abyss

Chapter 5: An eye in the Abyss

A Chapter by M.R Steiner

Annika finally opens the green vial