Tags : orphans

The Children of No One

The Children of No One

A Poem by Abhishek Izy

A poetic study of helpless children born in red light areas
Pillows of Sand and Pebbles

Pillows of Sand and Pebbles

A Story by YouoweYoupay

"You have two more minutes." he murmured
Holocaust Poem: A Page from the Deportation Diary

Holocaust Poem: A Page from the Deportation Diary

A Poem by Michael R. Burch

A Page from the Deportation Diaryby Wladyslaw Szlengelloose translation/interpretation byMichael R. BurchI saw Janusz Korczak walking today,leading th..
Two Hundred Smiling Orphans

Two Hundred Smiling Orphans

A Story by Alan S Jeeves

This is a true story, My visit to Jerusalem's Yad Vashem in 1994 was one of the most poignant days of my life. I sat alone in the solace of Janusz Kor..


A Story by SparksInTheNight

You live in a world that used to spark with life and hope and magic. Now there still might be magic but ... it's different.
Finding Stars Despite the Urban Light Pollution

Finding Stars Despite the Urban Light Pollution

A Story by SparksInTheNight

Msitu and Harmony Ametsenya are two impoverished orphans trying to navigate a world ruled be greed, selfishness, and ego. In a world where most peopl..
The Life With Miss Clakatoya

The Life With Miss Clakatoya

A Story by suuyuwriteyunu

*heavily* inspired by The Series of Unfortunate Events. 11 year old me may or may not have been obsessed. UNFINISHED!!!

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