Tags : politics



A Poem by Sean Eaton

A poem about my childhood recollections of 9/11, and the overzealous response of the US to it.


A Story by Ron Sanders

ol' George had it backwards.
At the Five-Month Mark,

At the Five-Month Mark,

A Poem by Sean Eaton

A poem about remotely witnessing the horrors of the Gaza genocide through my screen, unable to affect the reality.


A Poem by Poet Pittinix

The composition makes fun of the US political system.
Wild Things 5

Wild Things 5

A Story by trokanmariel33

A sequel, to the Neve Campbell-Denise Richards franchise
Adrien Brody vs Steve McFadden –  The American presidency

Adrien Brody vs Steve McFadden – The American p..

A Story by trokanmariel33

Adrien Brody vs Steve McFadden �" The American presidency By Thomas Heath ..


A Poem by Twilight

When writing this, different thoughts and observations were on my mind. Displacement of people, and distorted thinking or values; were amongst the sti..
Without World

Without World

A Poem by Swagato Saha

Against the dictum "Personal is Political", what is to be done when the World as the shared space of collective action disappears? Do "we live in a So..
A Technocracy for a Complex World

A Technocracy for a Complex World

A Story by Heisenberg68

A Call for Adaptive Governance.The accelerating pace of technological, societal, and geopolitical change challenges current political systems. This wo..
The Bloody Chateau

The Bloody Chateau

A Chapter by NicholasReed

Olev Sarkwrath joins a mass demonstration at the Chateau De Ordinis, protesting President Roony to allow Fredrick Krauser to run as a presidential can..
All The President's Yes Men

All The President's Yes Men

A Story by Recusant

There is a new autocracy in the Nation’s Capital.

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